177 research outputs found

    Analytical challenges of glycosaminoglycans at biological interfaces

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    The analysis of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) is a challenging task due to their high structural heterogeneity, which results in diverse GAG chains with similar chemical properties. Simultaneously, it is of high importance to understand their role and behavior in biological systems. It has been known for decades now that GAGs can interact with lipid molecules and thus contribute to the onset of atherosclerosis, but their interactions at and with biological interfaces, such as the cell membrane, are yet to be revealed. Here, analytical approaches that could yield important knowledge on the GAG-cell membrane interactions as well as the synthetic and analytical advances that make their study possible are discussed. Due to recent developments in laser technology, we particularly focus on nonlinear spectroscopic methods, especially vibrational sum-frequency generation spectroscopy, which has the potential to unravel the structural complexity of heterogeneous biological interfaces in contact with GAGs, in situ and in real time

    A 3D-Printed Offline Nano-ESI Source for Bruker MS Instruments

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    Nanoelectrospray ionization (nano-ESI) is a highly efficient and a widely used technique for the ionization of minute amounts of analyte. Offline nano-ESI sources are convenient for the direct infusion of complex mixtures that suffer from high matrix content and are crucial for the native mass spectrometric analysis of proteins. For Bruker instruments, no such source is readily available. Here we close this gap and present a 3D-printable nano-ESI source for Bruker instruments, which can be assembled by anyone with access to 3D printers. The source can be fitted to any Bruker mass spectrometer with an ionBooster ESI source and only requires minor, reversible changes to the original Bruker hardware. The general utility was demonstrated by recording high-resolution MS spectra of small molecules, intact proteins, as well as complex biological samples in negative and positive ion mode on two different Bruker instruments

    The role of the mobile proton in fucose migration

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    Fucose migration reactions represent a substantial challenge in the analysis of fucosylated glycan structures by mass spectrometry. In addition to the well-established observation of transposed fucose residues in glycan-dissociation product ions, recent experiments show that the rearrangement can also occur in intact glycan ions. These results suggest a low-energy barrier for migration of the fucose residue and broaden the relevance of fucose migration to include other types of mass spectrometry experiments, including ion mobility-mass spectrometry and ion spectroscopy. In this work, we utilize cold-ion infrared spectroscopy to provide further insight into glycan scrambling in intact glycan ions. Our results show that the mobility of the proton is a prerequisite for the migration reaction. For the prototypical fucosylated glycans Lewis x and blood group antigen H-2, the formation of adduct ions or the addition of functional groups with variable proton affinity yields significant differences in the infrared spectra. These changes correlate well with the promotion or inhibition of fucose migration through the presence or absence of a mobile proton

    State-of-the-art glycosaminoglycan characterization

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    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are heterogeneous acidic polysaccharides involved in a range of biological functions. They have a significant influence on the regulation of cellular processes and the development of various diseases and infections. To fully understand the functional roles that GAGs play in mammalian systems, including disease processes, it is essential to understand their structural features. Despite having a linear structure and a repetitive disaccharide backbone, their structural analysis is challenging and requires elaborate preparative and analytical techniques. In particular, the extent to which GAGs are sulfated, as well as variation in sulfate position across the entire oligosaccharide or on individual monosaccharides, represents a major obstacle. Here, we summarize the current state-of-the-art methodologies used for GAG sample preparation and analysis, discussing in detail liquid chromatograpy and mass spectrometry-based approaches, including advanced ion activation methods, ion mobility separations and infrared action spectroscopy of mass-selected species

    Labeling of Mucin-Type O-Glycans for Quantification Using Liquid Chromatography and Fluorescence Detection

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    O-glycosylation is a common post-translational modification that is essential for the defensive properties of mucus barriers. Incomplete and altered O-glycosylation is often linked to severe diseases, such as cancer, cystic fibrosis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Originating from a nontemplate-driven biosynthesis, mucin-type O-glycan structures are very complex. They are often present as heterogeneous mixtures containing multiple isomers. Therefore, the analysis of complex O-glycan mixtures usually requires hyphenation of orthogonal techniques such as liquid chromatography (LC), ion mobility spectrometry, and mass spectrometry (MS). However, MS-based techniques are mainly qualitative. Moreover, LC separation of O-glycans often lacks reproducibility and requires sophisticated data treatment and analysis. Here we present a mucin-type O-glycomics analysis workflow that utilizes hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography for separation and fluorescence labeling for detection and quantification. In combination with mass spectrometry, a detailed analysis on the relative abundance of specific mucin-type O-glycan compositions and features, such as fucose, sialic acids, and sulfates, is performed. Furthermore, the average number of monosaccharide units of O-glycans in different samples was determined. To demonstrate universal applicability, the method was tested on mucins from different tissue types and mammals, such as bovine submaxillary mucins, porcine gastric mucins, and human milk mucins. To account for day-to-day retention time shifts in O-glycan separations and increase the comparability between different instruments and laboratories, we included fluorescently labeled dextran ladders in our workflow. In addition, we set up a library of glucose unit values for all identified O-glycans, which can be used to simplify the identification process of glycans in future analyses

    IR action spectroscopy of glycosaminoglycan oligosaccharides

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    Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) are a physio- and pharmacologically highly relevant class of complex saccharides, possessing a linear sequence and strongly acidic character. Their repetitive linear core makes them seem structurally simple at first glance, yet differences in sulfation and epimerization lead to an enormous structural diversity with only a few GAGs having been successfully characterized to date. Recent infrared action spectroscopic experiments on sulfated mono- and disaccharide ions show great promise. Here, we assess the potential of two types of gas-phase action spectroscopy approaches in the range from 1000 to 1800 cm−1 for the structural analysis of complex GAG oligosaccharides. Synthetic tetra- and pentasaccharides were chosen as model compounds for this benchmark study. Utilizing infrared multiple photon dissociation action spectroscopy at room temperature, diagnostic bands are largely unresolved. In contrast, cryogenic infrared action spectroscopy of ions trapped in helium nanodroplets yields resolved infrared spectra with diagnostic features for monosaccharide composition and sulfation pattern. The analysis of GAGs could therefore significantly benefit from expanding the conventional MS-based toolkit with gas-phase cryogenic IR spectroscopy

    Shotgun ion mobility mass spectrometry sequencing of heparan sulfate saccharides

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    Despite evident regulatory roles of heparan sulfate (HS) saccharides in numerous biological processes, definitive information on the bioactive sequences of these polymers is lacking, with only a handful of natural structures sequenced to date. Here, we develop a “Shotgun” Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry Sequencing (SIMMS2) method in which intact HS saccharides are dissociated in an ion mobility mass spectrometer and collision cross section values of fragments measured. Matching of data for intact and fragment ions against known values for 36 fully defined HS saccharide structures (from di- to decasaccharides) permits unambiguous sequence determination of validated standards and unknown natural saccharides, notably including variants with 3O-sulfate groups. SIMMS2 analysis of two fibroblast growth factor-inhibiting hexasaccharides identified from a HS oligosaccharide library screen demonstrates that the approach allows elucidation of structure-activity relationships. SIMMS2 thus overcomes the bottleneck for decoding the informational content of functional HS motifs which is crucial for their future biomedical exploitation

    Recommendations for reporting ion mobility Mass Spectrometry measurements

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    Here we present a guide to ion mobility mass spectrometry experiments, which covers both linear and nonlinear methods: what is measured, how the measurements are done, and how to report the results, including the uncertainties of mobility and collision cross section values. The guide aims to clarify some possibly confusing concepts, and the reporting recommendations should help researchers, authors and reviewers to contribute comprehensive reports, so that the ion mobility data can be reused more confidently. Starting from the concept of the definition of the measurand, we emphasize that (i) mobility values (K0) depend intrinsically on ion structure, the nature of the bath gas, temperature, and E/N; (ii) ion mobility does not measure molecular surfaces directly, but collision cross section (CCS) values are derived from mobility values using a physical model; (iii) methods relying on calibration are empirical (and thus may provide method‐dependent results) only if the gas nature, temperature or E/N cannot match those of the primary method. Our analysis highlights the urgency of a community effort toward establishing primary standards and reference materials for ion mobility, and provides recommendations to do so. © 2019 The Authors. Mass Spectrometry Reviews Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Issues in Building General Letter to Sound Rules

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    In general text-to-speech systems, it is not possible to guarantee that a lexicon will contain all words found in a text, therefore some system for predicting pronunciation from the word itself is necessary. Here we present a general framework for building letter to sound (LTS) rules from a word list in a language. The technique can be fully automatic, though a small amount of hand seeding can give better results. We have applied this technique to English (UK and US), French and German. The generated models achieve, 75%, 58%, 93% and 89%, respectively, words correct for held out data from the word lists. To test our models on more typical data we also analyzed general text, to find which words do not appear in our lexicon. These unknown words were used as a more realistic test corpus for our models. We also discuss the distribution and type of such unknown words