27 research outputs found

    Analysis of porcine DNA in several food products

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    Species identification in food products has grown interest in recent years since these foodstuffs are liable targets for fraudulent labelling. Consumers of Halal products typically buying those with a Halal logo stamped on the packaging without doubt for its authenticity. DNA-based methods on PCR amplification were used to identify the presence of porcine DNA in the processed food samples. Genomic DNA of porcine was extracted using DNA-Sorb-C and subjected to PCR amplification targeting the mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene and porcine leptin gene (LEP). Out of 66 samples, 37 samples showed amplified product of 387 bp with mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene and 59 samples showed amplified products of 152 bp with LEP. The verification for Halal authentication of food products is significant for economical, religious and public health concerns

    Determination of suspected non halal food products by using porcine mitochondrial 12s rDNA and porcine leptin gene / Khairunnisa Hassan

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    In the current era of market globalization, people in the world could not evade from imported food products. The demand for imported food products such as chocolates, biscuits and sweets are projected to escalate steadily over the next decade as a result of increasing consumption. Unfortunately, most of the imported food products do not have Halal Logo or with doubted Halal Logo. The demand for Halal food and other Islamic consumer goods is increasing. This study will be beneficial to provide new information of Halal products and easier for Muslim to choose the permissible products according to Syariah Law. The main objective of this study was to determine of suspected Non Halal processed food products by using porcine mitochondrial 12S rDNA and porcine leptin gene. A total of 66 samples of suspected Non Halal food products were screened for porcine mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene and porcine leptin gene primer pairs from the genomic DNA. The PCR products were separated on 2% agarose gel and visualized under UV light. Thirty seven samples were positive with mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene whilst 59 samples were positive with leptin gene. From these, 33 were positive with both primers. These results indicate that the samples of processed food products contained porcine derivatives. From the detection of the DNA products by using the two set of primers, leptin gene was concluded to be more specific than the mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene. Some of the PCR products of processed food products of mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene and leptin gene were sent to Genomic Bioscience & Technology Company for DNA sequencing. Then, the sequences of the DNA were used for sequence alignment in order to get a probe specific to Halal food. Two probes were obtained, one with 24 mers and 13 mers, respectively. Mitochondrial 12S rDNA gene was chosen to make a probe because it has more quality DNA for a probe compared to leptin gene. In addition, findings from this research also provide new information in the detection of pork in foods products for Halal authentication

    The determinants of consumer acceptance on accessibility towards internet banking in Malaysia / Khairunnisa Hassan

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    Internet banking is one of facilities served by banking institutions to their customers. Internet banking not only gave advantages to customers but also to banking institution. But, there are some individuals not really understand what type of service provides by internet banking. The past researcher shows that there are many factors that influence costumer’s using internet banking. Present research study revealed that there are three factors that influence consumer accessibility towards internet banking in Malaysia which are individual perception, technology system and also security. This study will be conducted at three different states which Selangor, Malacca and also Johor involved total of 50 respondents

    The importance of 5S implementation to the government sector at Pejabat Daerah Dan Tanah Pekan / Amani Khairunnisa Abu Hassan

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    The study investigated the importance of 5S implementation to the government sector in Malaysia. This study contained independent variables with the impact of 5S implementation towards government staffs at the assigned place. This paper examined how these factors influenced productivity, quality and performance of the staff. The research had been carried out in Pejabat Daerah dan Tanah Pekan, Pahang (PDT). It used simple random sampling technique to collect all the data. The questionnaires were familiar to most people. Just as there was better and more delegated face to face when distributed the questionnaires. The finding showed 5S gave good impacts to the government staffs

    Understanding Urban Ornamentation Policy and Practice: Case study of Alor Gajah Melaka roadside sculptures

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    This study investigates the significance of Roadside Sculptures in the context of urban ornamentation policy and practice, utilizing a triangulation method of observation, formal analysis, and expert rating.  Based on the findings the 14 Roadside Sculptures along the Alor Gajah-Melaka-Jasin highway feature four similar designs that promote environmental sustainability but lack cultural identity. Expert ratings, however, draw attention to problems in terms of functionality, idealization, shape, accessibility, sensibility, and exactitude. To improve the town's image, the study recommends that the Alor Gajah Municipal Council strengthen its urban ornamentation policy and practice by collaborating with the creative society and local community

    Metod Pendidikan Muzium (Melihat, Pandang dan Sentuh) memberi kesan yang memberangsangkan kepada pelajar dalam proses pembelajaran sama ada pendidikan formal dan bukan formal

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    Kajian ini adalah berkaitan teknik pembelajaran yang diperoleh dari pendidikan muzium. Kaedah pembelajaran Talk and chalk sudah lama diaplikasikan di sekolah dan kini dilihat kurang relevan dengan situasi kini. Kurikulum yang semakin mencabar dan terpaksa pelajar memahami sesuatu di luar kadar keupayaan mereka berfikir. Penggunaan media komunikasi dilihat sangat baik dalam memberikan pendedahan kepada pelajar mengenai kaedah pembelajaran yang lebih baik dan menarik. Namun terdapat beberapa kesan negatif di mana pelajar seusia 5 tahun sudah diajar menggunakan peranti pintar yang kadang banyak memberikan kesan negatif kepada pelajar cilik sekiranya tidak dipantau oleh ibu bapa atau guru. Muzium telah menawarkan satu kaedah pendidikan yang menarik iaitu menggunakan pancaindera iaitu melalui kaedah dengar, lihat dan sentuh. Muzium bukan sahaja tempat menyimpan artifak negara tetapi juga memainkan konsep yang baru dalam pendidikan. Selaras dengan makna yang telah diberikan oleh International Council of Museums (ICOM) mengenai muzium. Kaedah kajian yang digunakan adalah pemerhatian iaitu di Muzium Kuala Lumpur dan analisis kandungan. Dapatan kajian adalah konsep pendidikan muzium sesuai digunakan oleh pelajar dalam menjadi alat bantu mengajar di sekolah. Pihak guru digalakkan membawa pelajar ke muzium dalam mempelajari subjek yang berkaitan. Ibu bapa yang berkelapangan juga disaran membawa anak-anak ke muzium dalam membantu anak-anak lebih memahami mata pelajaran di sekolah dengan menggunakan artifak yang dipamerkan di galeri pameran. Muzium bukan sekadar mempunyai koleksi artifak malah mereka juga telah memberikan jalan cerita yang sebenar mengikut kronologi terutama bagi subjek sejarah. Sumbangan kajian ini adalah memberikan kaedah pembelajaran yang berbeza bagi membantu pelajar untuk lebih memahami pelajaran

    Automated power control system for reactor TRIGA PUSPATI

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    Reactor TRIGA PUSPATI (RTP) Mark II type undergoes safe operation for more than 30 years and the only research reactor exists in Malaysia. The main safety feature of Instrumentation and Control (I&C) system design is such that any failure in the electronic, or its associated components, does not lead to an uncontrolled rate of reactivity. The existed controller using feedback approach to control the reactor power. This paper introduces proposed controllers such as Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) and Proportional Integral Derivatives (PID) controller for the RTP simulation. In RTP, the most important considered parameter is the reactor power and act as nervous system. To design a controller for complex plant like RTP is quite difficult due to high cost and safety factors cause by the failure of the controller. Furthermore, to overcome these problems, a simulator can be used to replace functions the hardware and test could then be simulated using this simulator. In order to find the best controller, several controllers were proposed and the result will be analysed for study the performances of the controller. The output result will be used to find out the best RTP power controller using MATLAB/Simulink and gives result as close as the real RTP performances. Currently, the structures of RTP was design using MATLAB/Simulink tool that consist of fission chamber, controller, control rod position, height-to-worth of control rods and a RTP model. The controller will control the control rod position to make sure that the reactivity still under the limitation parameter. The results given from each controller will be analysed and validated through experiment data collected from RTP

    Sarawak Technical and Vocational Educational Training Instructors : The Pursuit of Happiness and Psychological Detachment Across the Sarawak Region

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    The study aims to identify the relationship between psychological detachment (i.e., relaxation, mastery, and control of experience) and happiness in the workplace among Technical and Vocational Education Training (TVET) instructors from various TVET institutions across the Sarawak region. Electronic survey was completed by 122 TVET instructors. Pearson correlation coefficient analysis was used, and overall, the findings showed that the TVET instructors’ psychological detachment had a significant relationship with their happiness in the workplace. Multiple linear regression was used to further examine the associations between the predictor and outcome variables, with control of experience mostly contributed to the TVET instructors’ happiness in the workplace. Thus, it is suggested that TVET institution should strategically creating leisure areas at the workplace for the instructors to relax during their offwork hours, provide skills training, and allow them to have control over own leisure time can increase their happiness in the workplace

    Fundamentals of Entrepreneurship ENT300 The Soapranos / Noor Ashyikin Jamali… [et al.]

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    The project we want to propose is a service which is housecleaning. We have chosen to be known as The Soapranos Housecleaning Enterprise. We choose this name because we believe that it will attract and get a good response from our customers. We provide our customers with a proper standard of cleaning and multi services. So, we have to ensure that our services will meet up the expectation of our company name. It is our priority to provide the best and quality services for our customers. The name given is to create an impression to the customer where it will make them feel we are here to help them to create comfortable and secure environment

    Penekanan Visi dan Misi Pensyarah Cemerlang Pendidikan Islam dalam Pelaksanaan Pengajaran dan Pembelajaran

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    This article discusses the importance of vision and mission of the Islamic Education Lecturers (IELs) in teaching and learning (TnL). This study was fully conducted through qualitative method via case study. Six IELs were selected as participants and willing to be interviewed, and the data from the interview were supported by three Heads of Islamic Education Unit, 12 lecturers and 12 students. The data were triangulated with the data obtained through observation and document analysis. The data were analysed through N’Vivo software to generate a pattern of themes and characteristics of the vision and mission in TnL. The result found that there were six elements of vision and mission emphasized by the IELs in TnL. Five of them had formed a pattern. That five elements were; students receiving and appreciating, TnL objective achieved, spreading da’wah, moulding students attidtude and thinking, and achieving success in the world and the hereafter. Therefore, a model which is named as Model of the Vision and Mission Practice for the Excellent Islamic Education Lecturers was deloped. From the overall view, the emphasis on achieving mission and vision helps the IELs to successfully conduct TnL inside and outside classroom