21 research outputs found
Banana is a horticultural commodity that gets priority to be researched and developed because it has the potential to meet domestic or export needs. Majasari Village, Cibiuk District, Garut Regency, West Java Province is one of the centers of banana production with productivity reaching 27 tons/ha. So far there has been no study related to the analysis of agro-ecosystem vegetation and the diversity of banana species in Majasari Village so that the diversity of banana species is unknown and causes there is still much potential banana germplasm that has not been characterized. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the level of diversity of banana species and their agroecosystem biodiversity in Majasari Village in supporting plant breeding activities. The study was conducted at 21 locations in Majasari Village where the determination of the location was carried out by purposive sampling. The method used in this study is a survey and exploration method as well as interviews with farmers. The results showed that Majasari Village had a high diversity of species in the banana agroecosystem, both annual crops (H = 2.53) and annual plants (H = 2.54). In the banana agroecosystem, 18 types of annual plants were found, 23 types of annual plants were found. The most dominating annual crop is cassava with an INP value of 53,966, while the most dominating annual plant is teak with an INP value of 48,790. From 21 banana agroecosystems in Majasari village, 20 types of bananas were found, consisting of 12 types of fruit bananas and 8 types of processed bananas with a high diversity index (H = 2.67). The dominant type of banana is Ambon banana with an INP value of 37.444%
Indonesia merupakan salah satu pengolahan produk teh gambung terbesar. Produk teh gambung dihasilkan dengan jenis teh yang berbeda. Namun, kualitas system pengolahan produk mengalami penurunan dikarenakan pekebun sulit membedakan jenis daun teh produksi dengan daun teh unggul dan masih menggunakan prosedur pengolahan daun secara manual. Diketahui, daun teh gambung memiliki 11 klon jenis. Daun teh GMB (1-11) merupakan klon unggul jenis teh dari jenis assamica maupun jenis sinensis dari hasil riset Pusat Penelitian Teh dan Kina (PPTK). Oleh karena itu, diperlukan teknologi pengenalan jenis daun teh sebagai peningkatan kualitas produk. Penelitian ini membuat metode klasifikasi, yaitu dengan menggunakan metode Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) sebagai algoritma klasifikasi. Proses klasifikasi data citra daun akan diuji dengan kelas sebanyak 11 jenis daun klon dan jumlah dataset diaugmentasi sebesar 4400 data. Arsitektur LeNet-5 akan digunakan pada pengujian model klasifikasi. Proses klasifikasi memperoleh hasil terbaik dengan nilai akurasi sebesar 94.55% dengan parameter optimizer Adam dan learning rate yang digunakan sebesar 0.001
Growth of Rice (Oryza sativa) Varieties: Mendawak, Inpari 34, Ciherang, and Bangir in Ciganjeng Village, Pangandaran District
Type of rice varieties is one of the important factors that affecting rice production. For countries, rice breeders of Indonesia can take advantage of specific environmental potential in determining the distribution policy of superior varieties. The purpose of this study was to observe the appearance of plant height and the number of tillers of four rice varieties in Ciganjeng Village, namely Mendawak, Inpari 34, Ciherang, and Bangir. The design used completely randomized block design and repeated three times. Observations were carried out eight times in the vegetative phase, started from 14 days to 63 days after planting. This research was participatory and involved farmers. Farmers roled as observers to measure and record observation. All data analyzed by ANOVA with tukey’s HSD test as post hoc test. The results showed that both Inpari 34 and Bangir variety had the highest average plant height growth while Mendawak and Bangir has the highest average number of tillers
Penampilan 15 Genotipe Kedelai Hitam (Glycine soja (L.) Merr) pada Pertanaman Tumpangsari 2:1 dengan Jagung
ABSTRAKPeningkatan minat petani untuk menanam kedelai dapat dilakukan melalui sistem tanam tumpangsari kedelai dengan jagung untuk mengurangi kemungkinan kerugian akibat gagal panen. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagimana penampilan karakter daya hasil 15 genotipe kedelai hitam pada pertanaman tumpangsari pola 2:1 dengan jagung. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimen berdasarkan Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 15 genotip kedelai hitam sebagai perlakuan yang diulang sebanyak dua kali. Percobaan disusun dalam pertanaman 2:1 (dua baris kedelai dan satu baris jagung). Pengamatan dilakukan terhadap karakter daya hasil yaitu jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah biji per tanaman, bobot 100 biji, bobot biji per tanaman, dan bobot biji per baris. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa genotipe-genotipe yang lebih unggul dibandingkan dengan kultivar Cikuray dan Malika adalah BTN 1, BTN 2, BTN 5, dan CK 5 pada karakter jumlah biji per tanaman, genotipe CK 15 pada karakter jumlah polong per tanaman, genotipe SM 2 pada karakter jumlah polong per tanaman dan jumlah biji per tanaman, serta genotipe CK 0, KA 6, dan KA 7 pada karakter jumlah polong per tanaman, jumlah biji per tanaman dan bobot biji per baris.Kata Kunci: Kedelai hitam, Tumpangsari, Daya hasi
Edukasi Makanan Serta Jajanan Sehat, Halal, dan Bergizi dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Kesadaran Anak Panti Asuhan
Community service provides benefits to the community in the form of activities such as education to improve the quality of life. An orphanage is a social institution that shelters and cares for orphans. The community service carried out by UMM PMM students in group 37 batch 11 was in the form of education on healthy, halal and nutritious food and snacks for the children of the Taqwa Al-Qolbi orphanage, Malang. The participants in this service activity were residents of the Taqwa Al-Qolbi Orphanage, totaling 25 people and 6 caretakers of the orphanage. Educational activities in the form of identifying problems that often occur in the Taqwa Al-Qolbi orphanage and holding discussions with the orphanage's management to get more information about the consumption of food and snacks for the orphans. The series of stages of this service are preparation, provision of material, and implementation. Educational activities on healthy, halal and nutritious food and snacks are carried out by providing material through PowerPoint, poster and video animations to make it easier for orphanage children to understand the material and not get bored quickly, then implementing activities on the material that has been delivered in the form of giving real examples of the differences between healthy and unhealthy snacks healthy and making rice balls using halal, healthy and nutritious ingredients. The dedication activity ran smoothly and was full of enthusiasm from the orphans. Through this service program, it is hoped that the orphanage will increase the knowledge of halal, healthy and nutritious food.Pengabdian masyarakat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat berupa kegiatan seperti edukasi untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup. Panti asuhan merupakan lembaga sosial yang menaungi dan merawat anak yatim piatu. Pengabdian masyarakat yang dilakukan mahasiswa UMM PMM kelompok 37 gelombang 11 berupa edukasi makanan dan jajanan yang sehat, halal, dan bergizi kepada anak-anak panti asuhan Taqwa Al-Qolbi, Malang. Peserta kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah penghuni Panti Asuhan Taqwa Al-Qolbi yang berjumlah 25 orang serta 6 orang pengurus panti. Program Pengabdian Masyarakat oleh Mahasiswa (PMM) ini dimulai sejak tanggal 1 Oktober 2022 hingga 30 Oktober 2022. Pelaksanaan pengabdian ini dilaksanakan secara offline dengan menggunakan metode pembelajaran PowerPoint interaktif, poster dan audio-visual. Kegiatan dilaksanakan di Panti. Rangkaian kegiatan pengabdian pada hari pelaksanaan dilaksanakan melalui 3 (tiga) tahapan yaitu tahap persiapan, tahap pelaksanaan dan tahap tindak lanjut. Kegiatan implementasi terhadap materi yang telah disampaikan berupa pemberian contoh nyata perbedaan jajanan sehat dan tidak sehat serta pembuatan nasi kepal dengan bahan yang halal, sehat, dan bergizi. Kegiatan pengabdian berjalan lancar serta penuh dengan antusiasme anak-anak panti. Melalui program pengabdian ini diharapkan menambah pengetahuan anak-anak panti terkait pangan halal, sehat, dan bergizi
Faktor pengambilan keputusan pada mahasiswa yang melakukan aborsi
Aborsi merupakan fenomena yang masih banyak terjadi di kalangan remaja. Seks bebas menjadi pemicu terjadinya aborsi. Aborsi mempunyai dampak negatif bagi kesehatan fisik, aborsi juga memiliki dampak psikologis bagi pelakunya. Untuk itu pengambilan keputusan perlu dikaji dalam melihat fenomena tersebut. Sehingga penelitian ini bertujan untuk melihat cara pengambilan keputusan remaja yang melakukan aborsi. Metodelogi penelitian ini menggunakan kualitatif fenomenologi. Metode pengumpulan datanya menggunakan observasi dan wawancara. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah dalam pengambilan keputusan semua informan dalam penelitian ini dipengaruhi oleh faktor masa lalu, masa kini. Informan tidak mempertimbangkan masa depan dalam melakukan aborsi. Kondisi setelah melakukan aborsi adalah merasa menyesali tindakan tersebut di masa kini
Pengaruh Store Atmosphere, Experiental Marketing Dan Price Discount Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian Di Era Pandemi COVID-19 (Studi Kasus Pada Konsumen Starbuck Malang)
Abstract At this time, the competition faced by a company is getting tougher. Management within the company is required to be more careful in determining its business strategy, not only that, but company management is also expected to increase sales. Because the competition is getting tougher. be a challenge or a threat to business people. Like during this Pandemic, almost the entire world was affected by significant losses, with a decline in the world economy, and an increase in basic prices in various countries, including Indonesia, which is currently facing a critical period from the impact of Covid-19. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic is quite high, for companies that do not call for government regulations, companies are threatened with being closed until legal procedures are revoked. This caused a lot of companies to go out of business because they could not comply with the applicable procedures. As well as the decline in purchases of a company's product. The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of Store Atmosphere, Experiential Marketing and Price Discount simultaneously on purchasing decisions at the Covid-19 pandemic era in Malang Coffee turbo, and the partial influence of Store Atmosphere, Experiential Marketing and Price Discount on purchasing decisions at the Covid pandemic era. -19 on the poor Coffee starbuck. This research is an explanatory study (expanatory record) with a quantitative approach. In this study, the sample used was 100 respondents who visited and bought Starbucks products. The results showed that there was a simultaneous influence between Store Atmosphere, Experiential Marketing and Price Discount variables on the purchasing decision of Starbuck Coffee Malang on consumers of Starbuck Coffee Malang. It is known that partially there is an influence between Store Atmosphere, Experiential Marketing and Price Discount variables which have a partial effect on purchasing decisions of Starbuck Coffee Malang on consumers of Starbuck Coffee Malang. Keywords: Store Atmosphere, Experiential Marketing, Price Discount and Purchase Decision
Biofuel plantations and isoprene emissions in Svea and Götaland
Bioenergy as an alternative source for energy production and transportation has gained attention to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions from fossil fuels. Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) as dedicated energy crops for heat and energy production have many demonstrated and proved climatic, biodiversity and environmental benefits, but concerns regarding the occurred Land Cover Change (LCC) from agriculture land into SRC have been raised. Since they are recognized as high isoprene emitters at higher rates than other croplands and once isoprene interact with Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) it would lead to O3 formation to unhealthy levels. A Geographical Information System (GIS) model used in this study offered a simple method to quantify LCC. Different geoprocessing tools and zonal (Spatial Analyst) tools such as tabulate area to explore the distribution of biofuels plantation areas, SRC and rapeseeds, are relative to each land cover type. And to calculate the increases in isoprene annual turnovers caused by cultivation of thousands of hectares of SRC in Svealand and Götaland regions, a simplified methodology for isoprene annual emissions has been used. The GIS model was used to generate maps and GIS analyses and then relate isoprene emissions with SRC plantations and other ecosystem types. The results showed that the temporal development of the areas used for willow and rapeseed plantations increased between the time period 2002 and 2008 and declined between 2008 and 2014, except for poplar which showed a rise in the covered area from 2002 to 2014. Also, an increase in the number of small plots that are equal or less than 6 ha and removing large plots was obvious during that period, and the areas used for rapeseed were larger than the areas used for SRC. LCC was basically from non-irrigated arable land into SRC and rapeseed crops, about 95% of LCC from non-irrigated arable land into energy crops was dedicated to rapeseed and only 5% of LCC was dedicated to SRC in 2014, this pattern has not changed since 2002. The emitted isoprene from SRC due to LCC was almost 9 times more than the emitted isoprene from the corresponding area of other agricultural crops. The results would support the decision making process about the selection of SRC locations in the context of LCC from agriculture land and other land cover types, and in the context of the anthropogenic pollutants NO2 to avoid or reduce the effects of LCC into SRC on air quality in Sweden.Introduction: Short Rotation Coppice (SRC) such as willow and poplar as bioenergy crops are mainly used for heat and energy production in heat and power plants (CHP). They proved to have climatic, biodiversity and environmental benefits. Their life cycle starts at any time in July. They are cultivated mostly on agricultural land. Harvest starts in winter after 3-4 years (4 growing seasons). Renewable energy in Sweden forms 50.6% of the total energy use. Bioenergy forms 33.6% of that figure. Willow chips produced 0.55 TWh in 2013. Problem: Land Cover Change (LCC) from agriculture land into SRC. SRC are isoprene emitters. Isoprene leads to changes in air chemistry and formation of Ozone, once it interacts with Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) pollutant that >1.88 ug/m3 level. Objective: is to map the temporal and spatial development of willow, poplar 2001-2014 in Svealand and Götaland regions. To Analyze their distribution and fields size, to quantify LCC from forest/agriculture land into SRC. And to quantify isoprene emissions from SRC yearly. This study was premised on three hypotheses testing. Methodology: Different GIS analysis tools was carried out to meet the objectives using ESRI ArcGIS software. Results: The areas used for willow and rapeseed plantations increased between 2002-2008 and declined between 2008 -2014 An increase in the number of small fields (1.88 ug/m3, sufficient for Ozone. Size of potential suitable sites for willow expansion on agriculture land are 300,000 ha where NO2 levels are <1.88 ug/m3, would produce 29TWh. That increases isoprene from willow to 0.7% of the total emission