173 research outputs found

    Unilateral Facial Neuralgia A management Dilemma

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    Objective:  The objective of the study was to assess the significance of clinical examination in   Diagnosis and management of Patient with unilateral facial neuralgia. Study Design:  Observational study. Place and Duration of study:  Out patient clinic and department of ENT and Neurosurgery PGMI LRH Peshawar from IST Nov 2005---31 Oct 2007 (2 years). Material and methods:  Patients presented with unilateral facial neuralgia were assessed in out patient clinic, record keeping about data was assessed during compiling of study. Related investigations were performed to exclude secondary causes of neuralgia. Results:  A total of 1207 patients who presented with unilateral facial pain in two years duration were scrutinized for idiopathic facial neuralgia. 182 (15.07%.) patient were referred to neurosurgeon who were suffering from trigeminal neuralgia.43(3.56)%) patient were subjected to microvascular decompression (MVD).Rest of the patients were treated accordingly.   &nbsp

    Sustainability in South Asian city

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    South Asia is one of most densely populated region in the world. Currently, 28.33% of the South Asian population lives in urban areas, with an annual growth rate of 2.92%. Shifting of jobs from agriculture to industry and the concentration of economic opportunities in urban areas are causing tremendous increase in urbanisation in the region, which is seriously affecting the environment, and poses strong challenges to governments in terms of the infrastructure and services. In this article, we will give an overview of urbanisation problems in South Asia. We will also suggest some key interventions for sustainable development in the region. Urbanisation problems in South Asia are manifested in the form of lopsided urbanisation and faulty urban planning with poor economic base. Urban poverty has been increasing in the region, resulting in the growth of a massive number of slums. As a manifestation of social injustice and the social divide, slums exclude the poor from accessing the basic amenities. South Asia has the highest regional urbanisation of poverty at any given overall urbanisation. Concerted government efforts with long-term commitment at the highest political levels are required to reduce urban poverty and deprivation. The way cities are growing in the region is not at all sustainable, with a clear imbalance between economic, environmental, socio-political and technological aspects. Sustainable communities can be established by focusing on social and human development programmes to develop intangible assets in the community such as inclusion, tolerance, public participation, and democratic governance, which do not depreciate through use but rather become more valuable the more they are used. Place matters in different ways, which have yet to be fully appreciated and incorporated into how planners teach place. But it needs to directly adopt the Bottom-up Approach to provide solutions for the problems going on in the cities of the region. More participatory methodologies need to be adopted, while taking decisions about urban space. The future of urban sustainability can only succeed when there is integration of environmental thinking into mainstream economic and development decisions with knowledge based strategic urban planning as well as urban pedagogy

    Neurological Improvement after Decompression for Dorsal Spine Tuberculosis (TB)

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    Objectives:  To assess the neurological improvement after decompression for dorsal spine tuberculosis in terms of Frankel grading. Materials and Method:  Prospective study was done in the Neurosurgery department, Prime Teaching Hospital Peshawar from 2018 to 2021. Patients of both genders aged between 18 to 60 years were selected while those unfit for surgery or requiring conservative management were excluded from the study. After clinical examination and radiological findings, the patients were diagnosed with dorsal spine tuberculosis requiring surgery. All patients were followed for 3 months post-operatively. Neurological improvement was measured by comparing pre and post-op Frankel grading. Complications were also documented. Results:  Out of 38 patients included in the study, 16 (42%) were male and 22 (58%) were female. The mean age of presentation was 34 ± 5. The distribution for age groups was 18 – 30 (08), 31 – 40 (13), 41 – 50 (11), and 51 – 60 (06). Level of disease D4 – D8 were 17 (44.8%) and D9 – D12 was 21 (55.2%). Pre-operative neurological status of the patients was (5.2%) Frankel A, (10.5%) Frankel B, (47.3) Frankel C, (22%) Frankel D, and (7.8%) Frankel E while Post-operative grading was (2.6%) Frankel A, (5.2%) Frankel B, (23.6%) Frankel C, (47.3%) Frankel D and (18.4) Frankel E. 3 patients experienced worsening of neurology, 2 patients bleeding and CSF leak and 1 patient died as a complication of the surgery. Conclusion:  Surgical option involving decompression of spine TB followed by stabilization is utilized in a majority of patients with neurological deficits. It is very effective and the results are good. The main advantage is thorough debridement and achievement of spinal stabilization. Keywords:   Dorsal Spine Tuberculosis, Frankel Grading, Spinal Stabilization

    Study of environmental biodegradation of LDPE films in soil using optical and scanning electron microscopy

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    An outdoor soil burial test was carried out to evaluate the degradation of commercially available LDPE carrier bags in natural soil for up to 2 years. Biodegradability of low density polyethylene films in soil was monitored using both optical and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). After 7-9 months of soil exposure, microbial colonization was evident on the film surface. Exposed LDPE samples exhibit progressive changes towards degradation after 17-22 months. SEM images reveal signs of degradation such as exfoliation and formation of cracks on film leading to disintegration. The possible degradation mode and consequences on the use and disposal of LDPE films is discussed

    Prevalence and Levels of Information Seeking Anxiety among Business Students

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    This research assessed the prevalence and levels of information seeking anxiety among business students at Lahore School of Economics, Lahore, Pakistan so that remedial measures could be taken to reduce anxiety. The data were collected from 283 students using a survey questionnaire, containing an Information Seeking Anxiety Scale along with certain demographic and academic variables, and analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The results indicated the prevalence of information seeking anxiety among these students across different dimensions and overall scale at mild to moderate levels. There was no significant relationship between nature of MBA program, gender, school background, geographical origin, ICT skills, English language competency, and information seeking anxiety. However, gender appeared to predict the dimension of search anxiety as female students were more anxious than males when searching for information. The results are very useful to inform policy and practice for development of information capabilities in the digital information landscape. These findings could be used as a guide for developing and designing information literacy programs aimed to reduce information seeking anxiety resulting in the improvement of students’ academic performance. This study has made a reasonable contribution to the existing literature on information seeking anxiety as a limited number of studies appeared focusing specifically on information seeking anxiety

    Enhancing Knowledge of Family Caregivers and Quality of Life of Patients with Ischemic Stroke

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    Objectives:  A Quasi-Experimental study was conducted to determine the impact of Attend-trial-based interventions on the knowledge of the caregivers and the quality of life of Ischemic stroke survivors. Material and Methods:  The study was conducted in the acute care hospital located in the rural area, Khyber Pukhtoonkha. A sample of 115 patients and informal caregivers participated in a multifaceted intervention including educational sessions, training and demonstration, and post-training discussion via WhatsApp. A pre-post evaluation of the quality of life, stroke knowledge, functioning, and activities of daily living was completed using validated tools. All information was collected using predesign pro forma and questionnaire. Results:  The interventions significantly improved all four outcomes in caregivers and patients. The mean score for the WHOQOL-BREF pre-intervention was 2.91 ± 1.10 which was increased to 4.18 ± 0.86. The pre-knowledge scores were 34.00 which increased to 39.95. There was a statistically significant change between pre and post knowledge scores [t (114) = -3.394, p = 0.001]. Conclusion:  The study contributed towards the usefulness of multifaceted education intervention to enhance the rehabilitation efforts of patients and their caregivers in community settings

    Utjecaj godišnjeg doba na testosteron i estrogen u sjemenskoj plazmi zdravih i nenormalnih bivolskih bikova i njihov odnos prema drugim vrijednostima sjemena.

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    Sixteen buffalo bulls (Bubalus bubalis) were divided into four age groups, four bulls in each. Bulls in three groups had good semen quality while in one group it was poor. The study was undertaken for a one-year period divided into five seasons. The study revealed an overall seminal plasma testosterone concentration of 0.97±0.12 ng/ml. It was higher (P<0.05) in the 6-10-year-olds, less than 5 and older than in 11-year-old bulls. Testosterone showed a non significant difference between seasons. Overall seminal plasma oestrogen concentration was 43.67±7.62 pg/ml and showed a non-significant difference between healthy groups and between healthy and abnormal bulls. Oestrogen was higher (P<0.05) in winter than in other seasons in 6-10 and older than 11-year-old bulls, including abnormal bulls. Testosterone in healthy bulls showed significant positive correlation (P<0.05) with sperm concentration (r=0.223) and time between two ejaculates (r=0.242), while there was a significant (P<0.05) negative correlation with semen pH (r=-0.293). Oestrogen showed significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with semen pH (r=0.350) and negative (P<0.05) with time between two ejaculates (r=-0.296) and sperm head abnormalities (r=-0.262). Both hormones were negatively correlated (P<0.05) with each other (r=-0.277).Šesnaest bivolskih bikova (Bubalus bubalis) podijeljeno je u 4 dobne skupine s po 4 bika. Bikovi iz 3 skupine imali su dobru kvalitetu sjemena, a iz jedne lošu. Istraživanje je provedeno tijekom jedne godine podijeljene u 5 godišnjih doba. Opća koncentracija testosterona u sjemenskoj plazmi bila je 0,97±0,12 ng/ml. Ona je bila viša (P<0,05) u dobnoj skupini od 6-10 godina nego u bikova mlađih od 5 i starijih od 11 godina. Testosteron nije pokazao značajne razlike po godišnjim dobima. Opća koncentracija estrogena u sjemenskoj plazmi je bila 43,67±7,62 pg/ml i nije bilo značajne razlike između zdravih skupina bikova niti između zdravih i nenormalnih bikova. Estrogen je bio viši (P<0,05) zimi nego u drugim godišnjim dobima u 6-10 godišnjaka i u bikova starijih od 11 godina uključujući i nenormalne bikove. Testosteron je u zdravih bikova pokazao značajnu pozitivnu korelaciju (P<0,05) s koncentracijom spermija (r=0,223) i vremenom između dvije ejakulacije (r=0,242), dok je bila značajna (P<0,05) negativna korelacija sa pH sjemena (r=-0,293). Estrogen je pokazao značajnu (P<0,01) pozitivnu korelaciju sa pH sjemena (r=0,350) i negativnu (P<0,05) s vremenom između dvije ejakulacije (r=-0,296) i s abnormalnostima glave spermija (r=-0,262). Oba su hormona bila u negativnoj međusobnoj (r=-0,277) korelaciji (P<0,05)

    The Effect of Pyeloplasty on Renal Cortical Thickness in the Pediatric Population with Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction

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    OBJECTIVES To determine the effect of pyeloplasty on renal cortical thickness in the pediatric population with ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO).  METHODOLOGY This retrospective study examined the renal cortical thickness in 100 pediatric patients diagnosed with ureteropelvic junction obstruction (UPJO). The study employed a non-probability consecutive sampling technique to select participants. Inclusion criteria encompassed children below five years of age, of both genders, with Pakistani nationality, and availability of both pre-and post-operative ultrasound data. Cases presenting with ureterovesical junction obstruction or vesicoureteral reflux were excluded from the analysis. Data collection involved gathering information on age, gender, and cortical thickness, with renal cortical thickness assessed through ultrasonography. A paired t-test was employed to compare the renal cortical thickness between the preoperative assessment and the 3-month follow-up. RESULTSThe females were 40(40%) and males were 60(60%).  The mean age was 33.51±22.91months.  The mean cortical thickness before pyeloplasty was 5.23±0.93mm and 8.25 ± 2.34mm after pyeloplasty. The renal cortical thickness in both genders significantly increased to 3mm (p&lt;0.001). The cortical thickness before pyeloplasty was 5.23±0.93mm, and after was 8.25±2.34mm.  CONCLUSION Renal cortical thickness can be improved after pyeloplasty in patients with ureteropelvic junction obstruction

    Terrorism, Military Operations and Counterterrorism Strategies for Pakistan

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    Terrorism has been a major challenge in Pakistan for last two decades. Pakistan is a hotbed of religious extremism and the spread of terrorism due to political and economic instability, postcolonial crisis, corruption, lack of national unity and Pakistan&rsquo;s partnership in War on Terror. However, it was only after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 that religious extremism and intolerance were systematically spread among the Pakistani people to help the Afghan resistance.Therefore, religious extremism, militant outfits and sectarianism increased in the 1980s and 1990s. On September 11, 2001, after AL-Qaeda's attacks on the United States, Pakistan was forced to fight against Taliban, many of the people it created and supported in Afghanistan in 1979 and onwards. Since 9/11, Pakistan has almost completely changed its policies. This change in policy was forced by the United States and made Pakistan the front line role as non NATO allay of theUnited States in the global war against terrorism. Although it is a well-known fact that no Pakistani was involved in 9/11 attacks on America. Pakistan's war on terror was formally launched in 2002 and since then it has lost about 70,000 citizens, about 8,000 security personnel and about 126.79 billion dollars (Economic Survey of Pakistan, 20017-18). Pakistan has conducted several military operations to curb the menace of terrorism and make way forward strategies. The main objective of this paper is to analysis of military operations that conducted by the Pakistan military and formulate some steps and policies to curb terrorism in Pakistan. The descriptive and analytical method of research is being used in this research paper