140 research outputs found

    Skalendokumentation der Schüler- und Lehrerbefragung im Rahmen des Projektes "Komm Mit - Fördern statt Sitzenbleiben"

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    Die vorliegende Skalendokumentation informiert über die Instrumente, die innerhalb der wissenschaftlichen Begleitung der Initiative "Komm Mit - Fördern statt sitzenbleiben" zum Zeitpunkt der ersten Datenerhebung eingesetzt wurden. "Komm Mit - Fördern statt Sitzenbleiben" ist eine landesweite Initiative in NRW, deren Ziel die Reduzierung der Sitzenbleiberquote ist. Von Januar bis März 2009 fand an 70 ausgewählten Schulen eine Fragebogenerhebung von Achtklässlern sowie des gesamten Lehrerkollegiums statt. Insgesamt urteilten ca. 2000 Schülerinnen und Schüler über die im Fragenbogen enthaltenen Aussagen zu motivationalen und emotionalen Voraussetzungen sowie über die Unterrichtsqualität. Der Lehrerfragebogen umfasste Aussagen zur Schul- und Unterrichtsqualität sowie zu Merkmalen der Lehrerschaft. Die einzelnen Bereiche werden durch verschiedene Items abgedeckt. In der Skalendokumentation werden die Skalen und die dazugehörigen Items dargestellt. Ferner sind die Gütekriterien der Skalen sowie die deskriptiven Kennwerte beschrieben. Die Instrumente der Befragungen wurden zum einen unverändert aus bewährten Studien übernommen. Zum anderen wurden Items umformuliert oder neue Items entwickelt. Auf die Quellen der Instrumente wird im Text jeweils verwiesen

    An emerging user-led participatory methodology: Mapping impact pathways of urban food system sustainability innovations

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    This chapter presents an emerging effort to develop a participatory mapping methodology that will illuminate the pathways through which sustainable urban food systems achieve lasting impact. Carried out in collaboration with Està (Economia e Sostenibilità), the UNESCO Chair in World Food System (at Montpellier SupAgro), CIRAD (French Agricultural Research Centre for International Development) and the LCSFS (Laurier Center for Sustainable Food Systems), this initiative aims to provide an alternative to quantitative tools that lack precision at the local level, and to qualitative approaches holding a narrow focus that may obscure broader systemic dynamics. This URBAL project focuses on innovations in consumer practices, value-chains, and governance by examining 12 case studies in eight cities in the Global South and North

    SIL - Vergleichsuntersuchung 1988

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    Die SIL(Studenten-Intervall-Studie)-Vergleichsuntersuchung 1988 wurde im Rahmen der Studie FDJ-Aufgebot "DDR 40" unter 419 Studenten der Technischen Hochschule und der Hochschule für Verkehrswesen in Dresden und der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle durchgeführt. Die schriftliche Befragung umfaßt nur wenige Indikatoren (zur politischen Identifikation, zum Vertrauenen zur Politik der SED, zur Umweltpolitik). Sie hatte das Ziel, stichprobenartig zu prüfen, ob die in der SIL gefundenen ideologischen Ergebnisse des Immatrikalationsjahres 1982 auf die derzeitigen Studenten noch zutreffen. Zugleich wurde im Sinne einer Feldforschung durch drei offene Fragen ermittelt, welche politischen Probleme die Studenten gegenwärtig besonders bewegen. Die z.T. sehr umfangreichen verbalen Antworten hierzu nehmen im Bericht den größten Raum ein. (WK

    The Trialectics of Knowledge, Space and Identity in Ancient Civilizations and in the Study of Antiquity

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    Topoi research group B-4 Space – Identity – Locality focuses its research on the interconnections between knowledge, space and identities. A multiplicity of sources – texts, images, architecture and objects – are analyzed both in their historical context and for their historiographic value. Following a brief description of the projects, key concepts of knowledge, space and identity are outlined as they relate to our specific research themes. We use ‘trialectics’ to emphasize that knowledge, space and identity constitute and influence each other. Concrete configurations of this constantly changing interplay of factors are illustrated by two case studies – the ritual compositions from Kizzuwatna (present southern Turkey) and the coin hoard of Krepost (present Bulgaria)

    Closely related Campylobacter jejuni strains from different sources reveal a generalist rather than a specialist lifestyle

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    Background: Campylobacter jejuni and Campylobacter coli are human intestinal pathogens of global importance. Zoonotic transmission from livestock animals or animal-derived food is the likely cause for most of these infections. However, little is known about their general and host-specific mechanisms of colonization, or virulence and pathogenicity factors. In certain hosts, Campylobacter species colonize persistently and do not cause disease, while they cause acute intestinal disease in humans. Results: Here, we investigate putative host-specificity using phenotypic characterization and genome-wide analysis of genetically closely related C. jejuni strains from different sources. A collection of 473 fresh Campylobacter isolates from Germany was assembled between 2006 and 2010 and characterized using MLST. A subset of closely related C. jejuni strains of the highly prevalent sequence type ST-21 was selected from different hosts and isolation sources. PCR typing of strain- variable genes provided evidence that some genes differed between these strains. Furthermore, phenotypic variation of these strains was tested using the following criteria: metabolic variation, protein expression patterns, and eukaryotic cell interaction. The results demonstrated remarkable phenotypic diversity within the ST-21 group, which however did not correlate with isolation source. Whole genome sequencing was performed for five ST-21 strains from chicken, human, bovine, and food sources, in order to gain insight into ST-21 genome diversity. The comparisons showed extensive genomic diversity, primarily due to recombination and gain of phage-related genes. By contrast, no genomic features associated with isolation source or host were identified. Conclusions: The genome information and phenotypic data obtained in vitro and in a chicken infection model provided little evidence of fixed adaptation to a specific host. Instead, the dominant C. jejuni ST-21 appeared to be characterized by phenotypic flexibility and high genetic microdiversity, revealing properties of a generalist. High genetic flexibility might allow generalist variants of C. jejuni to reversibly express diverse fitness factors in changing environments

    Ding-Editionen. Vom archäologischen (Be-)Fund übers Corpus ins Netz

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    Corpora, thing-editions, are a central epistemic instrument of knowledge generation for archaeology. Due to digitisation attention has turned once more to various strategies and the politics of representation, and in the course of the debate on (post-)factualism and cultures of knowledge and data we are striving to render the production of knowledge more visible and comprehensible. Following B. Latour’s concept of circulating reference, editions are products of a praxeological connection between the world and representations. This is a report on the ongoing discussion of central questions and objectives for digital corpora and research data management following the FAIR (findable, accessible, inter-operable, re-usable) principle
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