21 research outputs found


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    Pesantren is an educational institution that cannot be separated from religious scholars as a figure of a leader. Progress or setbacks of Pesantren is determined by figure of Kyai as a central figure in the boarding school. Thus, Pesantren and Kyai have a relationship of mutual influence. Pesantren is able to develop due to figure of Kyai who can lead well. Conversely, if Pesantren did not develop, it means that Kyai cannot lead well. This paper is intended to explain the relationship between Pesantren and the leadership of Kya

    Pendidikan Karakter Berbasis Kearifan Lokal Adat Sunda “Ngalaksa” Tarawangsa di Rancakalong Jawa Barat

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    Local  wisdom  contained  in  some  groups  /  minorities  or  indigenous  communities  in Indonesia contains a lot of cultural values  of the nation are still going strong into the identity of the character of their peoples. But on the other hand, the value of local knowledge is often overlooked,  because  they  do  not  correspond  with  the  development  era.  In  fact,  from  such wisdom could be promoted noble values which can be used as a model in the development of Indonesian culture. In this case the local wisdom of indigenous Sunda "Ngalaksa" Tarawangsa as  for  the  implementation  of  this  ceremony,  set  a benchmark wearing the national calendar that  always  falls  in  July,  while  the  determination  date is usually the result of an agreement between  the  local  government  and  community  elders  elements  that  will  hold  the  ceremony ngalaksa. Day ceremony, calculated and determined based on market day. The highlight of the event, the day 7, which must occur on the day kliwon market.Ceremony  "Ngalaksa"  held  within  the  framework  of  an  expression of gratitude to the Almighty  for  the  crops  that  have  been  acquired,  and  to  preserve  the  customs  of  society Rancakalong as the preservation of art and cultural heritage. "Ngalaksa a culture that contains the  value  of  the  noble  nation  that  really  needs  to  be  developed  in  order  to  strengthen  the nation's  identity  and  personality,  as  well  as  being  the  driving  government  programs  in  all fields".  Ngalaksa  culture  is  accompanied  by  music  Tarawangsa  and  jentreng,  stringed instrument similar fiddle and harp.The  values  of  character  education  that  can  be  taken  on  a  ceremonial  ngalaksa tarawangsa  on  society  Rancakalong,  is  tolerance,  democracy,  daring,  discipline,  hard  work, creativity, responsibility,  relegius,  environmental  care,  social  care,  the  national  spirit  and patriotism

    Refleksi Model Pendidikan Pesantren dan Tantangannya Masa Kini

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    Education in pesantren does not stop as a transfer activity of science only. Azyumardi Azra mentions, besides being a transfer of knowledge, pesantren also as a cadre of scholars' and as preserver of Islamic culture. The challenge of pesantren education today is globalization that can bring positive and negative impacts. The principle of pesantren is al muhafadzah 'ala al qadim al shalih, wa al akhdzu bi al jadid al ashlah, that is to maintain a positive tradition, and to balance with taking positive new things. Problems related to civic values will be addressed through the principles held by pesantren. Pesantrens should also make effective, efficient, and equitable reshuffling as human beings (al musawah bain al nas) Pendidikan di pesantren tidak berhenti sebagai aktifitas transfer ilmu saja. Azyumardi Azra menyebutkan, selain sebagai transfer ilmu, pesantren juga sebagai kaderisasi ulama' dan sebagai pemelihara budaya Islam. Tantangan pendidikan pesantren saat ini adalah globalisasi yang dapat membawa dampak positif maupun negatif. Prinsip pesantren adalah al muhafadzah ‘ala al qadim al shalih, wa al akhdzu bi al jadid al ashlah, yaitu tetap memegang tradisi yang positif, dan mengimbangi dengan mengambil hal-hal baru yang positif. Permasalahan-permasalahan yang berkaitan dengan civic values akan bisa dibenahi melalui prinsip-prinsip yang dipegang pesantren selama ini. Pesantren perlu juga melakukan perombakan yang efektif, berdaya guna, serta mampu memberikan kesejajaran sebagai umat manusia (al musawah bain al nas).

    Development of al-Qawaid an-Nahwiyah Learning Module Based on Qiyasiyah Method for Arabic Language Education Department Students | Pengembangan Modul Pembelajaran al-Qawaid an-Nahwiyah Berbasis Metode Qiyasiyah untuk Mahasiswa Jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Arab

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    The development of the al-qawaid al-nahwiyah learning module based on qiyasiyah method for students majoring in Arabic Language Education to find out the steps in developing the al-qawaid an-nahwiyah module using the qiyasiyah method and to determine its feasibility and effectiveness. This module is structured based on research and development methods using the ASSURE model with six research steps. This study produced an interesting al-qawaid al-nahwiyah learning module based on qiyasiyah method starting from content, content and evaluation accompanied by general structures, pictures and appropriate coloring. This module is very effective for use in learning nahwu for students majoring in Arabic Language Education because has been tested from the results of trials that have been conducted by researchers and is a solution to difficulties in understanding nahwu science through literature printed in Arabic. Student learning outcomes can be seen in the pretest scores obtained by an average value of 56 and the average posttest value of 78.6. Based on the results of the T-Test analysis carried out with a truth level of 95%, it can be concluded that the learning outcomes of students in the al-qawaid al-nahwiyah course with the al-qawaid al-nahwiyah learning module based on the qiyasiyyah method have significant differences, meaning that learning outcomes students before and after using the al-qawaid al-nahwiyah learning module based on the qiyasiyyah method there are positive differences

    Pengembangan Modul Bilingual Bergambar dengan Pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) pada Materi Himpunan

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    Abstract: The purpose of this reaserch is to develop teaching materials consisting of pictorial bilingual modules using Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) on set material and to research the effectiveness of the product being developed. The research used in this research is Research and Development using ADDIE models consisting of motion sickness Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation and Evaluation. This study was declared valid and feasible to be used as teaching material for mathematics learning by 3 material experts who obtained an average score of 3,72 in the "valid" category and 3 media experts with an average score of 3,71 in the "valid" category and 3 language experts with an average score of 3,65 with the category of "Valid" with each maximum score of validity is 4. With the test of attractiveness of teaching materials determined "Very Attractive" by a small group test of 9 students by agreeing to the average score average of 3,65 and a large group test of 29 students with approval of an average value of 3,68. The results of the assessment using testing the effect size with an approval score of 0,50 with the category "Effective Enough". So it can be concluded that the development of teaching materials produced is declared feasible and effective enough and can be used as teaching materials in learning mathematics. Abstrak: Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mengembangkan bahan ajar berupa modul bilingual bergambar dengan pendekatan Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) pada materi himpunan serta mengetahui keefektifitasanproduk yang dikembangkan. Penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalahResearch and Development menggunakan model ADDIE yang terdiri dari tahap Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation dan Evaluation. Penelitian ini dinyatakan valid dan layak digunakan secara keseluruhan sebagai bahan ajar pembelajaran matematika oleh 3 ahli materi yang memperoleh skor rata-rata sebesar 3,72 dengan kategori “valid” dan 3 ahli media dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 3,71 dengan kategori “valid” serta 3 ahli bahasa dengan skor rata-rata sebesar 3,65 dengan kategori “Valid” dengan masing-masing skor maksimal kevalidan adalah 4. Sedangkan uji kemenarikan bahan ajar dinyatakan “Sangat Menarik” oleh uji kelompok kecil terhadap 9 orang peserta didikdengan perolehan skor rata-rata sebesar 3,65 dan uji kelompok besar terhadap 29 orang peserta didik dengan perolehan nilai rata-rata sebesar 3,68. Hasil penilaian uji efektivitas dengan menggunakan rumus effect sizedengan perolehan skor sebesar 0,50 dengan kategori “Cukup Efektif”. Sehingga dapat disimpulkan pengembangan bahan ajar yang dihasilkan dinyatakan layak dan cukup efektif serta dapat digunakan sebagai bahan ajar dalam pembelajaran matematika

    Relationship Between Students ’ Learning And Assessment Towards Evaluation System With Students ’ Learning Achievement Of Tarbiyah

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    Abstract: The purpose of writing this article is to discuss about the Relationship Between Habit Learning and Assessment Towards System Evaluation With Students ’ Learning Achievement. The methodology of analysis is correlation techniques to assess and disclose the relationship of independent variables and the dependent variable to determine: (1) determine the relationship between students ' learning habits (X1) and learning outcomes (Y), (2) determine the relationship between the assessment of the evaluation system (X2) with academic achievement (Y), and (3) determine the relationship between the achievement of students (X1) and the assessment of the evaluation system (X2) together with academic achievement (Y). The study results show that the proposed third null hypothesis is rejected and accept the alternative hypothesis. In other words that there is a positive relationship between (1) the habit of learning achievement of students ’ learning achievement, (2) an assessment of the performance evaluation system with students ’ learning achievement, and (3) the habit of learning and assessment towards evaluation system together with Students ’ Learning Achievement. Index Terms: the habit of learning, assessment, evaluation system and learning achievement.


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    This study aims to determine the attractiveness and feasibility and effectiveness of learning implemented using interactive electronic textbooks (BAEI) assisted by Google slides and quizizz on the matrix material. This research method is research and development (R&D) with the Borg and Gall development model. There are 10 stages in this development namely 1) Potential and problems, 2) Data collection, 3) Product design, 4) Design validation, 5) Design revision, 6) Product trial, 7) Product revision, 8) Trial usage. 9) Product revision, 10) Mass production. Data collection instruments used were questionnaires given to material experts and media experts to determine product viability, and were given to students to find out the attractiveness of products that had been developed as well as pretest and posttest test instruments. The results of data analysis obtained from material experts and media experts stated that teaching materials developed were feasible to be used by obtaining "Valid" criteria with an average score of material experts of 3.76 and media experts of 3.48. Then the students' response to the electronic textbook (BAEI) in small group trials and large group trials (field) obtained the criteria of "Very Attractive" with the average score on the small group trial of 3.28 and the average results the score of large groups (field) is 3.49. The results of the effectiveness test analysis using effect sizes on the pretest and posttest obtained an average score of 0.72 and included in the medium category