129 research outputs found

    Human Detection in Video Surveillance

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    Recognition of the human activities in videos has gathered numerous demands in various applications of computer vision like Ambient Assisted Living, intelligent surveillance, Human-Computer interaction.One of the most pioneering techniques for Human Detection in Video Surveillance based on deep learning and this project mainly focuses on various approaches based on that. This paper provides an idea of solution to use video surveillance more effectively, by detecting any humans present and notifying the concerned people. The deep learning model, preferred for fast computation, Convolution Neural Network is used by stacking 3 blocks of layers on fully connected layers. This provided an identification of humans and naïve approach to eliminate inanimate humanlike objects such as mannequins

    Impact of Online Education and Sentiment Analysis from Twitter Data using Topic Modeling Algorithms

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    During a pandemic, all industries suffer greatly, and every sector of the world suffers in some way, including the education sector. Internet expressions reflect users' feelings about a product or service. The polarity of information in source data toward a subject under investigation is determined by sentiment analysis processes. The goal of this study is to examine social media expressions about online teaching and learning, as online education will become a part of everyday life in the future. We collected data from Twitter using keywords related to online education and Google form from engineering undergraduate students for prototype implementation. This analysis will assist teachers, parents, and the student community in understanding the benefits and drawbacks of the education industry, allowing for further improvement in educational outcomes. We used aspect-based sentiment analysis and topic modeling to determine sentiment polarity and important topics for education sector stakeholders. To begin, we used TextBlob Python package to determine sentiment polarity, and Bag of Words, LDA and LSA model for discovering topics. After modeling topics from the collected data, topic Coherence is used to assess the degree of semantic similarity between high-scoring words in the topic. The word cloud and LDAvis are used to visualize data. The experimental results are promising and it will assist education stakeholders in addressing the concerns that have been identified as social media expressions to work on

    Amidoalkyl Naphthols: Trifluoroacetic Acid (TFA) Catalyzed One-Pot, Multi-Component Synthesis

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    Trifluoroacetic acid (TFA) was found as an efficient catalyst for the synthesis of amidoalkyl naphthols from aromatic aldehydes, β-naphthol and acetamide/benzamide under solvent free condition at 80o C. All the synthesized compounds were characterized by IR, 1H NMR and Mass spectra. The advantages of the new method were good yields, short reaction times, simple work-up, inexpensive and easily available catalyst and economical due to absence of solvent. Therefore, this method could be an attractive alternative to existing methods for the synthesis of biologically important amidoalkyl naphthols


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    Objective: The aim of the study was to investigate the ethanolic and aqueous extract of leaves of Moringa oleifera for phytochemical constituents, antiproliferative and antioxidant activity.Methods: The ethanolic extract of leaves of Moringa oleifera, belonging to the family Moringaceae was prepared by using soxhlet apparatus and aqueous extract was prepared by using maceration process. The extract was evaluated for its phytochemical constituents. The antiproliferative effects of both extracts were checked by using MTT ([3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide]) assay on HT-29 colon cell line and the antioxidant activity were checked by using DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) assay. In antiproliferative and antioxidant activity the 5-FU (5-fluro uracil) and Ascorbic acid used as a standard drug for present results conclusion respectively.Results: The results obtained in MTT assay shown that ethanolic extract of Moringa oleifera had a more potent antiproliferative effect (growth inhibition of 62.25% at 100 μg/ml) on HT-29 colon cell line as compared to aqueous extract (% growth inhibition of 27.86 at 100 μg/ml) of Moringa oleifera. The ethanolic extract of Moringa oleifera shown more potent antioxidant activity (% inhibition of ethanolic 75.57 at 100 μg/ml) than aqueous extract (38.16 at 100 μg/ml) of Moringa oleifera. The activity shown by the extract is concentration dependent.Conclusion: In the present study we have investigated that the effect of ethanolic and aqueous leaves extracts of Moringa oleifera possess antiproliferative and antioxidant properties

    Effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory health of adults: findings from a cross-sectional study in Chandrapur, Maharashtra, India

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    Background: Outdoor air pollution and continuous exposure to ambient air pollutants like particulate matter are among the leading contributors to adverse respiratory health outcomes all over the world. This association between air pollution and the impairment of respiratory functions is evident from number of epidemiological studies specific study has been conducted with an objective to evaluate the effects of ambient air pollution on respiratory symptoms and diseases of adults, in Chandrapur district of Maharashtra state in India.Methods: Comparative cross-sectional quantitative study was undertaken in the Chandrapur district with two geographical locations – study and control between August-November 2013. The data included primary data collection from adults to assess the lung function among adults, spirometry test was used to assess lung function. 2400 adults were selected in this study. Epidemiological information was collected from them by administering structured tool (2400) and Lung function test through spirometry (1200). Data was analysed using frequency tables, crosstab analysis and chi-square test to show significance.Results: Higher % of adults in study area (84.1%) had illness episodes (2-4 times or more than 4 times) compared to control area (78.3%).  Statistically significant difference is observed in prevalence symptoms such as Dry Cough, Sneezing, Sore throat, Breathlessness and Asthma by Chi Square test between study and control groups. Statistically significant difference is observed in prevalence symptoms in Sore Throat, Sneezing, Wheeze and Breathlessness by Chi Square test between ≤ 5 km and >5km distance from the industry.Conclusion: There is a significant effect of ambient air pollution on respiratory symptoms of adults with high prevalence of the symptoms in the study area which is the industrial area than the control area. Presence of multiple industries in or near the village is more harmful than the single industry. Additionally, it also shows that the presence of steel, cement and paper industry in or near a village has caused more ill-effects as compared to coal and thermal industry

    Stability indicating high performance thin-layer chromatographic method for simultaneous estimation of pantoprazole sodium and itopride hydrochloride in combined dosage form

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    AbstractA specific, precise and stability indicating high-performance thin-layer chromatographic method for simultaneous estimation of pantoprazole sodium and itopride hydrochloride in pharmaceutical formulations was developed and validated. The method employed TLC aluminium plates precoated with silica gel 60F254 as the stationary phase. The solvent system consisted of methanol:water:ammonium acetate; 4.0:1.0:0.5(v/v/v). This system was found to give compact and dense spots for both itopride hydrochloride (Rf value of 0.55±0.02) and pantoprazole sodium (Rf value of 0.85±0.04). Densitometric analysis of both drugs was carried out in the reflectance–absorbance mode at 289nm. The linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed a good linear relationship with R2=0.9988±0.0012 in the concentration range of 100–400ng for pantoprazole sodium. Also, the linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed a good linear relationship with R2=0.9990±0.0008 in the concentration range of 200–1200ng for itopride hydrochloride. The method was validated for specificity, precision, robustness and recovery. Statistical analysis proves that the method is repeatable and selective for the estimation of both the said drugs. As the method could effectively separate the drug from its degradation products, it can be employed as a stability indicating method

    Pushout bond strength of root fillings after irrigation of root canals utilizing sodium hypochlorite, chlorhexidine, and homeopathic mother tincture (Arnica montana)

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    The pushout bond strength of root fillings at radicular dentin was investigated employing NaOCl, CHX, and homoeopathic mother tincture (Arnica montana) as an irrigant. Sixty human permanent single-rooted extracted teeth were decoronated. The root canals were instrumented using Pro taper universal rotary system (Dentsply Tulsa Dental; Tulsa, Oklahoma) and were prepared up to F3 apical size. The roots were then randomly divided into three groups according to irrigation solution (n = 20) according to the final irrigation regimen: Group I: 3 mL 5.25% NaOCl followed by 3 mL Saline (control); Group II: 3 mL Arnica montana (10%, w/v) followed by 3 mL Saline; Group III: 3 mL CHX followed by 3 mL Saline. The canals were dried using paper points. The canals were coated with AH Plus sealer (Dentsply DeTey, Konstaz, Germany) with the aid of a Lentulo spiral (Dentsply DeTey, Konstaz, Germany) and obturated with #F3 gutta-percha. Each root was then horizontally sliced into three slices, labelled coronal, middle, and apical, each measuring 2 mm thick. Furthermore, at a crosshead speed of 2 mm/min, the test was carried out using the universal testing apparatus. The 5.25% NaOCl significantly decreased the bond strength of AH Plus to dentin. Both CHX and Arnica montana were capable of reversing the compromised pushout of AH Plus to NaOCl-treated dentin. After using NaOCl as an irrigant, the danger of diminished binding capacity of AH Plus to root canal walls arises. Final irrigation with Arnica montana and CHX reduces this risk

    Formulation and evaluation of floating mucoadhesive alginate beads for targetingHelicobacter pylori

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    Objectives: There are various obstacles in the eradication of Helicobacter.pylori (H. pylori) infections, including low antibiotic levels and poor accessibility of the drug at the site of the infection. This study describes the preparation and characterisation of novel floating-mucoadhesive alginate beads loaded with clarithromycin (CMN) for delivery to the gastric mucosa to improve the eradication of this micro-organism. Methods: Calcium alginate beads were prepared by ionotropic gelation. The formulation was modified through addition of oil and coating with chitosan in order to improve floating, mucoadhesion and modify drug release. Key findings: SEM confirmed the sphericity of the beads with X-ray microtomography (XμMT) showing the 3D structure of the beads with the layered internal structure of the bead and the even distribution of the drug within the bead. This formulation combined two gastro-retentive strategies and these formulations produced excellent in vitro floating, mucoadhesive and drug release characteristics. Enhanced stability of the beads in phosphate buffer raises a potential for the modified formulations to be targeted to regions of higher pH within the gastrointestinal tract with a higher pH. Drug release from these beads was sustained through an unstirred mucin layer simulating in vivo conditions under which the H. pylori resides in the gastric mucosa. Conclusions: This novel formulation will ensure retention for a longer period in the stomach than conventional formulations and control drug release, ensuring high local drug concentrations, leading to improved eradication of the bacteria

    Probing the interaction of nanoparticles with mucin for drug delivery applications using dynamic light scattering

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    Drug delivery via the eye, nose, gastrointestinal tract and lung is of great interest as they represent patient-compliant and facile methods to administer drugs. However, for a drug to reach the systemic circulation it must penetrate the “mucus barrier”. An understanding of the characteristics of the mucus barrier is therefore important in the design of mucus penetrating drug delivery vehicles e.g. nanoparticles. Here, a range of nanoparticles – silica, aluminium coated silica, poly (lactic-co-glycolic acid) (PLGA) and PEGylated PLGA – each with known but different physicochemical characteristics were examined in the presence of mucin to identify those characteristics that engender nanoparticle/mucin interactions and thus, to define “design rules” for mucus penetrating (nano)particles (MPP), at least in terms of the surface characteristics of charge and hydrophilicity. Dynamic light scattering (DLS) and rheology have been used to assess the interaction between such nanoparticles and mucin. It was found that negatively charged and hydrophilic nanoparticles do not exhibit an interaction with mucin whereas positively charged and hydrophobic nanoparticles show a strong interaction. Surface grafted poly (ethylene glycol) (PEG) chains significantly reduced this interaction. This study clearly demonstrates that the established colloid science techniques of DLS and rheology are very powerful screening tools to probe nanoparticle/mucin interactions