311 research outputs found

    Solving Cold Start Problem in Collaborative Filtring Method of Recommender Systems

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    Recommender systems try to recommend articles of potential interest to a user with respect to the user\u27s individual preferences. Such recommender systems are the focus of current interest in part because of their importance for e-business. Collaborative filtering is the most promising technique in recommender systems. It provides personalized recommendations according to user\u27s preferences. But one of the problems of Collaborative filtering is cold-start. Here, we provide a novel approach for solving this problem through the attributes of items in order to recommend articles to more people for improving e-business

    Cluster und Netzwerke als Bestimmungsfaktoren der regionalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: das Beispiel der Region Nürnberg, unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Beitrags der WiSo-Fakultät der Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

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    Der hier vorliegende Beitrag befasst sich mit dem Thema der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit von Regionen. Im Mittelpunkt der Betrachtung stehen dabei Cluster und Netzwerke, da diese für die Verbesserung der internationalen Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einer Region von zentraler Bedeutung sind. Ausgehend von der Begriffsbestimmung, bei dem sich vor allem der Porter-Ansatz als hilfreich herausstellt, wird insbesondere der Messung der Wettbewerbsfähigkeit Gegenstand der Untersuchung nachgegangen. Am Beispiel der Region Nürnberg wird die Frage behandelt, wie die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit einer Region quantitativ bestimmt und verbessert werden kann. Dabei soll neben den zahlreichen vorhandenen Cluster- und Netzwerkstrukturen der Beitrag der WiSo-Fakultät der Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg in Form von Forschung und Lehre für die Grund- und Kernkompetenzen sowie Cluster der Region untersucht werden. --

    The effectiveness of parent-based pivotal response treatment on social health and psychological well-being among mothers with autistic children

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    Introduction: Parents of children with autism are increasingly are considered as one of the primary source of intervention for their children, also there is an increasing demand for access to effective interventions for families who have children with autism. The aim of this study is to investigate the impact of parent-based pivotal response treatment (PRT) on social health (the amount of interaction a person has with their community) among mothers with autistic children.Methods: The present study is a semi-experimental research and its design consists of pretest, posttest with control group and a sample of 40 mothers with autistic children referring to the educational and rehabilitation center of Tehran and Karaj from fall to winter of 2016., participants  were selected in two groups of control (20 people) and tested (20 people). To measure the independent variables in the pretest, post-test questionnaires, Reef psychological well-being and the social health of Keyes and Shapiro (short form) were used. The experimental group was trained for PRT during three months. Ultimately, the collected data were analyzed applying SPSS software via paired t-test and independent t-test method.  Results: The results showed that there was significant increase in scales of social heath and psychological well-being in both experimental group and control group; but the increment was significantly higher in experimental group (P < 0.001; P < 0.023 respectively).Conclusion: According to benefits of parental intervention in treatment and importance of increasing therapy sessions for children with autism, it is recommended that this therapy method in conjunction with conventional methods is offered to parents of children with autism specially mothers.

    Muscle stimulation timing while implementing Ura Mawashi Geri in Iranian elite women

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    Introduction: Karate is a martial art in which the technics are performed by kicks, punches (hand) and rotational movements. Ura MAWASHI GERI is a kind of kick which involves the core stability muscles of Lumbar – Pelvic areas, Quadriceps muscle (Lower extremity) and knee and lumbar – pelvic joints while being performed. The purpose of this research is to determine the muscle stimulation time pattern of Gluteus Medius (GM), External Oblique (EO) and Quadriceps muscles such as Vastus Medialis (VM), Vastus Lateralis (VL) at any phases of the implementation of the technique by the dominant leg. The muscular activities of VM, VL, EO and GM in 5 Iranian healthy elite Karatekas (in average age of (21/4) were recorded by the Electromyography device. The onset latency of the muscle activity and the Goniometric data (Knee Joint) were defined after processing the RMS of data and according to the Mean+4sd. After that, the average of the obtained records was used to determine the onset of each muscle separately at all phases of the implementation of the techniques. The results showed Glutesus Medius, at the phases of one, four, and five, and Vatus Medialis, at the phases of two and six, and the External Oblique at the third phase act earlier in comparison with other muscles

    Effect of Inoculation Place of Frozen Semen on Fertility Rate in Synchronized Afshari Ewes

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    The aim of the present study was to perform laparoscopic inoculation of frozen semen and to determine the fertility rate after laparoscopic inoculation into one or both uterine horns regardless of the ovulation site in Afshari ewes. This study was performed in Tehran, Alborz and Qazvin provinces for about 4 years in- and out-of-breeding season. The studied animals included 11533 Afshari ewes (age range 2-6 years) with an average weight of 57.3 ± 4.1 kg and the body condition score (BCS) of 3.1 ± 0.1. The results of this study showed that fertility varied between years, but these changes were not significant. Significant differences were found between seasons. The highest fertility was observed in spring and summer compared to autumn and winter (

    Effect of Inoculation Place of Frozen Semen on Fertility Rate in Synchronized Afshari Ewes

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    The aim of the present study was to perform laparoscopic inoculation of frozen semen and to determine the fertility rate after laparoscopic inoculation into one or both uterine horns regardless of the ovulation site in Afshari ewes. This study was performed in Tehran, Alborz and Qazvin provinces for about 4 years in- and out-of-breeding season. The studied animals included 11533 Afshari ewes (age range 2-6 years) with an average weight of 57.3 ± 4.1 kg and the body condition score (BCS) of 3.1 ± 0.1. The results of this study showed that fertility varied between years, but these changes were not significant. Significant differences were found between seasons. The highest fertility was observed in spring and summer compared to autumn and winter (

    Use of Non-destructive X-ray Microscopic Techniques to Study Fluid Transport in Cement-based Materials

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    Most of the urban infrastructure is made of concrete with a design service life of over 50 years. Unfortunately, many concrete structures suffer from premature deterioration due to durability issues, most commonly caused by corrosion. The external penetration of ions into cementitious materials is the primary factor influencing the long-term durability of concrete structures. Current test methods to study ion transport in cement-based materials are typically destructive, time consuming, labor intensive, and have a poor spatial resolution to study complex transport phenomenon and capture the effect of complex geometries on fluid transport. In addition, there is little knowledge of the dynamic process of fluid penetration into cement-based materials because few experimental techniques are able to give quantitative spatial measurements of the fluid movement without damaging the sample. This study aims to develop a systematic approach to use micro X-ray fluorescence (�XRF) and Transmission X-ray microscopy (TXM) to study ion transport in different cementitious systems. Examples were shown where these powerful, non-destructive techniques can identify the influence of local abnormalities on ion transport with high spatial resolution and can image the early age combined ion transport mechanisms in real time. The current study uses these techniques to evaluate and compare the time-dependent resistance of different alternative cementitious materials (ACMs) to ion penetration. In addition, the effect of degree of saturation, which is a crucial factor in durability of cement-based materials, on ion penetration into partially-saturated samples were investigated by using the developed X-ray imaging techniques. Furthermore, the performance of silane treatments, which is a commonly used surface treatment to reduce fluid entry into concrete was evaluated by �XRF. Also, the effective lifespan of this treatment in concrete bridge decks was determined. The use of developed techniques and observed results from this study helps to expand our understanding of ion transport in cement-based materials and to greatly improve the current models of mass transport and service life predictions of the concrete. This can help a large amount of money to be saved in repair, maintenance, and management of concrete structuresCivil Engineerin

    Microstructural Evolutions and its Impact on the Corrosion Behaviour of Explosively Welded Al/Cu Bimetal

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    In this study, the microstructural evolutions and corrosion resistance of aluminium/copper joint fabricated through explosive welding process have been thoroughly investigated, while stand-off distance was variable. Microstructural analyses demonstrate that, regardless of grain refinement in the welding boundary, increasing the stand-off space is followed by a higher thickness of the localized melting pool. X-Ray diffraction (XRD) and energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) analyses recognized the binary intermetallic layers as a combination of Al2Cu and AlCu. Polarization and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) corrosion tests revealed that a higher stand-off distance resulted in the increment of corrosion potential, current rate, and concentration gradient at the interface owing to the remarkable kinetic energy of the collision, which impaired corrosion resistance

    Kan kvalitetsarbeid påvirke sikkerheten?

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    Master's thesis in Risk management and societal safetyBakgrunn: Fokuset på kvalitet og sikkerhet står stadig på dagsorden hos virksomheter i både Norge og globalt. ISO- standarden 9001:2008 retter hovedfokuset mot forbedring av kvalitet knyttet til produkter og tjenester. Kvalitet og sikkerhet nevnes ofte i sammenheng da de benytter seg av samme ide om styrings- og læringssløyfer, og de har forbedring som formål. I bedrifter som jobber i henhold til ISO- standarden 9001:2008, og samtidig er utsatt for høy risiko og stort ulykkespotensiale, er det hensiktsmessig å ha et helhetlig syn på både kvalitetsog sikkerhetsarbeid. Det lønner seg å bygge opp personellets kompetanse og bevissthet både i forhold til kvalitetsarbeid og risiko. Formål: Bedrifter som er sertifiserte eller jobber i henhold til ISO-standarden 9001:2008 har hovedfokuset rettet mot forbedring av kvalitet. Per i dag finnes det lite tydelig forskning, på hvordan forbedring av kvalitet påvirker sikkerhetsnivå i bedrifter. Bedrifter som jobber i henhold til ISO-standarden 9001:2008 skal oppfylle mange krav. Et av de kravene er krav 6.2.2 som dreier seg om kompetanse, opplæring og bevissthet hos personell. Dette kravet anser vi som relevant i forhold til forebygging av uønskede hendelser. Vi antar at kravet vil bidra til at personell blir bedre rustet i konfrontasjon med farer og risiko. Dette danner grunnlag for følgende problemstilling: « Kravet om kompetanse, opplæring og bevissthet i ISO 9001:2008 forebygger uønskede hendelser». Metode: Problemstillingen søkes besvart gjennom en kvalitativ metode. Forskningsdesignet består av dybdeintervjuer av to forfattere av veilederen til ISO-standarden 9001:2008, i tillegg til 9 HMSK- ansvarlige fra bedrifter, hvor personell var utsatt for risikofylte aktiviteter. Disse bedriftene var enten sertifiserte, eller jobbet i henhold til denne standarden. I tillegg til dybdeintervju har oppgaven benyttet seg av dokumentstudier. Resultat: Resultatene viser at både implementering av ISO-9001:2008, og praktisering av krav 6.2.2 varierte fra bedrift til bedrift. Denne variasjonen er et resultat av samspill mellom mange faktorer, blant annet ledelse, medvirkning, holdninger og rapportering. I denne forbindelsen spiller ledelsen sin kompetanse en vesentlig rolle i forhold til både verdsetting av kravet og bruk av økonomiske ressurser. Samtidig viser resultatet at praktisering av kravet ikke alltid er uten utfordringer. Utfordringer er knyttet til definering av kravet, identifisering og kartlegging av kompetanse, iverksetting og evaluering av tiltak, samt disponering av økonomiske ressurser. Tross alle variasjoner av praktisering av kravet og utfordringer, viser resultater at det finnes en stor enighet blant informanter om at kravet 6.2.2 som omhandler kompetanse, opplæring og bevissthet vil bidra til økt sikkerhetsnivå i bedrifter. Konklusjon: Studien viser at kvalitetsarbeid har en klar sammenheng med forebygging av uønskede hendelser, selv om denne sammenhengen ikke alltid bevisst tas i betraktning. Bruk av ISO-standarden 9001:2008 er ikke bare et verktøy for å forbedre produkter og tjenester, men også en viktig bidragsyter for å oppnå et høyt sikkerhetsnivå i bedrifter. Men det er samtidig vanskelig å fastslå i hvor stor grad kvalitetsarbeidet kan påvirke dette sikkerhetsnivået. Kompetanse, opplæring og bevissthet kan betraktes som viktige forutsetninger for at organisasjoner danner et solid grunnlag for å lykkes med kvalitetsarbeidet. I tillegg til et vellykket kvalitetsarbeid kan bedrifter skape effektive forebyggende tiltak som hindrer eller reduserer uønskede hendelser. Samtidig er ikke kvalitetsarbeid alene nok til å styre risiko og oppnå et godt sikkerhetsnivå. Det finnes også mange andre faktorer som spiller inn. Kort sagt handler det om en helhetlig prosesstankegang, hvor alt henger sammen med alt


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    A comprehensive systemic approach is needed to make effective decisions for global sustainability. The system’s points of view introduced sustainable development (S.D.) and sustainability in prior years. Sustainable development is expressed as a desire followed by humanity to live in a better condition considering all the limits that nature could have. Social, environmental, and economic responsibilities are the wide-ranging developmental characteristics that form sustainability. In this paper, with the help of search engines like Scopus and Web of Science, several documents related to environmental sustainability in the mining industry were studied. The principal investigated problems were tailings dam failure, forestland use in mining operations, social and environmental issues in crushed stone mining industries, landfill mining challenges, climatic problems, economic problems, and fatalities in artisanal and small-scale mines. Also, a table was designed to categorise these problems and determine the solution and primary goal. This study investigates the severity of mining operation conditions and environmental issues in this industry. The common environmental problems in the mining industry include soil degradation, deforestation, land subsidence, acid mine drainage, waste production, natural landscape destruction, coal production, carbon footprint, dust pollution, greenhouse gas emissions and climatic problems. To have a more sustainable mining industry, all the mining stages, from the exploration to the post-closure stages, must minimise resource and energy consumption and waste products.Za donošenje učinkovitih odluka u sklopu globalne održivosti potreban je sveobuhvatan sustavan pristup, što posebno dolazi do izražaja prethodnih godina. Održivi razvoj izražava se kao želja čovječanstva za životom u boljim uvjetima uzimajući u obzir moguća ograničenja prirode. Društvene, ekološke i ekonomske odgovornosti ubrajaju se među brojne karakteristike razvoja koje čine održivost. U ovome radu, uz pomoć tražilica poput Scopusa i Web of Science, proučavano je nekoliko dokumenata vezanih uz održivost okoliša u rudarskoj industriji. Glavni fokusi studija vezani su uz probleme kao što su klizanje jalovišta, korištenje šumskoga zemljišta u rudarskim radovima, socijalna i ekološka pitanja u eksploataciji i proizvodnji tehničko-građevnoga kamena, izazovi eksploatacije na odlagalištima, klimatski problemi, ekonomski problemi i smrtni slučajevi u privatnim i malim rudnicima. Također, osmišljena je tablica koja kategorizira te probleme i njihova rješenja te primarni cilj. Ova studija istražuje važnost radnih uvjeta u rudarstvu i probleme okoliša u rudarskoj industriji. Uobičajeni ekološki problemi u toj industriji uključuju degradaciju tla, krčenje šuma, slijeganje zemljišta, odvodnju kiselih otpadnih voda iz rudnika, proizvodnju otpada, degradaciju prirodnoga krajolika, proizvodnju ugljena, ugljični otisak, onečišćenje prašinom, emisije stakleničkih plinova i klimatske probleme. Kako bismo imali održiviju rudarsku industriju, sve faze rudarstva, od istraživanja do faza nakon zatvaranja, moraju minimizirati potrošnju resursa i energije te otpadne proizvode