170 research outputs found

    Best available technology and benchmark base-line setting under the Article 6.4 mechanism

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    This study, commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency, analyses lessons learned and explores benefits and challenges of applying benchmarks derived from “best available technology” assessments in international market-based cooperation. While there is limited experience in international carbon markets, it is proposed as a baseline setting approach for the Article 6.4 mechanism to increase the mitigation ambition of the mechanism and the share of mitigation that is retained by the host country

    Development of guidance for non-market approaches in the Paris Agreement: operationalizing Articles 6.8 and 6.9 of the Paris Agreement

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    While market-based forms of cooperation are enshrined in Articles 6.2–6.7, Article 6.8 of the Paris Agreement recognizes the importance of non-market approaches (NMAs) in international cooperation on climate change mitigation and adaptation in a variety of fields. Article 6.9 establishes the NMA framework that promotes NMAs described in Article 6.8. The Parties to the Paris Agreement are currently negotiating a work program to further elaborate on this. If properly designed, fostering the accelerated diffusion of non-market based international cooperation on technology development and transfer, capacity-building and finance in both adaptation and mitigation can provide a relevant contribution to NDC implementation and ratcheting up of ambition. Having that goal in mind, this report provides recommendations on the operationalization of the NMA framework and the work program and the identification of concrete NMAs for consideration by the negotiating Parties. We provide concrete examples of NMAs in various fields Parties have identified as relevant under the framework, including forests, resilience, removals, energy efficiency and the cross cutting topics mentioned above. The NMA work program should be designed as a meaningful addition to ongoing work under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The focus must be on activities that are not duplicating ongoing efforts, not implementable through markets, transformative, and have so far been side-lined by international public climate finance. The NMAs’ relevance will ultimately depend on Parties’ active engagement in the identification of concrete NMAs and their submission to the NMA forum envisaged in the latest iterations of the Presidency draft texts from COP25. The NMA forum should operate in a flexible but results-oriented manner to allow for the consideration of emerging concepts and pilot activities. In the end, the role of finance will also be pivotal for the work program’s relevance. According to the current status of negotiations, the work program will not have own financial resources but the consideration of finance is essential to avoid that the NMA work program becomes a mere ‘talk shop’

    Article 6 Piloting: State of Play and Stakeholder Experiences

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    This report is the 3rd edition of a series started in 2019 and provides an updated overview of all aspects related to the piloting and operationalization of Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Despite the continued uncertainty regarding the finalization of the Article 6 rules, practical Article 6 piloting is continuing apace and the landscape of Article 6 piloting initiatives evolves. Testing how Article 6 cooperation could work in practice in order to inform negotiations as well as getting early access to sources of emissions credits is seen as important to fulfill national mitigation commitments. As a framework for the analysis in our study, we apply a ‘concentric ring’ model that clearly differentiates between piloting activities that aim at generating Internationally Transferred Mitigation Outcomes (ITMOs) or adaptation benefits (ABs), initiatives that will eventually be governed by Article 6 rules and the enabling environment, which is essential to drive piloting efforts forward. In an additional analytical step, we classify piloting activities in the inner circle according to three different phases: the preparatory phase, the pilot phase and the full implementation phase. Moreover, we summarise current stakeholder experiences with Article 6 piloting and provide an overview of our insights from broad and deep stakeholder consultations, including the views of buyer countries, host countries and project developers

    Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Crack Use Relapse Scale (CURS)

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    Background When it comes to crack/drug use, relapse is a relatively common event in the first weeks after the end of treatment. However little is known about what happens to patients who relapse after discharge. Objective To report the confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) of the Crack Use Relapse Scale (CURS) in an inpatient population. Methods A five-point Likert scale with 25 items and, initially, 9 theoretical factors was generated and utilized in a cross-sectional study with a sample of 333 hospitalized male crack users. Results CFA indicated a well-fitting model for the CURS. Discussion The CFA shows that the CURS model is appropriate and well-fitting for assessment of latent variables common to psychiatric and psychological constructs – in this case, relapse of crack cocaine use after inpatient treatment

    Enterovírus como indicadores de qualidade da água

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    Enteroviruses belong to enteric virus group, which is composed by pathogens often isolated from water contaminated with fecal pollution. They receive this classification mainly due to their ability to replicate in the host’s gut and be transmitted through the fecal-oral route. This group of virus resist to high concentrations of chlorine, showing resistance to the usual protocols for treatment of water. Monitoring of fecal pollution in water is usually performed through the detection and quantification of fecal coliforms. When coliforms are present, it is recommendable to avoid the human consumption of water. However, several authors reported the presence of enteric viruses in water samples that are free of coliforms, this fact might indicate that this bacterial parameter is a non reliable indicator of fecal pollution. Besides, among the pathogens transmitted by water, the presence of enteroviruses is considered by WHO a reliable indicator of fecal contamination and related with epidemic diseases transmitted by water. This fact is exacerbated due the frequency of enterovírus causing habitual diseases, such as diarrhea and conjunctivitis, as well as more severe diseases, including meningitis and encephalitis.Os enterovírus fazem parte do grupo dos vírus entéricos, constituído de importantes patógenos, isolados com frequência de águas contaminadas por poluição fecal. Recebem essa classificação principalmente por suas características de replicação no trato intestinal do hospedeiro e transmissão pela via fecal-oral. Esse grupo de vírus resiste a altas concentrações de diferentes compostos clorados, apresentando, assim, resistência aos tratamentos habituais da água. Atualmente, o principal parâmetro utilizado para controle microbiológico da água são os coliformes fecais. Caso esses coliformes estejam presentes, deve-se evitar o consumo humano da água analisada. Porém, diversos autores têm discutido a presença de enterovírus em amostra de águas mesmo na ausência de coliformes, o que parece desmerecer essas bactérias como confiáveis marcadores de poluição fecal. Além disso, dentre os patógenos veiculados pela água, a presença de enterovírus é considerada pela OMS como sendo um indício de contaminação fecal e relacionada a epidemias de doenças de veiculação hídrica. Este fato é exacerbado por serem os enterovírus frequentes causadores de doenças habituais, tais como diarreias e conjuntivites, assim como doenças mais graves, incluindo meningoencefalites

    Educação de Jovens e Adultos, Educação Social e juventudes: da subjetividade à aprendizagem

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    A Educação Social e a Educação de Jovens e Adultos se tornaram espaços alternativos à margem da tradição escolar e acolhem as diferentes trajetórias e a complexidade dos processos de aprendizagem da juventude brasileira. Em uma perspectiva de aprendizagem enquanto processo subjetivo alinhado à experiência de vida do educando, este artigo tem como objetivo refletir sobre as trajetórias de aprendizagem das juventudes em contextos educativos não tradicionais a partir do diálogo de duas pesquisas em âmbito de mestrado em Educação. A primeira pesquisa contou com a participação de um adulto matriculado na Educação de Jovens e Adultos e discursa sobre suas experiências educacionais enquanto jovem, utilizando como método de análise a Metodologia Construtivo-Interpretativa; na segunda pesquisa foram participantes 10 jovens entre 14 e 19 anos que acessavam a Educação Social, utilizando como método de análise a Análise Textual Discursiva.  No diálogo entre as duas pesquisas, foram determinados dois aspectos importantes acerca das diferentes possibilidades pedagógicas que dêem conta da complexidade das juventudes: a) a concepção da aprendizagem para além do processo de escolarização; b) o potencial da afetividade para promover processos de aprendizagem mais produtivos. Assim, caminhos são possibilitados para refletir sobre a articulação entre juventude, tradição escolar e permanência

    Obsessive-compulsive disorder reinforcement during the COVID-19 pandemic

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    The COVID-19 pandemic is unquestionably impacting on the mental health of the population worldwide. Fear of contamination can both increase levels of stress in healthy individuals and intensify psychiatric symptoms in patients with pre-existing conditions, especially obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). During the COVID-19 pandemic, the imminent risk of contamination creates a logical need for self-surveillance and hygiene habits. However, this kind of information can have drastic implications for subjects with OCD, since cognitive distortions and compensatory strategies (cleansing rituals) are no longer irrational or oversized – rather, these ideas become legitimate and socially accepted, generating plausible validation for the intensification of compulsive cleaning rituals. Patients who presented remission of OCD symptoms would be more likely to have a relapse, and subclinical patients may scale up and ultimately be diagnosed with OCD due to the reinforcement of their habits, emotions and thoughts

    Sintomas de ansiedade e depressão em brasileiros não heterossexuais usuários de ecstasy e LSD

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    Background: This study examined drug use patterns and psychiatric symptoms of anxiety and depression among young Brazilian sexual minority ecstasy and LSD users and compared findings with those reported for their heterosexual peers. Method: This cross-sectional study employed targeted sampling and ethnographic mapping approaches via face-to-face interviews conducted at bars and electronic music festivals using an adapted, semi-structured version of the Global Appraisal of Individual Needs questionnaire. The sample comprised 240 male and female young adults who had used ecstasy and/or LSD in the 90 days prior to the interview and who were not on treatment for alcohol and drug abuse. Results: Of the 240 subjects enrolled (mean age: 22.9±4.5 years), 28.7% were gay or bisexuals. Multivariate regression analysis showed that the prevalence of depression symptoms in the past 12 months in the sexual minority group was 37% higher than among heterosexuals (prevalence ratio [PR]=1.79; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 1.03-3.11; p=0.037). Conclusion: Strategies should be developed to assess and address individual needs and treatment approaches should be tailored to address depressive symptoms in young, sexual minority club drug users.Introdução: Este estudo examinou os padrões de uso de drogas e os sintomas psiquiátricos de ansiedade e depressão entre brasileiros não heterossexuais usuários de ecstasy e/ou LSD e comparou os achados com aqueles relatados por seus pares heterossexuais. Método: Este estudo transversal empregou amostragens direcionadas e abordagens de mapeamento etnográfico através de entrevistas presenciais realizadas em bares e festivais de música eletrônica usando uma versão adaptada e semiestruturada do questionário de Avaliação Global de Necessidades Individuais. A amostra incluiu 240 adultos jovens do sexo masculino e feminino que haviam usado ecstasy e/ou LSD nos 90 dias anteriores à entrevista e que não estavam em tratamento para abuso de álcool e drogas. Resultados: Dos 240 sujeitos incluídos (idade média: 22,9±4,5 anos), 28,7% eram homossexuais ou bissexuais. A análise de regressão multivariada mostrou que a prevalência de sintomas de depressão nos últimos 12 meses no grupo não heterossexual foi 37% superior à dos heterossexuais [razão de prevalência (RP) = 1,79; intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC95%) 1.03-3.11; p=0,037]. Conclusão: Estratégias devem ser desenvolvidas para avaliar e abordar as necessidades individuais, e as abordagens de tratamento devem ser adaptadas para sintomas depressivos em usuários de drogas jovens e não heterossexuais