82 research outputs found

    Genetic and molecular analysis of wheat tan spot resistance effective against Pyrenophora tritici-repentis races 2 and 5

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    Tan spot, a major foliar disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), is caused by an ascomycete Pyrenophora tritici-repentis. Both culture filtrates and conidiospore inocula induce disease symptoms in susceptible wheat genotypes. The objectives of this study were to determine and map the genetic control of resistance to spore inocula and culture filtrates of P. tritici-repentis races 2 and 5. The F1 and F2 generations and an F2:6 recombinant inbred lines (RIL) population were developed from a cross between the resistant ND 735 and the susceptible Steele-ND. Disease assessments of the segregating generations were done at the seedling stage using culture filtrates and spore inocula under controlled environmental conditions. Genetic and mapping analyses of the F1 and F2 generations and the RIL by both methods indicated that the same single recessive gene, Tsr1, located on chromosome 5BL, controlled resistance and insensitivity to necrosis induced by race 2. A second recessive gene, designated Tsr6, located on chromosome 2BS, conferred resistance/insensitivity to chlorosis induced by spore inocula or culture filtrates of race 5. Diversity Arrays Technology markers wPt-3049 (2.9 cM) and wPt-0289 (4.6 cM) were closely linked to Tsr1 and Tsr6, respectively. The results further indicated that culture filtrates can be used as surrogates for spore inoculation. Tsr1 and Tsr6 can be selected by marker-assisted selection in breeding for resistance to tan spot

    A High Resolution Radiation Hybrid Map of Wheat Chromosome 4A

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    Citation: Balcarkova, B., Frenkel, Z., Skopova, M., Abrouk, M., Kumar, A., Chao, S. M., . . . Valarik, M. (2017). A High Resolution Radiation Hybrid Map of Wheat Chromosome 4A. Frontiers in Plant Science, 7, 14. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2016.02063Bread wheat has a large and complex allohexaploid genome with low recombination level at chromosome centromeric and peri-centromeric regions. This significantly hampers ordering of markers, contigs of physical maps and sequence scaffolds and impedes obtaining of high-quality reference genome sequence. Here we report on the construction of high-density and high-resolution radiation hybrid (RH) map of chromosome 4A supported by high-density chromosome deletion map. A total of 119 endosperm-based RH lines of two RH panels and 15 chromosome deletion bin lines were genotyped with 90K iSelect single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array. A total of 2316 and 2695 markers were successfully mapped to the 4A RH and deletion maps, respectively. The chromosome deletion map was ordered in 19 bins and allowed precise identification of centromeric region and verification of the RH panel reliability. The 4A-specific RH map comprises 1080 mapping bins and spans 6550.9 cR with a resolution of 0.13 Mb/cR. Significantly higher mapping resolution in the centromeric region was observed as compared to recombination maps. Relatively even distribution of deletion frequency along the chromosome in the RH panel was observed and putative functional centromere was delimited within a region characterized by two SNP markers

    Increased virulence of Puccinia coronata f. sp.avenae populations through allele frequency changes at multiple putative Avr loci

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    Author summary The rust fungus Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (Pca), which causes crown rust disease, decimates oat (Avena sativa) production in many countries of the world. While the use of genetic resistance in crop breeding programs is the most sustainable disease management strategy to control plant disease, the release of oat varieties that display genetic resistance to Pca infection is hindered by rapid evolution of this pathogen. This study aims to determine demography and determinants of adaptive evolution in Pca to minimize the risk of disease outbreaks and enhance resistance gene stewardship. We recently published two high quality genome references of P. coronata f. sp. avenae. Here, we used these resources to direct a population genomics-based study of two temporally distant sets of pathogen collections to study genotypic changes that may explain the most recent oat crown rust epidemics across the continental US. We found that the population of Pca in 1990 is significantly different to that collected in 2015 at both genotypic and phenotypic levels. Our findings are consistent with the role of sexual and asexual reproduction in the Pca population diversity. Importantly, our work identifies genomic regions and genes that may be involved in local host adaptation which in the future may assist in the development of molecular markers and diagnosis of virulence

    Development of a D genome specific marker resource for diploid and hexaploid wheat

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    Citation: Wang, Y., Drader, T., Tiwari, V. K., Dong, L. L., Kumar, A., Huo, N. X., . . . Gu, Y. Q. (2015). Development of a D genome specific marker resource for diploid and hexaploid wheat. Bmc Genomics, 16, 12. https://doi.org/10.1186/s12864-015-1852-2Background: Mapping and map-based cloning of genes that control agriculturally and economically important traits remain great challenges for plants with complex highly repetitive genomes such as those within the grass tribe, Triticeae. Mapping limitations in the Triticeae are primarily due to low frequencies of polymorphic gene markers and poor genetic recombination in certain genetic regions. Although the abundance of repetitive sequence may pose common problems in genome analysis and sequence assembly of large and complex genomes, they provide repeat junction markers with random and unbiased distribution throughout chromosomes. Hence, development of a high-throughput mapping technology that combine both gene-based and repeat junction-based markers is needed to generate maps that have better coverage of the entire genome. Results: In this study, the available genomics resource of the diploid Aegilop tauschii, the D genome donor of bread wheat, were used to develop genome specific markers that can be applied for mapping in modern hexaploid wheat. A NimbleGen array containing both gene-based and repeat junction probe sequences derived from Ae. tauschii was developed and used to map the Chinese Spring nullisomic-tetrasomic lines and deletion bin lines of the D genome chromosomes. Based on these mapping data, we have now anchored 5,171 repeat junction probes and 10,892 gene probes, corresponding to 5,070 gene markers, to the delineated deletion bins of the D genome. The order of the gene-based markers within the deletion bins of the Chinese Spring can be inferred based on their positions on the Ae. tauschii genetic map. Analysis of the probe sequences against the Chinese Spring chromosome sequence assembly database facilitated mapping of the NimbleGen probes to the sequence contigs and allowed assignment or ordering of these sequence contigs within the deletion bins. The accumulated length of anchored sequence contigs is about 155 Mb, representing similar to 3.2 % of the D genome. A specific database was developed to allow user to search or BLAST against the probe sequence information and to directly download PCR primers for mapping specific genetic loci. Conclusions: In bread wheat, aneuploid stocks have been extensively used to assign markers linked with genes/traits to chromosomes, chromosome arms, and their specific bins. Through this study, we added thousands of markers to the existing wheat chromosome bin map, representing a significant step forward in providing a resource to navigate the wheat genome. The database website (http://probes.pw.usda.gov/ATRJM/) provides easy access and efficient utilization of the data. The resources developed herein can aid map-based cloning of traits of interest and the sequencing of the D genome of hexaploid wheat

    High-resolution radiation hybrid mapping in wheat: an essential tool for the construction of the wheat physical maps

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    ArtigoO poema épico da época moderna nasce na literatura portuguesa como oceânico logo a partir da sua gestação. Este estudo enquadra a sua génese num contexto europeu.Università di Roma, La Sapienz

    A 4-gigabase physical map unlocks the structure and evolution of the complex genome of Aegilops tauschii, the wheat D-genome progenitor

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    The current limitations in genome sequencing technology require the construction of physical maps for high-quality draft sequences of large plant genomes, such as that of Aegilops tauschii, the wheat D-genome progenitor. To construct a physical map of the Ae. tauschii genome, we fingerprinted 461,706 bacterial artificial chromosome clones, assembled contigs, designed a 10K Ae. tauschii Infinium SNP array, constructed a 7,185-marker genetic map, and anchored on the map contigs totaling 4.03 Gb. Using whole genome shotgun reads, we extended the SNP marker sequences and found 17,093 genes and gene fragments. We showed that collinearity of the Ae. tauschii genes with Brachypodium distachyon, rice, and sorghum decreased with phylogenetic distance and that structural genome evolution rates have been high across all investigated lineages in subfamily Pooideae, including that of Brachypodieae. We obtained additional information about the evolution of the seven Triticeae chromosomes from 12 ancestral chromosomes and uncovered a pattern of centromere inactivation accompanying nested chromosome insertions in grasses. We showed that the density of noncollinear genes along the Ae. tauschii chromosomes positively correlates with recombination rates, suggested a cause, and showed that new genes, exemplified by disease resistance genes, are preferentially located in high-recombination chromosome regions

    Physical mapping resources for large plant genomes: radiation hybrids for wheat D-genome progenitor Aegilops tauschii

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    BACKGROUND: Development of a high quality reference sequence is a daunting task in crops like wheat with large (~17Gb), highly repetitive (>80%) and polyploid genome. To achieve complete sequence assembly of such genomes, development of a high quality physical map is a necessary first step. However, due to the lack of recombination in certain regions of the chromosomes, genetic mapping, which uses recombination frequency to map marker loci, alone is not sufficient to develop high quality marker scaffolds for a sequence ready physical map. Radiation hybrid (RH) mapping, which uses radiation induced chromosomal breaks, has proven to be a successful approach for developing marker scaffolds for sequence assembly in animal systems. Here, the development and characterization of a RH panel for the mapping of D-genome of wheat progenitor Aegilops tauschii is reported. RESULTS: Radiation dosages of 350 and 450 Gy were optimized for seed irradiation of a synthetic hexaploid (AABBDD) wheat with the D-genome of Ae. tauschii accession AL8/78. The surviving plants after irradiation were crossed to durum wheat (AABB), to produce pentaploid RH(1)s (AABBD), which allows the simultaneous mapping of the whole D-genome. A panel of 1,510 RH(1) plants was obtained, of which 592 plants were generated from the mature RH(1) seeds, and 918 plants were rescued through embryo culture due to poor germination (<3%) of mature RH(1) seeds. This panel showed a homogenous marker loss (2.1%) after screening with SSR markers uniformly covering all the D-genome chromosomes. Different marker systems mostly detected different lines with deletions. Using markers covering known distances, the mapping resolution of this RH panel was estimated to be <140kb. Analysis of only 16 RH lines carrying deletions on chromosome 2D resulted in a physical map with cM/cR ratio of 1:5.2 and 15 distinct bins. Additionally, with this small set of lines, almost all the tested ESTs could be mapped. A set of 399 most informative RH lines with an average deletion frequency of ~10% were identified for developing high density marker scaffolds of the D-genome. CONCLUSIONS: The RH panel reported here is the first developed for any wild ancestor of a major cultivated plant species. The results provided insight into various aspects of RH mapping in plants, including the genetically effective cell number for wheat (for the first time) and the potential implementation of this technique in other plant species. This RH panel will be an invaluable resource for mapping gene based markers, developing a complete marker scaffold for the whole genome sequence assembly, fine mapping of markers and functional characterization of genes and gene networks present on the D-genome

    Chromosome Bin Map of Expressed Sequence Tags in Homoeologous Group 1 of Hexaploid Wheat and Homoeology With Rice and Arabidopsis

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    A total of 944 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) generated 2212 EST loci mapped to homoeologous group 1 chromosomes in hexaploid wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). EST deletion maps and the consensus map of group 1 chromosomes were constructed to show EST distribution. EST loci were unevenly distributed among chromosomes 1A, 1B, and 1D with 660, 826, and 726, respectively. The number of EST loci was greater on the long arms than on the short arms for all three chromosomes. The distribution of ESTs along chromosome arms was nonrandom with EST clusters occurring in the distal regions of short arms and middle regions of long arms. Duplications of group 1 ESTs in other homoeologous groups occurred at a rate of 35.5%. Seventy-five percent of wheat chromosome 1 ESTs had significant matches with rice sequences (E ≤ e(−10)), where large regions of conservation occurred between wheat consensus chromosome 1 and rice chromosome 5 and between the proximal portion of the long arm of wheat consensus chromosome 1 and rice chromosome 10. Only 9.5% of group 1 ESTs showed significant matches to Arabidopsis genome sequences. The results presented are useful for gene mapping and evolutionary and comparative genomics of grasses
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