120 research outputs found

    Rad51 and Rad54 ATPase activities are both required to modulate Rad51-dsDNA filament dynamics

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    Rad51 and Rad54 are key proteins that collaborate during homologous recombination. Rad51 forms a presynaptic filament with ATP and ssDNA active in homology search and DNA strand exchange, but the precise role of its ATPase activity is poorly understood. Rad54 is an ATP-dependent dsDNA motor protein that can dissociate Rad51 from dsDNA, the product complex of DNA strand exchange. Kinetic analysis of the budding yeast proteins revealed that the catalytic efficiency of the Rad54 ATPase was stimulated by partial filaments of wild-type and Rad51-K191R mutant protein on dsDNA, unambiguously demonstrating that the Rad54 ATPase activity is stimulated under these conditions. Experiments with Rad51-K191R as well as with wild-type Rad51-dsDNA filaments formed in the presence of ATP, ADP or ATP-γ-S showed that efficient Rad51 turnover from dsDNA requires both the Rad51 ATPase and the Rad54 ATPase activities. The results with Rad51-K191R mutant protein also revealed an unexpected defect in binding to DNA. Once formed, Rad51-K191R-DNA filaments appeared normal upon electron microscopic inspection, but displayed significantly increased stability. These biochemical defects in the Rad51-K191R protein could lead to deficiencies in presynapsis (filament formation) and postsynapsis (filament disassembly) in vivo

    RAD54 controls access to the invading 3′-OH end after RAD51-mediated DNA strand invasion in homologous recombination in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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    Rad51 is a key protein in homologous recombination performing homology search and DNA strand invasion. After DNA strand exchange Rad51 protein is stuck on the double-stranded heteroduplex DNA product of DNA strand invasion. This is a problem, because DNA polymerase requires access to the invading 3′-OH end to initiate DNA synthesis. Here we show that, the Saccharomyces cerevisiae dsDNA motor protein Rad54 solves this problem by dissociating yeast Rad51 protein bound to the heteroduplex DNA after DNA strand invasion. The reaction required species-specific interaction between both proteins and the ATPase activity of Rad54 protein. This mechanism rationalizes the in vivo requirement of Rad54 protein for the turnover of Rad51 foci and explains the observed dependence of the transition from homologous pairing to DNA synthesis on Rad54 protein in vegetative and meiotic yeast cells

    Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cell 2 R47H Exacerbates Immune Response in Alzheimer\u27s Disease Brain.

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    The R47H variant in the microglial triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cell 2 (TREM2) receptor is a strong risk factor for Alzheimer\u27s disease (AD). To characterize processes affected by R47H, we performed an integrative network analysis of genes expressed in brains of AD patients with R47H, sporadic AD without the variant, and patients with polycystic lipomembranous osteodysplasia with sclerosing leukoencephalopathy (PLOSL), systemic disease with early-onset dementia caused by loss-of-function mutations in TREM2 or its adaptor TYRO protein tyrosine kinase-binding protein (TYROBP). Although sporadic AD had few perturbed microglial and immune genes, TREM2 R47H AD demonstrated upregulation of interferon type I response and pro-inflammatory cytokines accompanied by induction of NKG2D stress ligands. In contrast, PLOSL had distinct sets of highly perturbed immune and microglial genes that included inflammatory mediators, immune signaling, cell adhesion, and phagocytosis. TREM2 knockout (KO) in THP1, a human myeloid cell line that constitutively expresses the TREM2- TYROBP receptor, inhibited response to the viral RNA mimetic poly(I:C) and phagocytosis of amyloid-beta oligomers; overexpression of ectopic TREM2 restored these functions. Compared with wild-type protein, R47H TREM2 had a higher stimulatory effect on the interferon type I response signature. Our findings point to a role of the TREM2 receptor in the control of the interferon type I response in myeloid cells and provide insight regarding the contribution of R47H TREM2 to AD pathology

    Loop 2 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein regulates filament formation and ATPase activity

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    Previous studies showed that the K342E substitution in the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Rad51 protein increases the interaction with Rad54 protein in the two-hybrid system, leads to increased sensitivity to the alkylating agent MMS and hyper-recombination in an oligonucleotide-mediated gene targeting assay. K342 localizes in loop 2, a region of Rad51 whose function is not well understood. Here, we show that Rad51-K342E displays DNA-independent and DNA-dependent ATPase activities, owing to its ability to form filaments in the absence of a DNA lattice. These filaments exhibit a compressed pitch of 81 Å, whereas filaments of wild-type Rad51 and Rad51-K342E on DNA form extended filaments with a 97 Å pitch. Rad51-K342E shows near normal binding to ssDNA, but displays a defect in dsDNA binding, resulting in less stable protein-dsDNA complexes. The mutant protein is capable of catalyzing the DNA strand exchange reaction and is insensitive to inhibition by the early addition of dsDNA. Wild-type Rad51 protein is inhibited under such conditions, because of its ability to bind dsDNA. No significant changes in the interaction between Rad51-K342E and Rad54 could be identified. These findings suggest that loop 2 contributes to the primary DNA-binding site in Rad51, controlling filament formation and ATPase activity

    Controlling the motor activity of a transcription-repair coupling factor: autoinhibition and the role of RNA polymerase

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    Motor proteins that couple ATP hydrolysis to movement along nucleic acids play a variety of essential roles in DNA metabolism. Often these enzymes function as components of macromolecular complexes, and DNA translocation by the motor protein drives movement of other components of the complex. In order to understand how the activity of motor proteins is regulated within multi-protein complexes we have studied the bacterial transcription-repair coupling factor, Mfd, which is a helicase superfamily 2 member that binds to RNA polymerase (RNAP) and removes stalled transcription complexes from DNA. Using an oligonucleotide displacement assay that monitors protein movement on double-stranded DNA we show that Mfd has little motor activity in isolation, but exhibits efficient oligonucleotide displacement activity when bound to a stalled transcription complex. Deletion of the C-terminal domain of Mfd increases the ATPase activity of the protein and allows efficient oligo-displacement in the absence of RNAP. Our results suggest that an autoinhibitory domain ensures the motor activity of Mfd is only functional within the correct macromolecular context: recruitment of Mfd to a stalled transcription complex relieves the autoinhibition and unmasks the motor activity

    Conformational changes of a Swi2/Snf2 ATPase during its mechano-chemical cycle

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    Remodelling protein nucleic acid interfaces is an important biological task, which is often carried out by nucleic acid stimulated ATPases of the Swi2/Snf2 superfamily. Here we study the mechano-chemical cycle of such an ATPase, namely the catalytic domain of the Sulfolobus solfataricus Rad54 homologue (SsoRad54cd), by means of fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET). The results of the FRET studies show that the enzyme can be found in (at least) two different possible conformations in solution. An open conformation, consistent with a recently reported crystal structure, is converted into a closed conformation after DNA binding. Upon subsequent binding of ATP no further change in conformation can be detected by the FRET measurements. Instead, a FRET detectable conformational change occurs after ATP hydrolysis and prior to ADP release, suggesting a powerstroke that is linked to phosphate release. Based on these data we will present a new model for the mechano-chemical cycle of this enzyme. This scheme in turn provides a working model for understanding the function of other members of the Swi2/Snf2 family

    DNA sequence encoded repression of rRNA gene transcription in chromatin

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    Eukaryotic genomes are packaged into nucleosomes that occlude DNA from interacting with most DNA-binding proteins. Nucleosome positioning and chromatin organization is critical for gene regulation. We have investigated the mechanism by which nucleosomes are positioned at the promoters of active and silent rRNA genes (rDNA). The reconstitution of nucleosomes on rDNA results in sequence-dependent nucleosome positioning at the rDNA promoter that mimics the chromatin structure of silent rRNA genes in vivo, suggesting that active mechanisms are required to reorganize chromatin structure upon gene activation. Nucleosomes are excluded from positions observed at active rRNA genes, resulting in transcriptional repression on chromatin. We suggest that the repressed state is the default chromatin organization of the rDNA and gene activation requires ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling activities that move the promoter-bound nucleosome about 22-bp upstream. We suggest that nucleosome remodelling precedes promoter-dependent transcriptional activation as specific inhibition of ATP-dependent chromatin remodelling suppresses the initiation of RNA Polymerase I transcription in vitro. Once initiated, RNA Polymerase I is capable of elongating through reconstituted chromatin without apparent displacement of the nucleosomes. The results reveal the functional cooperation of DNA sequence and chromatin remodelling complexes in nucleosome positioning and in establishing the epigenetic active or silent state of rRNA genes

    Insights into the mechanism of Rad51 recombinase from the structure and properties of a filament interface mutant

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    Rad51 protein promotes homologous recombination in eukaryotes. Recombination activities are activated by Rad51 filament assembly on ssDNA. Previous studies of yeast Rad51 showed that His352 occupies an important position at the filament interface, where it could relay signals between subunits and active sites. To investigate, we characterized yeast Rad51 H352A and H352Y mutants, and solved the structure of H352Y. H352A forms catalytically competent but salt-labile complexes on ssDNA. In contrast, H352Y forms salt-resistant complexes on ssDNA, but is defective in nucleotide exchange, RPA displacement and strand exchange with full-length DNA substrates. The 2.5 Å crystal structure of H352Y reveals a right-handed helical filament in a high-pitch (130 Å) conformation with P61 symmetry. The catalytic core and dimer interface regions of H352Y closely resemble those of DNA-bound Escherichia coli RecA protein. The H352Y mutation stabilizes Phe187 from the adjacent subunit in a position that interferes with the γ-phosphate-binding site of the Walker A motif/P-loop, potentially explaining the limited catalysis observed. Comparison of Rad51 H352Y, RecA–DNA and related structures reveals that the presence of bound DNA correlates with the isomerization of a conserved cis peptide near Walker B to the trans configuration, which appears to prime the catalytic glutamate residue for ATP hydrolysis

    Stimulation of Dmc1-mediated DNA strand exchange by the human Rad54B protein

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    The process of homologous recombination is indispensable for both meiotic and mitotic cell division, and is one of the major pathways for double-strand break (DSB) repair. The human Rad54B protein, which belongs to the SWI2/SNF2 protein family, plays a role in homologous recombination, and may function with the Dmc1 recombinase, a meiosis-specific Rad51 homolog. In the present study, we found that Rad54B enhanced the DNA strand-exchange activity of Dmc1 by stabilizing the Dmc1–single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) complex. Therefore, Rad54B may stimulate the Dmc1-mediated DNA strand exchange by stabilizing the nucleoprotein filament, which is formed on the ssDNA tails produced at DSB sites during homologous recombination

    Dynamics of RecA filaments on single-stranded DNA

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    RecA, the key protein in homologous recombination, performs its actions as a helical filament on single-stranded DNA (ssDNA). ATP hydrolysis makes the RecA–ssDNA filament dynamic and is essential for successful recombination. RecA has been studied extensively by single-molecule techniques on double-stranded DNA (dsDNA). Here we directly probe the structure and kinetics of RecA interaction with its biologically most relevant substrate, long ssDNA molecules. We find that RecA ATPase activity is required for the formation of long continuous filaments on ssDNA. These filaments both nucleate and extend with a multimeric unit as indicated by the Hill coefficient of 5.4 for filament nucleation. Disassembly rates of RecA from ssDNA decrease with applied stretching force, corresponding to a mechanism where protein-induced stretching of the ssDNA aids in the disassembly. Finally, we show that RecA–ssDNA filaments can reversibly interconvert between an extended, ATP-bound, and a compressed, ADP-bound state. Taken together, our results demonstrate that ATP hydrolysis has a major influence on the structure and state of RecA filaments on ssDNA