47 research outputs found

    A Study of the Effect of Some Natural and Human Factors on Date Palm Cultivation in the Hilla District, Iraq

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    The current study aimed to study some of the natural and human factors that affect date palm cultivation in the south of Babil Governorate, as the natural factors included the surface, climate, water and soil, and the human factors included labor force, capital, market, fertilization, transportation and marketing. The study includes several areas in the south of Babil Governorate, such as (Al-Hashimiyyah district, Al-Qasim district, Al-Tali’a district, as well as Al-Hamza Al-Gharbi district and Al-Shomali district) as all these areas contain palm trees. The rate of rainfall and wind speed in the study area were based on previously published information. It showed The results of the study indicate the impact of natural and life factors clearly on the decline in the productivity of palm trees through the problem of soil salinity. Also, human factors have the greatest impact on the decline in palm productivity through its role in providing water requirements for palm trees, the lack of number of workers in the agricultural sector and the neglect of farmers, and Thus, the productivity of palm trees is deteriorating in quantity and quality

    Confirm Content Validity and Sender Authenticity for Text Messages by Using QR Code

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    في ظل ثورة المعلومات التي يشهدها عالمنا الحديث,اصبحت المراسلات الالكترونية ضرورية ومن المهم حفظ هذه المعلومات المرسلة. لذلك عرضنا هذه التقنية لضمان سلامة محتوى الرسائل وأصالة المرسل عبر شبكات الاتصالات عن طريق تحويل رمز الرسالة إلى أرقام، كل واحد من رموز الرسالة (الحروف والأرقام والرموز) سوف تحول إلى ثلاثة أرقام، الرقم الأول يمثل أسكي كود الرمز، والرقم الثاني يمثل تردد هذا الرمز في الرسالة (عدد المرات التي يظهر فيها هذا الرمز في الرسالة)، والرقم الثالث يمثل العدد الإجمالي لمواقع تكرارات هذا الرمز (يحسب موقع الرمز من الرمز الأول في الرسالة إلى هذا الرمز نفسه وتحسب الفراغات أيضا). وسيتم تحويل التوقيع الرقمي للمرسل إلى أرقام مثل رموز الرسالة كما أوضحناها سابقا، هذه الأرقام للتوقيع الرقمي سوف تجمع معا لإنتاج ثلاثة أرقام فقط، وهذا الرقام الثلاثة تجمع مع أرقام رموز الرسالة ، بعدها تم تحويل هذه الأرقام إلى كيو ار كود، يوضع كيو ار كود مع الرسالة ترسال إلى المستلم. المستلم يقوم بأجراء خطوات المرسل (تكوين كيو ار كود من الرسالة المستلمة) ويتم مقارنة الكيو ار كود ما إذا كان مطابق أم لا. وسيضمن المستلم أن المحتوى آمن، ويؤكد صحة المرسل.In light of the information revolution taking place in the modern world, therefore it becomes necessary and important to save this electronic messages. So we offered this technique to ensure the safety of the content of the messages and authenticity of the sender through  networks communication by converting the message's symbols to numbers , each one of this symbols (letters, numbers, symbols) will converted into three digits, the first digit represents the ASCII code of the symbol , the second digit represents the frequency of this symbol in the message (the number of times this symbol is appear in the message), and the third digit represents the total number of the locations of the symbol (calculates the symbol location from the first symbol in the message to this symbol itself and blanks also calculated too) .The digital signature of the sender will converted to numbers like the symbols of message we explained it before, and this numbers of the digital signature will gathering together to produce three numbers only, this number will gathering with each numbers of the message's symbols, the final  numbers will converted to QR Code , the QR Code will placed with the message and sent to the recipient. The recipient returns the steps of the sender (produce QR Code from the received message) and compared it the received QR Codes, if it is match or not. The recipient will ensure that the content is secure, and confirms the authenticity of the sender

    Effect of Planting Dates on Qualitative Traits of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Varieties

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    A field experiment was carried out during the winter season 2022-2023 at the research station of the Field Crops Department, College of Agriculture, Tikrit University to study the effect of planting dates on the qualitative characteristics of each of the cultivated varieties to determine the best planting date for each variety and to find the best combination between (varieties x planting dates). The experiment was applied using the Split Plot Design method using a Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) with three replications. Main plots included planting dates (Oct. 5, Oct. 25, Nov. 15, Dec. 5, Dec. 25) while sub-plots included wheat varieties (Ibaa99, Al-Rashid, Al-Baraka, Sham6, Tammuz2, Al-Hashimiyah, Al-Nour and Al-Adnaniyah). The results showed a significant effect of the variety treatments on all studied qualitative traits. Tammuz 2 variety was superior in the protein percentage and sedimentation volume (12.32% and 30.03 ml), respectively, Sham6 variety was superior in the wet and dry gluten percentage (36.64 and 12.30%, respectively), while Ibaa99 variety was superior in the ash and flour moisture percentage (1.91 and 9.60%, respectively). Planting date treatments had a significant effect on the qualitative characteristics of wheat varieties. Planting date treatment of Dec. 25 was superior by giving the best results for the protein percentage (12.05%), wet and dry gluten percentage (35.85 and 11.97%, respectively), ash percentage (1.76%), and sedimentation volume (28.92 ml). Also, the interaction between (varieties x planting dates) had a significant impact on the qualitative traits studied, the interaction treatment of (Tammuz2 x Dec. 25) was superior by giving the best results for the protein percentage (12.76%), the interaction of (Sham6 x Dec. 25) was superior in wet and dry gluten percentages (38.96 and 12.93%, respectively),  and the interaction of (Ibaa99 x Nov. 15, Dec. 5 and Dec. 25) gave the highest values of ash percentage (1.96%), sedimentation volume (35.53ml) and flour moisture percentage (9.96%), respectively

    The extent of using managerial accounting innovations in the government sector in Iraq

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    The study aims to show the extent to which the government sector in Iraq uses managerial accounting innovations, the most important of which being VCA - Value Chain Analysis, TDABC – Time-Driven Activity-Based Costing Method, BM – Benchmarking Method, TC - Target Cost Method, SWOT – Strategic Analysis Method, while indicating factors that hinder their application. As the application of these methods leads to the development of accounting information systems in a manner that ensures rationalization of costs and strengthening control over them, and the provision of appropriate information that contributes to rationalizing the correct administrative decisions, a questionnaire was prepared for this purpose and distributed to 500 account and production managers in governmental sectors in Iraq as well as the industrial, agricultural and service sectors. The study found that the government sector in Iraq applies some of these methods, but in a limited manner, as a result of constraints that limit the use of these method

    The effect of economic stationary variables on the growth in per capita income in Iraq for the period (1990 - 2021) by using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model

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    This research is work to measure the effect of the economic stability variables represented by unemployment, inflation, economic growth and the Iraqi balance of payments on the growth of individual income by using the autoregressive distributed lag (ARDL) model  after conducting a series of tests to ensure that the model is free from standard problems and to ensure the stability of the series  Such as unit root tests based on Philip-Perron test and tests of homogeneity, serial correlation and normal distribution of data (Jarque-Bera), and the study concluded that there is a long-term logical equilibrium relationship depending on the impact test of Bounds Test, and there is a correction relationship from the short to the long term  At a speed of 22.6%, that is, complete equilibrium will occur within a period of approximately four and a half years, as the study showed that both inflation and the unemployment rate have a negative impact on the individual income rate and that the magic square of the role in the Iraqi economy is completely far from the ideal that I assumed as the role, especially in what  The unemployment indicator

    Reform Programs and Their Role in the Rehabilitation of Juveniles Noor Mohammed

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    أنّ المؤسسات الإصلاحية هدفها رعاية وإصلاح وتأهيل الأحداث، وذلك من اجل حماية المجتمع من خطرهم وحماية أنفسهم أيضاً من الوقوع مرة أخرى في طريق الانحراف، وهي تعمل جاهدة على إصلاحهم وإعادة تكيفهم مع البيئة الاجتماعية. وأنّ إيداع الأحداث في هذه المؤسسات هو من أجل تقديم الرعاية اللازمة لهم وان الاتجاهات الحديثة في مجال رعاية الأحداث تؤكد على اتباع طريق الاختبار القضائي وأساليب الرعاية للحدث بحيث لا يودع الحدث في أي مؤسسة أو معهد إصلاحي، إلا بعد التأكد من فشل علاجه في بيئته الطبيعية وما زال يحتاج إلى العناية وتقديم الحماية اللازمة التي تبعده عن خطر الانحراف والجريمة، وهذه العناية تتمثل بتقديم الخدمات كافة من قبل المؤسسة للحدث، وهذه الخدمات يجب أن تكون متنوعة من حيث الخدمات التعليمية والمهنية والثقافية والاجتماعية والدينية والصحية والنفسية والتربوية، وهذه كلها تعمل على تحسين سلوك الأحداث وإعادة تنشئتهم تنشئة اجتماعية وتأهيلهم وتهيئة الظروف المناسبة لهم وإعادة تكيفهم واندماجهم مع المجتمع الجديد وتخطي الصعوبات وجعله يعتمد على نفسه في تسير أمور حياته اليومية وإعادته مواطناً صالحًا ليمارس دوره الطبيعي في المجتمع.The reform institutions aim to care, reform and rehabilitation of the juveniles, in order to protect society from their danger and protect themselves from falling back on the path of deviation, and it is working hard to reform and re-adapt them to the social environment. And that the placement of juveniles in these institutions is to provide them with the necessary care and that the recent trends in the care of juveniles emphasize the use of the judicial test method and methods of care for the juvenile in which he does not deposit in any institution or a reform institute, only after his failure of treatment in the natural environment and he still needs to take care and provide the necessary protection which put him away from the risk of deviation and crime. This care is to provide all services by the institution for the juveniles. These services must be varied in terms of educational, professional, cultural, social, religious, health, psychological and educational services, all of which improve the behavior and re-education of young people and their socialization and rehabilitation, create appropriate conditions for them and re-adapt them and integrate them with the new society and overcoming difficulties and self-reliance and return him as a good citizen to exercise his natural role in society

    The Effect of Ursolic Acid and Hyperinsulinemia on the Liver and Kidney Function of Alloxan-Induced Diabetic Male Rabbits

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    The study aimed to examine the effect of extracted and standard ursolic acid in addition to hyperinsulinemia compared to vitamin B complex on the liver and kidney function of alloxan-induced diabetic male rabbits. The liver and kidney functions were determined and analyzed by one–way of a NOVA at variance software at a P-Value of 0.05. The result showed a significant decrease in aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and uric acid values in the groups treated with standard and extraction ursolic acid(UA) compared to the diabetic group. The rabbit group that was treated with vitamin B complex recorded a significant decrease in the three liver enzymes, uric acid, and creatinine values than the diabetic group. In addition, the rabbit group that was treated with hyperinsulinemia recorded a significant increase in aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and creatinine values than the diabetic rabbit group. While the histological results in the groups treated with standard and extraction ursolic acid had a clear ameliorative effect in liver and kidney function tests better than hyperinsulinemia, also vitamin B complex caused some good effects

    Post-gender and its Performance in Theatrical Text

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    تتكوّن الرّؤية الاستدماجيّة لفضاء ما بعد الجّندر، ضمن واحدة من أهم الذّوات الأساس المغادرة للأشكال النّسقيّة، إذْ تتمظهر الكثير من الذّوات الآخرويّة في نفس الجّسد، لذا هو دائماً ما يذهب إلى تكريس بنية مفاهيميّة داخل حيوز النّفس المختلفة بين حالة وثانية، الأمر الَّذي جعلها تأخذ بياناً إشهاريّاً لعدة مراحل، بالتّالي، يأخذ ما بعد الجّندر البعد الأساس المستكمل للفضاءات و/ أو الأماكن المقطوعة في البدن وهذه الحالة متّبعة في أغلب الحالات وعلى مرِّ العصور، لذا تتضح تلك الأفعال لتعيد تمتين الأفكار والأشكال داخل استراتيجيّة أنموذجيّة لفاعليّة التّحوّل، وهي الحالة المرجوّة في فضاء ما بعد الحداثة الإشكالي في كلِّ التّعامدات المتّبعة.The alligation vision of the spacebeyond post-gender is considered as one of the most important basic things leave the streotypeshapes, as many of other things will appear at the same body, so it is always go to focus onacquaintanle structure inside different soul’s level between one case and another, The things that made it tokes aproclaim daigrammatic for many structure to spaces and cutting places in the bode. This case is followed for an ages, so these actions will be clear to reclaim the ideas and shapes insidespacial strategic to the changing, and that’s what we want in the space of beyond modernity

    Unraveling the Role of (Meta-) Cognitive Functions in Pacing Behavior Development during Adolescence:Planning, Monitoring, and Adaptation

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    Purpose This study aimed to investigate whether (meta-) cognitive functions underpin the development of the self-regulated distribution of effort during exercise (i.e., pacing) throughout adolescence.Methods: Participants included 18 adolescents (9 girls, 15.6 ± 2.5 yr old) and 26 adults (13 women, 26.8 ± 3.1 yr old), all recreationally active but unfamiliar with time trial cycling. The (meta-) cognitive functions involved in preexercise planning were quantified by calculating the difference between estimated and actual finish time during a 4-km cycling time trial. The capability to monitor and adapt one's effort distribution during exercise was measured during a 7-min submaximal trial, in which the participants were tasked with adhering to a set submaximal goal velocity either with (0-5 min) or without (5-7 min) additional feedback provided by the researcher. Analyses included between-group comparisons (ANOVA) and within-group comparisons (correlation) (P &lt; 0.05).Results: Adolescents were less accurate in their estimation of the task duration. The adolescents' overestimation of task duration of the 4-km time trial was accompanied by pacing behavior characteristics resembling a longer trial (i.e., more even power output distribution, lower RPE, more pronounced end-spurt). Contrary to the adults, the adolescents deviated relatively more from the goal velocity during the 7-min submaximal trial, when no additional feedback was provided by the researcher. Within the adolescent group, estimation of task duration accuracy (r = 0.48) and adherence to goal velocity (r = 0.59) correlated with age.Conclusions: The (meta-) cognitive functions involved in the preexercise planning and the monitoring and adaptation of the distribution of effort during exercise underpin the development of pacing behavior during adolescence. Feedback from the (social) environment can be used to aid the monitoring and adaptation of effort expenditure in adolescents.</p