34 research outputs found


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    Pelaksanaan PPL dilakukan mulai tanggal 18 Juli sampai dengan 15 September 2016 bertempat di SD Negeri Karanganyar yang beralamat di Jl. Sisingamangaraja 29 a, Yogyakarta. Kegiatan PPL ini yakni meliputi pelaksanaan program-program yang telah direncanakan, yaitu meliputi program mengajar dan non-mengajar, serta melaksanakan program insidental berdasarkan permintaan dan kebutuhan sekolah. Sebelum pelaksanaan PPL dimulai, mahasiswa terlebih dahulu melakukan observasi untuk memperoleh data yang diperlukan dalam penyusunan program kerja. Data tersebut meliputi kondisi sekolah berkaitan dengan sarana prasarana, kegiatan pembelajaran, serta potensi yang ada di SD Negeri Karanganyar. Pelaksanaan observasi yakni selama 1 semester, dengan alokasi waktu 1 kali dalam satu minggu. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL berjalan baik sesuai dengan rencana. Bentuk pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL terdiri dari tiga jenis, yaitu praktik mengajar terbimbing, praktik mengajar mandiri, dan ujian praktik mengajar. Praktik mengajar terbimbing dilakukan dua belas kali, praktik mengajar mandiri dilakukan tiga belas kali. Masing-masing jenis praktik mengajar dilakukan di kelas rendah dan kelas tinggi. Dari pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL di SD Negeri Karanganyar maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa kegiatan PPL dapat memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam pengembangan kompetensi di bidang pendidikan, memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan ilmu, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan yang telah dipelajari ke dalam proses pembelajaran di sekolah, serta dapat meningkatkan hubungan kemitraan yang baik antara UNY dengan sekolah yang terkait


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    Penelitian ini dilatar belakangi pembelajaran senam lantai yang dilakukan di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Gaden belum berjalan secara maksimal dikarenakan sebagian siswa kelas IV SD N 1 Gaden tidak tertarik dalam mengikuti pembelajaran senam lantai sehingga ketika pembelajaran berlangung siswa tidak memperhatikan dan sibuk ramai sendiri. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui motivasi dari siswa kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 1 Gaden terhadap pembelajaran senam lantai tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif menggunakan metode survei dengan teknik pengambilan datanya menggunakan angket. Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Gaden yang berjumlah 24 responden. Uji validitas instrumen menggunakan rumus Pearson Product Moment dengan hasil 30 butir soal dinyatakan valid dan 4 soal dinyatakan tidak valid. Uji reliabilitas instrumen menggunakan rumus Alpha Cronbach dan memperoleh koefisien reliabilitas sebesar 0,923 sehingga instrumen yang berisi butir-butir pernyataan tersebut adalah reliabel. Teknik analisis deskriptif yang dituangkan dalam bentuk persentase motivasi siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Gaden terhadap pembelajaran senam lantai tahun pelajaran 2016/2017. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa motivasi siswa kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Gaden terhadap pembelajaran senam lantai tahun pelajaran 2016/2017 secara keseluruhan adalah 2 siswa (8,33%) dalam kategori sangat baik, 14 siswa (58,33%) dalam kategori baik, 3 siswa (12,5%) dalam kattegori tidak baik dan 5 siswa (20,83%) dalam kategori sangat tidak baik

    Determinan Kemiskinan Di Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Tahun 2012-2019

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    Until now, poverty in Indonesia is still a homework that has not been completely resolved. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the factors in influencing poverty. This study aims to analyze the population, inflation rate, economic growth, and the open unemployment rate on the poverty rate in D.I.Yogyakarta Province in the 2012-2019 time period. The type of secondary data used was obtained from the D.I. Provincial Central Statistics Agency. Yogyakarta, which consists of a cross section in 5 regencies/cities in the Province of D.I. Yogyakarta and time series from 2012-2019. The analytical tool used in estimating the regression model is the Fixed Effect Model (FEM). The results showed that simultaneously all independent variables had a significant effect on the poverty level. Partially, the variables of population and economic growth have a negative and significant effect on the level of poverty in the Province of D.I. Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the inflation rate and the open unemployment rate have no effect on the poverty level. Keywords: poverty, population, economic growth, fixed effect mode


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    Among memorizers, many obstacles are experienced namely, poor memorization in the short term, lack of effective memorization time, wrong application of methods, lack of preparation, and lack of teaching staff who are proficient in memorizing the Koran. From this problem, the post modern generation should have awareness in memorizing the Qur’an.How is the consideration of the Darul Qur'an Islamic Boarding School teacher Sabilul Muttaqin in using the Wahdah method as an effort to improve the quality of rote memorization of students, how to plan the use of the Wahdah method in improving the quality of memorizing the Qur'an on the students of the Islamic Boarding School Darul Qur'an Sabilul Muttaqin, how to implement the method wahdah in improving the quality of memorization of Al-Qur'an at the Darul Qur'an Sabilul Islamic Boarding School students, Sabilul Muttaqin, how does the Wahdah Method Model in improving the quality of Al-Qur'an recitation at students of the Darul Qur'an Sabilul Muttaqin Islamic boarding school. The method used by researchers namely, observation, tests, interviews and documentation. In the research process, researchers use several cycles to refine the research process namely, pre cycle, cycle 1 and cycle


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    Masa remaja dan dewasa muda menghadirkan banyak kesempatan untuk bertemu orang baru, mengunjungi tempat-tempat baru dan menemukan arahan dalam perjalanan hidupnya, namun usia ini merupakan masa perubahan fisik dan emosional yang cepat dan intens, sehingga rentan menderita depresi. Depresi pada remaja dapat menyebabkan perilaku negative bahkan berujung pada keinginan bunuh diri. Depresi merupakan gangguan mental yang dapat disembuhkan, namun diskriminasi dari lingkungan sekitar penderita justru menambah beban penderita. Kurangnya pengetahuan dan informasi lingkungan sekitar terhadap gejala dan penanganan penderita depresi menjadi salah satu alasan diskriminasi kepada penderita, oleh karena itu penulis ingin membuat perancangan media informatif sebagai upaya pencegahan diskriminasi pada remaja penderita depresi. Metode yang digunakan yakni kualitatif dengan melalui proses studi literatur, observasi, wawancara, dan analisis untuk mendapatkan konsep dasar dalam perancangan. Hasil akhir dari perancangan ini diharapkan dapat mengedukasi lingkungan sekitar penderita mengenai gejala dan penanganan depresi Kata Kunci : Animasi, Motion Graphic, Depresi, Diskriminasi

    Analysis of Optimization of Fixed Asset Management for Sleman Regency Government

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    The key to successful economic management is related to the management of regional assets. Optimal management of regional assets will prioritize good governance and trustworthy management of state finances from the community. However, there are still some problems that occur in the management of fixed assets in the Sleman Regency Government. This research is a quantitative descriptive study that explains the relationship between asset inventory, valuation, legal audit, and supervision and control of the optimization of fixed assets. Research data was collected through the distribution of questionnaires. The analytical tool used is multiple regression analysis. The results showed that the inventory, assessment and supervision and control had an effect on the optimization of fixed assets. While the legal audit has no effect on the optimization of fixed assets

    Concentration Determination Disciplines Of Final Projects Using Simple Additive Weighting

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    A final project is the last project that must be made by a student before obtaining a degree. In practice students often experience confusion in determining the topic to be taken or what the concentration will serve as the topic of the final projects, where the topic is in accordance with their competence. Simple Additive Weighting (SAW) which is also known as weighted linear combination or scoring method is a simple and most often used multi attribute decision technique. This SAW method we trying to use to determine the final projects what is in accordance with the competence of students in the department of informatics Semarang Private University Semarang. The Result of this research can be provide input for students in determining their final projects, taking into consideration the values they acquired during the course. With the results of this research is expected the students will be able to work on their project papers to the maximum


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    In terms of activities in computer stores, many potential customers who come, then go home without making a transaction. This happens because consumers who come to the store want to know the price information, brand stock, and promotion first and then compare it with other stores. The decision recommendations generated by AHP are approaching expectations as they are examined from different perspectives and this method is very applicable to anyone decision makers because input is not only based on logic in general, but also intuition. The prototyping model implements rapid development and testing of the working model of new applications through repeated interaction processes. The object priority used based on AHP Comparative Judgment inference system calculation is (1) stock; (2) price; (3) distance (location). the process of comparison between criteria has been performed in a consistent manner consistent with the random consistency index of the normative analytical hierarchy process comparative judgment matrix. So that the output list that is displayed to the user can be used as the best reference product selection. Implementation of computer information system store application in Semarang City with AHP (Analyitical Hierarchy Processs) Comparative Judgment method can be accessed by Android users to recommend products to be purchased based on the criteria of availability of goods, price and distance practically anytime and anywhere

    Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Kebijakan Lppik Ums Dalam Meningkatkan Nilai Religius Mahasiswa Melalui Kegiatan Mentoring

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    Islamic religious mentoring activities at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta have existed since the first time the university was founded so that this university is considered as the center of da'wah at Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta, especially in the city of Surakarta. This study aims to describe the evaluation of the implementation of LPPIK UMS policies in increasing students' religious values through mentoring activities. The research uses qualitative methods. This research was conducted at the University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta. University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta is on Jl. A. Yani, Mendungan, Pabelan, Kartasura, Sukoharjo Regency, Central Java 57169. The data collection technique used in this study was observation, interviews, and documentation. Indicators of religious values used in this study are: 1) the value of worship, 2) the value of the spirit of jihad, 3) the value of morals and discipline, 4) the value of exemplary, 5) the value of trust and sincerity. This study uses two kinds of triangulation, namely triangulation techniques or data collection methods and triangulation of data sources. 1) Triangulation technique or data collection method, is used to test the credibility of the data by checking the data with the same source and with different techniques. Triangulation techniques or methods in this study in the form of data collection from interviews and documentation. 2) Triagulation of data sources, is used to test the credibility of the data by checking the data that has been obtained through several sources. Triangulation of data sources in this study came from informants, namely mentors, students and community leaders. From the results of interviews and observations, it was found that there was an increase in the religious value of UMS students through mentoring activities