17 research outputs found

    The phase response of primary auditory afferents in a songbird (Sturnus vulgaris L.)

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    The effects of stimulus frequency and intensity on phase-locking characteristics of cochlear ganglion cells were studied in the starling. All cells showed phase-locking to tone stimuli within their response area. Phase-locking at CF is found on average 9 dB below discharge rate threshold. Phase-locking is best at 0.4 kHz and deteriorates with increasing frequency almost independently of CF. No phase-locking was evident for test frequencies above 3–4 kHz. Phase-locking in cells with CFs above 1.0 kHz is better below CF than at CF. For constant sound pressure, an increase in stimulus frequency always produced an increase in phase lag of the neural response. The phase vs. frequency data obtained at constant sound pressure can be reasonably approximated by straight line functions. The slopes of these functions indicate the latency of the neural response, and are correlated with the CFs of the respective cells; the latency tends to be longer in low-CF cells and shorter in high-CF cells. The latency decreases by 0.04 ms per l dB sound pressure increase. The response phase at CF is nearly stimulus level-independent. Increasing stimulus intensity causes increasing phase lag below CF and decreasing phase lag above CF. These results are compared to findings in other vertebrates and demonstrate the similarities of phase-locking characteristics despite the substantial anatomical differences among the vertebrate groups

    Morphological responses of the Wax Lake Delta, Louisiana, to Hurricanes Rita

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    This study examines the morphodynamic response of a deltaic system to extreme weather events. The Wax Lake Delta (WLD) in Louisiana, USA, is used to illustrate the impact of extreme events (hurricanes) on a river-dominated deltaic system. Simulations using the open source Delft3D model reveal that Hurricane Rita, which made landfall 120 km to the west of WLD as a Category 3 storm in 2005, caused erosion on the right side and deposition on the left side of the hurricane eye track on the continental shelf line (water depth 10 m to 50 m). Erosion over a wide area occurred both on the continental shelf line and in coastal areas when the hurricane moved onshore, while deposition occurred along the Gulf coastline (water depth < 5 m) when storm surge water moved back offshore. The numerical model estimated that Hurricane Rita’s storm surge reached 2.5 m, with maximum currents of 2.0 m s–1, and wave heights of 1.4 m on the WLD. The northwestern-directed flow and waves induced shear stresses, caused erosion on the eastern banks of the deltaic islands and deposition in channels located west of these islands. In total, Hurricane Rita eroded more than 500,000 m3 of sediments on the WLD area. Including waves in the analysis resulted in doubling the amount of erosion in the study area, comparing to the wave-excluding scenario. The exclusion of fluvial input caused minor changes in deltaic morphology during the event. Vegetation cover was represented as rigid rods in the model which add extra source terms for drag and turbulence to influence the momentum and turbulence equations. Vegetation slowed down the floodwater propagation and decreased flow velocity on the islands, leading to a 47% reduction in the total amount of erosion. Morphodynamic impact of the hurricane track relative to the delta was explored. Simulations indicate that the original track of Hurricane Rita (landfall 120 km west of the WLD) produced twice as much erosion and deposition at the delta compared to a hurricane of a similar intensity that made landfall directly on the delta. This demonstrates that the wetlands located on the right side of a hurricane track experience more significant morphological changes than areas located directly on the hurricane track

    Sinking deltas due to human activites

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    Many of the world's largest deltas are densely populated and heavily farmed. Yet many of their inhabitants are becoming increasingly vulnerable to flooding and conversions of their land to open ocean. The vulnerability is a result of sediment compaction from the removal of oil, gas and water from the delta's underlying sediments, the trapping of sediment in reservoirs upstream and floodplain engineering in combination with rising global sea level. Here we present an assessment of 33 deltas chosen to represent the world's deltas. We find that in the past decade, 85% of the deltas experienced severe flooding, resulting in the temporary submergence of 260,000 km2. We conservatively estimate that the delta surface area vulnerable to flooding could increase by 50% under the current projected values for sea-level rise in the twenty-first century. This figure could increase if the capture of sediment upstream persists and continues to prevent the growth and buffering of the delta