37 research outputs found

    The system of human resource development in energy saving in the Ural region

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    A system of education in the field of energy saving has been developed, built and successfully used for a number of years in the Ural region. In the Ural Federal University (UrFU) the "Energy Saving" Department and Regional Learning and Teaching Centre were created in 1999. At the present time more than 2000 senior students of ten institutes and of a number of UrFU territorial branches listen to lectures and study energy saving and energy efficiency issues at the practical studies yearly at the "Energy Saving" Department. In teaching the above mentioned disciplines a problematic-topical approach is used. It promotes forming a high level of concern and motivation among students to study and master the bases of theoretical and practical activity, enabling them to get the most actual and reliable information. Employees of the department have prepared and published a considerable volume of courseware and scientific-andtechnological literature on the problems of energy saving and raising efficiency of energy usage, forming an academic system, which includes different levels and types of knowledge, methods of educating. Masters' preparing has been started together with the department "Atomic power stations and renewable energy sources" with the deepened studying energy saving and energy efficiency issues. Taking this experience into account, an education standard of UrFU "Energy saving and energy efficiency raising in industry and budget sphere". Thus, a complex approach for creating and constantly improving the system of energy saving specialists' preparation has been realized and is being developed in the territory of the Ural region. © 2014 WIT Press.International Journal of Safety and Security Engineering;International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;WIT Transactions on Ecology and the Environmen

    Production of nanoporous sorbents by partial steam-air conversion of charcoal

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    An effective sorbent is activated carbon having a developed nanoporous structure with an average pore diameter about 2-4 nm. Perspective method of activated carbon production is the partial steam conversion of the coal bed in boiler furnaces of power plants. The additional thermal energy is produced by burning the syngas. The aim of this work is to study the co-production of activated carbon and syngas by partial steam-air conversion of charcoal. Due to the presence of oxygen in the flow, intensification of conversion occurs. In the laboratory bed reactor, the mass loss curves and the syngas composition were obtained at temperatures of 800°C and 900°C. Two zones with different reaction mechanisms were identified on the height of the bed. The reactions between carbon and steam shift toward hydrogen formation in the oxygen zone. The dependence of the porous structure of the activated carbon on the conversion degree of the raw material is obtained. The maximum of micropores is formed at a conversion degree of 0.5. The material and energy balance of the partial conversion in the laboratory reactor was estimated. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR

    Thermal analysis of wood fuel pyrolysis process

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    The paper presents the results of studies of conversion process on the laboratory pyrolysis reactor and the results are compared with data, obtained in model experiments by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The heating rates were compared in the pyrolysis reactor and in the laboratory furnace of TGA in the pyrolysis process of wood biomass conversion. The laboratory pyrolysis reactor, as a part of the multistage gasification facility of low-grade solid fuel, was launched in several modes. Three experimental modes of the device operation with different screw speeds and fuel flow rates through the reaction shaft were tested. The temperature profile of fuel and wall along the length of the pyrolysis reactor was shown. The temperature up to 600 °C was recorded in a mode with a low fuel flow rate, and in the end of the reaction zone the fuel temperature was close to that of the wall. The kinetic coefficients and conversion rates for the wood biomass pyrolysis were calculated from the obtained equation. Therefore, the calculated data of the conversion rate and the pyrolysis parameters, based on the TGA data, can be used to further develop the pyrolysis reactor and evaluate the parameters of its operation. © 2018 Institute of Physics Publishing. All rights reserved.The research was performed at Melentiev Energy Systems Institute SB RAS under the support of Russian Science Foundation (Grant № 16-19-10227) and by using the Unique Scientific Plant “High‐temperature circuit”.Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR

    The kinetic parameters of peat conversion an oxidizing and inert media

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    В статье приведены экспериментально полученные данные технического анализа воздушно-сухого торфа, описаны особенности его применения в качестве энергетического топлива. Получены данные по скорости конверсии в инертной и окислительной среде при неизотермическом нагреве, проанализированы стадии разложения торфа в зависимости от степени конверсии образца. На основе проведенных исследований рассчитаны кинетические параметры конверсии для стадий выхода летучих и выгорания коксового остатка.The article presents the experimental data of the technical analysis of air-dry peat, the features of its use as an energy fuel are describes. The data on conversion rate in inert and oxidizing environment under non-isothermal heating, the decomposition stage of peat analyzed in the depending on the sample conversion degree. Based on these studies the kinetic conversion parameters for the yield of volatile and burning coke stages are calculated.Исследование выполнено в Уральском федеральном университете за счет гранта Российского научного фонда (проект №14-19-00524)

    The kinetics parametrs of solid fuel pyrolisys

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    The paper presents the characteristics of solid fuels such as peat, brown coal, Kuznetsk coal and anthracite, Physical-mathematical models of the fuel conversion process are described. The kinetic parameters of the conversion of the yield of volatile 4 types of fuels with nonisothermal heating in air are calculated from two physico-mathematical modelsВ работе приведены характеристики твердых топлив таких как: торф, бурый уголь, кузнецкий уголь и антрацит, Описаны физико-математические модели процесса конверсии топлива. Рассчитаны кинетические параметры конверсии выхода летучих 4 видов топлив при неизотермическом разогреве в воздушной среде по двум физико-математическим моделям

    Development of low-temperature thermochemical conversion reactors for coal power engineering

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    The main principles applied in developing a technology for low-temperature thermochemical conversion of brown coals to obtain fuel gas and semicoke intended for being fired in two-fuel power installations are considered on the basis of a set of experimental and calculated investigations. The obtained results are compared with the experimental data obtained using other methods and with the results of previous industrial tests. © 2013 Pleiades Publishing, Inc

    Introspectiveness of Higher Education Students: Study and Development

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    The change in strategic guidelines in Russian education is associated with a revision of the goals of teaching and upbringing. However, the emphasis of reforms has shifted towards the formation of the required professional competences at this stage in the development of the education system of the Russian Federation. We think that it is possible to achieve the set goal of higher education through the development of the introspectiveness as a quality of the personality of students. The formation of the introspectiveness in a future specialist will have an effect on the successful mastery, expansion and transformation of social experience, as well as the internal plan of action. Thus, demonstrating the formed introspectiveness as a personality trait, the student is able to organize his educational activities independently, activities to cognize the surrounding reality and his inner world, as well as self-determine in various life situations, including the development of general cultural and professional competences. In this regard, the emphasis in the issue of developing the introspectiveness of students is made on specifying the conditions that must be created at a higher education institution for the manifestation and formation of this personality quality. The purpose of the article is to study the level of the introspectiveness of university students and develop psychological and pedagogical conditions that develop this personality quality. The leading techniques for the study of this problem were the following: Q-sort Technique; the technique for diagnostics of an individual measure of the introspectiveness degree. At the stage of the ascertaining experiment, the levels of the introspectiveness of university students were revealed. The results of the ascertaining experiment convincingly demonstrated the need to organize special work to develop the introspectiveness of students. The authors substantiated that the success of developing students’ introspectiveness is ensured by the created psychological and pedagogical conditions. A model of developing the introspectiveness as a personality quality of a future professional has been developed and tested. The results of this study create opportunities for further development of the problem in the context of the organization of lectures in the learning process for students of different courses and types of specialization. The article is intended for psychologists, tutors, education managers