19 research outputs found

    Evaluation of agricultural management costs pre-and postland consolidation projects

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    Bu çalışmada arazi toplulaştırması öncesi ve sonrası tarımsal işletmecilik maliyetlerinin değerlendirilmesi amacıyla Kayseri İli Yeşilhisar İlçesi Kesik Mahallesi tarım arazilerinde gerçekleştirilen arazi toplulaştırma uygulamaları dikkate alınmıştır. Çalışma, arazi toplulaştırma çalışmalarının işletme ekonomisine katkısını belirlemek amacı ile yapılmıştır. Arazi toplulaştırma projelerinde parsellere ulaşım sağlanması, parsellerin şekilleri düzenlenip parsellerin birleştirilmesi, su kaynaklarının etkin kullanılması buna bağlı olarak maliyetlerin azaltılması başta olmak üzere birçok yararı bulunmaktadır. Araştırmada toplulaştırma öncesi ve sonrası şartlarda tarımda girdi kullanımı, projelerin toplulaştırma oranı, toplulaştırmanın parsel şekil büyüklük ve sayısına etkisi, toplulaştırma öncesi ve sonrası zaman farkı ve yakıt tüketimindeki değişim performansları belirlenmiş ve karşılaştırılmıştır. Çalışma alanından 5 adet örnek işletme seçilmiştir. Yol uzunlukları ve güzergahlardaki değişimler belirlenmiştir. Yollardaki toplam azalma miktarını belirlemek için, köy merkezinden tüm parsellere ulaşım için kat edilen yol uzunluğu, NETCADGIS 7.0 bilgisayar ortamında hesaplanmıştır. Toplulaştırma sonrasında yola cephesiz parsel sayısı azalmış, tarımsal mekanizasyon kolaylığı açısından dikdörtgen şeklindeki parsel sayısı ve oranında artış sağlanmıştır. Toplulaştırma öncesi parsel sayısı 2136 iken toplulaştırma sonrası 1562 ye düşmüştür. Ayrıca toplulaştırma öncesi dikdörtgen şekilli parsel oranı %38.25 iken toplulaştırma sonrası %48.05 olmuştur. Toplulaştırma oranı %26.87 olarak gerçekleşmiştir. Çalışmada Haziran 2019 yılı için yakıt tüketimi ve kullanılacak olan alet ekipmanlar belirlenmiştir. Motorin fiyatı Kayseri İli Yeşilhisar İlçesi için 6.35TL/lt olarak alınmıştır. Çalışmada toplulaştırma sonrası işletme merkezi ile parseller arası yol uzunluklarında ki değişimler ile tarla başına kadar traktör hız faktörleri hesaba katılarak toplam çalışma süreleri hesaplanmış ve zamandan tasarruf sağlanmıştır. Bu şekilde doğru ve verimli mekanizasyon kullanımı tarımda kaliteyi ve büyümeyi arttırmıştır. Arazi toplulaştırması ile sürüm giderlerinde değişen oranlarda maliyet azalmakta ve tasarruf sağlamaktadır.In this study, land consolidation practices carried out in the agricultural land of Kesik Quarter of Yeşilhisar District of Kayseri Province were taken into consideration in order to evaluate the agricultural management costs before and after land consolidation. The aim of this study is to determine the contribution of land consolidation activities to enterprise economy. Land consolidation projects provide access to parcels, the parcels are arranged and merged parcels, the effective use of water resources associated with the reduction of costs has many benefits. In this research, the use of inputs in agriculture in non-aggregated and aggregated conditions, the aggregation rate of the projects, the effect of aggregation on the size and number of parcel shape, the time difference before and after aggregation and the change performances in fuel consumption were determined and compared. 5 sample enterprises were selected from the study area. Changes in path lengths and routes were determined. In order to determine the total amount of reduction in the roads, the length of the road traveled to reach all parcels from the village center was measured in Netcad CIS 7.0 computer environment. After the consolidation, the number of parcels without facade has decreased and the number and proportion of rectangular parcels, which are parcel shape, have been increased in terms of ease of agricultural mechanization. The number of parcels before consolidation decreased from 2136 to 1562 after consolidation. In addition, the ratio of rectangular parcels before consolidation was 38.25% and 48.05% after consolidation. The aggregation rate was 26.87%. In this study, fuel consumption of June 2019 and instrument equipments to be used were determined. Diesel price was taken as 6.35TL / lt for the Yeşilhisar District of Kayseri. In the study, after the consolidation, the changes in the road lengths between the operation center and the parcels were taken into account and the total working time was determined by taking into account the tractor speed factors per field and within the field and saving time. In this way, the use of correct and efficient mechanization has increased the quality and growth in agriculture. With land consolidation, the cost of version decreases and costs are reduced at varying rates

    Granular Cell Tumor on Perianal Region: A Case Report

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    Granular cell tumor (GCT) was first described by Abrikossoff in 1926. GCT is a rarely seen soft tissue tumor and is generally benign. While the tumor can be seen in all parts of the body it is generally located on the head and neck region, and especially on the tongue. GCT is rarely seen in the anal-perianal region. In accordance with literature this case was reported because it was thought to be the 27th anal-perianal located GCT case. In this case report, approximately 0,5-1 cm pedunculated polypoid lesion was determined in the perianal region during the physical examination of a 23 year old female patient who applied with palpable mass complaint in the perianal region. Lesion in the patient was totally excited with healthy skin-subcutaneous tissue under local anesthesia. A benign granular cell tumor was detected in the histopathological examination. Positive staining was monitored immunohistochemically with S-100 and neuron specific enolase (NSE). GCT is a rarely seen tumor in the anal-perianal region and its malign transformation rate is very low. Even lesions seen in the perianal region have clinically a benign appearance, a histopathological examination should be conducted and also GCT should be kept in mind during diagnosis. Malign-benign separation of these lesions is difficult so histopathological examination should be conducted with great care. Large local excision in the treatment provides curative treatment. But for those presenting malign transformation further examination must be performed for metastasis. After the treatment local recurrence and metastasis should be considered carefully. Prognosis of metastatic disease is very bad

    Agenesis of isthmus of thyroid gland in the presence of ectopic thyroid tissue associated with papillary carcinoma

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    WOS: 000455434800020PubMed: 30630576The thyroid is an endocrine gland composed of two lateral lobes connected by a strip of thyroid tissue called an isthmus. The thyroid gland is usually associated with extensive morphological variations and developmental anomalies. During the 4th intrauterine week, the thyroid gland begins to develop mainly from the invagination of the endodermal cells of the ventral floor of the primitive pharynx. One of the anomalies of the thyroid gland is the agenesis of the isthmus of the thyroid. It is a rare condition and very few cases have been reported in the literature. Another rare developmental abnormality is the presence of ectopic thyroid tissues, which are characterised by the presence of thyroid tissue in locations other than the anterolateral region of the second and fourth tracheal cartilages. Ectopic thyroid tissues are most commonly found in the lingual region but are also found in the other head/neck localisations as well. In this present case report, a 54-year-old female patient with the agenesis of the isthmus of the thyroid gland with accompanying tissues of multifocal and multicentric papillary thyroid carcinoma will be discussed. When an agenesis of the isthmus of the thyroid is detected, the agenesis of the thyroid lobes or the presence of an ectopic thyroid tissue must be considered. Especially in the patients who will undergo a thyroid surgery, it should not be forgotten that the identification of an agenesis of the isthmus as well as the other thyroid anomalies during the preoperative examination, will make a remarkable contribution in deciding the strategy of the surgery and will help in preventing the development of surgical complications. However, it is not always possible to detect the presence of these anomalies, during the preoperative examinations of the patients who will undergo thyroid surgeries; therefore, one must be careful with regard to these type of anomalies in the perioperative examinations. To the best of authors' information, the present case is considered to be the first in the literature in English, presenting with an agenesis of the isthmus of the thyroid gland in the presence of ectopic thyroid tissues associated with papillary carcinoma

    Heterotropic Gastric Mucosa in Sigmoid Colon: Report of One Case

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    In this case presentation we aimed to discuss, with literature, a female patient with rarely seen sigmoid localized heterotopic gastric mucosa. An approximate 0.5 and ndash; 1 cm polyp was determined in the rectosigmoidoscopy of the 37-year-old female patient who had applied to the general surgery department with a constipation complaint. Heterotopic gastric mucosa was detected as a result of histopathological examination. Heterotopic gastric mucosa is frequently determined in the upper gastrointestinal tract. The number of cases of heterotopic gastric mucosa localized on the lower gastrointestinal tract is considerably low in literature. [Arch Clin Exp Surg 2013; 2(1.000): 63-65

    Effects of local anesthetics on wound healing

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    Introduction: Local anesthetic infiltration is used widely for post-operative analgesia in many situations. However the effects of local anesthetics on wound healing are not demonstrated clearly. This study planned to evaluate the effects of lidocaine, prilocaine, bupivacaine and levobupivacaine on wound healing, primarily on wound tensile strength and on collagen ultrastructure. Methods: This study was conducted on male Sprague Dawley rats. On days 0, 8th, 15th, and 21st, all animals were weighed and received a preincisional subcutaneous infiltration of 3 mL of a solution according the group. Control saline (C), lidocaine (L) 7 mg.kg−1, prilocaine (P) 2 mg.kg−1, bupivacaine (B) 2 mg.kg−1 and levobupivacaine (LVB) 2.5 mg.kg−1. The infiltrations were done at the back region 1.5 cm where incision would be performed at the upper, middle and lower part along the midline, under general anesthesia. Wound tensile strengths were measured after 0.7 cm × 2 cm of cutaneous and subcutaneous tissue samples were obtained vertical to incision from infiltrated regions. Tissue samples were also obtained for electron microscopic examination. Evaluations were on the 8th, 15th and 21st days after infiltration. Results: There was no difference between groups in the weights of the rats at the 0th, 8th, 15th and 21st days. The collagen maturation was no statistically different between groups at the 8th and 15th days. The maturation scores of the B and L groups at the 21st day was significantly lower than the Group C (1.40, 1.64 and 3.56; respectively). The wound tensile strength was no statistically different between groups at the 8th and 15th days but at the 21st day the Groups B and LVB had significantly lower value than Group C (5.42, 5.54 and 6.75; respectively). Conclusion: Lidocaine and prilocaine do not affect wound healing and, bupivacaine and levobupivacaine affect negatively especially at the late period. Resumo: Introdução: A infiltração de anestésico local é amplamente utilizada para analgesia pós-operatória em muitas situações. No entanto, os efeitos dos anestésicos locais na cicatrização de feridas não foram demonstrados claramente. Neste estudo planejamos avaliar os efeitos de lidocaína, prilocaína, bupivacaína e levobupivacaína sobre a cicatrização de feridas, principalmente sobre a força tênsil da ferida e a ultraestrutura do colágeno. Métodos: Este estudo foi realizado em ratos machos da linhagem Sprague Dawley. Nos dias 0, 8, 15 e 21, todos os animais foram pesados e receberam uma infiltração subcutânea pré-incisional de 3 mL de uma solução, de acordo com a designação dos grupos: Grupo C recebeu salina (controle); Grupo L recebeu lidocaína (7 mg.kg-1); Grupo P recebeu prilocaína (2 mg.kg-1); Grupo B recebeu bupivacaína (2 mg.kg-1); Grupo LVB recebeu levobupivacaína (2,5 mg.kg-1). As infiltrações foram feitas na região posterior a 1,5 cm de onde a incisão seria realizada na parte superior, média e inferior ao longo da linha média, sob anestesia geral. A força tênsil da ferida foi medida após amostras de 0,7 × 2 cm de tecido cutâneo e subcutâneo serem obtidas das regiões infiltradas, verticalmente à incisão. Amostras de tecido também foram obtidas para exame microscópico eletrônico. As avaliações foram realizadas nos dias 8, 15 e 21 após a infiltração. Resultados: Não houve diferença entre os grupos em relação ao peso dos ratos nos dias 0, 8, 15 e 21. A maturação do colágeno não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os grupos nos dias 8 e 15. Os escores de maturação dos grupos B e L no dia 21 foram significativamente inferiores aos do Grupo C (1,40, 1,64 e 3,56, respectivamente). A força tênsil da ferida não foi estatisticamente diferente entre os grupos nos dias 8 e 15, mas no dia 21, os grupos B e LVB apresentaram valores significativamente menores que o Grupo C (5,42, 5,54 e 6,75, respectivamente). Conclusão: Lidocaína e prilocaína não afetam a cicatrização de feridas, enquanto bupivacaína e levobupivacaína afetam negativamente, especialmente no período tardio. Keywords: Local anesthesia, Wound tension strength, Levobupivacaine, Bupivacaine, Lidocaine, Prilocaine, Palavras-chave: Anestesia local, Força tênsil da ferida, Levobupivacaína, Bupivacaína, Lidocaína, Prilocaín

    Effects of levobupivacaine on wound healing.

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    İstanbul Bilim Üniversitesi, Tıp Fakültesi.BACKGROUND: Local anesthetic infiltration along the incision may be used to provide surgical anesthesia or postoperative analgesia. However, the effect of local anesthetics on wound healing remains controversial. In this investigation, we evaluated the effects of levobupivacaine on wound healing. METHODS: Sixty Wistar albino female rats weighing 230 +/- 20 g were included, with 10 rats in each group: group early c (early control): 3 mL isotonic saline; group early I-1.25 (early levobupivacaine 1.25): 1.25 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine; group early I-2.5 (early levobupivacaine 2.5): 2.5 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine; group late c (late control): 3 mL isotonic saline; group late I-1.25 (late levobupivacaine 1.25): 1.25 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine; and group late I-2.5 (late levobupivacaine 2.5): 2.5 mg/kg per 3 mL levobupivacaine. Rats in groups early c to early I-2.5 were euthanized on the 8th day. Rats in groups late c to late I-2.5 were euthanized on the 21st day. Wound tension strength, tissue hydroxyproline, and fibrotic index levels of the tissue samples from the early c and early I-2.5 and late c and late I-2.5 groups, respectively, on the 8th and 21st days were examined. RESULTS: Levobupivacaine decreased wound tension strength on the 8th day, especially a 2.5 mg/kg dose (P < 0.001), and increased it on the 21st day (P < 0.001). It also increased the inflammatory response (P < 0.001) and collagen synthesis (8th day, P = 0.109; 21st day, P = 0.103) on both the 8th and 21st days. CONCLUSIONS: While levobupivacaine had a positive effect on wound healing during the early period, negative effects were observed thereafter. Additional studies at the molecular level are necessary to determine the cause of these apparently opposite effects