1,208 research outputs found

    Cash holdings, corporate governance and financial constraints

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    We examine the relation between cash holdings, quality of governance and financial constraints. We find that firms with strong shareholder rights hold more cash, contrary to the predictions of agency theory. This result is partly due to the positive correlation that exists between governance quality measures and the degree of financial constraint faced by the firm. We show that governance quality has no impact on cash holdings by financially unconstrained firms. It does, however, have a positive impact on the cash holdings of certain financially constrained firms, particularly family firms. Anti-takeover provisions give these firms extra flexibility, enabling them to issue shares without the founding family losing control, and provide an alternative to high cash holdings.cash holdings; financial constraints; governance

    Cash holdings, corporate governance and financial constraints.

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    We examine the relation between cash holdings, quality of governance and financial constraints. We find that firms with strong shareholder rights hold more cash, contrary to the predictions of agency theory. This result is partly due to the positive correlation that exists between governance quality measures and the degree of financial constraint faced by the firm. We show that governance quality has no impact on cash holdings by financially unconstrained firms. It does, however, have a positive impact on the cash holdings of certain financially constrained firms, particularly family firms. Anti-takeover provisions give these firms extra flexibility, enabling them to issue shares without the founding family losing control, and provide an alternative to high cash holdings.Governance; Financial Constraints; Cash Holdings;

    Dimensions, Déterminants et Effets de l'Égalité Professionnelle Entre les Femmes et les Hommes: Enseignements d’Une Enquête Auprès des Cadres Marocaines

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    La prĂ©sente recherche se propose de participer Ă  la comprĂ©hension de l’égalitĂ© professionnelle homme/femme, Ă  l’identification de ses dimensions, dĂ©terminants et effets, en « faisant parler Â» les femmes travaillant dans les entreprises industrielles privĂ©es au Maroc. Pour ce faire, nous avons optĂ© pour un raisonnement hybride : inductif et dĂ©ductif avec des mĂ©thodes de recherche mixtes : qualitative et quantitative. Ainsi, outre la rĂ©alisation d'une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire auprès de 16 femmes cadres et dont les rĂ©sultats sont dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©s (Maghni  & Afilal, 2018), nous avons entamĂ© une enquĂŞte extensive par questionnaire auprès de 200 femmes cadres. Ce dernier a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© par internet, et ce, par l’envoi d’un formulaire HTML aux rĂ©pondantes. L’épuration des Ă©chelles de mesure est rĂ©alisĂ©e au travers d’une analyse de la fiabilitĂ© de la cohĂ©rence interne, suivie d’une analyse de la structure factorielle sous SPSS. La mĂ©thode PLS a permis de valider le modèle interne, de s’assurer de la qualitĂ© de l’ajustement du modèle externe, et de vĂ©rifier les hypothèses. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent la nature multidimensionnelle des perceptions des femmes marocaines sur l’égalitĂ© professionnelle. Des dĂ©terminants individuels et organisationnels ont Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s, de mĂŞme que l'effet de l'Ă©galitĂ© professionnelle H/F sur la satisfaction gĂ©nĂ©rale au travail.   This research aims to contribute to the understanding of professional equality between men and women, to the identification of its dimensions, determinants and effects, by “making speak” women working in private industrial companies in Morocco. To do this, we opted for hybrid reasoning: inductive and deductive with mixed research methods: qualitative and quantitative. Thus, in addition to carrying out an exploratory qualitative study with 16 female managers, the results of which have already been published (Maghni & Afilal, 2018), we conducted an extensive survey by questionnaire with 200 female executives. The questionnaire was administered via the Internet, by sending an HTML form to the respondents. The purification of the measurement scales is carried out through an analysis of the reliability of the internal consistency, followed by an analysis of the factorial structure under SPSS. The PLS method made it possible to validate the internal model, to ensure the quality of the adjustment of the external model, and to verify the hypotheses. The results reveal the multidimensional nature of Moroccan women's perceptions of professional equality. Individual and organizational determinants were validated, as well as the effect of M/F professional equality on general job satisfaction

    Proper Names and Common Nouns Dissociation: Exploring Differences in Linguistic Processing and Memory Retrieval

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    Tese de mestrado, CiĂŞncia Cognitiva, 2022, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de CiĂŞnciasPhilosophy and linguistics suggest that proper names and common nouns are dissociate lexicosemantic categories. Evidence from psychology and neuropsychology honours this distinction as it provides indications that they may activate different neuro-functional systems. Nevertheless, there are still some lacks in the literature that must be filled. There are mixed findings about the temporal pole involvement in proper names retrieval. Furthermore, to our knowledge, no study has yet investigated the dissociation of proper names vs. common nouns in light of the welldocumented oscillatory dissociation of episodic theta and semantic alpha as reflecting the distinct declarative memory requirements. Besides, no study has explored the brain-based dissociation between the two categories using images as a stimulus. Our naming task showed that there is a dissociation in the retrieval of proper names being more demanding and source-consuming compared to common nouns. Also, oscillations patterns revealed a more pronounced evoked theta power in the proper names retrieval condition in comparison to the common nouns condition. For the alpha wave, we did not obtain differences between the categories. These results sustain the claim of the existence of functionally and anatomically distinct retrieval pathways for the categories of proper and common names, and thus, a dissociation between proper names and common nouns

    Olive by-products characterization and optimization of extraction techniques to recover bioactive compounds

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    Mestrado de dupla diplomação com a Université Libre de TunisIn the rapidly growing world, there’s a substantial demand for food. The current challenge extends beyond the need for more food; it involves a concerning surge in food waste, posing interconnected risks to the environment, health, and the economy. Numerous studies have been addressing this issue and minimizing environmental harm. Plant waste, generated during cultivation, processing, and consumption, contains a wealth of bioactive compounds with various beneficial effects, for example antioxidant activities. The Olea europaea leaves were extracted using dynamic maceration extraction (DE) for 1 h and 3 h, ultrasound-assisted extraction (UAE), and microwave-assisted extraction (MAE) to evaluate the antioxidant potential of the resultant extracts. Four antioxidant assays were performed, including 2,2-Diphenyl 1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), 2,2’-azinobis-(3- ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS), Ferric ion reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and reducing power (RP). The total phenolic compounds (TPC) content was also determined. The results showed that DE-3h presents the highest TPC value compared to DE-1h, UAE and MAE which showed approximately similar amounts. DPPH, FRAP, and RP showed better results than ABTS test. Considering cost-effectiveness, DE comes up as the preferred extraction technique over UAE and MAE, particularly for evaluating various responses, with a specific emphasis on the DPPH test due to its specificity and simplicity compared to the other tests. DE extraction was performed using two solvents: methanol and acetone through a central composite design (CCD) to study the effect of three factors numerical (time of extraction, percentage of solvent, and pH level) and 1 categorical factor (Solvent type) on five responses (DPPH, TPC, yield of extraction, carotenoids, and chlorophylls determination). An exploratory data analysis (EDA) complemented this assessment. Carotenoids and chlorophylls demonstrated higher extractability when utilizing acetone, while the DPPH assay and extraction yields exhibited better results when methanol was used for extraction. In terms of fitting models, response surface methodology (RSM) was applied for all independent and dependent variables, allowing us to suggested optimization with a desirability value of 65.6% including the following parameter values: Extraction time (A) = 120 minutes, Solvent percentage (B) = 78%, Solvent pH (C) = 5, and Solvent type = Acetone. Which yields 2.51 μg/mL of TCC, 6.05 μg/mL of Chlorophyll A content, 18.4 μg Trolox equivalent/mL o for the DPPH test, 108.72 μg gallic acid equivalent/mL for the TPC test, and an extraction yield of 50.7%.O rápido crescimento populacional leva a uma procura substancial por alimentos, que por consequência leva a um preocupante aumento de desperdício alimentar, que acarreta riscos ambientais, para saúde humana e a economia. Vários estudos têm vindo a ser realizados com intuito de diminuir os perigos ambientais causados por este problema. Os resíduos vegetais, gerados durante o cultivo, processamento e consumo, contém uma variedade de compostos bioativos com diferentes propriedades benéficas para a saúde humana, incluindo atividade antioxidante. Foram realizados diferentes métodos de extração dos compostos bioativos presentes nas folhas de oliveira (Olea europaea): extração hidrodinâmica (DE) (1 h e 3 h), extração assistida por ultrassom (UAE) e extração assistida por micro-ondas (MAE) para avaliar o potencial antioxidante. Foram realizados quatro testes antioxidantes: 2,2-Difenil-1-picril- hidrazil (DPPH), ácido 2,2'-azinobis-(3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfônico) (ABTS), poder antioxidante redutor de íons férricos (FRAP) e poder redutor (RP).; o conteúdo total de compostos fenólicos (TPC) também foi determinado. Os resultados mostraram que DE-3h apresenta o maior valor de TPC em comparação com DE-1h, UAE e MAE, que mostraram quantidades aproximadamente semelhantes. DPPH, FRAP e RP mostraram melhores resultados do que o teste ABTS. Considerando a relação custo-eficácia, a DE foi preferida em relação à UAE e MAE, com ênfase específica no teste DPPH devido à sua especificidade e simplicidade em comparação com os outros testes. A extração DE foi realizada com o uso de dois solventes: metanol e acetona, através de um design composto central (CCD) para estudar o efeito de três fatores numéricos (tempo de extração, percentagem de solvente e nível de pH) e um fator categórico (tipo de solvente) em cinco respostas (DPPH, TPC, rendimento da extração, carotenoides e clorofilas). Uma análise exploratória de dados (EDA) complementou esta avaliação. A extração com acetona demonstrou melhores resultados para os carotenoides e clorofilas, enquanto o metanol apresentou melhores rendimentos de extração e resultados no ensaio DPPH. A metodologia de superfície de resposta (RSM) foi aplicada a todas as variáveis independentes e dependentes, permitindo-nos sugerir a otimização com um valor de desejabilidade de 65.6%, incluindo os seguintes valores de parâmetros: tempo de extração (A) = 120 min, % de solvente (B) = 78%, pH (C) = 5 e Tipo de solvente = Acetona, que resulta em 2.51 μg/mL de TCC, 6.05 μgclorofila a/mL, 18.4 μg eq. Trolox/mL (DPPH), 108.72 μg eq. ácido gálico/mL (TPC) e um rendimento de extração de 50.7%

    Rethinking Gender in Translation

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    The mediator between people all over the world is language, and translation is the means by which we can cross borders. Translation can play an important role in moving towards a common livable world of coexistence and transnationality. Feminist translation theory emerged from the shared struggle women and translation experience; it criticizes the concepts that place both women and translation at the bottom of the literary and social scale. “La liberation des femmes passé par le language” is a famous saying among women of the 1970s feminist movement which indicates that women must be first liberated from language. And since translation is made of language, it is considered by feminist thought to be the best field in which they can nourish language. A critique of sexism in language goes through several stages: it corrects the vocabulary, examines the feminine symbols in language, and gives voice to gender in language since gendered language is responsible for creating misinterpretations. Hence, in this paper, I am going to examine the intersection between feminism and translation. I will investigate how feminist translation can give birth to reformist recreations of an original text that is dominantly masculine by recovering the feminine that is obscured and made invisible by masculine grammar. In addition, I will also discuss how translation gives another life to the original text by using different strategies to make gender visible in the text’s language so that women can be heard. Finally, I am going to discuss women’s translation of the sacred by comparing two feminist translations of the Quran

    Dimensions, Déterminants et Effets de l'Égalité Professionnelle Entre les Femmes et les Hommes: Enseignements d’Une Enquête Auprès des Cadres Marocaines

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    La prĂ©sente recherche se propose de participer Ă  la comprĂ©hension de l’égalitĂ© professionnelle homme/femme, Ă  l’identification de ses dimensions, dĂ©terminants et effets, en « faisant parler Â» les femmes travaillant dans les entreprises industrielles privĂ©es au Maroc. Pour ce faire, nous avons optĂ© pour un raisonnement hybride : inductif et dĂ©ductif avec des mĂ©thodes de recherche mixtes : qualitative et quantitative. Ainsi, outre la rĂ©alisation d'une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire auprès de 16 femmes cadres et dont les rĂ©sultats sont dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©s (Maghni & Afilal, 2017), nous avons entamĂ© une enquĂŞte extensive par questionnaire auprès de 200 femmes cadres. Ce dernier a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© par internet, et ce, par l’envoi d’un formulaire HTML aux rĂ©pondantes. L’épuration des Ă©chelles de mesure est rĂ©alisĂ©e au travers d’une analyse de la fiabilitĂ© de la cohĂ©rence interne, suivie d’une analyse de la structure factorielle sous SPSS. La mĂ©thode PLS a permis de valider le modèle interne, de s’assurer de la qualitĂ© de l’ajustement du modèle externe, et de vĂ©rifier les hypothèses. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent la nature multidimensionnelle des perceptions des femmes marocaines sur l’égalitĂ© professionnelle. Des dĂ©terminants individuels et organisationnels ont Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s, de mĂŞme que l'effet de l'Ă©galitĂ© professionnelle H/F sur la satisfaction gĂ©nĂ©rale au travail.   This research aims to contribute to the understanding of professional equality between men and women, to the identification of its dimensions, determinants and effects, by “making speak” women working in private industrial companies in Morocco. To do this, we opted for hybrid reasoning: inductive and deductive with mixed research methods: qualitative and quantitative. Thus, in addition to carrying out an exploratory qualitative study with 16 female managers, the results of which have already been published (Maghni & Afilal, 2017), we conducted an extensive survey by questionnaire with 200 female executives. The questionnaire was administered via the Internet, by sending an HTML form to the respondents. The purification of the measurement scales is carried out through an analysis of the reliability of the internal consistency, followed by an analysis of the factorial structure under SPSS. The PLS method made it possible to validate the internal model, to ensure the quality of the adjustment of the external model, and to verify the hypotheses. The results reveal the multidimensional nature of Moroccan women's perceptions of professional equality. Individual and organizational determinants were validated, as well as the effect of M/F professional equality on general job satisfaction

    Racial Politics in Zora Neale Hurston’s “Sweat”, Toni Morrison’s “Recitatif”, and James Baldwin’s “Sonny’s Blues”

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    The African American literature is a committed literary framework which subsumes a tremendous corpus of works whose intent is to re-echo the variegated traumas African Americans have gone through in the course of history. In doing so, it sheds light on the intricate conundrums of slavery, social discrimination, racism, the African American history, culture and identity, and interracial relationships. In this context, in their short stories “Sweat”, “Recitatif” and “Sonny’s Blues”, Zora Neale Hurston, Toni Morrison and James Baldwin respectively endeavor to foreground the same issue of racial politics, yet each of these authors embrace a quintessentially different perspective

    Dimensions, Déterminants et Effets de l'Égalité Professionnelle Entre les Femmes et les Hommes: Enseignements d’Une Enquête Auprès des Cadres Marocaines

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    La prĂ©sente recherche se propose de participer Ă  la comprĂ©hension de l’égalitĂ© professionnelle homme/femme, Ă  l’identification de ses dimensions, dĂ©terminants et effets, en « faisant parler Â» les femmes travaillant dans les entreprises industrielles privĂ©es au Maroc. Pour ce faire, nous avons optĂ© pour un raisonnement hybride : inductif et dĂ©ductif avec des mĂ©thodes de recherche mixtes : qualitative et quantitative. Ainsi, outre la rĂ©alisation d'une Ă©tude qualitative exploratoire auprès de 16 femmes cadres et dont les rĂ©sultats sont dĂ©jĂ  publiĂ©s (Maghni  & Afilal, 2018), nous avons entamĂ© une enquĂŞte extensive par questionnaire auprès de 200 femmes cadres. Ce dernier a Ă©tĂ© administrĂ© par internet, et ce, par l’envoi d’un formulaire HTML aux rĂ©pondantes. L’épuration des Ă©chelles de mesure est rĂ©alisĂ©e au travers d’une analyse de la fiabilitĂ© de la cohĂ©rence interne, suivie d’une analyse de la structure factorielle sous SPSS. La mĂ©thode PLS a permis de valider le modèle interne, de s’assurer de la qualitĂ© de l’ajustement du modèle externe, et de vĂ©rifier les hypothèses. Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent la nature multidimensionnelle des perceptions des femmes marocaines sur l’égalitĂ© professionnelle. Des dĂ©terminants individuels et organisationnels ont Ă©tĂ© validĂ©s, de mĂŞme que l'effet de l'Ă©galitĂ© professionnelle H/F sur la satisfaction gĂ©nĂ©rale au travail.   This research aims to contribute to the understanding of professional equality between men and women, to the identification of its dimensions, determinants and effects, by “making speak” women working in private industrial companies in Morocco. To do this, we opted for hybrid reasoning: inductive and deductive with mixed research methods: qualitative and quantitative. Thus, in addition to carrying out an exploratory qualitative study with 16 female managers, the results of which have already been published (Maghni & Afilal, 2018), we conducted an extensive survey by questionnaire with 200 female executives. The questionnaire was administered via the Internet, by sending an HTML form to the respondents. The purification of the measurement scales is carried out through an analysis of the reliability of the internal consistency, followed by an analysis of the factorial structure under SPSS. The PLS method made it possible to validate the internal model, to ensure the quality of the adjustment of the external model, and to verify the hypotheses. The results reveal the multidimensional nature of Moroccan women's perceptions of professional equality. Individual and organizational determinants were validated, as well as the effect of M/F professional equality on general job satisfaction
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