12 research outputs found

    Probing the electrical properties of multilayer graphene

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    Graphene is a new two-dimensional (2D) material with unique electrical transport, optical and mechanical properties. However, monolayer graphene (MLG) is a gapless semiconductor, which limits its relevance for transistor applications where a large on/off ratio of the current is required. In this work the investigation of transport properties of few-layer graphene (FLG) is presented. These 2D electronic systems offer a novel solution to the problem concerned the absence of an energy gap in single layer graphene, since they exhibit an electric field and stacking-dependent band gap in the energy dispersion. Thus far, a clear observation of a band-gap in multilayer graphene (e.g. Bernal-stacked bilayers) in transport measurements was hindered by the presence of disorder. Here we develop a reliable and effective method of fabrication of high-quality suspended double-gated graphene devices, which are of crucial importance for probing the low energy dispersion of few-layer graphene. The current annealing technique, described in details, improves transport characteristics like carrier mobility, which is typically higher than ∼ 104 cm2/Vs for our multilayer devices. Electrical transport experiments on suspended dual-gated ABC-stacked trilayer are performed. We report the direct evidence of the opening of a tunable band-gap with an external perpendicular electric field, ranging from 0 meV up to 5.2 meV for an electric field of 117 mV/nm. Thermally activated transport is observed in these samples over the temperature range 0.5 - 80 K. The values of energy gap extracted from both temperature dependence of minimum conductivity measurements and non-linear I –V characteristics correlate well. Our experimental results are in a good agreement with theoretical approximation, based on self-consistent tight-binding calculations. The high quality of our ABC trilayer samples is also demonstrated by a particularly high on/off ratio of the current (250 at applied electrical displacement as low as 80 mV/nm), which makes these devices promising for future semiconductor electronics. FLG samples with reduced disorder allow us to observe quantum Hall effect (QHE) at magnetic field as low as 500 mT. We present the first study of electric field- induced new QH states in ABC trilayer graphene (TLG). The transitions between spin-polarized and valley polarized phases of the sample at the charge neutrality point are investigated. Resolved novel broken symmetry states along with observed Lifshitz transition in rhombohedral TLG display exciting phenomena attributed to rich physics in these interactive electronic systems

    Far-field excitation of single graphene plasmon cavities with ultracompressed mode volumes

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    Acoustic graphene plasmons are highly confined electromagnetic modes carrying large momentum and low loss in the mid-infrared and terahertz spectra. However, until now they have been restricted to micrometer-scale areas, reducing their confinement potential by several orders of magnitude. Using a graphene-based magnetic resonator, we realized single, nanometer-scale acoustic graphene plasmon cavities, reaching mode volume confinement factors of ~5 × 1010 Such a cavity acts as a mid-infrared nanoantenna, which is efficiently excited from the far field and is electrically tunable over an extremely large broadband spectrum. Our approach provides a platform for studying ultrastrong-coupling phenomena, such as chemical manipulation via vibrational strong coupling, as well as a path to efficient detectors and sensors operating in this long-wavelength spectral range.I.E. would like to thank Eduardo J. C. Dias for fruitful discussions and Dr. Fabien Vialla. D.R.S acknowledges the support of AFOSR(FA9550-12-1-0491, FA9550-18-1-0187) grants. N.M.R.P. acknowledges support from the European Commission through the project “Graphene-Driven Revolutions in ICT and Beyond” (Ref. use CORE 3 reference, not CORE 2). N.M.R.P. and T.G.R. acknowledge COMPETE 2020, PORTUGAL 2020, FEDER and the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through project POCI-01- 0145-FEDER-028114. F.H.L.K. acknowledges financial support from the Government of Catalonia trough the SGR grant, and from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness, through the “Severo Ochoa” Programme for Centres of Excellence in R and D (SEV-2015- 0522), support by Fundacio Cellex Barcelona, Generalitat de Catalunya through the CERCA program, and the Mineco grants Ramón y Cajal (RYC-2012-12281, Plan Nacional (FIS2013-47161-P and FIS2014-59639-JIN) and the Agency for Management of University and Research Grants (AGAUR) 2017 SGR 1656. Furthermore, the research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme under grant agreements no.785219 and no. 881603 Graphene Flagship. This work was supported by the ERC TOPONANOP under grant agreement no. 726001 and the MINECO Plan Nacional Grant 2D-NANOTOP under reference no. FIS2016-81044-P

    Detecting Ultrasound Vibrations with Graphene Resonators

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    Ultrasound detection is one of the most-important nondestructive subsurface characterization tools for materials, the goal of which is to laterally resolve the subsurface structure with nanometer or even atomic resolution. In recent years, graphene resonators have attracted attention for their use in loudspeakers and ultrasound radios, showing their potential for realizing communication systems with air-carried ultrasound. Here, we show a graphene resonator that detects ultrasound vibrations propagating through the substrate on which it was fabricated. We ultimately achieve a resolution of ∼7 pm/ in ultrasound amplitude at frequencies up to 100 MHz. Thanks to an extremely high nonlinearity in the mechanical restoring force, the resonance frequency itself can also be used for ultrasound detection. We observe a shift of 120 kHz at a resonance frequency of 65 MHz for an induced vibration amplitude of 100 pm with a resolution of 25 pm. Remarkably, the nonlinearity also explains the generally observed asymmetry in the resonance frequency tuning of the resonator when it is pulled upon with an electrostatic gate. This work puts forward a sensor design that fits onto an atomic force microscope cantilever and therefore promises direct ultrasound detection at the nanoscale for nondestructive subsurface characterization

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    There are a number of theoretical proposals based on strain engineering of graphene and other two-dimensional materials, however purely mechanical control of strain fields in these systems has remained a major challenge. The two approaches mostly used so far either couple the electrical and mechanical properties of the system simultaneously or introduce some unwanted disturbances due to the substrate. Here, we report on silicon micromachined comb-drive actuators to controllably and reproducibly induce strain in a suspended graphene sheet in an entirely mechanical way. We use spatially resolved confocal Raman spectroscopy to quantify the induced strain, and we show that different strain fields can be obtained by engineering the clamping geometry, including tunable strain gradients of up to 1.4%/μm. Our approach also allows for multiple axis straining and is equally applicable to other two-dimensional materials, opening the door to investigating their mechanical and electromechanical properties. Our measurements also clearly identify defects at the edges of a graphene sheet as being weak spots responsible for its mechanical failure