32 research outputs found
The international division of industrial labour and the core-periphery concept
Includes bibliographyPresenta una vision sintetica y de conjunto de las principales teorias sobre la division del trabajo y el comercio a nivel internacional
The European Constitution in the Making. CEPS Paperback. May 2004
Late in 2001, the European heads of government established a Convention to explore the possibilities to make the European Union more democratic, more transparent and more efficient. Little could they have foreseen that the Convention would decide to fundamentally overhaul the existing European treaties and to replace them by an EU Constitution.
Kimmo Kiljunen represented the Finnish Parliament in the Convention. In this book he relates his experiences as a âconventionnelâ and explains the proposals of the Convention and how and why they came to be agreed. Drawing on his deep personal involvement in the whole process, Kiljunen presents a systematic overview of the draft EU Constitution combined with an insiderâs account of the critical junctures in the work of the Convention.
Kiljunenâs chronicle reflects a strong commitment to the European challenge and a keen appreciation of the imperative that the EU Constitution eventually receives the support of the European publics. For this reason, it will be of particular value in informing the rounds of popular debate that will be occasioned by the ratification procedures in the member states. Written in a clear and accessible style, the book will remain a useful reference source for understanding the history of European integration and the EU Constitution
Allochthony, fatty acid and mercury trends in muscle of Eurasian perch (Perca fluviatilis) along boreal environmental gradients
Environmental change, including joint effects of increasing dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and total phosphorus (TP) in boreal northern lakes may affect food web energy sources and the biochemical composition of organisms. These environmental stressors are enhanced by anthropogenic land-use and can decrease the quality of polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) in seston and zooplankton, and therefore, possibly cascading up to fish. In contrast, the content of mercury in fish increases with lake browning potentially amplified by intensive forestry practises. However, there is little evidence on how these environmental stressors simultaneously impact beneficial omega-3 fatty acid (n3-FA) and total mercury (THg) content of fish muscle for human consumption. A space-for-time substitution study was conducted to assess whether environmental stressors affect Eurasian perch (Perea fluviatilis) allochthony and muscle nutritional quality [PUPA, THg, and their derivative, the hazard quotient (HQ)]. Perch samples were collected from 31 Finnish lakes along pronounced lake size (0.03-107.5 km(2)), DOC (5.0-24.3 mg L-1), TP (5-118 mu g L-1) and land-use gradients (forest: 50.7-96.4%, agriculture: 0-32A%). These environmental gradients were combined using principal component analysis (PCA). Allochthony for individual perch was modelled using source and consumer delta H-2 values. Perch allochthony increased with decreasing lake pH and increasing forest coverage (PC1), but no correlation between lake DOC and perch allochthony was found. Perch muscle THg and omega-6 fatty acid (n6-FA) content increased with PC1 parallel with allochthony. Perch muscle DHA (22:6n3) content decreased, and ALA (18:3n3) increased towards shallower murkier lakes (PC2). Perch allochthony was positively correlated with muscle THg and n6-FA content, but did not correlate with n3-FA content. Hence, the quality of perch muscle for human consumption decreases (increase in HQ) with increasing forest coverage and decreasing pH, potentially mediated by increasing fish allochthony.Peer reviewe
Finnish nationwide allergy programme 2008â2018 changed attitudes and reduced morbidity
Vertaisarvioitu. English summary.LĂ€htökohdat : Allergiaohjelma 2008â2018 on kansallinen kansanterveysohjelma, jonka avulla vĂ€lttöstrategia on kÀÀnnetty sietostrategiaksi ja painotettu allergiaterveyttĂ€. Raportoimme 10 vuoden tulokset. MenetelmĂ€t : Ohjelmalla oli kuusi tavoitetta, joiden toteuttamiseksi mÀÀriteltiin tehtĂ€vĂ€t, työkalut ja mittarit. Ohjelmaa toteutettiin kouluttamalla terveydenhuoltoa ja viestimĂ€llĂ€ vĂ€estölle. Tulokset : Astman ja allergisen nuhan esiintyvyys tasoittui asevelvollisissa ja Helsingin aikuisvĂ€estössĂ€. Helsingin aikuisista astmaatikoista 41 % oli ollut vuoden 2016 kyselyĂ€ edeltĂ€neen vuoden oireettomia (31 % 2006). Lasten allergiaruokavaliot vĂ€henivĂ€t koko maassa noin puoleen. TyöperĂ€iset allergiset sairaudet vĂ€henivĂ€t 45 %. Astman sairaalahoidon tarve puolittui, mutta pĂ€ivystyskĂ€ynnit vĂ€henivĂ€t oleellisesti vain lapsilla. Anafylaksia aiheutti aiempaa enemmĂ€n pĂ€ivystyskĂ€yntejĂ€. Allergiasta ja astmasta aiheutuvat vuosittaiset suorat ja epĂ€suorat kustannukset vĂ€henivĂ€t 200 miljoonaa euroa ÂŹ(30 %) verrattaessa vuosia 2007 ja 2018. PÀÀtelmĂ€t : Allergian ja astman aiheuttama sairastavuus ja niistĂ€ koituvat kustannukset vĂ€henivĂ€t merkittĂ€vĂ€sti. Haitat vĂ€henivĂ€t aluksi nopeasti, myöhemmin hitaammin. Ammattilaiset ja suuri yleisö hyvĂ€ksyivĂ€t uuden suunnan, jossa painottuivat sietokyky ja terveys allergiasta huolimatta. Tietoon perustuvat systemaattiset ohjelmat ovat vahva keino parantaa kansanterveyttĂ€.Peer reviewe
Russia of Transformations
The reader is holding the second, more comprehensive study on developments in Russia commissioned by the Ministry of Defence. The first, published in 2008, focused on society and domestic politics, the economy, traffic and transport, the environment and energy, and foreign and security policy. At the time, this project represented a new approach. Extensive use was made of expertise outside the defence establishment, while reports submitted for publication were drawn up by thematic working groups, based on the preliminary research question and their own work. From the Finnish security perspective, the âRussia of Challengesâ publication demonstrated a clear need to gather knowledge on Russia produced, analysed and processed in a practical manner. Three editions were published. Of these, around 13,000 copies in Finnish and 2,700 in English were downloaded from the internet. Over a period of four years, developments in both Russia and the international community have once again created the need for a survey of Russia by Finnish experts and specialists in various fields
Muutosten VenÀjÀ
Lukijalla on nyt kĂ€dessÀÀn jĂ€rjestyksessÀÀn toinen puolustusministeriön tilaama laajempi tutkimus VenĂ€jĂ€n kehityksestĂ€. Vuonna 2008 julkaistussa VenĂ€jĂ€âtutkimuksessa tarkastelun kohteena olivat yhteiskunta ja sisĂ€politiikka, talous liikenne ja kuljetus, ympĂ€ristö ja energia sekĂ€ ulko- ja turvallisuuspolitiikka. Hankkeen toteuttamismalli oli uusi: siinĂ€ hyödynnettiin laajasti puolustushallinnon ulkopuolista osaamista ja teemaryhmĂ€t tuottivat annettujen kysymysten ja työskentelynsĂ€ pohjalta raportit, jotka toimitettiin julkaisuksi. Haasteiden VenĂ€jĂ€ -julkaisu osoitti selvĂ€n tarpeen Suomen turvallisuuden nĂ€kökulmasta tuotetun, analysoidun ja kĂ€ytĂ€nnönlĂ€heisen VenĂ€jĂ€-tiedon kokoamiselle. Julkaisusta otettiin kolme painosta ja suomenkielisten Internet-latausten mÀÀrĂ€ oli noin 13 000 ja englanninkielisten noin 2 700. NeljĂ€n vuoden aikana sekĂ€ VenĂ€jĂ€llĂ€ ettĂ€ kansainvĂ€lisessĂ€ yhteisössĂ€ tapahtunut kehitys ovat jĂ€lleen kannustaneet kokoamaan yhteen eri alojen kotimaisen VenĂ€jĂ€-asiantuntemuksen
La divisiĂłn internacional del trabajo industrial y el concepto centro-periferia
Incluye BibliografĂaPresenta una vision sintetica y de conjunto de las principales teorias sobre la division del trabajo y el comercio a nivel internacional