25 research outputs found

    Synthesis of control actions with aggregate model

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    Servo systems with incomplete information

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    The problem of control design formation i

    Servo-system simulation

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    Inclusion of beta-carotene in various courses of chemotherapy of lympholeucosis L1210

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    Possibility of including of synthetic beta-carotene in variuos courses of chemotherapy of lympholeucosis of mice BDF1 was investigated. In experimental models cyclophosphan and platidiam (50, 100, 200 and 8 mg/kg b.w. respectively) was used as anticancer drugs. Beta-carotene (5, 10, 20, 50 mg/kg b.w.) was administrated to mice in different schemes. During experiments it was observed that beta-carotene does not effect the rapeutic action of cyclophósphan and platidiam during treatment of lympholeucosis L1210

    Use of Concentrated, Unhydrolyzed Feed Protein Granules for Reared Piglets

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    sucking pigs, weaned pigs, production performance, meat quality, economic efficiency, concentrated unhydrolyzed feed protein granulesThe efficiency of concentrated, unhydrolyzed feed protein granules included in the diets for suck-ing and weaned pigs has been studied. The granule's effects on the dynamics of production performance and roduct quality are analyzed. The concentrated, unhydrolyzed feed protein granules represent a soy protein concentrate of a new type, which is free of antibiotics, hormones, and genetically modified organisms. This additive may be included in the basal diet either separately or in a feed mixture as a source of an easily digestible protein with an original amino acid composition. The survey results have proven that the dietary granules contribute to increasing the average daily liveweight gain in piglets by 2.0–2.7%, reducing the feed costs per kg of liveweight gain by 2.2–6.6%, and producing additional total liveweight gain from 8.2 to 14.6%


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    Allergic rhinitis and bronchial asthma are widespread respiratory allergic diseases. In some territories of the Russian Federation, the dominant cause of pollinosis is ragweed. The aim of the study was to evaluate the clinical and immunological efficacy of ASIT with the allergen Ambrosia artemisiifolia in patients sensitized to Ambrosia trifida in the Samara region. Patients with proven sensitization to Ambrosia trifida was held immunotherapy with Ambrosia artemisiifolia allergoid preseason. After treatment, patients had a decrease in the severity of symptoms of allergic rhinitis according to VAS (p = 0.00001), a decrease in the need for medications (p = 0.0003), as well as the need for corticosteroids against the background of therapy from 34.6% to 0% (p = 0.00001). In 8% of cases, the result of treatment was good, in 69% satisfactory, in 23% unsatisfactory. In the control group, there were no changes in the severity of symptoms (p = 0.858). Also, in the control group, the need for medications remained unchanged and 14.3% of patients continued to use corticosteroids.After ASIT, there was a decrease in the level of IL-4 (p = 0.002), and a decrease in the ratio of IL-4/ IL-10 (p = 0.0063); at the same time, changes in the level of other cytokines (IL-10; IFNγ) were statistically insignificant (p > 0.05). Before treatment, the levels of IL-4/ IL-10 in both groups were comparable, and after treatment, the differences became statistically significant (p = 0.031). We did not get a statistically significant change in the level of IgG4 Amb a 1 or IgG4 Amb trifida. There was no correlation between the level of individual cytokines and the results of treatment. As a result of the conducted ASIT, positive clinical and immunological results were obtained. In most patients, the disease has acquired a controlled course. At the same time, the lack of excellent and low number of good results of ASIT is probably due to the intraspecific allergenic properties of ragweed


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    Study of the Ordovician sedimentary sequences of Gorny Altai and Salair has revealed lithological and paleontological features correlating with global sedimentary events:(1) The Acerocare Regressive Event (an initial event in the Early Tremadocian);(2) Black Mountain Transgressive Event (Early Tremadocian);(3) Peltocare Regressive Event (Tremadocian);(4) Kelly Creek Regressive Event (Late Tremadocian);(5) Ceratopyge Regressive Event (Late Tremadocian);(6) Billingen Transgressive Event (Early Floian);(7) Stein Lowstand Event (Middle Darriwilian);(8) Vollen Lowstand Event (Sandbian);(9) Arestad Drowning Event (Middle Sandbian);(10) Frognerkilen Lowstand Event (Early Katian);(11) Linearis Drowning Events 1 and 2 (Middle Katian);(12) Terminal Husbergoya Lowstand Event (Hirnantian); and(13) Hirnantian Lowstand Event (HICE) (Late Ordovician).The chronostratigraphic levels with traces of the global sedimentary events in the Uymen-Lebed structural-facies zone (SFZ) (Gorny Altai) differ from those in the Charysh-Inya and Anui-Chuya SFZ (Altai). In the Ordovician, the Altai basin located in the Charysh-Inya and Anui-Chuya SFZ was a marine area separated from both the Uymen-Lebed basin and the coeval Salair basin. The traces of the global sedimentary and/or biotic events in the Altai and Salair sections can be used as a precise basis for direct correlation of the local stratigraphic units with the units of the International Stratigraphic Chart.В ордовикских осадочных последовательностях Горного Алтая и Салаира выделены литологические и палеонтологические особенности, которые коррелируются с глобальными седиментационными событиями:1) инициальным раннетремадокским регрессивным Ацерокаре (Acerocare),2) раннетремадокским трансгрессивным Блэк Маунтин (Black Mountain),3) тремадокским регрессивным Пельтокаре (Peltocare),4) позднетремадокским регрессивным Келли Крик (Kelly Creek),5) позднетремадокским регрессивным Цератопиге (Ceratopyge),6) раннефлоским трансгрессивным Биллинген (Billingen),7) среднедарривильским регрессивным Стейн (Stein),8) раннесандбийским регрессивным Воллен (Vollen Lowstand),9) среднесанбийским трансгрессивным Аристад (Arestad),10) раннекатийским регрессивным Фрогнеркилен (Frognerkilen),11) среднекатийским регрессивным Линеарис (Linearis),12) хирнантским регрессивным – Терминальный Хусбергойя (Terminal Husbergoya),13) позднеордовикским регрессивным Хирнант (Hirnantian Lowstand) (HICE).Хроностратиграфические уровни проявления следов глобальных седиментационных событий в Уйменско-Лебедской структурно-фациальной зоне (СФЗ) Горного Алтая отличаются от уровней проявления следов глобальных седиментационных событий в Чарышско-Инской и Ануйско-Чуйской СФЗ Алтая. Алтайский ордовикский бассейн, располагавшийся в Чарышско-Инской и Ануйско-Чуйской СФЗ, был морской акваторией, обособленной как от Уйменско-Лебедского, так и от Салаирского одновозрастного бассейна. Зафиксированные в алтайских и салаирских разрезах следы глобальных седиментационных и (или) биотических событий могут служить прецизионной основой для прямой корреляции местных стратиграфических подразделений с ярусными подразделениями Международной стратиграфической шкалы

    Analysis of the demand for video lectures in the discipline “Polyclinic Therapy”

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    Purpose — to analyze the annual dynamics of students’ views of video lectures on the discipline “Polyclinic Therapy”.Цель — проанализировать годовую динамику просмотров студентами видеолекций по дисциплине «Поликлиническая терапия»

    Information sources in the educational activities of students of a medical university

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    The article presents the results of a study devoted to the study of information sources that students use during the period of distance learning due to the covid-19 pandemic. During the study, it was shown that 5th year students are aware of the existence of most authoritative sources of information, however, their application in the educational process is limited. It was also shown that 56% of students participate in additional educational activities 1-2 times a year or less, which requires the development of corrective measuresВ статье приведены результаты исследования, посвященного изучению информационных источников, к которым прибегают студенты в период дистанционного обучения, обусловленного пандемией «ковид-19». В ходе исследования было показано, что студенты 5 курса осведомлены о существовании большинства авторитетных источников информации, однако применение их в учебном процессе ограничено. Также было показано, что 56% студентов участвуют в дополнительных образовательных мероприятиях 1-2 раза в год и реже, что требует разработки корректирующих мероприятий

    Inclusion of beta-carotene in various courses of chemotherapy of lympholeucosis L1210

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    Possibility of including of synthetic beta-carotene in variuos courses of chemotherapy of lympholeucosis of mice BDF1 was investigated. In experimental models cyclophosphan and platidiam (50, 100, 200 and 8 mg/kg b.w. respectively) was used as anticancer drugs. Beta-carotene (5, 10, 20, 50 mg/kg b.w.) was administrated to mice in different schemes. During experiments it was observed that beta-carotene does not effect the rapeutic action of cyclophósphan and platidiam during treatment of lympholeucosis L1210