185 research outputs found

    Bioorthogonal Small Molecule Imaging Agents Allow Single-Cell Imaging of MET

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    The hepatocyte growth factor receptor (MET) is a receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) that has emerged as an important cancer target. Consequently, a number of different inhibitors varying in specificity are currently in clinical development. However, to date, it has been difficult to visualize MET expression, intracellular drug distribution and small molecule MET inhibition. Using a bioorthogonal approach, we have developed two companion imaging drugs based on both mono- and polypharmacological MET inhibitors. We show exquisite drug and target co-localization that can be visualized at single-cell resolution. The developed agents may be useful chemical biology tools to investigate single-cell pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of MET inhibitors

    聴覚障害児の視点取得の発達的特徴に関する研究 -読書力と課題の違いによる検討-

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    この博士論文は内容の要約のみの公開(または一部非公開)になっています筑波大学 (University of Tsukuba)201

    The Importance and the Developability of Interpersonal Competency at Work: Implications for Higher Education

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    2007The purpose of this study was to derive behavior indicators of interpersonal competency based on competency model used by business organizations in Korea and to explore the importance and the developability of those indicators. Five interviewees who were Human Resource Development(HRD) professionals provided behavior indicators of interpersonal competency according to the competency model of the organizations. Three experts examined the set of statements for redundancies and synthesized the ideas for identifying representative indicators. Finally, 36 participants were asked to rate the importance and the developability of each statement upon the organizational situation on a 5-point Likert-type scale ranging from 1 to 5. Descriptive statistics, mean difference profile analysis, and the Go-Zone analysis were used to represent the importance and the developability of interpersonal competency at work. The findings provided practical indicators of interpersonal competency in Korean business organizations and understandings of their importance and developability perceived by HR professionals in Korea. Applications of the findings to organizations and implications for higher education were discussed

    Psychosis-Induced Exertional Rhabdomyolysis without Acute Kidney Injury or Myoglobinuria.

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    BACKGROUND Rhabdomyolysis is a clinical syndrome that results from skeletal muscle breakdown and the release of intracellular enzymes into systemic circulation [1,2]. We present a case of non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis with transaminitis, without myoglobinuria or acute kidney injury. Cases reports of rhabdomyolysis with elevation of serum creatine kinase (hyperCKemia) in the absence of myoglobinuria or renal failure are limited in the literature. CASE REPORT A 21-year-old man presented to the Emergency Department following an acute psychotic episode. One week earlier, his bloodwork had been within normal limits. Biochemical investigations on admission revealed hyperCKemia (590 000 U/L), transaminitis (AST, 628; ALT, 160), and normal creatinine (0.83), without myoglobinuria. Non-traumatic rhabdomyolysis was suspected, and the patient was treated with aggressive intravenous fluid resuscitation and transferred to Inpatient Psychiatry on day 10 of hospitalization. The complete metabolic panel was trended daily, without indication of kidney injury. The creatine kinase (CK) and liver function tests trended downward. CONCLUSIONS This report presents a rare case of exertional rhabdomyolysis with CK levels nearly 3000 times the upper limit of normal, without myoglobinuria or acute kidney injury. Acute kidney injury is a dangerous complication of rhabdomyolysis. Traditionally, clinicians use serum CK levels to predict the likelihood of acute kidney injury and/or renal failure in rhabdomyolysis. Ultimately, this patient was diagnosed with exertional rhabdomyolysis with hyperCKemia and transaminitis without myoglobinuria or acute kidney injury. More research is needed to elucidate the protective patient characteristics against rhabdomyolysis-associated acute kidney injury, associations between CK and myoglobinuria, and diagnostic criteria for psychosis-associated hyperCKemia

    A foundation for provitamin A biofortification of maize: genome-wide association and genomic prediction models of carotenoid levels.

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    Efforts are underway for development of crops with improved levels of provitamin A carotenoids to help combat dietary vitamin A deficiency. As a global staple crop with considerable variation in kernel carotenoid composition, maize (Zea mays L.) could have a widespread impact. We performed a genome-wide association study (GWAS) of quantified seed carotenoids across a panel of maize inbreds ranging from light yellow to dark orange in grain color to identify some of the key genes controlling maize grain carotenoid composition. Significant associations at the genome-wide level were detected within the coding regions of zep1 and lut1, carotenoid biosynthetic genes not previously shown to impact grain carotenoid composition in association studies, as well as within previously associated lcyE and crtRB1 genes. We leveraged existing biochemical and genomic information to identify 58 a priori candidate genes relevant to the biosynthesis and retention of carotenoids in maize to test in a pathway-level analysis. This revealed dxs2 and lut5, genes not previously associated with kernel carotenoids. In genomic prediction models, use of markers that targeted a small set of quantitative trait loci associated with carotenoid levels in prior linkage studies were as effective as genome-wide markers for predicting carotenoid traits. Based on GWAS, pathway-level analysis, and genomic prediction studies, we outline a flexible strategy involving use of a small number of genes that can be selected for rapid conversion of elite white grain germplasm, with minimal amounts of carotenoids, to orange grain versions containing high levels of provitamin A