8 research outputs found


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    The study efforts were toward the creation of a reactor design for each of the three types and the development of each concept to a point where the range of costs could be established. The studies presented have high burnup cores of low enrichment in an effort to minimize fuel costs. Of the three designs presented to deliver 1.25 x 10/sup 5/ lb/hr of 380 deg F steam at 196 psia the PWR core is the most favorable. (W.D.W.

    An Early Triassic small shelly fossil‐style assemblage from the Virgin Limestone Member, Moenkopi Formation, western United States

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    Small shelly fossils (SSFs) are minute fossils moulded or replaced by apatite, and less commonly, other minerals like glauconite and iron oxides. This taphonomic mode is best known from Cambrian deposits, though some occurrences occur across geological time. Instances of small shelly-style preservation were found in insoluble residues from the Lower Triassic Virgin Limestone Member exposed in southern Nevada, the western United States, a second such occurrence known from this unit. Fossil steinkerns of tiny brachiopods, echinoid spines and ophiuroids are fluorapatite, with scarce phosphatic internal moulds of bivalves and two replaced ostracods. In contrast, the crinoid ossicles, almost all of which are \u3e1000 µm, are preserved as stereomic moulds of silica or dolomite. Though the style of preservation is similar to another Virgin Limestone small shelly fossils-style assemblage, this assemblage preserves greater diversity, likely reflecting the variation in palaeocommunities across the shelf. The size selectivity of phosphatization is clear, as the majority of the fossils \u3c1000 µm are phosphatized. Importantly, the original skeletal material does not exert the strongest control on style of preservation: crinoid ossicles are replaced or moulded by silica whilst ophiuroid and echinoid fragments are phosphatized. It is likely that the underlying phosphatization mechanisms are related to the small particle size of the skeletons or skeletal elements coupled with the local pore water environment. Early Triassic equatorial seas characterized by warm temperatures and lower oxygen levels likely fostered small shelly fossil-style preservation across the shelf during this time

    The long rather than the short allele of 5-HTTLPR predisposes Han Chinese to anxiety and reduced connectivity between prefrontal cortex and amygdala

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    The short allele of the serotonin-transporter gene is associated with higher risk for anxiety and depression in Caucasians, but this association is still unclear in Asians. Here, we addressed this issue using behavioral and multi-modal MRI approaches in a large group of healthy Han Chinese participants (n = 233). In contrast to findings in Caucasians, we found that long-allele (L) carriers had higher anxiety scores. In another group (n = 64) experiencing significant levels of depression or anxiety, the L-allele frequency was also significantly higher. In healthy participants, L-carriers had reduced functional and anatomical connectivity between the amygdala and prefrontal cortex (PFC), which was correlated with anxiety or depression scores. Our findings demonstrated that in Chinese Han participants, in contrast to Caucasians, the L-allele confers vulnerability to anxiety or depression and weakens top-down emotional control between the PFC and amygdala. Therefore, ethnic background should be taken into account in generelated studies and their potential clinical applications