31 research outputs found

    Harald Aspen: Amhara Traditions of Knowledge. Spirit Mediums and their Clients

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    Vitamin D Supplementation as an Adjunct Treatment for Hypertension

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    The role of verification in international relations: 1945-1993

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    The role of verification in international relations is liked with the urge to verify which is evident throughout human history. This study focused on the evolution of this role in light of political circumstances and technological progress. Several different approaches to verification can be identified – bilateral, regional cooperation, global arrangements, and individual national efforts. Moreover, several themes characterize the existing verification regimes. These issues – namely the sharing of intelligence, managing compliance questions, and the integration of different regimes – present themselves as the negotiating ground for future years. One of the important result of the paper is that it demonstrates how the concept of verification, once a contentious political instrument, is encompassing anew actors, new frameworks, new technologies, and new fields

    The Argobba of Ethiopia are not the Language they Speak

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    The Argobba of southeastern WÀllo and northeastern ƠÀwa live amongst and speak the languages of the Amhara and the Oromo with great ease as if they are members of these ethnic groups. For them Amharic and Afaan Oromoo are the languages of administration and market transaction and therefore important for Argobba survival in a region domi-nated by these two ethno-linguistic groups. Yet the Argobba I met in these lands identified themselves as Argobba, and they were known as such, despite the fact that several of them had Amharic or Afaan Oromoo as their first language. The central claim of this article is therefore that the Argobba of this region define themselves as Argobba based on their traditions, customs, beliefs, values, and total cultural practices and not on the basis of who can or cannot speak the Argobba language

    Folk-fairs and Festivals

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    FĂȘtes populaires et festivals. PrĂ©servation culturelle et formation de l’identitĂ© nationale en ÉrythrĂ©e. – L’État d’ÉrythrĂ©e promeut les fĂȘtes populaires et les festivals afin de mettre en Ɠuvre sa politique d’« unitĂ© dans la diversité » et de crĂ©er l’interaction et la cohĂ©sion dans la population. Ces manifestations rĂ©gionales et nationales offrent un terrain d’interaction entre les communautĂ©s locales et l’État oĂč celles-lĂ  attendent des bĂ©nĂ©fices Ă©conomiques de celui-ci et, inversement, oĂč l’État tente de rendre populaires ses politiques de pluralisme culturel et de tolĂ©rance en encourageant l’articulation de traditions culturelles locales pour rĂ©aliser l’intĂ©gration nationale. La mise en scĂšne de la culture locale a donc toujours une dimension nationale et peut avoir un impact important sur la prĂ©servation culturelle et la formation d’une identitĂ© nationale. Cet article s’intĂ©resse Ă  la maniĂšre dont l’État promeut l’unitĂ© nationale en s’appuyant sur l’exemple du festival Eratra.The state of Eritrea promotes folk-fairs and festivals in order to facilitate its “unity in diversity” policy, and create communal interaction and cohesion among its peoples. These regional and national folk-fairs and festivals provide a ground for interaction between local communities and the state in which local communities expect economic benefits from the state and, conversely, the state attempts to popularise its policies of cultural pluralism or tolerance to multiculturalism by encouraging the articulation of local cultural traditions in terms of national integration. The staging of local culture therefore always has a national dimension, even when the expressive and material culture is of local origin, and can be an important factor in cultural conservation and national identity formation. The article looks at how state policy fosters national unity while respecting cultural diversity using the annual Festival Ératra as a case in point

    Sƫfism and Syncretism in North-Eastern ƠÀwa

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    SĆ«fism in north-eastern ƠÀwa, as in Sunni Islam elsewhere, is a mystical movement that emphasises the intermediary role of holy men or saints and is aimed at gaining a closer connection to and higher knowledge of Allāh by its male adherents who perform rituals collectively in brotherhoods or fraternities. Moreover, the shari’ā-minded Islam is concerned primarily with the well-being of the Islamic body politic while SĆ«fism in the abstract represents concerns that are typical of the social and ..

    Jeberti Women Traders’Innumeracy

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    AbstractThis study examines critically how cultural traditions of counting and calculating effect normal transactions among illiterate (innumerate) women traders and peasant customers in and around the market places of Mendefera and Áddi Khwala in Eritrea. It looks at how non-written or orally transmitted numerical systems help women traders in business operations, and how such systems make them more capable of defending themselves against any form of dishonesty that comes with the use of the written word or number or in dealing with official accounts of government income taxes. Attention is basically given to the question of whether women traders make wide use of such socially and culturally relevant methods of counting and calculating in enhancing commerce despite the wide prevalence of innumeracy.RĂ©sumĂ©Cet article Ă©tudie, de maniĂšre critique, l’incidence des traditions culturelles de comptage et de calcul sur les transactions normales entre des femmes nĂ©gociantes, pour la plupart illĂ©trĂ©es et ne sachant pas compter, et leurs clients paysans, que ce soit sur les marchĂ©s de Mendefera et d’Áddi Khwala, ou de leurs alentours, en ÉrythrĂ©e. Il montre aussi comment des systĂšmes de numĂ©ration non Ă©crits et transmis oralement sont mobilisĂ©s par ces femmes non seulement pour toutes leurs opĂ©rations commerciales mais dans leurs propres mĂ©canismes de dĂ©fense contre des formes de malhonnĂȘtetĂ© pouvant survenir avec l’introduction de chiffres et de mots Ă©crits, ou dans leurs rapports avec la comptabilitĂ© de l’administration fiscale. L’accent est notamment mis sur la question de savoir si ces nĂ©gociantes font socialement et culturellement un large usage de ces mĂ©thodes de comptage et de calcul afin d’accroĂźtre leur commerce, en dĂ©pit de la prĂ©dominance et de l’ampleur de l’« innumeracy »

    The Construction of Ethiopian National Cuisine

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    L'Etiopia ha sempre beneficiato di un’attenzione internazionale in quanto patria di un’eccellente tradizione gastronomica. Per quanto vi siano pietanze regionali diffuse in gran parte del Paese, vi Ăš anche una cucina nazionale distinta. Ad elevare lo status di questa cucina nazionale ha contribuito la crescente popolaritĂ  di una sua pietanza particolarmente piccante conosciuta come wĂ€áč­, che ha ora notorietĂ  internazionale grazie al turismo e ai ristoranti etiopici in Europa e Nord-America. Gli Etiopi non hanno mai dubitato dello status elevato della loro alimentazione, ma non c’ù ancora un autentico e compiuto testo di ricette etiopiche che promuova le pietanze del Paese. Per quanto la loro cucina si diffonda in piĂč continenti, lo studio dell'alimentazione etiopica Ăš agli inizi senza che si registrino apporti significativi che contribuiscano a una migliore conoscenza scientifica. Questo articolo esamina alcuni dei processi che sono implicati nell'alimentazione etiopica come cucina nazionale e internazionale, rievocando le radici storiche della sua tradizione gastronomica e i fattori che ne influenzano lo sviluppo come cucina trans-nazionale