195 research outputs found

    Estimation of Reserves for Improving the Results of Patients with Multipresistant Pulmonary Tuberculosis in the Application of Surgical Methods Based on Analysis of the Efficiency of Conservative Treatment of a Specified Cohort

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    In order to improve the results of treatment of patients with multi-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis with the use of surgical methods, the effectiveness estimation of conservative treatment of 176 patients with this form of tuberculosis according to cohort analysis data in two districts of Kyiv were done.In the list were included following parameters: type of the tuberculosis, its clinical-radiological form and the prevalence of the process, the results of conservative treatment in patients who completely finished the course of anti-TB chemotherapy and the results of conservative treatment of 81 patients who had indications for surgical treatment but had not been operated. Processing of the materials of the study was carried out with the use of licensed software products included in the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 package. The predicted results of treatment were calculated on the condition of surgical intervention.Out of the total sample of patients, 31.3 % of the patients completed treatment. Mortality was 16.5 %, transferred to palliative care 11.9 %. More than one in three patients (35.2 %) stopped treatment at different times from the start.According to the clinic of thoracic surgery SU "National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky NAMS of Ukraine ", the overall effectiveness of treatment for patients with limited multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with the use of surgical intervention is about 95 % in the absence of mortality. We have modelled the potential results of treatment of the selected cohort in case of the surgical stage is fully and timely applied in a complex of therapeutic treatment. If all 81 patients with indications for surgical treatment used that way, then, with the above efficiency, a complete cure could be predicted in 77 patients (44.5 % of the total number of observations), which in turn would allow predicting the achievement completion of treatment at 64.2 % with complete cure for 60.6 % of patients.Thus, it is established that the positive result of surgical treatment in the general complex of treatment measures in patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis is able to improve the results of treatment of this contingent more than twice, reduce the mortality almost by three times, reduce the need for repeated courses of treatment from 7.4 % to 1.7 %, as well as to reduce the epidemiological reservoir of infection due to a significant decrease in the number of patients with failure to treat tuberculosis, interrupted and palliative treatment

    Influence of Substrate Temperature on the Optical Properties and the Deposition Rate of Amorphous Silicon Films

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    Layers of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films were deposited using Gas-Jet Electron Beam Plasma Chemical Vapor Deposition (GJ-EBP-CVD) technique. The optical parameters (refraction index (n), absorption coefficient ( )) and the thickness were determined from the extremes of the interference fringes of transmission spectrum in the range of 500 – 1000 nm using the envelope method and method PUMA. The spectral dependence of the refractive index and absorption coefficient was obtained by varying the substrate temperature (Ts). The optical band gap (Eg) was determined using Tauc method and the estimated values were in range 1.88 – 1.78 eV for various substrate temperatures. The calculated thicknesses for all samples were about 1 micrometer. The film’s deposition rate as a function of the substrate temperature was found. When you are citing the document, use the following link http://essuir.sumdu.edu.ua/handle/123456789/3539


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    In order to improve the results of treatment of patients with multi-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis with the use of surgical methods, the effectiveness estimation of conservative treatment of 176 patients with this form of tuberculosis according to cohort analysis data in two districts of Kyiv were done. In the list were included following parameters: type of the tuberculosis, its clinical-radiological form and the prevalence of the process, the results of conservative treatment in patients who completely finished the course of anti-TB chemotherapy and the results of conservative treatment of 81 patients who had indications for surgical treatment but had not been operated. Processing of the materials of the study was carried out with the use of licensed software products included in the Microsoft Office Professional 2007 package. The predicted results of treatment were calculated on the condition of surgical intervention. Out of the total sample of patients, 31.3 % of the patients completed treatment. Mortality was 16.5 %, transferred to palliative care 11.9 %. More than one in three patients (35.2 %) stopped treatment at different times from the start. According to the clinic of thoracic surgery SU "National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology named after F.G. Yanovsky NAMS of Ukraine ", the overall effectiveness of treatment for patients with limited multidrug-resistant tuberculosis with the use of surgical intervention is about 95 % in the absence of mortality. We have modelled the potential results of treatment of the selected cohort in case of the surgical stage is fully and timely applied in a complex of therapeutic treatment. If all 81 patients with indications for surgical treatment used that way, then, with the above efficiency, a complete cure could be predicted in 77 patients (44.5 % of the total number of observations), which in turn would allow predicting the achievement completion of treatment at 64.2 % with complete cure for 60.6 % of patients. Thus, it is established that the positive result of surgical treatment in the general complex of treatment measures in patients with multidrug-resistant pulmonary tuberculosis is able to improve the results of treatment of this contingent more than twice, reduce the mortality almost by three times, reduce the need for repeated courses of treatment from 7.4 % to 1.7 %, as well as to reduce the epidemiological reservoir of infection due to a significant decrease in the number of patients with failure to treat tuberculosis, interrupted and palliative treatment

    Some debating points of investment promotion in the form of public–private partnership.

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    Стремительный рост необходимости развития транспортной инфраструктуры потребовал значительных финансовых средств на ее развитие и поддержание. Традиционных источников финансирования транспортной инфраструктуры с каждым годом становится недостаточно. В связи с этим нестандартные формы финансирования, подразумевающие привлечение внебюджетных средств в сферу транспортных коммуникаций, с каждым годом набирают все большую популярность. Государственно–частное партнерство (ГЧП) имеет много преимуществ по сравнению с другими формами привлечения средств. На сегодняшний день оно является одной из актуальных тем для обсуждения. Однако при наличии различных целей партнеров, партнерство должно быть выгодным как для государства, так и для частного инвестора. В настоящее время механизм ГЧП приходит в экономику Республики Беларусь. В этой статье автор указывает на основные разногласия партнеров, с которыми может столкнуться Беларусь при реализации транспортных проектов в рамках ЧГП. = The urgent necessity of transport infrastructure development requires significant financial resources for its construction and maintenance. There are no sufficient traditional sources for these purposes. There-fore the use of innovative forms of financing implying obtaining of extra budgetary resources for the transportation sphere becomes more and more popular year after year. Public–private partnership (PPP) has many advantages over other forms of fundraising. Today it is one of the most pressing topics for discussion. But goals of partners are different. However, partnership should be beneficial for both state and private investors. At present the mechanism of PPP becomes more and more relevant for the economy of Belarus. The author of this paper defines the main disagreements between the partners which the Republic of Belarus may face in implementation of transport projects within the PPP. Key words: financing of transport infrastructure; public–private partnership (PPP); possible disagree-ments between partners; Republic of Belarus

    Conception of Monetary Policy Institutional Structure Reforming in the Republic of Belarus

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    It is shown in the paper that under current institutional conditions in the Republic of Belarus necessary for the real economy stimulating economic policy turns to be impossible. The main reason for such situation is the underdevelopment of the financial market adsorbing excess liquidity. It is also shown that in the countries with special dominance of the banking segment in the structure of financial system it is almost impossible to create a solid basis for long–term investing. At the same time, legal conditions for capital market and business development exist in the Republic of Belarus. The main obstacle in the development of the privatization processes considered by the author is the crisis of vertical and horizontal trust, which manifests itself in the well–known in the economic theory paradox of voting while making investment decisions. The creation of a new macro–economic structure – the Investment Bank of the first tier with the original scheme of attraction and placement of funds, which will allow to overcome the paradox of voting while making investment decisions and, therefore, will initiate the development of large–scale circulation of capital assets in the Republic of Belarus was suggested in the paper. Key words: financial market, monetary policy, financial depth, voting paradox, privatization, investment, Investment Bank of the first tier, innovative clusters

    Образование и культура в современном измерении

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    В статье осуществляется сравнительный анализ украинской системы образования и образовательных тенденций некоторых зарубежных стран. Выявлены совпадения и различие в подходах Германии, что дает возможность увидеть слабые и сильные стороны отечественного образования. А также делается вывод, что слепое копирование национальных образовательных достижений и заимствование западных образовательных моделей, что выросли на почве иной ментальности, не приведут Украину в число передовых стран Европы.The article deals with the problems of technocratic education tendency in Ukraine, ideologically based on Bologna reform system. The paper is a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian education system and educational trends in some foreign countries. The similarities and differences have been identified in the approaches of Germany, which gives the opportunity to see the strengths and weaknesses of the national education. And it is concluded that the copying of the national educational achievement and borrowing of the Western educational models that have grown on the basis of mentality, they will not lead Ukraine into one of the leading countries in Europe.В статье осуществляется сравнительный анализ украинской системы образования и образовательных тенденций некоторых зарубежных стран. Выявлены совпадения и различие в подходах Германии, что дает возможность увидеть слабые и сильные стороны отечественного образования. А также делается вывод, что слепое копирование национальных образовательных достижений и заимствование западных образовательных моделей, что выросли на почве иной ментальности, не приведут Украину в число передовых стран Европы

    The effect of bisphenol A on the endometrium

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    Topicality: Bisphenol A (BPA) is an organic polymer used in dental materials, plastic utensils, food containers, as well as in the production of polycarbonate plastic materials and resins covering metal cans and water pipes and in many other industries. People are exposed to BPA through the consumption of water and food stored in plastic containers. BPA is inhaled with dust from the air or absorbed through the skin. Because BPA is a xenoestrogen in its structure, BPA may have a significant effect on the endometrium, although its effects have not been fully studied. Aim:The aim of the study was to analyze the literature in order to reveal the mechanism of BPA's effect on the endometrium and the main effects of its action


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    The standard procedure of videothorascopic intervention has a series of disadvantages, connected with intubation narcosis, that limit the contingent of patients, who can undergo it.   Aim of the work is to raise the efficacy of diagnostic videothoracoscopy at pleural effusion syndrome on the base of its differentiated tactics.   Materials and methods. Differentiated tactics of the choice of method of diagnostic videothoracoscopy in patients with pleural effusion syndrome was introduced in the work of thoracic surgery department. Its essence is in fact that before operation after evacuation of effusion from the pleural cavity there was created an artificial pneumothorax, the state of hemithorax was radiologically assessed. According to the results of radiological examination, the patients, who underwent videothoracoscopy in simplified way, were selected. As opposite to the standard method, at simplified way the intravenous sedation was used instead of endotracheal, muscle rexalants were not used, the additional surgical manipulations were not carried out. For assessment of the efficacy of this tactics 124 cases of diagnostics and treatment of pleural effusion syndrome using videothoracoscopy we analyzed. Results. In the result of introduction of differentiated tactics of videothorascopic diagnostic in patients with pleural effusion syndrome the number of postanesthetic side effects was reduced by 65,9 %, the frequency of anesthesia by narcotic analgetics – from 2,8 to 1,4 times/day, the term of recovery of independent stool – from 72,0 to 34,3 hours, the term of activation after surgery (independent movement) – from 23,8 to 10,3 hours, the duration of staying in the intensive care department was reduced from 24,8 to 9,7 hours, duration of postsurgical treatment was reduced from 16,0 to 10,1 days. Results. The main advantages of introduction of differentiated tactics of videothorascopic diagnostics were: the reliable acceleration of activation after surgery, recovery of adequate peristalsis and independent stool, decrease of duration of staying in the intensive care department, decrease of the necessity in anesthesia with narcotic analgetics, reduction of the number of postanesthetic side effects and mean duration of postsurgical treatment. The received result is connected with the fact that two thirds of patients did not undergo the effect of preparations for intubation narcosis