177 research outputs found

    Hydrazides in the Processes of Extraction of Non-ferrous Metals from Ammonia Solutions

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    The extraction of copper and other non-ferrous metals from ammonia solutions with hydrazides оf Versatic acids (C15–C19 fraction) is discussed in this article. Hydrazide group has been known to be a selective extractant for non-ferrous metals. Introducing the alkyl radical of -branched tert-carboxylic acids into the reagent structure may lead to new properties important for an extractant, such as chemical stability and good compatibility with solvents properties. The optimal extraction conditions, the effect of ammonium salts and the regularities of re-extraction are assessed. Keywords: extraction, hydrazides,  -branched tert-carboxylic acids, non-ferrous metal

    A flaring X-ray pulsar in Dorado

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    A study of unusual gamma-ray bursts detected on March 5 and March 6, 1979 in the KONUS experiment on the Venera 11 and Venera 12 spacecraft shows their source to be flaring X-ray pulsar in Dorado

    Preliminary results of a gamma-ray burst study in the Konus experiment on the Venera-11 and Venera-12 space probes

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    Twenty-one gamma-ray bursts and 68 solar flares in the hard X-ray range were detected on Venera-11 and Venera-12 space probes during the initial 50-day observation period. Major characteristics of the equipment used and preliminary data on the temporal structure and energy spectra of the gamma-ray bursts are considered. The pattern of gamma-ray burst frequency distribution vs. intensity, N(S), is established


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    Introduction: the problem of organizing students’ independent work/self-study is not new, but the changes in the higher school for the last two decades show that the experience accumulated in the traditional educational model can be applied only when it is processed in the present-day conditions. The article analyses the innovative component of the educational process in terms of a significant increase in the volume of compulsory independent work in the university. Particular attention is paid to determining the levels of the formation of skills for independent work in terms of students’ readiness for its implementa¬tion. The aim of the research is to identify the most significant skills of independent work for successful study at the university. Materials and Methods: the research is based on general scholarly methods: analysis, comparison, generalisation. A questionnaire survey was carried out and a correlation analysis of the results was presented. The mathematical statistics methods in Excel application were u sed for processing the survey data. Results: the article focused on the relevance of formation the students’ ability to work independently in the learning process. Requirements for professionals recognize the need for knowledge and skills, but more importantly, the ability and readiness to complete this knowledge and be in a state of continuous education and self-education. In turn, readiness to self-education cannot exist without independent work. The ratio of students to work independently and their skills’ levels in this area of the gnostic, design, structural, organisational and communicative blocks were identified because o f the research. Discussion and Conclusions: the levels of the formation of the skills for independent work influence on the success of the learning. There is a correlation between indicators of achievement and the ability to work independently. Organisation and communication skills have significant effect on the first-year student. The results of education is closely linked to the skills for independent work. The results of the research presented in the article can be used by teachers in the preparation of educational and methodical complexes in the development of materials for the organisation of students’ independent work. Improving the academic performance of the students needs to shift the focus of the educational process in the direction of independence. It is necessary to develop the effective teaching methods of rational self-employment and the need for purposeful formation of the ability to work in dependently

    Механизм управления развитием градообразующих организаций

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    The study goal is to develop methodological foundations for the formation of governance mechanism of the development of city-forming organizations, which should contribute to their sustainable functioning, as well as the social and economic development of dominated by a single employer or industry municipal entities.The article explores the main approaches to the definition of the mechanism for managing the development of an economic entity. It concluded that there is no formalized mechanism for managing the development of city-forming organizations. The definition of the phenomenon under study is done. It identifies complementary properties that the mechanism for managing the development of city-forming organizations should possess. The principles of its functioning are expanded.The stages of governance mechanism for managing were proposed. The main procedures that require periodic execution are identified. An approach to systematize development strategies is based on the author's original classification of city-forming organizations. The developed algorithm for the formation of a mechanism for managing the development of city-forming organizations is aimed at extending the practical possibilities of using management tools for improving the efficiency of specific economic entities and the municipal economy as a whole.Цель исследования заключается в разработке методических основ формирования механизма управления развитием градообразующих организаций, который должен способствовать их устойчивому функционированию и социально-экономическому развитию монопрофильных муниципальных образований.В статье исследованы основные подходы к определению механизма управления развитием хозяйствующего субъекта. Сделан вывод об отсутствии формализованного механизма управления развитием градообразующих организаций. Дано определение исследуемого явления, дополнены свойства, которыми должен обладать механизм управления развитием градообразующих организаций. Расширены принципы его функционирования.Предложены этапы формирования механизма управления. Выявлены основные процедуры, которые требуют периодического исполнения. Предложен подход к систематизации стратегий развития градообразующих организаций на основе их авторской классификации. Разработанный алгоритм формирования механизма управления развитием градообразующих организаций направлен на расширение практических возможностей использования инструментов менеджмента для целей повышения эффективности как конкретных хозяйствующих субъектов, так и муниципальной экономики в целом

    Enriched environment attenuates enhanced trait anxiety in association with normalization of aberrant neuro-inflammatory events

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    Neuroinflammation is discussed to play a role in specific subgroups of different psychiatric disorders, including anxiety disorders. We have previously shown that a mouse model of trait anxiety (HAB) displays enhanced microglial density and phagocytic activity in key regions of anxiety circuits compared to normal-anxiety controls (NAB). Using minocycline, we provided causal evidence that reducing microglial activation within the dentate gyrus (DG) attenuated enhanced anxiety in HABs. Besides pharmacological intervention, “positive environmental stimuli”, which have the advantage of exerting no side-effects, have been shown to modulate inflammation-related markers in human beings. Therefore, we now investigated whether environmental enrichment (EE) would be sufficient to modulate upregulated neuroinflammation in high-anxiety HABs. We show for the first time that EE can indeed attenuate enhanced trait anxiety, even when presented as late as adulthood. We further found that EE-induced anxiolysis was associated with the attenuation of enhanced microglial density (using Iba-1 as the marker) in the DG and medial prefrontal cortex. Additionally, EE reduced Iba1 + CD68+ microglia density within the anterior DG. Hence, the successful attenuation of trait anxiety by EE was associated in part with the normalization of neuro-inflammatory imbalances. These results suggest that pharmacological and/or positive behavioral therapies triggering microglia-targeted anti-inflammatory effects could be promising as novel alternatives or complimentary anxiolytic therapeutic approaches in specific subgroups of individuals predisposed to trait anxiety

    Evolution of oxygen-ion and proton conductivity in Ca-Doped Ln2Zr2O7 (Ln = Sm, Gd), located near pyrochlore fluorite phase boundary

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    Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0, 0.05, 0.1) and Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) mixed oxides in a pyrochlore-fluorite morphotropic phase region were prepared via the mechanical activation of oxide mixtures, followed by annealing at 1600 ?C. The structure of the solid solutions was studied by X-ray diffraction and refined by the Rietveld method, water content was determined by thermogravimetry (TG), their bulk and grain-boundary conductivity was determined by impedance spectroscopy in dry and wet air (100-900 ?C), and their total conductivity was measured as a function of oxygen partial pressure in the temperature range: 700-950 ?C. The Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) pyrochlore solid solutions, lying near the morphotropic phase boundary, have proton conductivity contribution both in the grain bulk and on grain boundaries below 600 ?C, and pure oxygen-ion conductivity above 700 ?C. The 500 ?C proton conductivity contribution of Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) is ~ 1 ? 10-4 S/cm. The fluorite-like Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.1) solid solution has oxygen-ion bulk conductivity in entire temperature range studied, whereas proton transport contributes to its grain-boundary conductivity below 700 ?C. As a result, of the morphotropic phase transition from pyrochlore Sm2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) to fluorite-like Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1), the bulk proton conductivity disappears and oxygen-ion conductivity decreases. The loss of bulk proton conductivity of Gd2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (x = 0.05, 0.1) can be associated with the fluorite structure formation. It is important to note that the degree of Ca substitution in such solid solutions (Ln2-xCax)Zr2O7-? (Ln = Sm, Gd) is low, x < 0.1. In both series, grain-boundary conductivity usually exceeds bulk conductivity. The high grain-boundary proton conductivity of Ln2-xCaxZr2O7-x/2 (Ln = Sm, Gd; x = 0.1) is attributable to the formation of an intergranular CaZrO3-based cubic perovskite phase doped with Sm or Gd in Zr sublattice. ? 2019 by the authors.371C-9F16-EBDE | Eduarda GomesN/

    Medication-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw – theories of pathogenesis, peculiarities of clinical, radiological picture: literature review and personal observation

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    Medication-associated osteonecrosis of the jaw - severe complication that can happen in patients received therapy with bisphosphonates and in persons that are taking narcotic surrogates (desomorphine, pervitin). The relevance of the research is conditioned by wide use of bisphosphonates in patients with proven bone metastases, during myeloma, Paget disease. The remaining number of people that used narcotic surrogates, the use of red phosphor during self-crafted production of desomorphine and pervitin by patients with drug addiction is considerable. In hese two categories atypical forms of osteomyelitis are developing. The article is based on retrospective study of clinical record and data of radiological examinations of patients that are staying on the treatment in the department of maxillofacial surgery of MAI «Central city clinical hospital №23» in 2003 – 2017.Медикаментозноассоциированный остеонекроз челюсти — тяжелое осложнение, которое может возникнуть у пациентов, получающих терапию бисфосфонатами, а также у лиц, употребляющих наркотические суррогаты (дезоморфин, первитин). Актуальность исследования обусловлена широким применением бисфосфонатов у пациентов с доказанными костными метастазами, при миеломной болезни, болезни Педжета. Сохраняющееся немалое количество лиц, употребляющих наркотические суррогаты, использование красного фосфора при «кустарном» изготовлении дезоморфина и первитина пациентами с наркотической зависимостью. У этих двух категорий развиваются нетипичные формы остеомиелита. работа основана на ретроспективном изучении истории болезни и данных рентгенологического исследования пациентов, находящихся на лечении в отделении челюстно-лицевой хирургии МАУ «Центральная городская клиническая больница №23» в 2013 – 2017 г.г

    Успешное хирургическое лечение постинфарктного разрыва миокарда левого желудочка

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    ABSTRACT. The rupture of the left ventricle free wall is one of the most dangerous complications of myocardial infarction. Due to the widespread availability of echocardiography method, the detection of this fatal complication and the number of lives saved after surgery grew. The survival of patients depends on early diagnosis, stabilization of the patient’s condition, promptness and tactics of surgical intervention. We report a case of successful closure of a rupture of the left ventricle free wall on the 15th day after myocardial infarction.РЕЗЮМЕ. Разрыв свободной стенки левого желудочка (ЛЖ) является одним из наиболее опасных осложнений инфаркта миокарда. Благодаря широкому распространению и доступности метода эхо-кардиографии, увеличилось число диагностированных случаев прижизненного выявления этого фатального осложнения и количество спасенных жизней после хирургической коррекции. Выживание больных зависит от ранней диагностики, стабилизации состояния больного, оперативности и тактики хирургического вмешательства. Мы приводим случай успешного ушивания разрыва свободной стенки ЛЖ на 15-е сутки от острого инфаркта миокарда