8 research outputs found

    Assistance à la validation et vérification de systÚmes critiques : ontologies et intégration de composants

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    Les activitĂ©s de validation et vĂ©rification de modĂšles sont devenues essentielles dans le dĂ©veloppement de systĂšmes complexes. Les efforts de formalisation de ces activitĂ©s se sont multipliĂ©s rĂ©cemment Ă©tant donnĂ© leur importance pour les systĂšmes embarquĂ©s critiques. Notre travail s’inscrit principalement dans cette voie. Nous abordons deux visions complĂ©mentaires pour traiter cette problĂ©matique. La premiĂšre est une description syntaxique implicite macroscopique basĂ©e sur une ontologie pour aider les concepteurs dans le choix des outils selon leurs exigences. La seconde est une description sĂ©mantique explicite microscopique pour faciliter la construction de techniques de vĂ©rification compositionnelles. Nous proposons dans la premiĂšre partie de cette thĂšse une ontologie pour expliquer et expliciter les Ă©lĂ©ments fondateurs du domaine que nous appelons VVO. Cette ontologie pourra avoir plusieurs autres utilisations : une base de connaissance, un outil de formation ou aussi un support pour le choix de la mĂ©thode Ă  appliquer et l’infĂ©rence de correspondance entre outils. Nous nous intĂ©ressons dans la seconde partie de cette thĂšse Ă  une formalisation dans un assistant Ă  la preuve de l’introduction de composants dans un langage de modĂ©lisation et des liens avec les activitĂ©s de validation et vĂ©rification. Le but est d’étudier la prĂ©servation des propriĂ©tĂ©s par composition : les activitĂ©s de vĂ©rification sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement coĂ»teuses en terme de temps et d’effort, les faire d’une façon compositionnelle est trĂšs avantageux. Nous partons de l’atelier formel pour l’IngĂ©nierie DirigĂ©e par les ModĂšles Coq4MDE. Nous suivons la mĂȘme ligne directrice de dĂ©veloppement prouvĂ© pour formaliser des opĂ©rateurs de composition et Ă©tudier la conservation des propriĂ©tĂ©s par assemblage. Nous nous intĂ©ressons au typage puis Ă  la conformitĂ© de modĂšles par rapport au mĂ©tamodĂšle et nous vĂ©rifions que les opĂ©rateurs dĂ©finis permettent de conserver ces propriĂ©tĂ©s. Nous nous focalisons sur l’étude d’opĂ©rateurs Ă©lĂ©mentaires que nous exploitons pour spĂ©cifier des opĂ©rateurs de plus haut niveau. Les prĂ©conditions des opĂ©rateurs reprĂ©sentent les activitĂ©s de vĂ©rification non compositionnelles qui doivent ĂȘtre effectuĂ©es en plus de la vĂ©rification des composants pour assurer la postcondition des opĂ©rateurs qui est la propriĂ©tĂ© souhaitĂ©e. Nous concluons en prĂ©sentant des perspectives pour une formalisation algĂ©brique en thĂ©orie des catĂ©gories

    A Proof Assistant Based Formalization of components in MDE

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    International audienceModel driven engineering (MDE) now plays a key role in the development of safety critical systems through the use of early validation and verification of models, and the automatic generation of software and hardware artifacts from the validated and verified models. In order to ease the integration of formal specification and verification technologies, various formalizations of the MDE technologies were proposed by different authors using term or graph rewriting, proof assistants, logical frameworks, etc. The use of components is also mandatory to improve the efficiency of system development. Invasive Software Composition (ISC) has been proposed by Assman to add a generic component structure to existing Domain Specific Modeling Languages in MDE. This approach is the basis of the ReuseWare toolset. We present in this paper an extension of a formal embedding of some key aspects of MDE in set theory in order to formalize ISC and prove the correctness of the proposed approach with respect to the conformance relation with the base metamodel. The formal embedding we rely on was developed by some of the authors and then implemented using the Calculus of Inductive Construction and the Coq proof-assistant. This work is a first step in the formalization of composable verification technologies in order to ease its integration for DSML extended with component features using ISC

    Support for the validation and verification of critical systems : ontologies and integration of components

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    Les activitĂ©s de validation et vĂ©rification de modĂšles sont devenues essentielles dans le dĂ©veloppement de systĂšmes complexes. Les efforts de formalisation de ces activitĂ©s se sont multipliĂ©s rĂ©cemment Ă©tant donnĂ© leur importance pour les systĂšmes embarquĂ©s critiques. Notre travail s’inscrit principalement dans cette voie. Nous abordons deux visions complĂ©mentaires pour traiter cette problĂ©matique. La premiĂšre est une description syntaxique implicite macroscopique basĂ©e sur une ontologie pour aider les concepteurs dans le choix des outils selon leurs exigences. La seconde est une description sĂ©mantique explicite microscopique pour faciliter la construction de techniques de vĂ©rification compositionnelles. Nous proposons dans la premiĂšre partie de cette thĂšse une ontologie pour expliquer et expliciter les Ă©lĂ©ments fondateurs du domaine que nous appelons VVO. Cette ontologie pourra avoir plusieurs autres utilisations : une base de connaissance, un outil de formation ou aussi un support pour le choix de la mĂ©thode Ă  appliquer et l’infĂ©rence de correspondance entre outils. Nous nous intĂ©ressons dans la seconde partie de cette thĂšse Ă  une formalisation dans un assistant Ă  la preuve de l’introduction de composants dans un langage de modĂ©lisation et des liens avec les activitĂ©s de validation et vĂ©rification. Le but est d’étudier la prĂ©servation des propriĂ©tĂ©s par composition : les activitĂ©s de vĂ©rification sont gĂ©nĂ©ralement coĂ»teuses en terme de temps et d’effort, les faire d’une façon compositionnelle est trĂšs avantageux. Nous partons de l’atelier formel pour l’IngĂ©nierie DirigĂ©e par les ModĂšles Coq4MDE. Nous suivons la mĂȘme ligne directrice de dĂ©veloppement prouvĂ© pour formaliser des opĂ©rateurs de composition et Ă©tudier la conservation des propriĂ©tĂ©s par assemblage. Nous nous intĂ©ressons au typage puis Ă  la conformitĂ© de modĂšles par rapport au mĂ©tamodĂšle et nous vĂ©rifions que les opĂ©rateurs dĂ©finis permettent de conserver ces propriĂ©tĂ©s. Nous nous focalisons sur l’étude d’opĂ©rateurs Ă©lĂ©mentaires que nous exploitons pour spĂ©cifier des opĂ©rateurs de plus haut niveau. Les prĂ©conditions des opĂ©rateurs reprĂ©sentent les activitĂ©s de vĂ©rification non compositionnelles qui doivent ĂȘtre effectuĂ©es en plus de la vĂ©rification des composants pour assurer la postcondition des opĂ©rateurs qui est la propriĂ©tĂ© souhaitĂ©e. Nous concluons en prĂ©sentant des perspectives pour une formalisation algĂ©brique en thĂ©orie des catĂ©gories.The validation and verification of models have become essential in the development of complex systems. The formalisation efforts for these activities have increased recently being given their importance for critical embedded systems. We discuss two complementary visions for addressing these issues. The first is a syntactic implicit macroscopic description based on an ontology to help designers in the choice of tools depending on their requirements. The second is a microscopic explicit semantics description aiming to facilitate the construction of compositional verification techniques. We propose in the first part of this thesis an ontology to explain and clarify the basic elements of the domain of Verification and Validation that we call VVO. This ontology may have several other uses: a knowledge base, a training tool or a support for the choice of the method to be applied and to infer correspondence between tools. We are interested in the second part of this thesis in a formalisation using a proof assistant for the introduction of components in a modelling language and their links with verification and validation activities. The aim is to study the preservation of properties by the composition activities. The verification are generally expensive in terms of time and efforts, making theme in a compositional way is very advantageous. Starting from the formal framework for Model Driven Engineering COQ4MDE, we follow the same line of though to formalize the composition operators and to study the conservation of properties by composition. We are interested in typing and conformity of models in relation with metamodels and we verify that the defined operators allow to preserve these properties. We focus on the study of elementary operators that we use to specify hight level operators. The preconditions for the operators represent the non-compositional verification activities that should be performed in addition to verification of components to ensure the desired postcondition of the operator. We conclude by studying algebraic formalisation using concepts from category theory

    First steps toward a Verification and Validation Ontology

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    International audienceThis paper presents the key elements of an ontology that formalizes part of the knowledge about behavioural modeling and the associated verification and validation technologies. It summarizes the concepts existing in this area of interest and the relationships among them. We propose a classification of different modeling formalisms and a representation of possible verification and validation methods. A system is represented using several views conforming to different modeling languages. Its properties can be assessed with verification and validation technologies. We also describe existing V&V tools and how they are related to the other elements

    Correct-by-construction model composition: Application to the Invasive Software Composition method

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    International audienceComposition technologies improve reuse in the development of large-scale complex systems. Safety critical systems require intensive validation and verification activities. These activities should be compositional in order to reduce the amount of residual verification activities that must be conducted on the composite in addition to the ones conducted on each components. In order to ensure the correctness of compositional verification and assess the minimality of the residual verification, the contribution proposes to use formal specification and verification at the composition operator level. A first experiment was conducted in [15] using proof assistants to formalize the generic composition technology ISC and prove that type checking was compositional. This contribution extends our early work to handle full model conformance and study the mandatory residual verification. It shows that ISC operators are not fully compositional with respect to conformance and provides the minimal preconditions on the operators mandatory to ensure compositional conformance. The appropriate operators from ISC (especially bind) have been implemented in the COQ4MDE framework that provides a full implementation of MOF in the COQ proof assistant. Expected properties, respectively residual verification, are expressed as post, respectfully pre, conditions for the composition operators. The correctness of the compositional verification is proven in COQ

    Correct-by-construction model driven engineering composition operators

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    International audienceModel composition is a crucial activity in Model Driven Engineering both to reuse validated and verified model elements and to handle separately the various aspects in a complex system and then weave them while preserving their properties. Many research activities target this compositional validation and verification (V & V) strategy: allow the independent assessment of components and minimize the residual V & V activities at assembly time. However, there is a continuous and increasing need for the definition of new composition operators that allow the reconciliation of existing models to build new systems according to various requirements. These ones are usually built from scratch and must be systematically verified to assess that they preserve the properties of the assembled elements. This verification is usually tedious but is mandatory to avoid verifying the composite system for each use of the operators. Our work addresses these issues, we first target the use of proof assistants for specifying and verifying compositional verification frameworks relying on formal verification techniques instead of testing and proofreading. Then, using a divide and conquer approach, we focus on the development of elementary composition operators that are easy to verify and can be used to further define complex composition operators. In our approach, proofs for the complex operators are then obtained by assembling the proofs of the basic operators. To illustrate our proposal, we use the Coq proof assistant to formalize the language-independent elementary composition operators Union and Substitution and the proof that the conformance of models with respect to metamodels is preserved during composition. We show that more sophisticated composition operators that share parts of the implementation and have several properties in common (especially: aspect oriented modeling composition approach, invasive software composition, and package merge) can then be built from the basic ones, and that the proof of conformance preservation can also be built from the proofs of basic operators