43 research outputs found

    Форми зловживання правом: теоретико-правовий аспект

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    The presented article examines the forms of abuse of rights. In legal science and legislation of Ukraine, the category of “abuse of rights” is legally vague and there is no agreed approach to defining the criteria for abuse of rights. The legislator often uses the institution of “abuse” as part of various legal structures, but does not legally establish the content of the general (generalized) concept of “abuse of rights”.  This creates problems both for legal practice, legal proceedings, and in the case of the exercise of rights by their owners and owners.Abuse of law means the formally lawful behavior of the subject of legal relations, which leads to a violation of the rights and legitimates interests of others, incompatible with the fundamental principles of legal regulation.However, the content of the term "abuse of right" (rights) is in the prescriptions; covers individual, sometimes different types of acts. Procedural legislation defines in more detail the content of "abuse of procedural rights", but does not provide an exhaustive list of such acts.  The official position of the legislator is that any abuse of rights is unacceptable.  Such legal norms are of a protective (prohibitive) nature; they do not always reveal the essence of abuse. The classification of actions on abuse of rights contains not only formal, purely theoretical significance, but, in essence, the classification allows, by identifying the most typical cases of the phenomenon under study, to establish trends in the emergence of new types and forms of abuse of rights and to determine the most effective methods and means of overcoming them.The author determined the place of abuse of subjective rights in comparison with socially significant (legal) behavior. It has been established, that abuse of the right is not a type of legally significant behavior.  The author's understanding of the concept of "abuse of rights" and its types is offeredПредставленная статья посвящена рассмотрению форм злоупотребления правом. В юридической науке и законодательстве Украины категория «злоупотребление правами» юридически неопределенная и нет согласованного подхода к определению критериев злоупотребления правом. Законодатель часто использует институт «злоупотребление» как часть различных правовых конструкций, но не устанавливает содержания общего (обобщенного) понятия «злоупотребление правами» юридически. Это создает проблемы как для юридической практики, судопроизводства, так и в случае осуществления прав их владельцами и собственниками. Под злоупотреблением правом понимается формально правомерное поведение субъекта правоотношений, которое приводит к нарушению прав и законных интересов других лиц, несовместимое с основополагающими принципами правового регулирования.Однако содержание термина «злоупотребление правом» (правами) находится в предписаниях; охватывает индивидуальные, иногда различные виды действий. Процессуальное законодательство более детально определяет содержание «злоупотребление процессуальными правами», но не дает исчерпывающий перечень таких деяний. Официальная позиция законодателя - неприемлемость любых злоупотреблений правами. Такие правовые нормы имеют защитный (запрещающий) характер, они не всегда раскрывают сущность злоупотреблений. По своей сути, классификация действий по злоупотреблению правами позволяет віявить наиболее типичные случаи изучаемого явления, установить тенденции появления новых видов и форм злоупотребления правами и определить наиболее действенные методы и средства их преодоления.В исследовании определено место злоупотребления субъективными правами по сравнению с социально значимым (правовым) поведением. Установлено, что злоупотребление правом не является видом юридически значимого поведения. Предлагается авторское понимание понятия «злоупотребление правами» и его видыПредставлена стаття присвячена розгляду форм зловживання правом. В юридичній науці і законодавстві України категорія «зловживання правами» юридично невизначена й немає узгодженого підходу щодо визначення критеріїв зловживання правом. Законодавець часто використовує інститут «зловживання» як частину різних правових конструкцій, але не встановлює змісту загального (узагальненого) поняття «зловживання правами» юридично. Це створює проблеми як для юридичної практики, судочинства, так і у разі здійснення прав їх володільцями та власниками.Під зловживанням правом розуміється формально правомірна поведінка суб’єкта правовідносин, яка призводить до порушення прав і законних інтересів інших осіб, що несумісне з основоположними принципами правового регулюваня.Проте зміст терміна «зловживання правом» (правами) знаходиться у приписах; охоплює індивідуальні, іноді різні види діянь. Процесуальне законодавство більш детально визначає зміст «зловживання процесуальними правами», але не дає вичерпний перелік таких діянь. Офіційна позиція законодавця – неприйнятність будь-яких зловживань правами. Такі правові норми мають захисний (заборонний) характер, вони не завжди розкривають сутність зловживань. По своїй суті, класифікація дій по зловживанню правами дозволяє виявити найбільш типові випадки досліджуваного явища, встановити тенденції на появу нових видів і форм зловживання правами і визначити найбільш дієві методи і засоби їх подолання.У дослідженні визначено місце зловживання суб’єктивними правами в порівнянні з соціально значущою (правовою) поведінкою. Встановлено, що зловживання правами не є особливим видом юридично значущої поведінки. Пропонується авторське розуміння поняття «зловживання правами» та його вид

    Strengthening of pipe tools for cold roller rolling of corrosion-resistant pipes by application of amorphous alloys

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    In the production of pipes from corrosion-resistant steels on pipe rolling plants, the current problem is the low stability of the pipe tool. Therefore, the creation of high-performance and durable tools is associated primarily with the production and processing of materials that could withstand harsh working conditions. The technology of heat hardening of the pipe tool for cold roller rolling of corrosion-resistant pipes (rollers and support laths of HPTR mills) from 4Х5МФ1С steel which excludes the third holiday and uses drawing of a covering from powders of amorphous alloys 100…150 µm thick is offered in the work. As a result of the offered technology durability, wear resistance, and also hardness to HV0.1 950–1050 (in comparison with HV 587–690 on existing technology of heat treatment in factory conditions) increases. A wide range of studies of the structure of the coating and industrial tests of rollers and support bars. It is shown that gas-plasma coating of amorphous alloy based on Fe–Si–B system increases the hardness of the tool surface by 1.3–1.6 times and their stability by ~ 30…50%.При виробництві труб із корозійно-стійких сталей на трубопрокатних установках актуальною проблемою є низька стійкість трубного інструменту. Тому, створення високопродуктивних і стійких в експлуатації інструментів зв'язане у першу чергу з одержанням й обробкою таких матеріалів, які могли б протистояти жорстким умовам роботи. В роботі запропонована технологія термозміцнення трубного інструмента для холодної роликової прокатки корозійно-стійких труб (роликів і опорних планок станів ХПТР) зі сталі 4Х5МФ1С, яка виключає третій відпуск і використовує нанесення покриття із порошків аморфних сплавів товщиною 100…150 мкм. Внаслідок запропонованої технології підвищуються міцність, зносостійкість, а також твердість до HV0,1 950–1050 (в порівнянні із HV 587–690 за існуючою технологією термічної обробки в заводських умовах). Проведено широкий комплекс досліджень структури покриття і промислових випробувань роликів і опорних планок. Показано, що газоплазмове нанесення покрить з аморфного сплаву на основі системи Fe–Si–B збільшує твердість поверхні інструменту в 1,3–1,6 рази і їх стійкість на ~ 30…50%.При производстве труб из коррозионно-стойких сталей на трубопрокатных установках актуальной проблемой является низкая устойчивость трубного инструмента. Поэтому создание высокопроизводительных и устойчивых в эксплуатации инструментов связано в первую очередь с получением и обработкой таких материалов, которые могли бы противостоять жестким условиям работы. В работе предложена технология термоупрочнения трубного инструмента для холодной роликовой прокатки коррозионно-стойких труб (роликов и опорных планок станов ХПТР) из стали 4Х5МФ1С, которая исключает третий отпуск и использует нанесения покрытия из порошков аморфных сплавов толщиной 100…150 мкм. Вследствие предложенной технологии повышаются прочность, износостойкость, а также твердость до HV0,1 950–1050 (по сравнению с HV 587-690 по существующей технологии термической обработки в заводских условиях). Проведен широкий комплекс исследований структуры покрытия и промышленных испытаний роликов и опорных планок. Показано, что газоплазменное нанесениe покрытий из аморфного сплава на основе системы Fe–Si–B увеличивает твердость поверхности инструмента в 1,3– 1,6 раза и их устойчивость на ~ 30…50%

    Modern view on the issues of diagnosis and verification of axillary lymph nodes involvement in early breast cancer

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    The involvement of axillary lymph nodes is one of the most important prognostic factors, significantly affecting the treatment strategy for early breast cancer (BC). The risk of axillary lymph node metastases depends directly on a number of factors (age of women, size of tumor, presence of lymphovascular invasion and biological characteristics of cancer). The evaluation of regional lymph node status in patients with early BC includes the clinical examination of regional zones and the ultrasound study (US), using these methods can help to study lymph nodes shape, borders, margins and structure. The sensitivity of ultrasound in the evaluation of regional lymph nodes status directly depends on the biological subtype of the tumor; the minimum level of ultrasound sensitivity in the evaluation of lymph nodes status is detected for luminal HER2-negative cancer (less than 40%), and maximum sensitivity is detected for triple negative and HER2-positive subtypes (6871%). Clinical examination and modern ultrasound are the most accessible methods for the evaluation of regional lymph nodes status, but the possibility to misjudge metastatic process can be detected in 1/4 of patients. Verification of the diagnosis in the preoperative phase (fine-needle aspiration biopsy/core-needle biopsy under ultrasound guidance) allows minimize the number of errors for the regional staging. The sentinel lymph node biopsy (SLNB) is the gold standard of regional treatment in patients with early stage BC, nowadays. The randomized trials (NSABP B-32, ACOSOG q0011) show the safety of recession of performing regional lymph node dissection in favor of SLNB not only in case of clinically negative lymph nodes, but also in patients with metastases in 2 sentinel lymph nodes, upon condition that organ-conservative treatment and subsequent radiation therapy will be used. High-quality regional staging, the choice of the therapeutic algorithm in accordance with the biological characteristics of carcinoma, the application of the most effective modern drug regimes, the optimal radiation therapy allow not only minimize the extent of surgery, but also achieve high long-term survival results, provide excellent functional results and high quality of life in patients with the involvement of axillary lymph nodes

    Types of Abuse of Law: Theoretical and Legal Aspect

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    The presented article examines the forms of abuse of rights. In legal science and legislation of Ukraine, the category of “abuse of rights” is legally vague and there is no agreed approach to defining the criteria for abuse of rights. The legislator often uses the institution of “abuse” as part of various legal structures, but does not legally establish the content of the general (generalized) concept of “abuse of rights”. This creates problems both for legal practice, legal proceedings, and in the case of the exercise of rights by their owners and owners.Abuse of law means the formally lawful behavior of the subject of legal relations, which leads to a violation of the rights and legitimates interests of others, incompatible with the fundamental principles of legal regulation.However, the content of the term "abuse of right" (rights) is in the prescriptions; covers individual, sometimes different types of acts. Procedural legislation defines in more detail the content of "abuse of procedural rights", but does not provide an exhaustive list of such acts. The official position of the legislator is that any abuse of rights is unacceptable. Such legal norms are of a protective (prohibitive) nature; they do not always reveal the essence of abuse. The classification of actions on abuse of rights contains not only formal, purely theoretical significance, but, in essence, the classification allows, by identifying the most typical cases of the phenomenon under study, to establish trends in the emergence of new types and forms of abuse of rights and to determine the most effective methods and means of overcoming them.The author determined the place of abuse of subjective rights in comparison with socially significant (legal) behavior. It has been established, that abuse of the right is not a type of legally significant behavior. The author's understanding of the concept of "abuse of rights" and its types is offere

    Early Palaeogene siliceous microfossils of the Middle Volga Region: stratigraphy and palaeogeography

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    Volume: 21Start Page: 429End Page: 45

    Therapeutic potential of ultrasound microbubbles in gastrointestinal oncology: recent advances and future prospects

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    Microbubbles were initially invented as contrast agents for ultrasound imaging. However, lately more and more therapeutic applications of microbubbles are emerging, mostly related to drug and gene delivery. Ultrasound is a safe and noninvasive therapeutic modality which has the unique ability to interact with microbubbles and release their payload in situ in addition to permeabilizing the target tissues. The combination of drug-loaded microbubbles and ultrasound has been used in preclinical studies on blood–brain barrier opening, drug and gene delivery to solid tumors, and ablation of blood vessels. This review covers the basic principles of ultrasound–microbubble interaction, the types of microbubbles and the effect they have on tissue, and the preclinical and clinical experience with this approach to date in the field of gastrointestinal oncology

    The histotripsy spectrum: differences and similarities in techniques and instrumentation

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    AbstractSince its inception about two decades ago, histotripsy – a non-thermal mechanical tissue ablation technique – has evolved into a spectrum of methods, each with distinct potentiating physical mechanisms: intrinsic threshold histotripsy, shock-scattering histotripsy, hybrid histotripsy, and boiling histotripsy. All methods utilize short, high-amplitude pulses of focused ultrasound delivered at a low duty cycle, and all involve excitation of violent bubble activity and acoustic streaming at the focus to fractionate tissue down to the subcellular level. The main differences are in pulse duration, which spans microseconds to milliseconds, and ultrasound waveform shape and corresponding peak acoustic pressures required to achieve the desired type of bubble activity. In addition, most types of histotripsy rely on the presence of high-amplitude shocks that develop in the pressure profile at the focus due to nonlinear propagation effects. Those requirements, in turn, dictate aspects of the instrument design, both in terms of driving electronics, transducer dimensions and intensity limitations at surface, shape (primarily, the F-number) and frequency. The combination of the optimized instrumentation and the bio-effects from bubble activity and streaming on different tissues, lead to target clinical applications for each histotripsy method. Here, the differences and similarities in the physical mechanisms and resulting bioeffects of each method are reviewed and tied to optimal instrumentation and clinical applications

    Targeted admission as a mechanism for HR formation in the agro-industrial complex

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    The article describes the targeted admission in the system of higher agricultural education in Russia as an institutional mechanism for the reproduction of the personnel potential of the country’s agro-industrial complex. The problem of reproduction of specialists in the agrarian sector has a deep contradiction and is characteristic not only for Russia or its individual regions, but at the global level. The empirical part of the study was carried out by the method of statistical analysis of data on the quality of targeted admission in the system of higher agricultural education in Russia in 2020. The article contains the characteristic of targeted admission in the system of agricultural education as an institutional mechanism for the reproduction of the personnel potential of the industry: all agricultural universities comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation, carrying out the admission of applicants for targeted training; customers are local authorities, state authorities of the regions, state enterprises; employers are mainly business entities of the agro-industrial complex; for the period 2018-2020 the admission of applicants to targeted training in agricultural universities decreased by 37.4% due to the reduction in the targeted figures for general admission and low interest of applicants; for training programs for highly qualified personnel, the quotas for the study period were filled from 12.5% to 22.5%. Conclusion: the targeted method in the system of higher agricultural education of the Russian Federation as an institutional mechanism does not fulfil the assigned tasks and requires improvement

    A new active cavitation mapping technique for pulsed HIFU applications-bubble doppler

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    Contractile State Dependent Sarcomere Length Variability in Isolated Guinea-Pig Cardiomyocytes

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    International audienceCardiomyocytes contract keeping their sarcomere length (SL) close to optimal values for force generation. Transmural heterogeneity in SL across the ventricular wall coordinates the contractility of the whole-ventricle. SL heterogeneity (variability) exists not only at the tissue (macroscale) level, but also presents at the level of a single cardiomyocyte (microscale level). However, transmural differences in intracellular SL variability and its possible dependence on the state of contraction (e.g. end-diastole or end-systole) have not been previously reported. In the present study, we studied three aspects of sarcomere-to-sarcomere variability in intact cardiomyocytes isolated from the left ventricle of healthy guinea-pig: 1) transmural differences in SL distribution between subepi- (EPI) and subendocardial (ENDO) cardiomyocytes; 2) the dependence of intracellular variability in SL upon the state of contraction; 3) local differences in SL variability, comparing SL distributions between central and peripheral regions within the cardiomyocyte. To characterize the intracellular variability of SL, we used different normality tests for the assessment of SL distributions, as well as nonparametric coefficients to quantify the variability. We found that individual SL values in the end-systolic state of contraction followed a normal distribution to a lesser extent as compared to the end-diastolic state of contraction (∼1.3-fold and ∼1.6-fold in ENDO and EPI, respectively). The relative and absolute coefficients of sarcomere-to-sarcomere variability in end-systolic SL were significantly greater (∼1.3-fold) as compared to end-diastolic SL. This was independent of both the transmural region across the left ventricle and the intracellular region within the cardiomyocyte. We conclude that the intracellular variability in SL, which exists in normal intact guinea-pig cardiomyocytes, is affected by the contractile state of the myocyte. This phenomenon may play a role in inter-sarcomere communication in the beating heart