761 research outputs found

    Activity-Specific Effects of Fatigue Protocols May Influence Landing Kinematics: A Pilot Study

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    International Journal of Exercise Science 6(3) : 242-249, 2013. Fatigue is a common neuromuscular factor examined in relation to risk of ACL injury. Unfortunately, variations between the protocols used to induce fatigue in studies examining this phenomenon may have contributed to reported inconsistencies in the effects of fatigue on movements with high-risk of ACL injury. In addition, the ecological validity of fatigue experienced as a result of protocols commonly administered in the experimental setting is unclear. The purpose of this study was to examine the ecological validity, using basketball competition as the criterion measure, of two fatigue protocols commonly used to study the effect of fatigue on ACL injury risk. One male basketball player with competitive collegiate experience was recruited to participate in this study. Three dimensional angular kinematics of the lower extremity at the point of peak knee flexion were measured during a jump landing task before and after the completion of three fatigue protocols: a basketball game, a unilateral squatting and drop landing fatigue protocol, and a unilateral isokinetic knee flexion/extension fatigue protocol. We observed significant (p\u3c.05) differences between fatigue protocols in knee flexion, knee rotation, knee abduction, hip rotation, and hip abduction during the landing task. In this study the fatigue-induced changes in landing biomechanics experienced as a result of basketball competition were not like those observed in the two fatigue protocols tested. These findings suggest that the effects of fatigue on ACL injury risk may be activity-specific and future investigations may benefit from the development of ecologically valid sport-specific fatigue protocols

    Uma reflexão sobre mobilidade e interações sociais em locais de transporte em tempos de Covid-19: O caso do “Metropolitano”

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    The current Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on the way we interact in various spaces of our social life, one of these spaces is the large transport stations in many cities in the world. In this sense, for the development of this text, a rapid transit bus system that operates in the city of Lima, the “Metropolitan”, will be an empirical case to reflect on this impact. In this way, to understand said repercussion, in the first place, it will focus on the mobility and social interactions of the users of the Metropolitano until before the pandemic. To do so later, analyze how the present context has impacted on the way of interacting in this transport system. In short, to generate greater support for this text, some responses that have been compiled through a virtual form on the experience of traveling in the Metropolitan in this pandemic will be used and analyzed. Likewise, some ethnographic scenarios that have been recorded, through participant observation, in the Metropolitano stations will be described and analyzed.La actual pandemia por la Covid-19 ha repercutido en la manera de interactuar en diversos espacios de nuestra vida social, uno de estos espacios son las grandes estaciones de transporte de las muchas ciudades del mundo. En ese sentido, para el desarrollo de este texto, un sistema de autobuses de tránsito rápido que opera en la ciudad de Lima, el “Metropolitano”, nos será de caso empírico para reflexionar sobre dicha repercusión. De esta manera, para entender dicha repercusión, en primer lugar, se centrará en las movilidades e interacciones sociales de los usuarios del Metropolitano hasta antes de la pandemia. Para así posteriormente, analizar de qué manera el presente contexto ha repercutido en la forma de interactuar en este sistema de transporte. En suma, para generar un mayor sustento a este texto, se emplearán y analizarán algunas respuestas que se han recopilado a través de un formulario virtual sobre la experiencia de viajar en el Metropolitano en esta pandemia. Así mismo, se describirán y analizarán algunos escenarios etnográficos que se han podido registrar, mediante la observación participante, en las estaciones del Metropolitano.A atual pandemia de Covid-19 teve um impacto na forma como interagimos em vários espaços de nossa vida social, um desses espaços são as grandes estações de transporte em muitas cidades do mundo. Nesse sentido, para o desenvolvimento deste texto, um sistema de ônibus de trânsito rápido que opera na cidade de Lima, o “Metropolitano”, será um caso empírico para refletir sobre esse impacto. Dessa forma, para compreender tal repercussão, em primeiro lugar, enfocará as mobilidades e interações sociais dos usuários do Metropolitano até antes da pandemia. Para fazer isso posteriormente, analise como o contexto atual impactou na forma de interagir neste sistema de transporte. Em suma, para gerar maior sustentação a este texto, serão utilizadas e analisadas algumas respostas que vêm sendo compiladas por meio de um formulário virtual sobre a experiência de viajar no Metropolitano nesta pandemia. Da mesma forma, serão descritos e analisados ​​alguns cenários etnográficos que foram registrados, por meio da observação participante, nas estações do Metropolitano

    Análisis de la calidad del aire de la ciudad de Cuenca durante el año 2022 basadas en la red de microsensores a escala urbana

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    El crecimiento poblacional en las zonas urbanas ha causado el deterioro de la calidad del aire afectando a la salud de sus pobladores y al medio ambiente; por lo que para tener un control de la contaminación del aire es importante el monitoreo del mismo. En este sentido la ciudad de Cuenca – Ecuador, ha implementado una red de monitoreo constituido por microsensores localizados a escala vecinal y analizadores automáticos a escala urbana. El estudio consistió de un análisis descriptivo y correlacional usando la información obtenida por los microsensores y analizadores automáticos pertenecientes a la Red de Monitoreo de Cuenca durante el año 2022. El análisis corresponde a información de la calidad del aire de parámetros como MP10, MP2.5, CO, O3, NO2 y SO2; y de variables meteorológicas como la velocidad y dirección del viento. Por otra parte, el análisis observacional permitió distinguir el comportamiento de las concentraciones de los contaminantes indicados y su comparación con la normativa nacional, así como con las recomendaciones de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. La información fue procesada por varias funciones del paquete “Openair” por medio del software RStudio, resultados que sirvieron para la interpretación de la calidad del aire a escala vecinal y urbana. Además, se determinó una buena correlación entre los valores obtenidos por los microsensores de CO y NO2, y un buen ajuste a un modelo lineal para el microsensor de O3 en comparación con los valores registrados por la estación automática. Finalmente, el presente estudio permitió sugerir posibles fuentes de emisión y distinguir patrones de contaminación.Population growth in urban areas has caused the deterioration of air quality, affecting the health of its inhabitants and the environment; consequently, the monitoring of air pollution is an important tool for its control. In this sense, the city of Cuenca - Ecuador, has implemented a monitoring network consisting of microsensors located on a neighboring scale and automatic analyzers on an urban scale. The study consisted of a descriptive and correlational analysis using the information obtained by the microsensors and automatic analyzers belonging to the Cuenca Monitoring Network during the year 2022. The analysis corresponds to air quality information from parameters such as MP10, MP2.5, CO, O3, NO2, and SO2 and from weather variables such as wind speed and wind direction. Furthermore, the observational analysis allowed to distinguish the behavior of the concentrations of indicated pollutants and their comparison with national regulations as well as with the recommendations given by the World Health Organization. The information was processed by various functions of the "Openair" package by means RStudio software, resulting in outcomes that served for the interpretation of air quality on a neighboring and urban scale. Additionally, a good correlation was determined between the values obtained by the CO and NO2 microsensors, and a good adjustment to a linear model was made for the O3 microsensor compared with values recorded from the automatic station. Finally, the present study allowed us to suggest possible emission sources and distinguish pollution patterns.0000-0002-7141-239

    Cuatro Vientos- A Reconsideration Of Seven Prehistoric Sites In The Lower Rio Grande Plains Of South Texas Webb County

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    On behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted testing investigations on seven prehistoric sites located within the Cuatro Vientos roadway project right-of-way in Webb County, Texas. The test excavations, conducted in June 2005, were performed in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Texas Antiquities Code. The work was designed to assess each site’s potential for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and for designation as State Archeological Landmarks (SAL). The work was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 3755 with Kevin A. Miller serving as Principal Investigator. Field investigations were performed under TxDOT Work Authorization No. 573 26 SA007 of the SWCA/ TxDOT General Services Contract 573 XX SA007. The seven tested sites are distributed primarily within the drainage basin of San Idelfonso Creek, a tributary of the Rio Grande in south Texas. The sites, including 41WB441, 41WB572, 41WB577, 41WB578, 41WB621, 41WB622, and 41WB623, are all prehistoric open sites situated in both buried and surficial contexts on terraces and adjacent uplands. The sites principally consist of various prehistoric features and artifacts associated with lithic procurement locales and open occupations. According to the temporal data, the sites contain occupational components from the Middle Archaic through Late Prehistoric, though Late Archaic components are the most prevalent throughout the project area. Because of poor preservation and the lack of integrity, SWCA did not recommend any of the sites as eligible for the NRHP or as SALs. TxDOT, however, did not concur and recommended three as eligible, though all were effectively mitigated by the testing investigations. This difference of opinion formed the basis for developing a different approach to the assessment of the south Texas archaeological record. In essence, this project is a reconsideration of evaluations of significance and research potential of seven sites, specifically addressing the well-known problems with the regional archaeological record, namely erosional or stable settings that create mixed or incomplete assemblages. The proposed solution is the development of a contextual frame of reference, utilization of specific point-plotted data in addition to the site construct, and variable temporal scales

    Influencia de la celulosa reciclada y ceniza de panca de maíz en las propiedades del concreto f’c=210 kg/cm2, Lima-2022

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    Este estudio tuvo como objetivo general “Evaluar cómo influye la adición de la celulosa reciclada y ceniza de panca de maíz en las propiedades físico-mecánicas de un concreto f´c= 210 kg/cm2, Lima-2022” teniendo como metodología un enfoque cuantitativo de nivel explicativo, diseño experimental, se tuvo una población de 84 testigos de concreto (72 probetas y 12 vigas), obteniéndose los siguientes resultados; que las propiedades físicas se ven mejoradas tanto en contenido de aire, como en rendimiento, en el caso de las características mecánicas a edad de 28 días, las mayores resistencias obtenidas porcentualmente en compresión, tracción y flexión son de 23.3%, 21.2% y 10.1% respectivamente, en referencia al concreto patrón. Concluyendo que en general las CR y la CPM influyen en las propiedades fisicomecánicas del concreto, ya que según lo observado por los resultados de ensayos de laboratorio tiende a mejorar algunas propiedades tanto en su estado fresco como endurecido

    “Influencia del Liderazgo en el mejoramiento del Desempeño Laboral en las mecánicas automotrices de Mayorazgo del distrito de Ate-2017”

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    En la siguiente tesis se pretende determinar de qué manera puede influir el liderazgo en el desempeño laboral de los trabajadores en mecánicas automotrices en distrito de Ate. Así mismo hace énfasis para la creación de una estrategia como finalidad de alcanzar los objetivos y mantener una estabilidad en el mercado competitivo del rubro respectivo. Las dimensiones e indicadores fueron empleados y comparados para conocer y promover los distintos métodos o formas de evaluar el desempeño laboral en las automotrices, ya que los indicadores permiten conocer la diferencia de intereses que se encuentran para tomar las decisiones entre la relación del gerente con sus subordinados

    Valoración empresarial mediante la NIIF 15 y su efecto en la rentabilidad económica y financiera de la empresa Vulk Engineering E.I.R.L. Arequipa 2021

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    La presente investigación titulada “Valoración empresarial mediante la NIIF 15 y su efecto en la rentabilidad económica y financiera de la empresa Vulk Engineering E.I.R.L. Arequipa 2021”. Se planteo como objetivo general Identificar los efectos de la valoración empresarial mediante la NIIF 15 en la rentabilidad económica y financiera de la empresa Vulk Engineering E.I.R.L. Arequipa 2021. De acuerdo a una metodología de investigación básica se desarrolló el análisis de las variables mediante el diseño descriptivo cuantitativo. La población de estudio está conformada por 26 empleados correspondientes al área de contabilidad, administración, finanzas y logística. Tras aplicar una encuesta de investigación se llegó a la conclusión de que la valoración empresarial mediante la NIIF 15 tiene efectos positivos en la rentabilidad económica y financiera de la empresa Vulk Engineering E.I.R.L. Arequipa 2021. Así mismo se identificó que existe relación entre la Valoración empresarial mediante la NIIF 15 y la rentabilidad económica de la empresa Vulk Engineering E.I.R.L. Arequipa 2021

    Cuatro Vientos- A Reconsideration Of Seven Prehistoric Sites In The Lower Rio Grande Plains Of South Texas Webb County

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    On behalf of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT), SWCA Environmental Consultants (SWCA) conducted testing investigations on seven prehistoric sites located within the Cuatro Vientos roadway project right-of-way in Webb County, Texas. The test excavations, conducted in June 2005, were performed in compliance with the National Environmental Protection Act (NEPA), National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), and the Texas Antiquities Code. The work was designed to assess each site’s potential for listing on the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) and for designation as State Archeological Landmarks (SAL). The work was performed under Texas Antiquities Permit No. 3755 with Kevin A. Miller serving as Principal Investigator. Field investigations were performed under TxDOT Work Authorization No. 573 26 SA007 of the SWCA/ TxDOT General Services Contract 573 XX SA007. The seven tested sites are distributed primarily within the drainage basin of San Idelfonso Creek, a tributary of the Rio Grande in south Texas. The sites, including 41WB441, 41WB572, 41WB577, 41WB578, 41WB621, 41WB622, and 41WB623, are all prehistoric open sites situated in both buried and surficial contexts on terraces and adjacent uplands. The sites principally consist of various prehistoric features and artifacts associated with lithic procurement locales and open occupations. According to the temporal data, the sites contain occupational components from the Middle Archaic through Late Prehistoric, though Late Archaic components are the most prevalent throughout the project area. Because of poor preservation and the lack of integrity, SWCA did not recommend any of the sites as eligible for the NRHP or as SALs. TxDOT, however, did not concur and recommended three as eligible, though all were effectively mitigated by the testing investigations. This difference of opinion formed the basis for developing a different approach to the assessment of the south Texas archaeological record. In essence, this project is a reconsideration of evaluations of significance and research potential of seven sites, specifically addressing the well-known problems with the regional archaeological record, namely erosional or stable settings that create mixed or incomplete assemblages. The proposed solution is the development of a contextual frame of reference, utilization of specific point-plotted data in addition to the site construct, and variable temporal scales