346 research outputs found

    Dimensionamento de um sistema de aterramento para uma subestação abaixadora de tensão em uma edificação comercial

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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Elétrica.As subestações de energia elétrica abaixadoras são as que atendem os consumidores que precisam reduzir a tensão de fornecimento. Este trabalho trata do projeto de um sistema de aterramento para uma subestação abaixadora de tensão em uma edificação comercial. O sistema de aterramento ficou sendo composto por uma malha de aterramento de dimensões 20 m por 20 m. O comprimento total de condutores de cobre de seção de 95 mm2 foi de 656 m. Além dos condutores horizontais, a malha contém mais 9 hastes de cobre de ¾ de diâmetro e 3 m de comprimento dispostas a 12 m entre si. A resistência da malha de terra final ficou no valor de 7,86 , abaixo de 10 que é o valor recomendado por norma para subestações de classe 15 a 38 kV. Assim, considera-se que o projeto atendeu todos os requisitos das normas de aterramento e que os objetivos propostos neste trabalho foram atingidos.The step-down power substations are those that serve consumers who need to reduce the supply voltage. This work deals with the design of a grounding system for a step-down power substation for a commercial building. The grounding system was composed of a grounding mesh of dimensions 20 m by 20 m. The total length of copper conductor of section 95 mm2 was 656 m. In addition to the horizontal conductors, the mesh contains 9 copper rods with ¾ of diameter, 3m of length and separated by 12 meters. The final grounding resistance was 7.86 , below 10 which is the recommended value for class 15 to 38 kV substations. Thus, it is considered that the project met all the requirements of grounding standards and that the objectives proposed in this work were achieved

    Water Information System Platforms Addressing Critical Societal Needs in the Mena Region

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    The MENA region includes 18 countries, the occupied Palestinian territories and Western Sahara. However, the region of interest for this study has a strategic interest in countries adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea, which includes, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon and Jordan. The 90% of the water in the MENA region is used for the agriculture use. By the end of this century. this region is projected to experience an increase of 3 C to 5 C in mean temperatures and a 20% decline in precipitation (lPCC, 2007). Due to lower precipitation, water run-off is projected to drop by 20% to 30% in most of MENA by 2050 Reduced stream flow and groundwater recharge might lead to a reduction in water supply of 10% or greater by 2050. Therefore, per IPCC projections in temperature rise and precipitation decline in the region, the scarcity of water will become more acute with population growth, and rising demand of food in the region. Additionally, the trans boundary water issues will continue to plague the region in terms of sharing data for better management of water resources. Such pressing issues have brought The World Bank, USAID and NASA to jointly collaborate for establishing integrated, modern, up to date NASA developed capabilities for countries in the MENA region for addressing water resource issues and adapting to climate change impacts for improved decision making and societal benefit. This initiative was launched in October 2011 and is schedule to be completed by the end of2015

    Assessment of the English remedial programme at a private university in Lebanon

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    This study investigates whether remedial courses in a private university in Lebanon affect the enrolment decisions of pre-admission students. This study also investigates the effectiveness of the remedial English courses on subsequent English and academic performance. Findings revealed that a large number of remedial placements discouraged students from enrolling in the university. It was also found that remedial courses were not effective in providing better performance on general academic subjects. This study is significant because remedial programmes at universities in Lebanon and the Middle East have been rarely assessed in terms of goals and general academic objectives. With the open admission policies in the majority of private universities in Lebanon, the quality of discussion on the effect of remediation at universities in Lebanon and the Middle East is almost non-existent. This paper provides a benchmark for a forum of discussion and further study to the effectiveness of general and remedial programmes in the Middle East.peer-reviewe

    Un ojo mucho más allá de la jugada

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    Seawater as coagulant substitute and the effects on disinfection in chemically enhanced primary wastewater treatment : a case study of Paraty, Brazil and the Deer Island wastewater treatment plant, Boston

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    Thesis (M.Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2003.Includes bibliographical references (leaves [133]-[135]).Paraty is a small touristic city on the South Eastern coast of Brazil plagued with public health problems inherently linked to its poor water and sanitation practices. This thesis centers on the design of an appropriate wastewater treatment facility for the City. The new and interesting use of seawater as a wastewater treatment tool and its effect on the disinfection potential of the treated effluent is also reviewed and tested in a series of jar tests and laboratory experiments Chemically Enhanced Primary Treatment (CEPT) is a wastewater treatment method that serves as an attractive alternative to conventional primary treatment and can also be used as an efficient preliminary step to biological secondary treatment processes. CEPT adopts coagulation and flocculation and accomplishes remarkable increases in the removals of common pollutants and contaminants from the influent. CEPT was chosen as the most favorable treatment alternative for Paraty as it is an expandable, economic and highly efficient system. The main advantage to CEPT is to generate an effluent that can be efficiently and economically disinfected at a low cost compared to secondary treatment. The most optimal dose of FeCl3, polymer and seawater to treat the Paraty sewage were estimated at 40mg/L, 0.1 mg/L and 5% seawater by volume respectively. Jar tests were also conducted at the Boston Deer Island WWTP to check the efficiency of using seawater as a coagulation enhancement mechanism on saline influents. CEPT effluents treated with FeCl3 were also tested for disinfection with both Paracetic acid (PAA) and Chlorine. Although PAA is an effective disinfectant, it was not included due to its high cost. The optimal chlorine dose for Paraty was estimated at 3 mg/L. Additional tests were conducted to test for the disinfectability of the Deer Island effluent treated with CEPT. These tests helped show that the sensitivity of disinfection in the presence of seawater is limited by low seawater concentrations. This thesis concludes with a detailed design of the treatment plant sedimentation tanks, chlorination/dechlorination chambers, and grit removal facility dimensions and draws general encouraging conclusions on the suggested use of seawater as a coagulation catalyst in chemically enhanced primary wastewater treatment.by Claire A. Kfouri and Hyo Jin Kweon.M.Eng

    “A Fifa é anticomunista! Jamais deixará a União Soviética ganhar uma Copa do Mundo”

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    A partir da frase de um jornalista russo – frase essa que dá título ao artigo –, o autor averigua a possibilidade de ter havido perseguição da Fifa em relação ao comunismo ao longo de algumas copas, além de comentar episódios envolvendo a então seleção soviética e a ditadura brasileira. O autor também cita jogos memoráveis entre essa seleção e a brasileira.Drawing from a statement by a Russian journalist which serves as a title to this article, the author inquires into whether or not FIFA might have persecuted communists in some World Cups; and also comments on some episodes involving the-then Soviet squad and the Brazilian dictatorship. The author also mentions some memorable matches between that squad and the Brazilian team

    Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: etiopathogenic aspects

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    SummarySeveral factors have been postulated to elicit the etiology of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Through a bibliographic review, we made a critical analysis of the different etiopathogenic aspects of its clinical manifestation. The most recent studies concerning the possible causes of sudden hearing loss suggest vascular disorders, rupture of the inner ear membrane and autoimmune diseases; however, viral infections have received a great deal of attention in recent years. Little is known about the mechanism of sudden hearing loss. Viruses can cause sudden hearing loss in an acute infection, however the latent form, and its possible reactivation have also been considered as explanations of the cochlear injury mechanism. Even though hearing loss can be explained by a blood viscosity change, experimental and clinical studies do not show any evidence of labyrinthine fibrosis and new bone formation, or labyrinthine membrane breaks. These findings are not in agreement with vascular and rupture membrane factors, respectively. The eventual presence of antibodies against the inner ear suggests that sudden hearing loss pathogenesis may be of autoimmune nature, but the difficulty in establishing the correlation of its morphological and clinical aspects to the hearing loss also do not help to support this statement. Sudden hearing loss is still a controversial and obscure subject in several aspects


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    A government policy for Education towards the construction of the National Education Plan (NEP) goes through advances and retreats in a contradictory historical process. We propose rescue aspects of the historical movement and its prospects to try to understand the logic of this process, from the Manifesto of the Pioneers of the New School, written by Fernando de Azevedo in 1932, to the current Bill no. 8035/2010, under discussion now in Congress. Recent history has important precedents to the current process of discussions, debates for the construction of a new National Education Plan, which resulted in a final document of the National Conference on Education (CONAE/2010). This work is the result of a project of qualitative research developed at the State University of Londrina, assuming that a school project is not dissociate d from a state project that aims to understand the reflections of Educational Policy in education projects in school units . We note that the re is a contradiction in the current Bill for the PNE in relation to its justifications, as well as to the final document of CONAE/2010, which was considered a reference document. We are facing a challenge that is the achievement of a National Education Plan as a policy instrument that reflects an education project of social quality, reaffirming education as public law.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v24i2.2477Uma política de Estado para a Educação pela construção do Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) passa por avanços e recuos num processo histórico contraditório. Propomos resgatar aspectos do movimento histórico e suas perspectivas para tentar compreender a lógica deste processo, do Manifesto dos Pioneiros da Escola Nova, redigido por Fernando de Azevedo em 1932, ao atual Projeto de Lei n. 8035/2010, que ora tramita no Congresso Nacional. A história recente conta com precedentes importantes ao processo atual de discussões, debates para a construção de um novo Plano Nacional de Educação, o qual resultou num documento final da Conferência Nacional de Educação (CONAE/2010). Este trabalho é fruto de um projeto de pesquisa de cunho qualitativo desenvolvido na Universidade Estadual de Londrina, partindo do pressuposto que um projeto de escola não se dissocia de um projeto de Estado que busca compreender os reflexos da Política Educacional nos projetos de educação em unidades escolares. Observamos que o atual Projeto de Lei para o PNE apresenta-se contraditório com as justificativas que o acompanham, bem como com o documento final da CONAE/2010, o qual foi considerado documento referência. Estamos diante de um desafio que é a conquista de um Plano Nacional de Educação como instrumento político que se traduza num projeto de educação de qualidade social, reafirmando a educação como direito público.http://dx.doi.org/10.14572/nuances.v24i2.247


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    ABSTRACTThis article has taken into account the analysis of participatory democracy and how the courts' tendency to read the protection of outlaws reflects the long-standing implicit prejudices of judges for old and pre-democratic hierarchical structures in the workplace. More recent issues concerning employees, however, have added a new element, the predominance of neoliberal thinking, not only in the law, but also in social relations and self-understanding in general. From a bibliographical analysis, we conclude that Neoliberal choice is not enough; genuine democracy requires voice as well. However, it is useful to know that this is the view of the market participants, as well as the producers, citizens, students, etc. The ancient Greeks knew that we were political people, living in communities, and that to be free, we need to play active roles in governing ourselves. KEYWORDS: Participative Democracy; Neoliberalism; Contemporaneity.   RESUMOEste artigo tomou em consideração a análise da democracia participativa e a forma como a tendência dos tribunais para ler a proteção dos fora da lei reflete os preconceitos implícitos de longa data dos juízes para as estruturas hierárquicas antigas e pré-democráticas no local de trabalho. Mais recentes questões relativas aos empregados, no entanto, acrescentaram um novo elemento, o predomínio do pensamento neoliberal, não só na lei, mas também nas relações sociais e na autocompreensão em geral. A partir de uma análise bibliográfica, concluímos que a escolha neoliberal não é suficiente; A democracia genuína exige voz também. No entanto, é útil saber que esta é a visão dos participantes do mercado, bem como dos produtores, dos cidadãos, dos estudantes, etc. Os gregos antigos sabiam que éramos pessoas políticas, vivendo em comunidades e que, para sermos livres, nós precisamos desempenhar papéis ativos em se governar.PALAVRAS-CHAVE:  Democracia Participativa; Neoliberalismo; Contemporaneidade