402 research outputs found

    Morphometric relationships of spineless cuttlefish, Sepiella inermis (Orbigny, 1848) from Mumbai waters

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    The relationships of various morphometric characters with dorsal mantle length (DML) of Sepiella inermis from Mumbai waters was established. The coefficient of correlation (r²) for various morphometric characters against dorsal mantle length ranged from 0.747 to 0.942 indicating high degree of relationship among the characters compared. The regression of characteristics obtained by least squares method for S. inermis indicates that the characters have positive allometric growth

    Wireless Power Transmission to a Buried Sensor in Concrete

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    The feasibility of sending wireless power to a buried sensor antenna within concrete was studied. a receive patch rectenna with 75.8% conversion efficiency was designed for operation at 5.7 GHz. The received DC power at the rectenna was measured within dry and wet concrete samples with various cover thicknesses and air-gaps. For the rectenna buried within 30 mm of the concrete, the received DC power was 10.37 mW, which was, about 70% of the received DC power in free-space

    Prevalence of ectoparasites in farmed Pangasius hypothalamus

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    Of the total 240 Pangasius hypothalamus (5 - 8.7cm) fry examined during September' O1 to February'02, 80 (33.33%) were found to be infested with one or more ecroparasites irrespective of genera or groups. Seven parasitic groups were identified with the highest average prevalence of Trichodinids (55%) followed by Dacrylogyrus spp. ( 42%), Episrylis spp. (8%), Apiosoma spp. (7%) Argulus spp. (5%), Gyrodacrylus spp. (4%) and Piscicola spp. (2%) the lowest prevalent group irrespective of months. Trichodinid and Dacrylogyms spp. were recorded to be the dominating parasitic groups among the seven both in terms of monthly prevalence and severity of infestation throughout the period of investigation. The highest prevalence (60%) of ectoparasite was recorded in December and the lowest (10%) in February irrespective of groups

    A K-Chart based implementation framework to attain lean & agile manufacturing

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    [EN] Lean manufacturing has always ensured production optimization by eliminating wastes, and its implementation has helped in improving the operational performance of the organization since it eliminates the bottlenecks from the processes, thus making them efficient. In lean scenarios, the focus is on “waste” elimination, but in agile manufacturing, the focus is on the ability of comprehension of changing market dynamics and the resilience. One of the major factors in the combined implementation of lean and agile approaches is inadequate planning, monitoring and lack of awareness regarding changing market trends, and this can be countered by utilizing the effective tool of K-Chart. Through a systematic literature review, the authors establish the requirement of effective planning and monitoring in the implementation of integrated lean and agile approach, concluding that K-Chart is a handy tool to adopt for their effective implementation. The result provides a new vision of lean implementation through K-Chart, whereas it provides clarity to practitioners by presenting a K-chart based implementation framework for achieving favourable results. Being a literature review the research work can be validated through a case study approach in future through a comparative analysis between various implementation techniques and K-Chart.Zaheer, S.; Amjad, M.; Rafique, M.; Khan, M. (2020). A K-Chart based implementation framework to attain lean & agile manufacturing. International Journal of Production Management and Engineering. 8(2):123-135. https://doi.org/10.4995/ijpme.2020.12935OJS12313582Abdullah, M. K., Mohd Suradi, N., Jamaluddin, N., Mokhtar, A. S., Abu Talib, A., & Zainuddin, M. F. (2006). K-chart: a tool for research planning and monitoring. J. of Quality Management And Analysis, 2(1), 123-130.Abdullah, M. K., Suradi, N. R. M., Jamaluddin, N., Mokhtar, S., Talib, A. R. A., & Zainuddin, M. F. 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    Optimum dietary carbohydrate to lipid ratio in stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch, 1792)

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    A feeding trial of 8 weeks was conducted in a static indoor rearing system to investigate the optimum carbohydrate to lipid ratio (CHO:L ratio) in stinging catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis. Five iso-nitrogenous (35% crude protein) and iso-energetic (17.06 kJ gˉ¹ gross energy (GE)) fish meal based diets with varying carbohydrate to lipid (CHO:L g/g) ratios of 0.60, 0.98, 1.53, 2.29 and 3.44 for diets 1-5, were tested, respectively. The diets containing a fixed protein to energy ratio (P:E ratio) of 20.50-mg protein kJˉ¹ GE were fed to triplicate groups of 40 fish (per 70-L tank). Fish were fed 5% of their body weight per day adjusted fortnightly. Diet 1, containing 10% carbohydrate and 17% lipids with a CHO:L ratio of 0.60 produced the poorest (p<0.05) growth rates, feed and protein efficiency. Increasing carbohydrate content in the diets to 26% concomitant with a reduction in lipid content to 11% with a CHO:L ration of 2.29 of diet 5 significantly improved (p<0.05) growth rates, feed and protein efficiency. But did not differ with diet 4, containing CHO:L ratio 2.29. A further increase in dietary carbohydrate up to 31% and a decrease in lipids levels to 9% with a CHO:L ratio ranging from 2.29 to 3.44 (diet 4-5) did not significantly improve the fish performance. Apparent net protein utilisation (ANPU) of fish fed diet 5 was higher (p<0.05) than for diets 1 and 2 but did not differ from diets 3 and 4. Higher lipid deposition (p<0.05) in whole body was observed with decreasing dietary CHO:L ratios as increasing lipid levels. Whole body protein of fish fed varying CHO:L diets did not show any discernible changes among the dietary treatments. This study revealed that H. fossilis can perform equally well on diets containing carbohydrate ranging from 26 to 31%, with 9 to 11% lipid or at CHO:L g/g ratio of 2.29-3.44

    Factors associated with pregnancy complications during antenatal period: an extended GEE approach

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    The purpose of the paper is to examine the factors affecting pregnancy complications during antenatal period of mothers. The study uses data which have been repeated over time i.e., the nature of the data is longitudinal in type. Thus the generalized estimating equation (GEE) method has been employed to identify the factors associated with the pregnancy complications which constitute binary response. The study reveals important findings. Among others, education of mothers, taking special food during pregnancy and desired index pregnancy are found to be negatively associated with pregnancy related complications i.e., lower risk of complication. Patients visit to health workers during antenatal period is positively associated with identifying the causes of pregnancy related complications. Female literacy and maternal morbidity are intertwined in an inverse relationship i.e., improving the former will reduce the latter. Educated women take better care of themselves. It improves their economic power and ensures a better social and legal status. Pregnant women should take special food in order to get rid of pregnancy related complications

    Study and Design of a Capacitively Coupled Polymeric Internal Antenna

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    A capacitively coupled polymeric internal antenna is introduced for Bluetooth or GPS applications. Such an antenna can be easily fabricated on a flexible film substrate and attached to the inside surface of the plastic housing of a portable wireless device; such as a PDA. The proposed antenna saves critical space on the printed circuit board (PCB) and eliminates the need for a vertical contact feed. Thus manufacturing is also simplified and cost is reduced. Practical examples of utilizing such a concept for Bluetooth (2.45 GHz) and GPS (1.575 GHz) applications are provided. The antenna system requires a small coupling plate (as small as 4 by 4 mm(2)) that can be easily surface mounted on a PCB. The solution proposed provides wideband operation satisfying Bluetooth functionality with good radiation pattern and gain

    Psychological impact of COVID-19 pandemic on health care workers of tertiary care hospit

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    Healthcare workers (HCWs) are at increased risk of mental health issues when faced with the challenges associated with pandemics. This study was conducted to assess the psychological impact of pandemic o n HCWs working in tertiary care hospitals of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province of Pakistan. This cross-sectional study was conducted between April & June 2020. By convenience sampling an electronic form of Goldberg General Health Questionnaire was distributed among HCWs of the private sector and public tertiary care hospitals. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 22. Inferential analysis was done. The significant level was considered at p=<0.05. Total of 186 HCWs among which 105 (56.5%) males and 81 (43.5%) females participated in the survey, a mean age of 37.6±9.28 years. The highest prevalence was found for social dysfunction 184 (97.8%) followed by somatization, 169 (92.8%). Significance of difference was found between age group and anxiety (p=0.018), specialty of HCWs with somatization and social dysfunction (p=0.041 and 0.037 respectively). Pandemic poses a significant risk for the mental health of HCWs. During pandemics at its peak, proper mental health support program, personal and family protection assurance is highly recommended for provision of quality care by HCWs

    Design and analysis of strut-based lattice structure cranial implant

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    A specialized medical cranioplasty procedure entails the use of implants of various materials, forms, and sizes. Computational technologies such as modelling and simulation, have refined the technique for creating these implants catering to patient specific needs. Superior qualities of lattice structures have considerable usage in implants. This study mainly focuses on three distinct types of strut-based lattice structures, Octet, Diamond, and Kelvin, for constructing cranial implant models using CAD tools like Solidworks and nTopology. Titanium alloy (Ti6Al4V) is used to test the behaviour of the designed implants in two cases: impact of external force and increase in intracranial pressure. Level of porosity is compared to determine extent of porosity of these implants, as porosity is significant in osseointegration. According to the study, these lattice structures give satisfactory results and can be utilized to make the implant more porous while satisfying the load bearing capacity

    Bi-allelic Variants in METTL5 Cause Autosomal-Recessive Intellectual Disability and Microcephaly

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