470 research outputs found

    An Unfolding Storyline

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    Let go from a job she loved, a radio reporter finds her best subject yet: animal advocac

    Die definitive Unternehmensbesteuerung gibt es nicht

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    Die Bundesregierung legte dieser Tage den Referentenentwurf für eine grundlegende Änderung der Unternehmensbesteuerung vor. Beinhalten die Steuerpläne eine Rückkehr zu gravierenden Fehlern des Steuersystems, die erst ab 1977 mit der Einführung des sogenannten körperschaftsteuerlichen Anrechnungsverfahrens teilweise ausgemerzt wurden? Welche Wirkungen werden sich für den Kapitaleinsatz in der Wirtschaft und die Vermögensbildung breiter Bevölkerungsschichten ergeben? Ist ein aufwendiger Nachbesserungsbedarf für Gesetzgebung und Finanzverwaltung zu erwarten? --

    Effektvurdering af forslag til skærpede miljøzoner i København

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    Der er næsten ikke nogen effekt tilbage af de eksisterende miljøzoner, som blev implementeret i 2008- 2010, og som kun stiller miljøkrav til busser og lastbiler. Københavns Kommune har opstillet 3 modeller til skærpede miljøzoner, som på forskellig måde stiller miljøkrav til person- og varebiler, og skærper kravene til busser og lastbiler. DCE-Nationalt Center for Miljø og Energy ved Aarhus Universitet har for Københavns Kommune vurderet effekten af de 3 modeller, og beregnet, hvordan de reducerer trafikkens emission og forbedrer luftkvaliteten. De sundhedsskadelig stoffer kvælstofoxider (NOx), partikler under 2,5 mikrometer (PM2.5) og partikler under 10 mikrometer (PM10) belyses, samt drivhusgassen kuldioxid (CO2), som bidrager til global opvarmning. Analysen viser, at jo tidligere miljøkravene introduceres, og jo skarpere de er, jo større er effekten for de sundhedsskadelige stoffer, mens CO2 emissionen vil stige lidt i de tilfælde, hvor dieselpersonbiler forbydes og erstattes af benzinpersonbiler

    Evaluation of a coupled dispersion and aerosol process model against measurements near a major road

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    International audienceA field measurement campaign was conducted near a major road "Itäväylä" in an urban area in Helsinki in 17?20 February 2003. Aerosol measurements were conducted using a mobile laboratory "Sniffer" at various distances from the road, and at an urban background location. Measurements included particle size distribution in the size range of 7 nm?10 ?m (aerodynamic diameter) by the Electrical Low Pressure Impactor (ELPI) and in the size range of 3?50 nm (mobility diameter) by Scanning Mobility Particle Sizer (SMPS), total number concentration of particles larger than 3 nm detected by an ultrafine condensation particle counter (UCPC), temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and direction, driving route of the mobile laboratory, and traffic density on the studied road. In this study, we have compared measured concentration data with the predictions of the road network dispersion model CAR-FMI used in combination with an aerosol process model MONO32. The vehicular exhaust emissions, and atmospheric dispersion and transformation of fine and ultrafine particles was evaluated within the distance scale of 200 m (corresponding to a time scale of a couple of minutes). We computed the temporal evolution of the number concentrations, size distributions and chemical compositions of various particle size classes. The atmospheric dilution rate of particles is obtained from the roadside dispersion model CAR-FMI. Considering the evolution of total number concentration, dilution was shown to be the most important process. The influence of coagulation and condensation on the number concentrations of particle size modes was found to be negligible at this distance scale. Condensation was found to affect the evolution of particle diameter in the two smallest particle modes. The assumed value of the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 1012 molecules cm?3 was shown to be in a disagreement with the measured particle size evolution, while the modelling runs with the concentration of condensable organic vapour of 109?1010 molecules cm?3 resulted in particle sizes that were closest to the measured values

    Implementación de techos verdes en el diseño arquitectónico de albergue para mujeres maltratadas del distrito Veintiséis de Octubre-Piura

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    El propósito de la investigación fue la implementación de techos verdes en el diseño arquitectónico de albergue para mujeres maltratadas del distrito Veintiséis de Octubre, Piura. El problema radica en que la violencia contra la mujer persiste a nivel mundial, Piura, tiene una grave carencia, debido a la falta de espacios donde las mujeres puedan recibir atención al sufrir algún tipo de maltrato. La metodología del presente trabajo de investigación fue de tipo descriptiva con un diseño no experimental de corte transversal descriptivo, mediante el cual recolectamos datos actuales del ámbito de estudio, examinando las características y requerimientos de las mujeres, para, así poder hacer inferencias respecto al proyecto. La investigación planteo una propuesta arquitectónica de albergue para mujeres maltratadas, que cumpla con las necesidades básicas y suficientes para atender a las mujeres que reciben cualquier tipo de agresión, ya que requieren un lugar que les proporcione alojamiento, sustento, fortalecimiento y a la vez fomente su recuperación psicológica, mediante la implementación de techos verdes al crear un ambiente más agradable en tanto se resuelve su situación.Tesi

    Long-Term Exposure to Traffic-Related Air Pollution Associated with Blood Pressure and Self-Reported Hypertension in a Danish Cohort

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    Background: Short-term exposure to air pollution has been associated with changes in blood pressure (BP) and emergency department visits for hypertension, but little is known about the effects of long-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution on BP and hypertension

    Ultrafine particles around a major airport – attempt to model total ultrafine particle number concentration around Frankfurt Airport

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    The German Environment Agency (UBA) funded the project “Influence of a major airport on temporal and spatial distributions of outdoor air concentrations of ultrafine dust <100 nm to describe the potential exposure in the vicinity - including other air pollutants (soot, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter (PM2.5 and PM10))”, UFOPLAN 3716 52 200 0. Total UFP number concentration for the year 2015 at and around Frankfurt Airport (FRA) was estimated using a combination of established small-scale (LASAT/LASPORT) and large-scale modelling (EURAD, MADE). Emissions were determined for aircraft traffic, road traffic, airport ground services and regional/mesoscale background using standard national and international inventories (HBEFA, ICAO, GRETA) and specific data obtained from the airport. Model outputs were series of successive 3-dimensional hourly mean concentrations apportioned to aircraft, airport, motor traffic and background. The model results suggest that aircraft main engines are the dominant source of UFP at the airport. Aircraft up to 3’000 ft (about 230’000 LTOs) plus airport-bound sources yield an annual nvPM emission of 1e+24 particles, about 90% of which are due to aircraft main engines. According to the model results, long-time averages of UFP number concentration are dominated by background contributions at locations further away from the airport, while the airport contribution to hourly mean concentrations can be significant even in some distance from the airport. An important aim of the project was to identify shortcomings of current state-of-the-art emission and concentration modelling of UFP in the context of airports. Here, inconsistent UFP diameter ranges in the databases, models and measurements are of relevance, likewise differences in the considered UFP characterisation and measuring method, in particular volatile versus non-volatile fractions. On a more advanced level, current limitations in knowledge and capabilities of local models to address UFP transformation processes play a role

    Vejbelægningens indflydelse på partikelforureningen (PM10) på stærkt trafikerede gadestrækninger i Danmark

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    Luftbåren partikelforurening giver anledning til en betydelig mængde sundhedsskadelige effekter. Massen af partikler med diameter under 10 μm (PM10) har i København til og med 2008 ligget over EU’s grænseværdier for PM10. Fra 2008 til 2009 faldt årsmiddelværdien af PM10 med 6 μg/m3 på målestationen på H.C. Andersens Boulevard, København, således at grænseværdierne overholdes i 2009. Faldet skete forholdsvis brat efter august 2008, hvor der blev lagt ny belægning på H.C. Andersens Boulevard. Ændringerne i døgnvariationen af PM10 og grundstofsammensætningen i PM10 før og efter den nye belægning viser, at årsagen til det store fald skyldes en stor reduktion i de partikler, som hvirvles op fra vejen grundet trafikken. Vejbelægningen har dermed stor indflydelse på PM10 på stærkt trafikerede gadestrækninger. Der blev også set et mindre fald i PM2,5, men der kræves flere undersøgelser for at vurdere, hvor stor en del af dette fald, som skal tilskrives den nye belægning

    NO2 virkemiddelkatalog - virkemidler til begrænsning af overskridelser af NO grænseværdien for luftkvalitet i større danske byer

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    Der er problemer med at overholde kvælstofdioxid (NO2) grænseværdien som årsmiddelværdi i de større danske byer og især i København. DMU har derfor for Miljøstyrelsen gennemført en vurdering af en bredere vifte af mulige tiltag i form af et virkemiddelkatalog for nedbringelse af NO2 forureningen. Der er vurderet 9 forskellige virkemidler af forskellige hovedtyper: teknologikrav i tilknytning til miljøzoner, trafikplanlægning samt økonomiske virkemidler. Luftkvalitetsberegninger er gennemført for 138 trafikerede gadestrækninger i København og Frederiksberg ved brug af gadeluftkvalitetsmodellen Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM) og bybaggrundsmodellen Urban Background Model (UBM)

    Atmospheric number size distributions of soot particles and estimation of emission factors

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    International audienceNumber fractions of externally mixed particles of four different sizes (30, 50, 80, and 150 nm in diameter) were measured using a Volatility Tandem DMA. The system was operated in a street canyon (Eisenbahnstrasse, EI) and at an urban background site (Institute for Tropospheric Research, IfT), both in the city of Leipzig, Germany as well as at a rural site (Melpitz (ME), a village near Leipzig). Intensive campaigns of 3?5 weeks each took place in summer 2003 as well as in winter 2003/2004. The data set thus obtained provides mean number fractions of externally mixed soot particles of atmospheric aerosols in differently polluted areas and different seasons (e.g. at 80 nm on working days, 60% (EI), 22% (IfT), and 6% (ME) in summer and 26% (IfT), and 13% (ME) in winter). Furthermore, a new method is used to calculate the size distribution of these externally mixed soot particles from parallel number size distribution measurements. A decrease of the externally mixed soot fraction with decreasing urbanity and a diurnal variation linked to the daily traffic changes demonstrate, that the traffic emissions have a significant impact on the soot fraction in urban areas. This influence becomes less in rural areas, due to atmospheric mixing and transformation processes. For estimating the source strength of soot particles emitted by vehicles (veh), soot particle emission factors were calculated using the Operational Street Pollution Model (OSPM). The emission factor for an average vehicle was found to be (1.5±0.4)·1014 #/(km·veh). The separation of the emission factor into passenger cars ((5.8±2)·1013 #/(km·veh)) and trucks ((2.5±0.9)·1015 #/(km·veh)) yielded in a 40-times higher emission factor for trucks compared to passenger cars