19 research outputs found


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    REZUMAT. Un sondaj cu privire la apariţia aflatoxinei M1 a fost efectuat în județul Maramures (România) pe un total de 120 de eşantioane de lapte crud provenit de la 5 ferme, pentru 12 luni (ianuarie-decembrie 2010). Probele au fost analizate prin cromatografie în strat subţire (TLC). Datele au fost analizate statistic prin aplicarea ANOVA. Aproximativ 3,33% din probe au fost contaminate cu aflatoxina M1 depăşindu-se limita Uniunii Europene (0.05 micrograme kg-1). Incidenţa . aflatoxinei M1 a fost mult mai mare în sezonul ploios octombrie (33,3%), decât în timpul verii Cuvinte cheie: lapte crud,cromatografie, aflatoxina ABSTRACT. A survey on the occurrence of aflatoxin M1 was carried out in the province of Maramures (Romania) on a total of 120 samples of raw milk from 5 farms for 12 months (January-December 2010). Samples were analyzed by thin layer chromatography (TLC). The data were analyzed statistically by applying ANOVA. About 3.33 % of the samples were contaminated with aflatoxin M1 and exceeded the European Union limit (0.05 μg Kg -1 ). The incidence of aflatoxin M1 was much higher in rainy season October (33.3%), than during summer

    Disciplina Escolar e Gestão de Sala de Aula no Campo Educacional Brasileiro

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    Resumo: O texto tem por objetivo analisar as questões relativas à disciplina escolar e à gestão de sala de aula como campo de pesquisa e questão profissional. Inicia com uma breve retomada da tradição norte-americana nas pesquisas sobre o tema. Na segunda parte, analiso as condições, potenciais e limites associados a tomar a disciplina escolar e gestão de sala de aula como campo de pesquisa no Brasil usando como indicadores os trabalhos publicados nos encontros anuais da ANPEd entre 2007 e 2011 e no seminário Indisciplina na Escola Contemporânea. A terceira parte é dedicada à relação entre gestão de sala de aula, enquanto saber profissional, e a formação de professores no Brasil. A última parte é dedicada às considerações finais

    Structural Diversity and Biochemical and Microbiological Characteristics of Aflatoxins

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    Among all mycotoxins, Aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) is considered to be the most carcinogenic, and it has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer in Group 1 of human carcinogen. It signifies a high hazard because it contaminates a diversity of agricultural products such as nuts and derivatives, peanuts/hazelnuts, grains, seeds, cottonseed, milk, dairy food. In milk AFB1 is metabolized to aflatoxin M (AFM1) which is 4-hydroxy derivative of AFB1, it is formed in the liver and excreted in the milk into the mammary glands of both human and lactating animals which have been fed with AFB1 contaminated diet. After the food contamination, one part of the aflatoxin B1 which was present in the food is eliminated through the milk. At the molecular level aflatoxin biosynthesis involves several levels of transcriptional and post-transcriptional control, so the main stages subsequent biochemical and genetic constituents of aflatoxin biosynthesis have been demonstrated recently. Recent studies over the last few decades have shown that the metabolism of AFB is an essential component of hepatocarcinogenic, however it was shown that AFB1 is metabolized by cytochrome P450 oxidised to intermediates and other metabolites Therefore, the biotransformation process may also lead to the formation of carcinogenic metabolites

    Eficiência fotoquímica em folhas do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) cv. Golden durante o estádio reprodutivo e caracterização da ontogenia dos frutos

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    Considerando que a fisiologia do amadurecimento dos frutos do mamoeiro envolve desde a produção de fotoassimilados, para a sua formação e desenvolvimento, até as enzimas que degradarão a parede celular, promovendo o amolecimento da polpa, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a cinética da emissão da fluorescência da clorofila a em folhas do mamoeiro (Carica papaya L.) cv. Golden durante o período reprodutivo e avaliar os teores de sólidos solúveis (SS), acidez titulável (AT) e atividade da pectinametilesterase (PME) durante a ontogenia dos frutos. Os maiores índices de desempenho fotoquímico (PItotal) foram verificados nos estádios de formação e crescimento dos frutos, devido ao melhor desempenho das reações de oxirredução do fotossistema I [δR0/(1-δR0)]. Maior eficiência fotoquímica das plantas neste período possibilita maior demanda pelo carbono fixado para a síntese de compostos para o metabolismo celular. Em geral, os fotoassimilados são direcionados para os drenos fortes mais próximos, entretanto as sementes têm prioridade, portanto os teores de SS, AT e a atividade da PME na polpa dos frutos permaneceram constantes durante o desenvolvimento dos mesmos, sendo verificadas alterações nestas características somente no estádio de colheita. Estes resultados confirmam a participação da PME como enzima que prepara o substrato para que as demais enzimas pectinolíticas atuem, disponibilizando os ácidos orgânicos desmetilados e o início da degradação dos polissacarídeos da parece celular antes mesmo da colheita

    Changes in total anthocyanin content and antioxidant activity in sweet cherries during frozen storage, and air-oven and infrared drying

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    Introduction. Sweet cherries are important dietary components, based mainly on their content of antioxidant compounds related to health benefits. Different preservation procedures cause changes in the content of these compounds. Our work aimed at evaluation of changes in the total anthocyanin contents and antioxidant activities in fresh, frozen and dried sweet cherry fruits. Materials and methods. The total anthocyanin content of edible parts of sweet cherries was studied under different postharvest conditions. The total antioxidant activities were studied using total phenolic content and ferric reducing antioxidant power assays. Results and discussion. We report higher amounts of phenolics and anthocyanins in wild crops compared with orchard-grown and ‘Black Gold’ cultivars. Phenolics and anthocyanins of wild and cultivated samples degraded differently during frozen storage at −18 °C for six months, with a more pronounced effect on anthocyanins than on phenolics, which retained approximately half of their amounts. Black Gold sweet cherries showed much less degradation than wild crops. We found good retention of anthocyanins in air-oven-dried sweet cherries for up to 8 h at 60 °C compared with infrared-dried cherries, which showed 48% anthocyanin degradation at 60 °C. While anthocyanins drastically degraded at higher temperatures (70−80 °C), the antioxidant activity increased. Conclusion. Fresh and processed sweet cherries may find potential applications as natural colorants, antioxidants and nutraceuticals, related to their content of phenolics/anthocyanins, antioxidant properties and intended use