43 research outputs found

    The variability of stratospheric ozone in a 29 year assimilated data set and sensitivity calculations

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    Consistent observation-based data sets of stratospheric ozone are needed in order to resolve many of the pending questions regarding stratospheric ozone. Satellite observations are available since the late 1970s; however, as most observational methods rely on backscattered sunlight, these do not provide complete long-term coverage of the stratosphere, in particular during polar night. In this PhD thesis, a 29 year data set of stratospheric ozone is introduced that has been generated from sequential assimilation of satellite observations into the Bremen 3D Chemistry Transport Model (CTM). In the method of data assimilation, a three-dimensional physical computer model is used to close the gaps between single measurements. Observations constrain the CTM where available, and at the same time the information is propagated into areas where no observations are available. Here, profile ozone observations from the Solar Backscatter UV (SBUV and SBUV/2) instruments are used, which have been in orbit continuously since 1978. The resulting assimilated data set is validated against independent observations from other satellite platforms and in-situ observations with sondes. Agreement to independent observations is excellent throughout most of the stratosphere, and the assimilated data set can thus be used as a consistent extension of the satellite record beyond the limits of data coverage. The assimilated data set, in conjunction with sensitivity calculations with the unconstrained CTM, is used to analyse the variability of stratospheric ozone during the last three decades on two distinctly different temporal and spatial domains. The first research question deals with the short-term variability of polar ozone during winter. The Arctic ozone layer is subject to large inter-annual variations during spring; although statistical connections between dynamical quantities in winter and springtime total ozone abundance are known, little is known about how ozone anomalies develop and evolve in winter. With its coverage of polar latitudes during winter, the assimilated data set is ideally suited to address this issue. It is shown that ozone anomalies usually originate in the mid- to upper stratosphere and subsequently descend to the lower stratosphere, displaying a long lifetime of around six months. Ozone anomalies are strongly interrelated to anomalies in the stratospheric circulation, expressed here by the Northern Hemisphere Annular Mode (NAM). Extreme phases of the NAM, so-called strong and weak vortex events, lead to the formation of large and distinctively shaped ozone anomalies that traverse most of the stratosphere within days to weeks, and subsequently remain significant for five months in the lowermost stratosphere. A deeper analysis reveals that different mechanisms of interaction between chemistry and dynamics lead to the observed ozone anomaly pattern. Another source of mid-stratospheric Arctic ozone anomalies is the precipitation of energetic particles from the sun. Solar proton events lead to the formation of nitrogen oxides in the upper stratosphere and mesosphere that subsequently propagate down into the polar vortex and cause significant negative ozone anomalies lasting for up to six months in the assimilated data set. In a second research question, the long-term evolution of ozone is analysed on a global basis. Stratospheric ozone showed large declines during the 1980s and 1990s in both hemispheres. As a consequence of the regulation of ozone depleting substances (ODSs) by the Montreal Protocol in 1987, stratospheric chlorine loadings have peaked in the late 1990s and since begun to slowly decrease. A levelling off of negative ozone trends has been detected, raising the question whether this is already an onset of chemical recovery. The long-term evolution of column ozone is captured very well in the assimilated data set and the unconstrained CTM. Sensitivity calculations with the unconstrained CTM allow for a diligent attribution of observed ozone trends to their processes of origin. In particular, the relative contributions of anthropogenic (emissions of ODSs) and natural (changes in stratospheric circulation and temperature) factors are quantified. While a large part of ozone decreases in the 1980s and 1990s is attributable to ODS increases, only very small effects of chemical recovery are seen after the ODS turnaround. A significant trend change is observed between the phases of increasing and decreasing ODS loadings; however, this trend change is partly related to dynamics, and hence cannot yet be taken as significant evidence for an onset of ozone recovery in most regions

    Urban versus rural health impacts attributable to PM2.5 and O3 in northern India

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    Ambient air pollution in India contributes to negative health impacts and early death. Ground-based monitors often used to quantify health impacts are located in urban regions, yet approximately 70% of India's population lives in rural communities. We simulate high-resolution concentrations of fine particulate matter (PM) and ozone from the regional Community Multi-scale Air Quality model over northern India, including updated estimates of anthropogenic emissions for transportation, residential combustion and location-based industrial and electrical generating emissions in a new anthropogenic emissions inventory. These simulations inform seasonal air quality and health impacts due to anthropogenic emissions, contrasting urban versus rural regions. For our northern India domain, we estimate 463 200 (95% confidence interval: 444 600–482 600) adults die prematurely each year from PM2.5 and that 37 800 (28 500–48 100) adults die prematurely each year from O3. This translates to 5.8 deaths per 10 000 attributable to air pollution out of an annual rate of 72 deaths per 10 000 (8.1% of deaths) using 2010 estimates. We estimate that the majority of premature deaths resulting from PM2.5 and O3 are in rural (383 600) as opposed to urban (117 200) regions, where we define urban as cities and towns with populations of at least 100 000 people. These findings indicate the need for rural monitoring and appropriate health studies to understand and mitigate the effects of ambient air pollution on this population in addition to supporting model evaluation

    The public health implications of the Paris Agreement: a modelling study.

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    BACKGROUND: nationally determined contributions (NDCs) serve to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement of staying "well below 2°C", which could also yield substantial health co-benefits in the process. However, existing NDC commitments are inadequate to achieve this goal. Placing health as a key focus of the NDCs could present an opportunity to increase ambition and realise health co-benefits. We modelled scenarios to analyse the health co-benefits of NDCs for the year 2040 for nine representative countries (ie, Brazil, China, Germany, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, South Africa, the UK, and the USA) that were selected for their contribution to global greenhouse gas emissions and their global or regional influence. METHODS: Modelling the energy, food and agriculture, and transport sectors, and mortality related to risk factors of air pollution, diet, and physical activity, we analysed the health co-benefits of existing NDCs and related policies (ie, the current pathways scenario) for 2040 in nine countries around the world. We compared these health co-benefits with two alternative scenarios, one consistent with the goal of the Paris Agreement and the Sustainable Development Goals (ie, the sustainable pathways scenario), and one in line with the sustainable pathways scenario, but also placing health as a central focus of the policies (ie, the health in all climate policies scenario). FINDINGS: Compared with the current pathways scenario, the sustainable pathways scenario resulted in an annual reduction of 1·18 million air pollution-related deaths, 5·86 million diet-related deaths, and 1·15 million deaths due to physical inactivity, across the nine countries, by 2040. Adopting the more ambitious health in all climate policies scenario would result in a further reduction of 462 000 annual deaths attributable to air pollution, 572 000 annual deaths attributable to diet, and 943 000 annual deaths attributable to physical inactivity. These benefits were attributable to the mitigation of direct greenhouse gas emissions and the commensurate actions that reduce exposure to harmful pollutants, as well as improved diets and safe physical activity. INTERPRETATION: A greater consideration of health in the NDCs and climate change mitigation policies has the potential to yield considerable health benefits as well as achieve the "well below 2°C" commitment across a range of regional and economic contexts. FUNDING: This work was in part funded through an unrestricted grant from the Wellcome Trust (award number 209734/Z/17/Z) and supported by an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council grant (grant number EP/R035288/1)

    Air quality and health implications of 1.5–2°C climate pathways under considerations of ageing population: A multi-model scenario analysis

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    Low-carbon pathways consistent with the 2°C and 1.5°C long-term climate goals defined in the Paris Agreement are likely to induce substantial co-benefits for air pollution and associated health impacts. In this analysis, using five global integrated assessment models, we quantify the emission reductions in key air pollutants resulting from the decarbonization of energy systems and the resulting changes in premature mortality attributed to the exposure to ambient concentrations of fine particulate matter. The emission reductions differ by sectors. Sulfur emissions are mainly reduced from power plants and industry, cuts in nitrogen oxides are dominated by the transport sector, and the largest abatement of primary fine particles is achieved in the residential sector. The analysis also shows that health benefits are the largest when policies addressing climate change mitigation and stringent air pollution controls are coordinated. We decompose the key factors that determine the extent of health co-benefits, focusing on Asia: changes in emissions, urbanization rates, population growth and ageing. Demographic processes, particularly due to ageing population, counteract in many regions the mortality reductions realized through lower emissions

    The CUSSH programme: learning how to support cities' transformational change towards health and sustainability.

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    The Complex Urban Systems for Sustainability and Health (CUSSH) project is a global research programme on the complex systemic connections between urban development and health. Through transdisciplinary methods it will develop critical evidence on how to achieve the far-reaching transformation of cities needed to address vital environmental imperatives for planetary health in the 21st century. CUSSH's core components include: (i) a review of evidence on the effects of climate actions (both mitigation and adaptation) and factors influencing their implementation in urban settings; (ii) the development and application of methods for tracking the progress of cities towards sustainability and health goals; (iii) the development and application of models to assess the impact on population health, health inequalities, socio-economic development and environmental parameters of urban development strategies, in order to support policy decisions; (iv) iterative in-depth engagements with stakeholders in partner cities in low-, middle- and high-income settings, using systems-based participatory methods, to test and support the implementation of the transformative changes needed to meet local and global health and sustainability objectives; (v) a programme of public engagement and capacity building. Through these steps, the programme will provide transferable evidence on how to accelerate actions essential to achieving population-level health and global climate goals through, amongst others, changing cities' energy provision, transport infrastructure, green infrastructure, air quality, waste management and housing