1,052 research outputs found

    An experimental study of parametric pump

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    In this research for Master\u27s Project, the possibility for separation of glucose and fructose by parametric pumping was investigated. In this research activated carbon was used as adsorbent. First Langmuir\u27s isotherms for glucose and fructose were experimentally found. These results were utilized in the thermal parametric pumping. The pump was run semicontinuously. Parametric pumping was also carried out with KCl +H2O solution using a resin as adsorbent, and the \u27b\u27 value of KCl was found

    Factors Influencing the Effectiveness of E-Learning System (EduWave) in the Educational Process

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    This study aimed to reveal the factors effecting the effectiveness of e-learning)EduWave) education in the educational process in Jordan, through a group of dimension that effect this effectiveness, to achieve the objective of this study the researchers prepare a questionnaire that include (22) paragraph, to collect the primary information from the study sample, and then collecting and analyzing the data and testing the hypotheses using SPSS, the study sample consisted of (96) individuals  in (3) Jordanian public schools at the beginning of September, 2014. After processing the data and the hypotheses of the study, it found the following: The results showed that there is an impact of the electronic learning system (Training the users, infrastructures, the ability of the system to meet the needs of users, the powers granted for the users (Authority), perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use) combined on the effectiveness of the system, except training the users. Keywords: E-learning system, EduWave, The Jordanian Ministry of education, Infrastructure, Technology acceptance model, Education, ICT, and Amman governorate

    Governmental power and human rights in times of emergency a brief survey on article 150 of Malaysian constitution. / Abdul Khalid Shah Mohamad Omar

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    This project is written especially for the academic requirement by the School of Administration and Law for the completion of my final year study as a law student. My favourite subject is Constitutional Law and 1 therefore choose this topic as my project paper: Govermental power And Human Rights In 'r i me s Of Emergency - a brief survey on Article 150 of Malaysian Constitution. This project paper is a study concerning the power confer by Article 150 to the Yang DiPertuan Agong who represent the government in exce r-ci s i ng such power in times of emergency and the restriction thereof. This proj ect will also touch upon the 'Fundamental Rights I Incorporated in the Malaysia Consti tution and the effect of emergency powers to such rights. Most of the discussion is focus in Chapter One and Two. Chapter One gives an introduction about the Federal Constitution of Malaysia which is discuss in three parts: (1) Its brief history (2) Provision of Fundamental Rights and (3) Provision of Article 150. Chapter Two deals with Article 150 in detail and is divided into two parts: (1) Proclaimation of Emer gency and (2) Emergency Legislation. I hope this project paper will be useful as reference to all future law student in Constitutional Law

    Transformation Digitale de L’Administration Publique au Maroc : Revue de la littérature et état des lieux

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    La transformation digitale aura certes le même impact proéminent en termes d’apport technologique que ce soit dans le secteur public ou privé, mais se met en avant de façon différente dans les deux (02) secteurs. Dans le secteur public, aucune administration publique ne cherche à s’accaparer l’avantage compétitif par rapport à l’autre du fait du monopole détenu par l’état, cependant, les organisations étatiques cherchent à prodiguer un meilleur service aux citoyens/usagers en mettant l’accent sur leur efficacité pérenne advienne que pourra le coût engagé. Ce papier vise à établir une synthèse de la revue de la littérature et de dresser un état des lieux sur la problématique de la transformation digitale de l’administration publique au Maroc. Digital transformation will certainly have the same prominent impact in terms of technological contribution, whether in the public or private sector, but highlighted in different ways in both sectors. As regarding the public sector, no public administration seeks to capture the competitive advantage over others because of the monopoly held by the state. However, state organizations seek to provide a better service to citizens/users by focusing on their long-term efficiency whatever the cost incurred. This paper aims to establish a synthesis of the literature review and to draw up an inventory or status report on the problem of the digital transformation of public administration in Morocco

    Örgütlerde etik çalışma ortamının ve liderlik tarzlarının çalışanların kariyer memnuniyetine etkisinin incelenmesi

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    Human resources policies continue as a concept that constantly renews and improves itself. Training and personal development opportunities are provided both to increase the performance of employees as a result of the competitive environment and the expectation that the performance criteria (a determiner of the motivation of employees) is realized. When employee satisfaction starts to decrease in organizations, the intention to leave in organizations starts to increase. In terms of human resources policies, these development opportunities are aimed at keeping challenges to a minimum. And, as a result, the performance of the companies increases based on the leadership roles of the senior managers, in addition to the human resources policies implemented. The leadership style and human resources policies of the managers shape the future of the organization. As a result of the research, we better understand how important leadership and a desirable working environment is for organizations. Thanks to the studies conducted in these areas, it is important that senior managers set an example for the decisions they make and contribute to shaping their leadership roles. In this context, we aim to examine the career satisfaction levels of white-collar employees working in the furniture industry against their leadership styles in an ethical working environment. The data obtained from the research were collected from the furniture producing companies in the marmara region where 388 white-collar employees were surveyed in 2019. Data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 25 and AMOS programs. Firstly, factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed for the validity of the scales representing the variables. Correlation analysis was used to analyze the relationships between variables and regression analysis was used to test hypotheses. The Sobel test was used to analyze the mediation effect. As a result of the research and as stated by the analysis, the change of leader members and transparent leadership have positive effects, but visionary leadership has no positive effect.İnsan kaynakları politikaları sürekli kendini yenileyen, geliştiren bir kavram olarak devam etmektedir. Rekabet ortamından kaynaklı olarak çalışanların performanslarını arttırmaya yönelik eğitimler ve kişisel gelişim imkânları sağlanmakta, bu sayede çalışanların motivasyonlarını en üst seviyede sağlayarak belirlenen performans kriterlerinin gerçekleştirilmesi beklenmektedir. Çalışanların memnuniyet seviyelerinin düşük olması durumunda, örgütlerde çalışan sirkülasyonu meydana gelmektedir. İnsan kaynakları politikaları açısından bu sirkülasyonun minimum seviyede tutulması amaçlanmaktadır. Örgütlerin başarılı olmasındaki en önemli etkenlerden biri liderlerin sahip oldukları özellikler ile çalışanların uyumlu bir iletişim içinde olmalarıdır. Liderler ve çalışanlar arasındaki etkileşim insan kaynakları politikaları neticesinde önem kazanmaktadır. Bu nedenle örgütlerin öncelikle insan kaynakları politikalarını çalışan odaklı belirlemeleri gerekmektedir. Literatürde bu alanda yapılacak çalışmalarla, yeni liderlik rolleri ve çalışan odaklı teorilerle katkıda bulunulması önem arz etmektedir. Bu kapsamda mobilya sektöründe çalışmakta olan beyaz yakalıların etik çalışma ortamında liderlik tarzları karşısında kariyer memnuniyeti düzeylerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma da anketler 2019 yılında marmara bölgesinde mobilya üretimi yapan firmalarda çalışan 388 beyaz yakalıdan toplanmıştır. Verilerin analiz edilmesinde IBM SPSS 25 ve AMOS programları kullanılmış, öncelikle değişkenleri temsil eden ölçeklerin geçerliliği için faktör analizi ve güvenirlilik analizi yapılmıştır. Değişkenler arasındaki ilişkilerin analiz edilmesinde korelasyon analizi, hipotezlerin test edilmesinde regresyon analizi yapılmıştır. Aracı değişken etkisinin analizin de sobel testi kullanılmıştır. Araştırma sonucunda lider üye değişimi ve şeffaf liderliğin olumlu etkileri olduğu ancak vizyoner liderliğin olumlu etkisinin olmadığı analizlerle belirtilmektedir

    Supraclavicularis proprius muscle associated with supraclavicular nerve entrapment

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    Entrapment neuropathy of the supraclavicular nerve is rare and, when it occurs, is usually attributable to branching of the nerve into narrow bony clavicular canals. We describe another mechanism for entrapment of this nerve with the aberrant muscle; supraclavicularis being found during the routine dissection of an embalmed 82-year-old cadaver. Our report details a unique location for this rare muscular variation whereby the muscle fibres originated posteriorly on the medial aspect of the clavicle before forming a muscular arch over the supraclavicular nerve and passing laterally towards the trapezius and acromion. We recommend that in clinical instances of otherwise unexplained unilateral clavicular pain or tenderness, nerve compression from the supraclavicularis muscle must be borne in mind.