246 research outputs found

    Chemical Lithography with Monomolecular Templates

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    Motivation für diese Arbeit was die Entwicklung einer neuen Präparationsmethode, um eine Einzelstrang-DNA (engl.: single stranded DNA, ssDNA ) innerhalb eines biokompatiblen Templats zu immobilisieren und zudem ssDNA-Muster beliebiger Form und Größe herzustellen. Als Ansatz wurde eine strahlungsinduzierte Austauschreaktion (engl.: irradiation promoted exchange reaction, IPER) im Rahmen des konzepts der Chemischen Lithographie verwendet. IPER ermöglicht es mittels Elektronenbestrahlung, das Ausmaß der Austauschreaktion zwischen einer primären, das Substrat bedeckenden selbstorganisierten Monoschicht (engl.: self-assembled monolayer, SAM ) und einem molekularen Substituent je nach Dosis zu steuern. Physikalisch bedeutet IPER die Erzeugung von chemischen und strukturellen Defekten in dem primären SAM, die die Austauschreaktion fördern. Im dieser Arbeit wurde der IPER Ansatz auf eine kontrollierte und ortsspezifische Immobilisierung von ssDNA auf Au(111)-Substraten erweitert. Um eine unspezifische Adsorption außerhalb der ssDNA bedeckten Bereiche zu verhindern, wurde als Ausgangsmatrix eine biokompatible Oligoethylenglykol-substituierte Alkanthiol (OEG-AT) Monolage verwendet. Im ersten Abschnitt wurden thiol-terminierte ssDNA als Substituenten eingesetzt. IPER mit diesen Substituenten und einem OEG-AT-SAM als Vorlage führten zu homogen gemischten ssDNA/OEG-AT Filmen der gewünschten Zusammensetzung, die anhand der eingestellten Dosis angepasst werden konnte. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde IPER mit Elektronenstrahllithographie (EBL) verwendet, was die Herstellung komplexer ssDNA-Muster mit der gewünschten Form und Nanometergröße (bis zu 25-50 nm) innerhalb der biokompatiblen Matrix erlaubte. Diese Muster wurden dann als Vorlagen für die oberflächeninitiierte, enzymatische Polymerisation (SIEP) eingesetzt, was die Präparation von komplexen, räumlichen ssDNA Bürsten erlaubte. Ausgehend von den genannten Ergebnissen wurde die Möglichkeit überprüft, IPER mit kommerziell verfügbaren ssDNA-Disulfid Substituenten durchzuführen. Zunächst wurde eine Studie unter Verwendung eines Referenzfilms aus einem nicht-substituierten AT auf Gold und einem symmetrischen COOH-substituierten Dialkyldisulfid als Substituent durchgeführt. Dabei wurde festgestellt, dass IPER mit Disulfid-Substituenten in der gleichen Weise wie mit Thiolen durchgeführt werden kann. Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Kinetik der Austauschreaktion in beiden Fällen ähnlich ist, wenn auch das Ausmaß der Reaktion bei den Disulfiden geringer war. Dennoch konnten gemischten SAMs mit einer Konzentration der substituenten Spezies von bis zu 60% hergestellt werden. Basierend auf diesen Ergebnissen wurde die Möglichkeit verschiedener symmetrischer wie asymmetrischer ssDNA-Disulfide als Substituenten für IPER untersucht, wobei beide Systeme sich als geeignet für die IPER erwiesen. Die asymmetrischen Disulfide zeigten ähnlich hohe Wirkungsgrade, während die Effizienz der symmetrischen Disulfide insbesondere bei niedrigen Bestrahlungsdosen (< 0,6 mC/cm² ) deutlich niedriger war. Die Verwendung von IPER erfordert Hochvakuum und im Fall komplexer Strukturierung aufwändige Versuchsaufbauten wie Rasterelektronenmikroskop. Daher wurde in einem weiteren Abschnitt UV-Licht als Initiator für die Austauschreaktion zwischen der primären OEG-AT Matrix und den ssDNA Substituenten eingesetzt. UV-Licht wurde zur homogenen und lithographischen Strukturierung, zur Herstellung gemischter ssDNA/OEG-AT Filme und ssDNA Muster eingebetten in eine biokompatible OEG-AT Matrix verwendet. Auch hierbei konnte die Zusammensetzung der gemischten Filme durch die Wahl der Dosis eingestellt werden. Es wurde auch gezeigt, dass das UV-Licht unterschiedlicher Wellenlängen (254 oder 365 nm) neue Möglichkeiten für die Lithographie eröffnet. Zuletzt wurde eines der Systeme, ssDNA Polymerbürsten gekoppelt an ein monomolekulares ssDNA Templat, im Rahmen dieser Arbeit detailliert untersucht. Eine Kombination von mehreren komplementären spektroskopische Techniken wurde verwendet, um die chemische Integrität, Reinheit und molekulare Ausrichtung dieser mittels SIEP hergestellten Objekte zu untersuchen. Die Spektren der Polymerbürsten waren nahezu identisch mit denen der monomolekularen ssDNA Vorläufer und wiesen keine Spuren von Verunreinigungen auf. Neben der wohldefinierten chemischen Integrität und dem kontaminationsfreien Charakter, zeigten die Bürsten eine vergleichsweise hohe Orientierungsordnung, mit vorzugsweise aufrechter Ausrichtung der einzelnen Stränge. Die entwickelten Herstellungsmethoden beiten die Möglichkeit, ssDNA/OEG–AT Filme und Muster für die Bindung und den Nachweis der komplementär ssDNA Stränge sowie für die Erkennung von DNA-bindenden Proteinen zu präparieren, was unter anderem eine Grundlage für Sensorfabrikation bildet. Ferner dienen sie als vielseitige Plattform für Nanofabrikation, wie anhand der komplexen ssDNA Bürste in dieser Arbeit demonstriert wurde

    Awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes in Bangladesh : Evidence from the Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey 2017/18

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    Background. The prevalence of diabetes is increasing in Bangladesh from ∼5% in 2001 to ∼13% in 2017/18 (∼8.4 million cases). The prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes was also found to be higher at 6% in 2017/18. However, very little is known about the management of diabetes assessed by diabetes awareness, treatment, and control. We aimed to estimate the age-standardised prevalence of awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes and its associated factors. Methods. Cross-sectional data from 1,174 Bangladeshi adults aged 18 years and older available from the most recent nationally representative Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey (BDHS) 2017–18 were analysed. Outcomes were age-standardised prevalence of awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes, estimated using the direct standardisation. Multilevel mixed-effects Poisson regression models were used to identify factors associated with awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes. Results. Of the respondents we analysed, 30.9% (95% CI, 28.2–33.6) were aware that they had the condition, and 28.2% (95% CI, 25.6–30.7) were receiving treatment. Among those treated for diabetes, 26.5% (95% CI, 19.5–33.5) had controlled diabetes. The prevalence of diabetes awareness, treatment, and control was lower in men than women. Factors positively associated with awareness and treatment were increasing age and hypertension, while factors negatively associated with awareness and treatment were being men and lower education. Factors associated with poor control were secondary education and residing in Rajshahi and Rangpur divisions. Conclusions. This study provides evidence of poor management of diabetes in Bangladesh, especially in men. Less than one-third of the people with diabetes were aware of their condition. Just over one-fourth of the people with diabetes were on treatment, and among those who were treated only one-fourth had controlled diabetes. Interventions targeting younger people, in particular men and those with lower education, are urgently needed. Government policies that address structural factors including the cost of diabetes care and that strengthen diabetes management programmes within primary healthcare in Bangladesh are urgently needed

    Editorial: COVID-19 and entrepreneurial mindset

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    [Extract] he entrepreneur’s importance is well-recognized in the economy, especially during critical times. The COVID-19 pandemic is already considered to be one of the biggest socio-economic crises in history. As it is ongoing and bringing many business-related uncertainties, it is very challenging to foresee its impact on the future. However, despite the challenges created, the COVID-19 pandemic also created entrepreneurial opportunities

    Effect of exclusive breastfeeding on selected adverse health and nutritional outcomes: a nationally representative study

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    Background: Despite growing evidence in support of exclusive breastfeeding (EBF) among infants in the first 6 months of birth, the debate over the optimal duration of EBF continues. This study examines the effect of termination of EBF during the first 2, 4 and 6 months of birth on a set of adverse health and nutritional outcomes of infants. Methods: Three waves of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data were analysed using multivariate regression. The adverse health outcomes were: an episode of diarrhea, fever or acute respiratory infection (ARI) during the 2 weeks prior to the survey. Nutritional outcomes were assessed by stunting (height-for-age), wasting (weight-for-height) and underweight (weight-for-age). Population attributable fraction was calculated to estimate percentages of these six outcomes that could have been prevented by supplying EBF. Results: Fifty-six percent of infants were exclusively breastfed during the first 6 months. Lack of EBF increased the odds of diarrhea, fever and ARI. Among the babies aged 6 months or less 27.37% of diarrhea, 13.24% of fever and 8.94% of ARI could have been prevented if EBF was not discontinued. If EBF was terminated during 0-2 months, 2-4 months the odds of becoming underweight were 2.16 and 2.01 times higher, respectively, than babies for whom EBF was not terminated. Conclusion: Children who are not offered EBF up to 6 months of their birth may suffer from a range of infectious diseases and under-nutrition. Health promotion and other public health interventions should be enhanced to encourage EBF at least up to six-month of birth. Trail registration: Data of this study were collected following the guidelines of ICF International and Bangladesh Medical Research Council. The registration number of data collection is 132,989.0.000 and the data-request was registered on September 11, 2016

    A population-level data linkage study to explore the association between health facility level factors and unintended pregnancy in Bangladesh

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    The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of health facility-level factors, including the availability of long-acting modern contraceptives (LAMC) at the nearest health facility and its distance from women’s homes, on the occurrence of unintended pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. We analysed the 2017/18 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data linked with the 2017 Bangladesh Health Facility Survey. The weighted sample comprised 5051 women of reproductive age, who had at least one live birth within 3 years of the survey. The outcome variable was women’s intention to conceive at their most recent pregnancy that ended with a live birth. The major explanatory variables were the health facility level factors. A multi-level multinomial logistic regression model was used to assess the association of the outcome variable with explanatory variables adjusting for individual, household, and community-level factors. Nearly 21% of the total respondents reported that their most recent live birth was unintended at conception. Better health facility management systems and health facility infrastructure were found to be 14–30% protective of unintended pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. LAMC availability at the nearest health facility was associated with a 31% reduction (95% CI 0.50–0.92) in the likelihood of an unwanted pregnancy that resulted in a live birth. Health facility readiness to provide LAMC was also associated with a 14–16% reduction in unintended pregnancies that ended with a birth. The likelihood of unintended pregnancy that resulted in a live birth increased around 20–22% with the increased distance of the nearest health facility providing LAMC from the women’s homes.The availability of health facilities near women’s homes and access to LAMC can significantly reduce unintended pregnancy. Policies and programs to ensure access and affordability of LAMC across current health facilities and to increase the number of health facilities are recommended

    Exploring the determinants of global life expectancy in an ecological perspective

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    Objective: This study is designed to understand the impacts of demographic events, socioeconomic differentials, health factors’ availability, and environmental reasons which influence life expectancy (LE) globally. Methods: Data of 183 countries were taken from the United Nations agencies. The predicted variable was LE, and the determinants were demographic events, socioeconomic factors, health-related factors, and environmental issues. Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, and backward multiple regression analysis were used to reach the research objectives. Results: The lowest LEs are found in the African countries; and LE is found significantly associated (p<0.05) with a wide range of demographic, socioeconomic, health, and environmental factors. The necessity of full coverage of immunization, higher income, and improved sanitation are more expected to raise LE. However, LE may be increased by way of decrease fertility, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) prevalence, and carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions. Conclusions: The LE is influenced by different demographic, socioeconomic, health, and environmental factors. Country-level and global efforts should be taken to raise LE throughout the reduction of HIV infection, births, and CO2 emissions. The policy-makers should focus on the advancing reproductive decisions, increasing immunization coverage, and upturning improved sanitation usage

    Exploring Internal Reverse Migration Patterns in Cumilla District, Bangladesh: A Case Study During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    The study possesses two-fold objectives: first, to explain the nature of internal reverse migration in Bangladesh during the COVID-19 pandemic, and second, to explore the push-pull factors of it. This study used a qualitative analysis tool and conducted 04 case studies and 10 In-depth interviews of reverse migrants for case study-based analysis. the study found that the pandemic triggered the reverse migration of informal workers, particularly female workers. Livelihood crisis, food insecurity, unexpected shocks, health insecurity, low living costs, and fear of infection are push-pull factors of reverse migration during COVID-19. Furthermore, these push-pull factors have motivated informal workers to migrate from urban to rural areas during COVID-19. The findings recommend that policymakers should address the vulnerability of informal workers in policy decisions. Policymakers should introduce new programs, i.e., social protection, and emergency economic schemes to provide support to the informal workers during emergencies like COVID-19

    Synthesis, Characterization and Bioactivities of Some Novel Oxovanadium(IV) Glycinato Complexes

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    The novel oxovanadium(IV) complexes, [VIVO(GlyH)(Gly)]+ClO4 - .H2O (1), [VIVO(GlyH)(Gly)]+NO3 - .H2O (2), [VIVO(GlyH)(Gly)]+CH3COO- .H2O (3) were synthesized and characterized by FT-IR, UV-Vis and 1H NMR spectroscopic measurements. The cumulative spectroscopic assessment envisaged that, the complexes adopt a square pyramidal structure, in which the two glycine ligands coordinate to vanadium(IV) center in bidentate fashions conforming a homoleptic structure. The amino nitrogen and a carboxylato oxygen atom coordinate the vanadium(IV) center from both sides making a five members chelate by each side. All the complexes are stable in amorphous state and in aerobic and anaerobic solution. Significantly, all the complexes have the antifungal activities against Aspergillus niger and Penicillium notatum but ineffective against Candida tropicalis. No antibacterial activity was observed for the complexes against tested bacteria and unfortunately, they were found cytotoxic against brine shrimp bioassay

    Phenotypic and Genotypic Characteristics of Antimicrobial Resistance in Citrobacter freundii Isolated from Domestic Ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) in Bangladesh

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    Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in Citrobacter freundii poses a serious challenge as this species is one of the sources of nosocomial infection and causes diarrheal infections in humans. Ducks could be the potential source of multidrug-resistant (MDR) C. freundii; however, AMR profiles in C. freundii from non-human sources in Bangladesh have remained elusive. This study aimed to detect C. freundii in domestic ducks (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus) in Bangladesh and to determine their phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic susceptibility patterns. A total of 150 cloacal swabs of diseased domestic ducks were screened using culturing, staining, biochemical, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI-TOF) to detect C. freundii. Phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic susceptibility patterns were done by the disk diffusion method and PCR, respectively. In total, 16.67% (25/150) of the samples were positive for C. freundii. C. freundii isolates showed a range of 20% to 96% resistance to cefotaxime, gentamicin, levofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, cotrimoxazole, tetracycline, ampicillin, and cephalexin. More than 60% of the isolates were phenotypically MDR, and the index of multiple antibiotic resistance ranged from 0.07 to 0.79. Genes encoding resistance to beta-lactams [blaTEM-1-88% (22/25), blaCMY-2-56% (14/25), blaCMY-9-8% (2/25), and blaCTX-M-14-20% (5/25)], sulfonamides [sul1-52% (13/25), sul2-24% (6/25)], tetracyclines [tetA-32% (8/25) and tetB-4% (1/25)], aminoglycosides [aacC4-16% (4/25)], and fluoroquinolones [qnrA-4% (1/25), qnrB-12% (3/25), and qnrS-4% (1/25)] were detected in the isolated C. freundii. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study in Bangladesh to detect MDR C. freundii with their associated resistance genes from duck samples. We suggest addressing the burden of diseases in ducks and humans and associated AMR issues using the One Health approach