368 research outputs found

    Combining Topological Hardware and Topological Software: Color Code Quantum Computing with Topological Superconductor Networks

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    We present a scalable architecture for fault-tolerant topological quantum computation using networks of voltage-controlled Majorana Cooper pair boxes, and topological color codes for error correction. Color codes have a set of transversal gates which coincides with the set of topologically protected gates in Majorana-based systems, namely the Clifford gates. In this way, we establish color codes as providing a natural setting in which advantages offered by topological hardware can be combined with those arising from topological error-correcting software for full-fledged fault-tolerant quantum computing. We provide a complete description of our architecture including the underlying physical ingredients. We start by showing that in topological superconductor networks, hexagonal cells can be employed to serve as physical qubits for universal quantum computation, and present protocols for realizing topologically protected Clifford gates. These hexagonal cell qubits allow for a direct implementation of open-boundary color codes with ancilla-free syndrome readout and logical TT-gates via magic state distillation. For concreteness, we describe how the necessary operations can be implemented using networks of Majorana Cooper pair boxes, and give a feasibility estimate for error correction in this architecture. Our approach is motivated by nanowire-based networks of topological superconductors, but could also be realized in alternative settings such as quantum Hall-superconductor hybrids.Comment: 24 pages, 24 figure

    The boundaries and twist defects of the color code and their applications to topological quantum computation

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    The color code is both an interesting example of an exactly solved topologically ordered phase of matter and also among the most promising candidate models to realize fault-tolerant quantum computation with minimal resource overhead. The contributions of this work are threefold. First of all, we build upon the abstract theory of boundaries and domain walls of topological phases of matter to comprehensively catalog the objects realizable in color codes. Together with our classification we also provide lattice representations of these objects which include three new types of boundaries as well as a generating set for all 72 color code twist defects. Our work thus provides an explicit toy model that will help to better understand the abstract theory of domain walls. Secondly, we discover a number of interesting new applications of the cataloged objects for quantum information protocols. These include improved methods for performing quantum computations by code deformation, a new four-qubit error-detecting code, as well as families of new quantum error-correcting codes we call stellated color codes, which encode logical qubits at the same distance as the next best color code, but using approximately half the number of physical qubits. To the best of our knowledge, our new topological codes have the highest encoding rate of local stabilizer codes with bounded-weight stabilizers in two dimensions. Finally, we show how the boundaries and twist defects of the color code are represented by multiple copies of other phases. Indeed, in addition to the well studied comparison between the color code and two copies of the surface code, we also compare the color code to two copies of the three-fermion model. In particular, we find that this analogy offers a very clear lens through which we can view the symmetries of the color code which gives rise to its multitude of domain walls

    Color-Code Quantum Computing with Topological Superconductor Networks

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    We present a scalable architecture for fault-tolerant topological quantum computation using networks of voltage-controlled Majorana Cooper pair boxes and topological color codes for error correction. Color codes have a set of transversal gates which coincides with the set of topologically protected gates in Majorana-based systems, namely, the Clifford gates. In this way, we establish color codes as providing a natural setting in which advantages offered by topological hardware can be combined with those arising from topological error-correcting software for full-fledged fault-tolerant quantum computing. We provide a complete description of our architecture, including the underlying physical ingredients. We start by showing that in topological superconductor networks, hexagonal cells can be employed to serve as physical qubits for universal quantum computation, and we present protocols for realizing topologically protected Clifford gates. These hexagonal-cell qubits allow for a direct implementation of open-boundary color codes with ancilla- free syndrome read-out and logical T gates via magic-state distillation. For concreteness, we describe how the necessary operations can be implemented using networks of Majorana Cooper pair boxes, and we give a feasibility estimate for error correction in this architecture. Our approach is motivated by nanowire-based networks of topological superconductors, but it could also be realized in alternative settings such as quantum-Hall–superconductor hybrids

    Poking Holes and Cutting Corners to Achieve Clifford Gates with the Surface Code

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    The surface code is currently the leading proposal to achieve fault-tolerant quantum computation. Among its strengths are the plethora of known ways in which fault-tolerant Clifford operations can be performed, namely, by deforming the topology of the surface, by the fusion and splitting of codes, and even by braiding engineered Majorana modes using twist defects. Here, we present a unified framework to describe these methods, which can be used to better compare different schemes and to facilitate the design of hybrid schemes. Our unification includes the identification of twist defects with the corners of the planar code. This identification enables us to perform single-qubit Clifford gates by exchanging the corners of the planar code via code deformation. We analyze ways in which different schemes can be combined and propose a new logical encoding. We also show how all of the Clifford gates can be implemented with the planar code, without loss of distance, using code deformations, thus offering an attractive alternative to ancilla-mediated schemes to complete the Clifford group with lattice surgery

    Optimal box-covering algorithm for fractal dimension of complex networks

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    The self-similarity of complex networks is typically investigated through computational algorithms the primary task of which is to cover the structure with a minimal number of boxes. Here we introduce a box-covering algorithm that not only outperforms previous ones, but also finds optimal solutions. For the two benchmark cases tested, namely, the E. Coli and the WWW networks, our results show that the improvement can be rather substantial, reaching up to 15% in the case of the WWW network.Comment: 5 pages, 6 figure

    Functioning and disability in multiple sclerosis from the patient perspective

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    Multiple sclerosis (MS) has a great impact on functioning and disability. The perspective of those who experience the health problem has to be taken into account to obtain an in-depth understanding of functioning and disability. The objective was to describe the areas of functioning and disability and relevant contextual factors in MS from the patient perspective. A qualitative study using focus group methodology was performed. The sample size was determined by saturation. The focus groups were digitally recorded and transcribed verbatim. The meaning condensation procedure was used for data analysis. Identified concepts were linked to International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) categories according to established linking rules. Six focus groups with a total of 27 participants were performed. In total, 1327 concepts were identified and linked to 106 ICF categories of the ICF components Body Functions, Activities and Participation and Environmental Factors. This qualitative study reports on the impact of MS on functioning and disability from the patient perspective. The participants in this study provided information about all physical aspects and areas of daily life affected by the disease, as well as the environmental factors influencing their lives

    Anyon Condensation and the Color Code

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    The manipulation of topologically ordered phases of matter to encode and process quantum information forms the cornerstone of many approaches to fault-tolerant quantum computing. Here we demonstrate that fault-tolerant logical operations in these approaches can be interpreted as instances of anyon condensation. We present a constructive theory for anyon condensation and, in tandem, illustrate our theory explicitly using the color-code model. We show that different condensation processes are associated with a general class of domain walls, which can exist in both spacelike and timelike directions. This class includes semitransparent domain walls that condense certain subsets of anyons. We use our theory to classify topological objects and design novel fault-tolerant logic gates for the color code. As a final example, we also argue that dynamical “Floquet codes” can be viewed as a series of condensation operations. We propose a general construction for realizing planar dynamically driven codes based on condensation operations on the color code. We use our construction to introduce a new Calderbank-Shor-Steane–type Floquet code that we call the Floquet color code

    Finite-size scaling investigation of the liquid-liquid critical point in ST2 water and its stability with respect to crystallization.

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    The liquid-liquid critical point scenario of water hypothesizes the existence of two metastable liq- uid phases low-density liquid (LDL) and high-density liquid (HDL) deep within the supercooled region. The hypothesis originates from computer simulations of the ST2 water model, but the stabil- ity of the LDL phase with respect to the crystal is still being debated. We simulate supercooled ST2 water at constant pressure, constant temperature, and constant number of molecules N for N ≤ 729 and times up to 1 μs. We observe clear differences between the two liquids, both structural and dynamical. Using several methods, including finite-size scaling, we confirm the presence of a liquid-liquid phase transition ending in a critical point. We find that the LDL is stable with respect to the crystal in 98% of our runs (we perform 372 runs for LDL or LDL-like states), and in 100% of our runs for the two largest system sizes (N = 512 and 729, for which we perform 136 runs for LDL or LDL-like states). In all these runs, tiny crystallites grow and then melt within 1 μs. Only for N ≤ 343 we observe six events (over 236 runs for LDL or LDL-like states) of spontaneous crystal- lization after crystallites reach an estimated critical size of about 70 ± 10 molecules
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