19 research outputs found

    Increased risk of HIV in women experiencing physical partner violence in Nairobi, Kenya

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    As part of a study on etiology of sexually transmitted infections (STI) among 520 women presenting at the STI clinic in Nairobi, data on partner violence and its correlates were analyzed. Prevalence of lifetime physical violence was 26%, mainly by an intimate partner (74%). HIV seropositive women had an almost twofold increase in lifetime partner violence. Women with more risky sexual behavior such as early sexual debut, number of sex partners, history of condom use and of STI, experienced more partner violence. Parity and miscarriage were associated with a history of lifetime violence. We found an inverse association between schooling and level of violence. Six percent of the women had been raped. Gender-based violence screening and services should be integrated into voluntary counseling and testing programs as well as in reproductive health programs. Multi-sector approaches are needed to change prevailing attitudes towards violence against women

    A Landscape Analysis of Offering HIV Testing Services Within Family Planning Service Delivery

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    Introduction: Offering HIV testing services (HTS) within sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services is a priority, especially for women who have a substantial risk. To reach women with HIV who do not know their status and prevent mother-to-child HIV transmission, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommends routinely offering HTS as part of family planning (FP) service delivery in high HIV burden settings. We conducted a landscape analysis to assess HTS uptake and HIV positivity in the context of FP/SRH services. Assessment of Research and Programs: We searched records from PubMed, four gray literature databases, and 13 organization websites, and emailed 24 organizations for data on HTS in FP/SRH services. We also obtained data from International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) affiliates in Eswatini, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Unique programs/studies from records were included if they provided data on, or barriers/facilitators to, offering HTS in FP/SRH. Overall, 2,197 records were screened and 12 unique programs/studies were eligible, including 10 from sub-Saharan Africa. Four reported on co-delivery of SRH services (including FP), with reported HTS uptake between 17 and 94%. Six reported data on HTS in FP services: four among general FP clients; one among couples; and one among female sex workers, adolescent girls, and young women. Two of the six reported HTS uptake >50% (51%, 419/814 Kenya; 63%, 5,930/9,439 Uganda), with positivity rates of 2% and 4.1%, respectively. Uptake was low (8%, 74/969 Kenya) in the one FP program offering pre-exposure prophylaxis. In the IPPF program, seven countries reported HTS uptake in FP services and ranged from 4% in Eswatini to 90% in Lesotho; between 0.6% (Uganda) and 8% (Eswatini) of those tested were HIV positive. Implications: Data on providing HTS in FP/SRH service delivery were sparse and HTS uptake varied widely across programs. Actionable Recommendations: As countries expand HTS in FP/SRH appropriate to epidemiology, they should ensure data are reported and monitored for progress and impact

    A research agenda to improve incidence and outcomes of assisted vaginal birth

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    Access to emergency obstetric care, including assisted vaginal birth and caesarean birth, is crucial for improving maternal and childbirth outcomes. However, although the proportion of births by caesarean section has increased during the last few decades, the use of assisted vaginal birth has declined. This is particularly the case in low- and middle-income countries, despite an assisted vaginal birth often being less risky than caesarean birth. We therefore conducted a three-step process to identify a research agenda necessary to increase the use of, or reintroduce, assisted vaginal birth: after conducting an evidence synthesis, which informed a consultation with technical experts who proposed an initial research agenda, we sought and incorporated the views of women's representatives of this agenda. This process has allowed us to identify a comprehensive research agenda, with topics categorized as: (i) the need to understand women's perceptions of assisted vaginal birth, and provide appropriate and reliable information; (ii) the importance of training health-care providers in clinical skills but also in respectful care, effective communication, shared decision-making and informed consent; and (iii) the barriers to and facilitators of implementation and sustainability. From women's feedback, we learned of the urgent need to recognize labour, childbirth and postpartum experiences as inherently physiological and dignified human processes, in which interventions should only be implemented if necessary. The promotion and/or reintroduction of assisted vaginal birth in low-resource settings requires governments, policy-makers and hospital administrators to support skilled health-care providers who can, in turn, respectfully support women in labour and childbirth. [Abstract copyright: (c) 2023 The authors; licensee World Health Organization.

    Predicting Neisseria gonorrhoeae and Chlamydia trachomatis Infection Using Risk Scores, Physical Examination, Microscopy, and Leukocyte Esterase Urine Dipsticks Among Asymptomatic Women Attending a Family Planning Clinic in Kenya

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    Background: Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to exert a tremendous health burden on women in developing countries. Poor socioeconomic status, inadequate knowledge, lack of diagnostic facilities, and shortages of effective treatment all contribute to the high incidence of STIs. The use of clinical algorithms for the detection and management of STIs has gained widespread acceptance in settings where there are limited resources. Evaluation of these algorithms have been few, especially in women who are not recognized as members of high-risk groups. Objectives: To develop a simple scoring system based on historical and demographic data, physical findings, microscopy, and leukocyte esterase (LE) urine dipsticks to predict cervical gonococcal and chlamydial infection among asymptomatic women. Methods: One thousand and forty-eight women attending an urban family planning clinic in Nairobi were randomly selected to participate. After the identification of factors that were associated with infection, we assigned one point each for: age 25 or younger, single status, two or more sex partners in the past year, cervical discharge, cervical swab leukocytes, and a positive LE urine dipstick. Identification of any one of these six factors gave a sensitivity of 85% and a specificity of 30% for the detection of cervical infections. A positive LE urine dipstick had a sensitivity of 63 % and a specificity of 47% when used alone and did not contribute to the identification of infection if a physical examination was performed. The application of existing clinical algorithms to this population performed poorly. Conclusions: The use of risk scores, physical examination, microscopy, and the urine LE dipstick, used alone or in combination, as predictors of gonococcal or chlamydial cervical infection was of limited utility in low-risk, asymptomatic women. Accurate diagnostic testing is necessary to optimize treatment

    The Botswana medical eligibility criteria wheel: adapting a tool to meet the needs of Botswana’s Family Planning program

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    In efforts to strive for family planning repositioning in Botswana, the Ministry of Health convened a meeting to undertake an adaptation of the Medical eligibility criteria for contraceptive use (MEC) wheel. The main objectives of this process were to present technical updates of the various contraceptive methods, to update the current medical conditions prevalent to Botswana and to adapt the MEC wheel to meet the needs of the Botswanian people. This commentary focuses on the adaptation process that occurred during the week-long stakeholder workshop. It concludes with the key elements learned from this process that can potentially inform countries who are interested in undergoing a similar exercise to strengthen their family planning needs. (Afr. J Reprod Health 2016; 20[2]: 9-12)Keywords: Family planning, Contraception, Medical Eligibility Criteria (MEC), Adaptatio

    Pattern of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and Risk Factors Among Women Attending an STD Referral Clinic in Nairobi, Kenya

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    Background: In Kenya, sexually transmitted disease (STD) clinics care for large numbers of patients with STD-related signs and symptoms. Yet, the etiologic fraction of the different STD pathogens remains to be determined, particularly in women. Goal: The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of STDs and of cervical dysplasia and their risk markers among women attending the STD clinic in Nairobi. Study Design: A cross-section of women were interviewed and examined; samples were taken. Results: The mean age of 520 women was 26 years, 54% had a stable relationship, 38% were pregnant, 47% had ever used condoms (1% as a method of contraception), 11% reported multiple partners in the previous 3 months, and 32% had a history of STDs. The prevalence of STDs was 29% for HIV type 1, 35% for candidiasis, 25% for trichomoniasis, 16% for bacterial vaginosis, 6% for gonorrhea, 4% for chlamydia, 6% for a positive syphilis serology, 6% for genital warts, 12% for genital ulcers, and 13% for cervical dysplasia. Factors related to sexual behavior, especially the number of sex partners, were associated with several STDs. Gonorrhea, bacterial vaginosis, cervical dysplasia , and genital warts or ulcers were independently associated with HIV infection. Partners of circumcised men had less-prevalent HIV infection. Conclusion: Most women reported low-risk sexual behavior and were likely to be infected by their regular partner. HIV and STD prevention campaigns will not have a significant impact if the transmission between partners is not addressed

    Shortages of benzathine penicillin for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of syphilis: An evaluation from multi-country surveys and stakeholder interviews

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    <div><p>Background</p><p>Benzathine penicillin G (BPG) is the only recommended treatment to prevent mother-to-child transmission of syphilis. Due to recent reports of country-level shortages of BPG, an evaluation was undertaken to quantify countries that have experienced shortages in the past 2 years and to describe factors contributing to these shortages.</p><p>Methods and findings</p><p>Country-level data about BPG shortages were collected using 3 survey approaches. First, a survey designed by the WHO Department of Reproductive Health and Research was distributed to 41 countries and territories in the Americas and 41 more in Africa. Second, WHO conducted an email survey of 28 US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention country directors. An additional 13 countries were in contact with WHO for related congenital syphilis prevention activities and also reported on BPG shortages. Third, the Clinton Health Access Initiative (CHAI) collected data from 14 countries (where it has active operations) to understand the extent of stock-outs, in-country purchasing, usage behavior, and breadth of available purchasing options to identify stock-outs worldwide. CHAI also conducted in-person interviews in the same 14 countries to understand the extent of stock-outs, in-country purchasing and usage behavior, and available purchasing options. CHAI also completed a desk review of 10 additional high-income countries, which were also included. BPG shortages were attributable to shortfalls in supply, demand, and procurement in the countries assessed. This assessment should not be considered globally representative as countries not surveyed may also have experienced BPG shortages. Country contacts may not have been aware of BPG shortages when surveyed or may have underreported medication substitutions due to desirability bias. Funding for the purchase of BPG by countries was not evaluated. In all, 114 countries and territories were approached to provide information on BPG shortages occurring during 2014–2016. Of unique countries and territories, 95 (83%) responded or had information evaluable from public records. Of these 95 countries and territories, 39 (41%) reported a BPG shortage, and 56 (59%) reported no BPG shortage; 10 (12%) countries with and without BPG shortages reported use of antibiotic alternatives to BPG for treatment of maternal syphilis. Market exits, inflexible production cycles, and minimum order quantities affect BPG supply. On the demand side, inaccurate forecasts and sole sourcing lead to under-procurement. Clinicians may also incorrectly prescribe BPG substitutes due to misperceptions of quality or of the likelihood of adverse outcomes.</p><p>Conclusions</p><p>Targets for improvement include drug forecasting and procurement, and addressing provider reluctance to use BPG. Opportunities to improve global supply, demand, and use of BPG should be prioritized alongside congenital syphilis elimination efforts.</p></div