1,646 research outputs found

    Novel Framework for Hidden Data in the Image Page within Executable File Using Computation between Advanced Encryption Standard and Distortion Techniques

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    The hurried development of multimedia and internet allows for wide distribution of digital media data. It becomes much easier to edit, modify and duplicate digital information. In additional, digital document is also easy to copy and distribute, therefore it may face many threats. It became necessary to find an appropriate protection due to the significance, accuracy and sensitivity of the information. Furthermore, there is no formal method to be followed to discover a hidden data. In this paper, a new information hiding framework is presented.The proposed framework aim is implementation of framework computation between advance encryption standard (AES) and distortion technique (DT) which embeds information in image page within executable file (EXE file) to find a secure solution to cover file without change the size of cover file. The framework includes two main functions; first is the hiding of the information in the image page of EXE file, through the execution of four process (specify the cover file, specify the information file, encryption of the information, and hiding the information) and the second function is the extraction of the hiding information through three process (specify the stego file, extract the information, and decryption of the information).Comment: 6 Pages IEEE Format, International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security, IJCSIS 2009, ISSN 1947 5500, Impact Factor 0.42

    Improvement of Synchronous Machine Dynamic Characteristics via Neural Network Based Controllers

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    This paper presents Simulation and experimental study aimed at investigating the effectiveness of an adaptive artificial neural network stabilizer on enhancing the damping torque of a synchronous generator. For this purpose, a power system comprising a synchronous generator feeding a large power system through a short tie line is considered. The proposed adaptive neuro-control system consists of two multi-layered feed forward neural networks, which work as a plant model identifier and a controller. It generates supplementary control signals to be utilized by conventional controllers. The details of the interfacing circuits, sensors and transducers, which have been designed and built for use in tests, are presented. The synchronous generator is tested to investigate the effect of tuning a Power System Stabilizer (PSS) on its dynamic stability. The obtained simulation and experimental results verify the basic theoretical concepts


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    Objective: Zolmitriptan, a class of antidepressant drugs with poor bioavailability due to its first-pass metabolism. The aim of this study was to improve systemic bioavailability and explore the brain targeting impact of nasal Zolmitriptan (Zol) solid lipid nanoparticles (SLNs) gel for migraine treatment.  Methods: Stearic acid and cholesterol used as solid lipid and lecithin as a surfactant, emulsion solvent evaporation technique was used to produce Zolmitriptan SLNs. (Zol) SLNs were characterized for particle size, percent entrapment efficiency and in vitro drug release. Formula S6 showed greater percent entrapment efficiency (PEE), adequate particle size and sustained drug release behavior. Formula S6 was integrated into HPMC gel (3%) to prepare nasal gel. Zol SLN nasal gel was subjected to histopathological study to ensure brain targeting.  Results: It was observed that all prepared Zol SLNs were in the nano-sized range with a polydispersity index of<0.5. In the cholesterol/lecithin combination, higher PEE%, better stability, and less agglomeration inclination were discovered. Results of the release profiles showed that developed Zol-SLNs were able to release Zolmitriptan in a sustained manner. Histopathological study of the brain tissues showed that Zolmitriptan SLN nasal gel can reach brain cells and localized for 24 h although the hydrophobicity of the target drug. Conclusion: Intranasal administration of Solid lipid nanostructure of Zolmitriptan through the olfactory pathway in which it travels from the nasal cavity to brain tissue achieved drug targeting potential of about 90% compared with conventional Zolmitriptan tablets. The small particle size helped them to squeeze themselves through the small opening in the olfactory neurons to the brain via different endo-cystic pathways of neuronal cells in nasal tissue membranes

    The Motion of a Point Vortex in Multiply Connected Polygonal Domains

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    We study the motion of a single point vortex in simply and multiply connected polygonal domains. In case of multiply connected domains, the polygonal obstacles can be viewed as the cross-sections of 3D polygonal cylinders. First, we utilize conformal mappings to transfer the polygonal domains onto circular domains. Then, we employ the Schottky-Klein prime function to compute the Hamiltonian governing the point vortex motion in circular domains. We compare between the topological structures of the contour lines of the Hamiltonian in symmetric and asymmetric domains. Special attention is paid to the interaction of point vortex trajectories with the polygonal obstacles. In this context, we discuss the effect of symmetry breaking, and obstacle location and shape on the behavior of vortex motion

    Slovníková komprese dat

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    Abstract Data compression has gained increased attention of researchers and developers in the last few decades. It comes handy when users have limited storage capacity or transmission bandwidth as it reduces the size of data without much loss. There have been many types of compression techniques proposed by researchers so far, Lempel-Ziv series of algorithms, for example. Lempel-Ziv series of algorithms are lossless algorithms and follow a dictionary-based approach to data compression where a dictionary is used to keep references of repeated text or words and are omitted to reduce size of data. Out of all the Lempel-Ziv algorithms, this study focuses on Lempel-Ziv-Ross-Williams (LZRW) algorithm and its implementation, which was proposed by Ross Williams in 1991. There is a brief introduction in the study which talks about basics of data compression followed by the compression techniques. Various dictionary-based algorithms have also been compared with each other discussing along with their weaknesses and advantages. Not only that, there is also a brief description on how data compression works for L1 cache. The design issues faced by the designers while implementing data cache compression have also been noted in this study.Abstrakt Komprese dat si získala v posledních několika desetiletích zvýšenou pozornost výzkumníků a vývojářů. Je užitečné používání komprese dat, pokud uživatelé mají k dispozici omezenou úložnou kapacitu nebo datovou propustnost, protože snižují velikost dat bez velké ztráty. Existuje mnoho typů kompresních technik navržených výzkumnými pracovníky, např. řady algoritmů Lempel-Ziv. Série algoritmů Lempel-Ziv jsou bezztrátové algoritmy a řídí se slovníkem založeným na kompresi dat, kde je slovník používán k udržování odkazů na opakovaný text nebo slova a je vynechán ke snížení velikosti dat. Ze všech algoritmů Lempel-Ziv se tato studie zaměřuje na algoritmus Lempel-Ziv-Ross-Williams (LZRW) a jeho implementaci, který navrhl Ross Williams v roce 1991. Ve studii je krátký úvod, který hovoří o základech komprese dat s popisem kompresních technik. Různé algoritmy na bázi slovníku byly také navzájem porovnány, spolu s jejich výhodami a nevýhodami. Studie obsahuje také stručný popis toho, jak komprese dat funguje pro vyrovnávací cache paměť L1. V této studii byly rovněž zaznamenány konstrukční problémy, s nimiž se potýkají vývojáři při implementaci komprese dat ve vyrovnávací paměti.460 - Katedra informatikyvelmi dobř

    Wireless technology: current status and future directions

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    Wireless Technology is expected to be the dominant mode of access technology in the future. Besides voice, a new data range of services such as multimedia and high speed data are being offered for delivery over wireless network. Mobility will be seamless, realizing the concept of persons' being in contact anywhere, at any time. Throughout this paper, we review the long, interesting development of wireless communication in the past, examine the current progress in standards and technologies, and finally discuss possible trends for wireless communication solutions

    Mesoscopic open-eye core–shell spheroid carved anode/cathode electrodes for fully reversible and dynamic lithium-ion battery models

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    We report on the key influence of mesoscopic super-open-eye core–shell spheroids of TiO2- and LiFePO4-wrapped nanocarbon carved anode/cathode electrodes with uniform interior accommodation/storage pockets for the creation of fully reversible and dynamic Li-ion power battery (LIB) models. The mesoscopic core–shell anode/cathode electrodes provide potential half- and full-cell LIB-CR2032 configuration designs, and large-scale pouch models. In these variable mesoscopic LIB models, the broad-free-access and large-open-eye like gate-in-transport surfaces featured electrodes are key factors of built-in LIBs with excellent charge/discharge capacity, energy density performances, and outstanding cycling stability. Mesoscopic open-eye spheroid full-LIB-CR2032 configuration models retain 77.8% of the 1st cycle discharge specific capacity of 168.68 mA h g−1 after multiple cycling (i.e., 1st to 2000th cycles), efficient coulombic performance of approximately 99.6% at 0.1C, and high specific energy density battery of approximately 165.66 W h kg−1 at 0.1C. Furthermore, we have built a dynamic, super-open-mesoeye pouch LIB model using dense packing sets that are technically significant to meet the tradeoff requirements and long-term driving range of electric vehicles (EVs). The full-pouch package LIB models retain a powerful gate-in-transport system for heavy loaded electron/Li+ ion storage, diffusion, and truck movement through open-ended out/in and then up/downward eye circular/curvy folds, thereby leading to substantial durability, and remarkable electrochemical performances even after long-life charge/discharge cycling

    Kinetics of Intrahepatic Hepatitis C Virus (HCV)-Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses in HCV and Schistosoma mansoni Coinfection: Relation to Progression of Liver Fibrosis

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    The kinetics of intrahepatic hepatitis C virus (HCV)-specific CD4+ T cell responses and their role in progression of fibrosis have not previously been characterized. Subjects with HCV/Schistosoma mansoni coinfection have a more rapid progression of HCV liver fibrosis than do those with HCV infection alone. The present prospective longitudinal study compared the liver histology, HCV-specific intrahepatic and peripheral CD4+ T cell proliferative responses, and cytokines (enzyme-linked immunospot) in 48 subjects with unresolved acute HCV infection with or without S. mansoni coinfection, at 6-10 months after acute infection and at the end of follow-up ( months), and the findings were correlated 96±8.7 to the rate of progression of fibrosis per year. Coinfected subjects had significant worsening of fibrosis, compared with subjects with HCV infection alone. At baseline, subjects with HCV infection alone had stronger multispecific intrahepatic HCV-specific CD4+ T helper 1 responses than did coinfected subjects, who had either no responses or weak, narrowly focused responses, and, over time, these T cell responses were maintained only in the liver. The rate of progression of fibrosis and virus load inversely correlated with intrahepatic HCV-specific CD4+ T cell response. The present prospective analysis indicates that enhancement of progression of liver fibrosis is associated with failure to develop early, multispecific, HCV-specific CD4+ Th1 responses, suggesting that novel therapeutic approaches inducing strong cellular immune responses might limit subsequent liver damage in individuals with chronic hepatitis