56 research outputs found

    Predicting most productive requirements elicitation teams using MBTI personality traits model

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    The social and collaborative nature of requirements elicitation process bases its core dependency on aptitude, attitudes, and personality characteristics of its participants. The participant's personality characteristics are directly related with their personality traits, which can be categorized using different model has been used successfully for the assessments of personality of software engineers since last few decades. In this article, the personality traits for requirements elicitation teams have been predicted using MBTI personality assessments model, on the basis of their industry demands job descriptions/tasks and major soft skills. The article presents a complete personality prediction process using a systematic approach based on major soft skills mapping with job descriptions, personality attributes and personality. The obtained results show that extroversion and feelings personality traits are the most suitable assigned the task of requirements elicitation. The obtained results are very much aligned with the already published scholar's work for software engineer's personality assessments and development team composition

    Antibacterial Potentials of Human Urine at Acidic pH 5

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    To identify factors determining susceptibility of individuals to urinary tract infections (UTIs).Methods: In this descriptive study , 55 hospitalized patients' urine samples were analyzed. Presence of red blood cells , pus cells, epithelial cells, casts and crystals were observed and counted under per high power field (HPF) by microscopy. While pH, specific gravity, protein, leukocytes, nitrites, glucose, ketones, urobilinogen, blood and bilirubin, were analyzed using dipstick method. All the samples were streaked on CLED agar for isolation of bacteria; and SDA for yeast.Results: Twenty urine samples were found culture positive, of which 15 were from females and 5 from males. Cultures were isolated and identified as E. coli (11), Enterococcus (4), Klebsiella (3), Pseudomonas (1) and yeast (1). Interestingly, organisms were mainly isolated from urine samples having pH >5.5. In all the culture positive samples, pus cells were >20-40 /HPF. No patient with culture negative had urine pH 6.5 or above in the present study.Conclusion: The probability of bacteriuria (UTI) and pyuria (increase pus cells in urine) increases with rise in urine pH. Persons with urine pH5 are generally protected from UTIs. Thus mechanism/s needs to be elucidated

    In vitro regeneration, detection of somaclonal variation and screening for mosaic virus in sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) somaclones

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    Three sugarcane accessions susceptible to sugarcane mosaic virus; HSF-240, S-2000-US-359, and S-2003-US-704 were evaluated for callogenesis and regeneration ability. For callogenesis, five different concentrations of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) was used. The best callogenesis was obtained when Murashige and Skoog (MS) was portified with 3 mg/L 2,4-D and the highest regeneration was obtained on media containing MS + kinetin 0.5 + 0.5 mg/L naphthalene acetic acid (NAA). After succesful regeneration and rooting on half strength MS medium, with 1.5 mg/L indole-3-butyric acid supplementation, plantlets were shifted to green house. Enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) test was performed to detect the presence of sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) in the regenerated plantlets and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were used to evaluate the genetic variation at DNA level between the parent’s plants and regenerated somaclones of the accession HSF-240. A total of 26 parent plants and 64 somaclones, among the regenerated plants were selected for the screening of virus through double antibody sandwich (DAS-ELISA) test. Four (4) parent plants out of the 26, showed negative reaction to the virus test. Ten (10) somaclones showed positive reaction to the disease, 9 somaclones showed mild reaction to virus and 45 somaclones showed negative reaction. For the detection of somaclonal variation, 38 primers pair were used and 15 simple sequence repeats (SSR) primer pairs were found to be polymorphic with 51.61% polymorphism. The study demonstrates that SSR genetic markers are the best tool for the investigation of genetic variation in sugarcane.Keywords: Callogenesis, somaclones, simple sequence repeats (SSR), genetic marker

    Security and Privacy Issues in IoT

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    Internet of Things (IoT) is a global network of physical and virtual ‘things’ connected to the internet. Each object has unique ID which is used for identification. IoT is the emerging technology which will change the way we interact with devices. In future almost every electronic device will be a smart device which can compute and communicate with hand-held and other infrastructure devices. As most of the devices may be battery operated, due to less processing power the security and privacy is a major issue in IoT. Authentication, Identification and device heterogeneity are the major security and privacy concerns in IoT. Major challenges include integration, scalability, ethics communication mechanism, business models and surveillance. In this paper major issues related to security and privacy of IoT are focused

    Preferences and Practices regarding Delivery Place: A community-based cross-sectional study in Agra city, Uttar Pradesh

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    Background: Understanding preferences and practices for delivery place among women would assist in better resource utilization for skilled attendants. Objectives: To study factors influencing women’s preference and practice regarding their place of delivery. Methods: A community based cross-sectional study was conducted in Agra from 1st October 2018 to 31st October 2020. Multi-stage random sampling was used. Data was collected using semi-structured interview schedule. Both bivariate and multivariate analysis was done. Result: Majority (72.67%) of women had preference for delivery at government hospital while 19.67% for private hospital and only 7.67% for home. In actual practice, 58.33% had delivered at government hospital and 32.33% delivered at private hospital while 9.33 % at home. On multiple-logistic regression analysis, parity found to have significant association with preference of delivery at government hospital. Preference for delivery in private hospital was found to be significant with OBC caste and in women whose husband has skilled/highly-skilled occupation. In actual practice, Government hospital as delivery place found to have significant association with parity and presence of ASHA. Private hospital as a delivery place found significant with literate mothers and parity. Conclusion: Majority had preferred and practiced institutional delivery, preferring government hospital over private hospital.  In actual practice, delivery at private hospital as well as home delivery out-numbered the preferred proportion

    Impacted Mandibular Third Molars, A Nuisance to Neighbouring Mandibular Molars; A Radiographic Study

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    Objective: To know the distal caries in mandibular second molars due to impacted mandibular third molars and their association with the type of impaction of patients who visited a tertiary care dental centre in Lahore, Pakistan. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Place and Duration of Study: 28 Military Dental Centre, Combined Military Hospital, Lahore Pakistan from Dec 2020 to Nov 2021. Methodology: The dental records of 378 patients reported at 28 Military Dental Centres were retrieved from the data bank,then decoded and analysed. Results: Out of 378 patients, 242(64%) males and 136(36%) females were referred to Oral and Maxillofacial clinics of 28 MDC to undergo surgical extraction of mandibular third molar teeth. Mesio-angular 242(64%), depth Class-B 281(74.3%), and Ramal relationship I 224(59.3) were the most common impactions referred for surgical removal. 289(76.5%) impactions of all categories were unilateral. 178(73.6%) mesioangular impactions had neighbouring second molar distal caries on Orthopentomogram while none of the transverse impactions had neighbouring second molar caries. A significant association between angulation of impaction and neighbouring second molar caries has been noted (p<0.001). Conclusion: Increased mandibular second molar distal caries were noted adjacent to Mesioangular, depth B, Class 1 Ramal relationship mandibular wisdom tooth impaction. Keywords: Distal caries, Mesioangular impaction, Orthopantomograms, Radiographic study, Surgical extraction

    Microalgae-based biofuels, resource recovery and wastewater treatment: a pathway towards sustainable biorefinery

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    Intense utilization of natural fuel resources is threatening the global environment and societal sustainability. It triggers up the need for finding environmental-friendly and sustainable sources of energy. In this perspective, microalgae have emerged as a potential alternative. Microalgae are featured with distinct ability to provide ecological services and respond to the sustainability challenges simultaneously. Microalgae can fix atmospheric CO2, valorize waste resources and can produce a wide variety of bio-products. The promising features of microalgae pitch the idea of establishing a sustainable bio-refinery to draw multifaceted benefits and reinforce the objectives of resource efficient bio-economy. Unfortunately, in the last few years, preferential studies have been carried out to assess the potential of microalgae-based integrated bio-refinery. This review critically discussed the recent developments, opportunities, and barriers in the microalgae bio-industry and wastewater treatment. Particularly, microalgae potentials for biofuels and resources recovery are addressed towards sustainable biorefinery. Moreover, techno-economic and commercial viability of microalgae-led bio-refinery is reviewed to drive this technology towards practicality

    Underutilized Grasses Production: New Evolving Perspectives

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    Globally, over-reliance on major food crops (wheat, rice and maize) has led to food basket’s shrinking, while climate change, environmental pollution and deteriorating soil fertility demand the cultivation of less exhaustive but nutritious grasses. Unlike neglected grasses (grass species restricted to their centres of origin and only grown at the subsistence level), many underutilized grasses (grass species whose yield or usability potential remains unrealized) are resistant and resilient to abiotic stresses and have multiple uses including food (Coix lacryma-jobi), feed (Eragrostis amabilis and Cynodon dactylon), esthetic value (Miscanthus sinensis and Imperata cylindrica), renewable energy production (Spartina pectinata and Andropogon gerardii Vitman) and contribution to ecosystem services (Saccharum spontaneum). Lack of agricultural market globalization, urbanization and prevalence of large commercial enterprises that favor major grasses trade, improved communication means that promoted specialization in favor of established crops, scant planting material of underutilized grasses and fewer research on their production technology and products development are the prime challenges posed to underutilized grasses promotion. Integration of agronomic research with novel plant protection measures and plant breeding and molecular genetics approaches for developing biotic and abiotic stresses tolerant cultivars along with the development of commercially attractive food products hold the future key for promoting underutilized grasses for supplanting food security and sustainably multiplying economic outcomes

    Current Issues in Time-Series Analysis for the Energy-Growth Nexus; Asymmetries and Nonlinearities Case Study: Pakistan

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    This paper investigates the asymmetric impact of energy consumption on economic growth by including oil prices, capital and labour as additional determinants in production function. In doing so, the non-linear ARDL bounds testing approach is applied for the period of 1985QI-2016QIV. The empirical evidence confirms the presence of symmetric and asymmetric cointegration between energy consumption, oil prices, capital, labour and economic growth over the period of 1985QI-2016QIV. Furthermore, rise in energy consumption (positive shock) adds to economic growth via stimulating economic activity and energy consumption negative shock retards economic growth insignificantly. Rise (positive shock) and fall (negative shock) in oil prices decline and stimulate economic growth. Capital and labor affect economic growth positively and negative by positive and negative shocks in capital and labor. The empirical findings open new insights for policy makers for long-run and sustainable economic development