54,757 research outputs found

    Security and Privacy Issues in Cloud Computing

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    Cloud computing transforming the way of information technology (IT) for consuming and managing, promising improving cost efficiencies, accelerate innovations, faster time-to-market and the ability to scale applications on demand (Leighton, 2009). According to Gartner, while the hype grew ex-ponentially during 2008 and continued since, it is clear that there is a major shift towards the cloud computing model and that the benefits may be substantial (Gartner Hype-Cycle, 2012). However, as the shape of the cloud computing is emerging and developing rapidly both conceptually and in reality, the legal/contractual, economic, service quality, interoperability, security and privacy issues still pose significant challenges. In this chapter, we describe various service and deployment models of cloud computing and identify major challenges. In particular, we discuss three critical challenges: regulatory, security and privacy issues in cloud computing. Some solutions to mitigate these challenges are also proposed along with a brief presentation on the future trends in cloud computing deployment

    A machine learning approach to the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition in classical and quantum models

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    The Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition is a very specific phase transition where all thermodynamic quantities are smooth. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the critical temperature in a precise way. In this paper we demonstrate how neural networks can be used to perform this task. In particular, we study how the accuracy of the transition identification depends on the way the neural networks are trained. We apply our approach to three different systems: (i) the classical XY model, (ii) the phase-fermion model, where classical and quantum degrees of freedom are coupled and (iii) the quantum XY model.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure

    Experimental verification of an Oseen flow slender body theory

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    Consider uniform flow past four slender bodies with elliptical cross-section of constant ellipticity along the length of 0, 0.125, 0.25 and 0.375, respectively, for each body. Here, ellipticity is defined as the ratio of the semiminor axis of the ellipse to the semimajor axis. The bodies have a pointed nose which gradually increases in cross-section with a radius of curvature 419mm to a mid-section which then remains constant up to a blunt end section with semimajor axis diameter 160 mm, the total length of all bodies being 800 mm. The bodies are side-mounted within a low-speed wind tunnel with an operational wind speed of the order 30ms−1. The side force (or lift) is measured within an angle of attack range of −3◦ to 3◦ such that the body is rotated about the major axis of the ellipse cross-section. The lift slope is determined for each body, and how it varies with ellipticity. It is found that this variance follows a straight line which steadily increases with increasing ellipticity. It is shown that this result is predicted by a recently developed Oseen flow slender body theory, and cannot be predicted by either inviscid flow slender body theory or viscous crossflow theories based upon the Allen and Perkins method

    Spatial pattern of structural ageing in eastern Croatia: evolution and explanations

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    The article aims to examine the ageing situation and social policy issues in the Osijek-Baranja County of Eastern Croatia. Using historical evidence from Census data, the research suggests that the evolution of the ageing pattern has been mainly determined by such factors as development of the transport system; changes in political-territorial organisation; supply of jobs in the cities; deagrarianisation and a domestic war in the 1990s. The increased importance of urban centres, through planned industrialisation and administrative centralisation, has accelerated and intensified rural-to-urban migration. Consequently, the spatial pattern of structural ageing has been substantially affected. A significant variation was found in urban and rural areas and also within sub-regional units. The findings suggest that the evolution of spatial disparities in the ageing pattern has been due to unplanned migration; also to spatial differences in the level of socio-economic development; the influence of tradition, such as higher fertility rates historically in some areas and suburbanisation, notably around the city of Osijek. The article concludes that ageing is affecting the country’s economic growth and the formal and informal social support systems including the provision of resources for older citizens in the endangered areas

    Self-reported health status of older adults in Malaysia and Singapore: evidence from the 2007 Global Ageing Survey

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    The aim of this study is to investigate the correlates of self-reported health (SRH) among older adults in Malaysia and Singapore. The study uses data collected in the Global Ageing Study (GLAS) 2007, one of the largest surveys of its kind, specially designed to investigate attitudes towards later life, ageing and retirement. Data were collected from 1002 and 1004 respondents from Malaysia and Singapore respectively. The study found that Singaporeans report a healthier life than Malaysians. The two countries have consistent results with regard to the influences of selected covariates on individual health. Poorer health is more prevalent among people with lower education, among those widowed, divorced or separated, and those working in blue-collar occupations. Although social support is found to be an important determinant of SRH, the effects are partially confounded with other covariates. These findings enhance our knowledge about the health status of older people, and in turn will be useful for governments to ensure effective policy making