177 research outputs found

    The Sanctioning Authority of Hearing Officers in Special Education Cases

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    Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA or the Act), children with disabilities are entitled to a free, appropriate public education (FAPE). The Act provides a procedural safeguard for children and their parents seeking to challenge a state or local educational agency\u27s educational plan for the child in the form of a due process hearing presided over by a hearing officer or an administrative law judge (ALJ). This article describes the current case law concerning the authority of ALJs to sanction parties and attorneys for misconduct during these special education proceedings. Due to the limited number of cases available on the topic and the lack of analysis in literature, this article seeks to offer perspective on the types of cases in which sanctions were used and against whom the officers issued them, in attempt to provide practitioners and pro se petitioners guidance on how to prevent the issuance of a sanction against them

    Water Soft Path Analysis – Jordan Case

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    School leadership includes several elements; one of them is technology leadership that is necessary for the success of technology integration in education. The purpose of this study is to describe the state of technology integration in Sharjah City Government Schools based on a juxtaposition and comparison of principals\u27 perceived practices of technology integration and teachers\u27 perceptions. This technique of study would help in reaching a more trusted image of technology integration at Sharjah schools. The second purpose was to investigate the influence of the principals\u27 gender on integrating technology in their schools, in addition to identify the main challenges that faced Sharjah government schools\u27 principals in integrating technology in their schools. The descriptive approach was used to collect the quantitative data through administering the Educational Technology Survey for principals and teachers. A sample of 34 government school principals and 344 teachers responded to the survey. The findings indicated that a difference exists between principals\u27 and teachers’ perceptions of Sharjah City government school principals\u27 ability to integrate technology in their schools based on National Edu-cational Technology Standards for Administrators (NETS-A). Standard I (Visionary Leadership) was the least level achieved in comparison to the other standards. Moreover, gender had a significant difference just in Standard II “Digital Age Learning Culture” in the favor of female. The high cost of integrating technology and lack of funding, continuous production of new technology tools and the inability to cope with them, lack of professional development programs, and lack of skilled and qualified teachers in integrating technology were the most important challenges that faced Sharjah City principals in integrating technology in their schools

    Principals’ Integration of Technology in Education at Sharjah City Government Schools

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    School leadership includes several elements; one of them is technological leadership that is necessary for the success of technology integration in education. The purpose of this study is to describe the state of technology integration in Sharjah City Government Schools based on a juxtaposition and a comparison of principals’ perceived practices of technology integration and teachers’ perceptions. This technique of study would help in reaching a more trusted image of technology integration at Sharjah Schools. The second purpose was to investigate the influence of the principals’ gender on integrating technology in their schools, in addition to identify the main challenges that faced Sharjah government schools’ principals in integrating technology in their schools. The descriptive approach was used to collect the quantitative data through administering the Educational Technology Survey for principals’ and teachers. A sample of 34 government school principals and 344 teachers responded to the survey. The findings indicated that a difference exists between principals’ and teachers’ perceptions of Sharjah City government school principals’ ability to integrate technology in their schools based on National Educational Technology Standards for Administrator (NETS-A). Standard I (Visionary Leadership) was the least level achieved in comparison to the other standards. Moreover, gender has a significant difference just in standard II “Digital Age Learning Culture” in the favor of female. The high cost of integrating technology and lack of funding, continuous production of new technology tools and the inability to cope with them, lack of professional development programs, and lack of skilled and qualified teachers in integrating technology were the most important challenges that faced Sharjah City principals in integrating technology in their schools

    Time-Series Predictability for Sector Investing

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    Does Math Destroyed the Jurassic Park?

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    هناك مشهد في فلم حديقة جورسية تقوم به الشخصية لان مالكولم يشرح فيه معنى نظرية الفوضى لزميلته الدكتورة ساتلر) لورا درن (حيث انه وضع قطرة ماء على يدها وقال لها اننا لا نستطيع التنبؤ عن مسار سقوط قطرة الماء لانه يعتمد على متغيرات منها نعومة اليد و كمية الدم المارة في اوعيتها الدموية و بعض المؤثرات الموجودة على الجلد. و بالتالي سيكون مسار قطرة الماء غير متوقع على اليد. ينسب مالكولم هذه الأمور غير المتوقعة الى الفوضى. وقد أشار اكثر من مرة الى ذلك اثناء تطور احداث الفلم بطريقة غير متوقعة. بين المزاح و الجد اكد مالكولم اكثر من مرة على ان الحديقة ستخرج عن سيطرة مديرها. بالطبع هو محق في تنبؤه. لكن هل لنظرية الفوضى دور في ذلك؟ دعنا في هذه الورقة نكتشف نظرية الفوضى و دورها ان وجد في اضطراب او دمار حديقة جورسية. هناك مشهد في فلم حديقة جورسية تقوم به الشخصية لان مالكولم يشرح فيه معنى نظرية الفوضى لزميلته الدكتورة ساتلر) لورا درن (حيث انه وضع قطرة ماء على يدها و قال لها اننا لا نستطيع التنبؤ عن مسار سقوط قطرة الماء لانه يعتمد على متغيرات منها نعومة اليد و كمية الدم المارة في اوعيتها الدموية و بعض المؤثرات الموجودة على الجلد. وبالتالي سيكون مسار قطرة الماء غير متوقع على اليد. ينسب مالكولم هذه الأمور غير المتوقعة الى الفوضى. وقد أشار اكثر من مرة الى ذلك اثناء تطور احداث الفلم بطريقة غير متوقعة. بين المزاح والجد اكد مالكولم اكثر من مرة على ان الحديقة ستخرج عن سيطرة مديرها. بالطبع هو محق في تنبؤه. لكن هل لنظرية الفوضى دور في ذلك؟ دعنا في هذه الورقة نكتشف نظرية الفوضى ودورها ان وجد في اضطراب او دمار حديقة جورسية.There is a scene in Jurassic Park movie in which the character Dr Malcolm, attempt to explain the mean of chaos theory to Dr Sattlar. He dropping a bead of water on her knuckle on her hand, then he put another bead on the same place, it takes a different trajectory from the first one. He asserts that tiny variation of her hand make  the first trajectory different from the second one. Now let us ask what happened in Jurassic Park? Dr Malcolm attributes this unpredictability to chaos. He said that many times when he saw that the events of the film evolve in unpredictable way.  He use his mathematics to grantee that the park will be out of the control of its manager. Of course he is correct, but is it truth that the Chaos is the cause of the chaos of Jurassic Park. Let us know what Chaos is and then answer this question

    A one decade survey of autonomous mobile robot systems

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    Recently, autonomous mobile robots have gained popularity in the modern world due to their relevance technology and application in real world situations. The global market for mobile robots will grow significantly over the next 20 years. Autonomous mobile robots are found in many fields including institutions, industry, business, hospitals, agriculture as well as private households for the purpose of improving day-to-day activities and services. The development of technology has increased in the requirements for mobile robots because of the services and tasks provided by them, like rescue and research operations, surveillance, carry heavy objects and so on. Researchers have conducted many works on the importance of robots, their uses, and problems. This article aims to analyze the control system of mobile robots and the way robots have the ability of moving in real-world to achieve their goals. It should be noted that there are several technological directions in a mobile robot industry. It must be observed and integrated so that the robot functions properly: Navigation systems, localization systems, detection systems (sensors) along with motion and kinematics and dynamics systems. All such systems should be united through a control unit; thus, the mission or work of mobile robots are conducted with reliability

    Impact of nuclear structure from shell model calculations on nuclear responses to WIMP elastic scattering for 19^{19}F and nat^{nat}Xe targets

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    Non-relativistic effective field theory (NREFT) is one approach used for describing the interaction of WIMPs with ordinary matter. Among other factors, these interactions are expected to be affected by the structure of the atomic nuclei in the target. The sensitivity of the nuclear response components of the WIMP-nucleus scattering amplitude is investigated using shell model calculations for 19^{19}F and nat^{nat}Xe. Resulting integrated nuclear response values are shown to be sensitive to some specifics of the nuclear structure calculations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    The Dynamics of the Fixed Points to Duffing Map

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    We study the fixed points of Duffing map and the general properties of them , we find the contracting and expanding area of this map .So, we divide the parameter space for many regions to determinate the fixed points attracting , repelling or saddle . Also we determinate the bifurcation points of the parameter space . Keywords: Duffing map , fixed point , bifurcation point , attracting- expanding area