340 research outputs found

    Duemmler, Kerstin; Nagel, Alexander-Kenneth: Governing Religious Diversity: Top-down and bottom-up initiatives in Germany and Switzerland

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    In recent years religious pluralization has become a significant policy issue in Western societies as a result of a new awareness of religion and of religious minorities articulating themselves and becoming more visible. The article explores the variety of social and political reactions to religious diversity in urban areas and in doing so it brings together theoretical concepts of political and cultural sociology. The notion of diversity governance as joint endeavour of state and societal actors managing societies is linked to the notion of boundary work as interplay of state and/or societal actors maintaining or modifying boundaries between religious traditions. Based on two case studies the article illustrates two idealtypical settings of diversity governance: The first case from the German Ruhr Area stands for a bottom-up approach which is based on civic self-organization of interreligious activities whereas the second case from the Swiss canton of Lucerne exhibits a model of top-down governance based on state interventions in religious instruction at schools. Drawing on semi-structured interviews and participant observation the authors show how different governance settings shape the construction and blurring of boundaries in the religious field. Both approaches operate differently when incorporating religious diversity and rendering former homogenous notions of we-groups more heterogeneous. Despite of the approaches initial aim of inclusion, patterns of exclusion are equally reproduced since the idea of ‘legitimate religion' rooted in Christian majority culture is presen

    Naturstoffe algenassoziierter Bakterien & Naturstoffe der Gattung Pseudomonas und deren Bedeutung fĂŒr die Braunalge Saccharina latissima

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    Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit zeigen, dass eine Assoziation von Bacillus-, Pseudomonas- und Streptomyces-Arten mit der Braunalge Saccharina latissima in der Ostsee besteht. Im speziellen kann fĂŒr den Pseudomonas-Stamm LD120 auf Grund des SekundĂ€rmetabolitprofils sowie der stoffwechselphysiologischen Eigenschaften des Bakteriums eine mutualistische Interaktion mit S. latissima als wahrscheinlich angenommen werden. Zu den Bakterien, die biologisch aktive Substanzen produzieren und die von der Alge S. latissima isoliert wurden, gehören Vertreter der Gattungen Bacillus, Pseudomonas, Pseudoalteromonas und Streptomyces.Änderungen der Kultivierungsbedingungen konnten das SekundĂ€rmetabolitprofil dieser Bakterien verĂ€ndern. Besonders erwĂ€hnenswert ist die Bildung von sechs weiteren Substanzen durch Stamm LD81 nach Zugabe des biogenen Amins Putrescin zum Kulturmedium. Die biologische AktivitĂ€t der isolierten bakteriellen Naturstoffe umfasst sowohl antimikrobielle Wirksamkeiten gegen ĂŒber Bakterien und Pilzen als auch Hemmung humaner Krebszelllinien und die Inhibition von Acetylcholinesterase. Etwa die HĂ€lfte der 134 identifizierten Substanzen konnte derepliziert und so literaturbekannten Substanzen zugeordnet werden. Zwei Substanzen (Holomycin und N-Propionyl-holothin) konnten erstmals aus der Gattung Pseudomonas isoliert werden. Es konnten mehrfach potentiell neue Substanzen mit biologischer AktivitĂ€t identifiziert werden und zwar aus Vertretern der Gattungen Bacillus (LB084, m/z 572), Pseudomonas (LD120, m/z 347) und Streptomyces (LB058, m/z 544). ZusĂ€tzlich wurden in mindestens zwei StĂ€mmen neue Derivate bekannter Naturstoffe identifiziert.An association between strains of Bacillus, Pseudomonas and Streptomyces with the brown alga Saccharina latissima from the Baltic Sea was shown by the results of this thesis. In particular, a mutualistic symbiosis is assumed for Pseudomonas strain LD120 and S. latissima, due to metabolic characteristics and the secondary metabolite profile. Members of the genera Bacillus, Kiloniella, Pseudomonas, Pseudoalter-omonas and Streptomyces, all isolated from S. latissima, produced bioactive compounds. Variations of cultivation conditions lead to different sec-ondary metabolite profiles of these bacteria. Particularly noteworthy is the production of six new compounds by strain LD81 after addition of the biogenic amine putrescine to the culture medium. Bioactivity of the isolated bacterial natural products comprises antibacterial and antifugal activity, as well as inhibition of human cancer cell lines and acetylcholinesterase. Approximately half of the 134 identified compounds was dereplicated and assigned to compounds already known from literature. However, two compounds (holomycin and N-propionylholothin) were isolated for the first time from the genus Pseudomonas. Potentially novel bioactive compounds were identified from members of the genera Bacillus (LB084, m/z 572), Pseudomonas (LD120, m/z 347) and Streptomyces (LB058, m/z 544). In addition, derivatives of known compounds were identified in at least two strains

    Succession of the sea-surface microlayer in the coastal Baltic Sea under natural and experimentally induced low-wind conditions

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    The sea-surface microlayer (SML) is located within the boundary between the atmosphere and hydrosphere. The high spatial and temporal variability of the SML's properties, however, have hindered a clear understanding of interactions between biotic and abiotic parameters at or across the air-water interface. Among the factors changing the physical and chemical environment of the SML, wind speed is an important one. In order to examine the temporal effects of minimized wind influence, SML samples were obtained from the coastal zone of the southern Baltic Sea and from mesocosm experiments in a marina to study naturally and artificially calmed sea surfaces. Organic matter concentrations as well as abundance, (3)H-thymidine incorporation, and the community composition of bacteria in the SML (bacterioneuston) compared to the underlying bulk water (ULW) were analyzed. In all SML samples, dissolved organic carbon and nitrogen were only slightly enriched and showed low temporal variability, whereas particulate organic carbon and nitrogen were generally greatly enriched and highly variable. This was especially pronounced in a dense surface film (slick) that developed during calm weather conditions as well as in the artificially calmed mesocosms. Overall, bacterioneuston abundance and productivity correlated with changing concentrations of particulate organic matter. Moreover, changes in the community composition in the field study were stronger in the particle-attached than in the non-attached bacterioneuston. This implies that decreasing wind enhances the importance of particle-attached assemblages and finally induces a succession of the bacterial community in the SML. Eventually, under very calm meteorological conditions, there is an uncoupling of the bacterioneuston from the ULW

    Inhibition des Stat3-Signalweges durch Peptid-Aptamere : ein neuer Ansatzpunkt fĂŒr die Tumortherapie

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    In der vorliegenden Arbeit konnten durch den Einsatz modifizierter Hefe-zwei-Hybrid-Screens erstmals Peptid-Aptamere isoliert werden, die spezifisch mit verschiedenen funktionellen DomĂ€nen von Stat3 interagieren und dadurch den Stat3-Signalweg auf unterschiedlichen Ebenen inhibieren. Als ZieldomĂ€nen im Hefe-zwei-Hybrid-System wurden die Dimerisierungs- bzw. die DNA-BindedomĂ€ne von Stat3 verwendet. Nach der erfolgreichen Identifikation von Peptid-Aptameren im modifizierten Hefe-zwei-Hybrid-System war es zunĂ€chst notwendig, die spezifische Interaktion der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere mit Stat3 zu demonstrieren. Die in vitro Interaktion der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere mit dem gesamten Stat3-MolekĂŒl wurde in Ko-ImmunoprĂ€zipitationsexperimenten gezeigt. Im Folgenden bestĂ€tigte sich die spezifische Interaktion der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere mit ihren jeweiligen funktionellen DomĂ€nen von Stat3 in Hefen mittels Mating-Experimenten. In den nĂ€chsten Schritten sollte die BioaktivitĂ€t der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere bei der Inhibition des Stat3-Signalweges in verschiedenen Zellsystemen validiert werden. ZunĂ€chst konnten in Herc-Zellen, die den Stat3-Signalweg nach exogenem Stimulus (EGF) aktivieren, die molekularen Wirkungs-mechanismen, die der Inhibition des Stat3-Signalweges durch die Peptid-Aptamere zugrunde liegen, aufgeklĂ€rt werden. Durch den Einsatz eines biochemisch-molekularbiologischen Methodenrepertoires (Western Blot Analysen, Reportergen-Analysen, und Gelretardierungsexperimente) zeigte sich, dass die verschiedenen selektionierten Peptid-Aptamere mit dem Aktivierungsszenario des Stat3-Signalweges auf zwei unterschiedlichen Ebenen, der Phosphorylierung bzw. der DNA-Bindung von Stat3, interferieren. Um die mögliche Anwendung der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere als potentielle Stat3-Inhibitoren in Tumorerkrankungen zu analysieren, wurden die Untersuchungen auf Tumorzelllinien mit konstitutiv-aktivem Stat3 (murine Melanomazelllinie B16 und humane Myelomazelllinie U266) ausgeweitet. Durch die zellulĂ€re Applikation der fĂŒr die isolierten Peptid-Aptamere codierenden DNA mittels Transfektion ergaben sich erste Einblicke ĂŒber den Einfluss der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere auf die transkriptionelle AktivitĂ€t von Stat3. In weiteren Untersuchungen konnte eindrucksvoll gezeigt werden, dass durch die transiente Expression eines Peptid-Aptamers (DBD-1) Apoptose in murinen Melanomazellen induziert wird. Die biologische AktivitĂ€t des DBD-1 Peptid-Aptamers wurde dann mit Hilfe einer innovativen Methode zur zellulĂ€ren Applikation von potentiell wirksamen Bio-MolekĂŒlen in eukaryotische Zellen studiert. Dabei konnte im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit die Methode der Proteintransduktion fĂŒr die Applikation von Peptid-Aptameren etabliert werden. Durch den Einsatz der Proteintransduktion ließ sich die FunktionalitĂ€t des isolierten DBD-Peptid-Aptamers nicht nur in murinen, sondern auch in humanen Stat3-abhĂ€ngigen Tumorzellen verifizieren. Dabei konnte auch eine Dosis-Wirkungsbeziehung zwischen der Überlebensrate von Stat3-abhĂ€ngigen Tumorzellen und der Menge an applizierten Peptid-Aptamer hergestellt werden. DarĂŒber hinaus demonstrieren weitere Ergebnisse, dass das DBD-1 Peptid-Aptamer keinen Einfluss auf die Überlebensrate von nicht-Stat3-abhĂ€ngigen Tumorzellen hat, wodurch die hohe SpezifitĂ€t des DBD-1 Peptid-Aptamers bestĂ€tigt wird. ZusĂ€tzlich zu diesen funktionellen Analysen konnte der durch das Peptid-Aptamer induzierte Signalweg, der die Einleitung des programmierten Selbstmordes der Stat3-abhĂ€ngigen Tumorzellen auslöst, charakterisiert werden. Die vorliegenden Daten zeigen zudem die FunktionalitĂ€t der rekombinant exprimierten Peptid-Aptamere fusioniert mit einer ProteintransduktionsdomĂ€ne in einem in vivo Tumormodell in der Maus. FĂŒr diesen tierexperimentellen Ansatz fanden B16-Tumorzellen Verwendung, die nach subkutaner Injektion in MĂ€usen lokale Tumore bilden. In diesem Tumormodell wurde mittels intratumorale Injektion des transduzierbaren DBD-Peptid-Aptamers ein viel versprechender, wachstumshemmender Effekt auf Tumorzellen erzielt. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit belegen, dass Stat3 ein ideales Zielprotein fĂŒr die Entwicklung neuer Tumortherapeutika ist. Dabei stellt nicht nur die DimerisierungsdomĂ€ne, sondern auch die DNA-BindungsdomĂ€ne ein attraktives Ziel fĂŒr die Inhibition des Transkriptionsfaktors Stat3 dar. Die viel versprechenden Daten sowohl an Tumorzellen als auch im Gesamtorganismus des Maustumormodells, verbunden mit der hier herausgearbeiteten innovativen Applikationstechnik, lassen auf einen Einsatz der isolierten Peptid-Aptamere in der Tumortherapie hoffen. Zudem eröffnen die Daten zur Protein-transduktion von Peptid-Aptameren neue Perspektiven fĂŒr die Applikation von Bio-MolekĂŒlen mittels „Protein-Therapie“ in der molekularen Bio-Medizin

    Diversity in root growth responses to moisture deficit in young faba bean (Vicia faba L.) plants

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    Background Soil moisture deficiency causes yield reduction and instability in faba bean (Vicia faba L.) production. The extent of sensitivity to drought stress varies across accessions originating from diverse moisture regimes of the world. Hence, we conducted successive greenhouse experiments in pots and rhizotrons to explore diversity in root responses to soil water deficit. Methods A set of 89 accessions from wet and dry growing regions of the world was defined according to the Focused Identification of Germplasm Strategy and screened in a perlite-sand medium under well watered conditions in a greenhouse experiment. Stomatal conductance, canopy temperature, chlorophyll concentration, and root and shoot dry weights were recorded during the fifth week of growth. Eight accessions representing the range of responses were selected for further investigation. Starting five days after germination, they were subjected to a root phenotyping experiment using the automated phenotyping platform GROWSCREEN-Rhizo. The rhizotrons were filled with peat-soil under well watered and water limited conditions. Root architectural traits were recorded five, 12, and 19 days after the treatment (DAT) began. Results In the germplasm survey, accessions from dry regions showed significantly higher values of chlorophyll concentration, shoot and root dry weights than those from wet regions. Root and shoot dry weight as well as seed weight, and chlorophyll concentration were positively correlated with each other. Accession DS70622 combined higher values of root and shoot dry weight than the rest. The experiment in GROWSCREEN-Rhizo showed large differences in root response to water deficit. The accession by treatment interactions in taproot and second order lateral root lengths were significant at 12 and 19 DAT, and the taproot length was reduced up to 57% by drought. The longest and deepest root systems under both treatment conditions were recorded by DS70622 and DS11320, and total root length of DS70622 was three times longer than that of WS99501, the shortest rooted accession. The maximum horizontal distribution of a root system and root surface coverage were positively correlated with taproot and total root lengths and root system depth. DS70622 and WS99501 combined maximum and minimum values of these traits, respectively. Thus, roots of DS70622 and DS11320, from dry regions, showed drought-avoidance characteristics whereas those of WS99501 and Melodie/2, from wet regions, showed the opposite. Discussion The combination of the germplasm survey and use of GROWSCREEN-Rhizo allowed exploring of adaptive traits and detection of root phenotypic markers for potential drought avoidance. The greater root system depth and root surface coverage, exemplified by DS70622 and DS11320, can now be tested as new sources of drought tolerance.Peer reviewe

    Sowing Density: A Neglected Factor Fundamentally Affecting Root Distribution and Biomass Allocation of Field Grown Spring Barley (Hordeum Vulgare L.)

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    Studies on the function of root traits and the genetic variation in these traits are often conducted under controlled conditions using individual potted plants. Little is known about root growth under field conditions and how root traits are affected by agronomic practices in particular sowing density. We hypothesized that with increasing sowing density, root length density (root length per soil volume, cm cm−3) increases in the topsoil as well as specific root length (root length per root dry weight, cm g−1) due to greater investment in fine roots. Therefore, we studied two spring barley cultivars at ten different sowing densities (24–340 seeds m−2) in 2 consecutive years in a clay loam field in Germany and established sowing density dose-response curves for several root and shoot traits. We took soil cores for measuring roots up to a depth of 60 cm in and between plant rows (inter-row distance 21 cm). Root length density increased with increasing sowing density and was greatest in the plant row in the topsoil (0–10 cm). Greater sowing density increased specific root length partly through greater production of fine roots in the topsoil. Rooting depth (D50) of the major root axes (root diameter class 0.4–1.0 mm) was not affected. Root mass fraction decreased, while stem mass fraction increased with sowing density and over time. Leaf mass fraction was constant over sowing density but greater leaf area was realized through increased specific leaf area. Considering fertilization, we assume that light competition caused plants to grow more shoot mass at the cost of investment into roots, which is partly compensated by increased specific root length and shallow rooting. Increased biomass per area with greater densities suggest that density increases the efficiency of the cropping system, however, declines in harvest index at densities over 230 plants m−2 suggest that this efficiency did not translate into greater yield. We conclude that plant density is a modifier of root architecture and that root traits and their utility in breeding for greater productivity have to be understood in the context of high sowing densities

    Nocapyrones A−D, γ-Pyrones from aNocardiopsisStrain Isolated from the Marine SpongeHalichondria panicea

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    Four new γ-pyrones, nocapyrones A−D (1−4), were isolated from an organic extract of the Nocardiopsis strain HB383, which was isolated from the marine sponge Halichondria panicea. These are the first γ-pyrones reported from a Nocardiopsis strain. The structures were elucidated on the basis of one- and two-dimensional NMR experiments and supported by HPLC-UV/MS and HRESIMS analyses. The biosynthesis of nocapyrone A was investigated by feeding experiments with 13C-labeled compounds. In addition, one diketopiperazine, which was only known as a synthetic compound before, was isolated. The bioactivies of 1, 2, and the diketopiperazine were evaluated in a panel of assays

    SANS (USH1G) expression in developing and mature mammalian retina

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    AbstractThe human Usher syndrome (USH) is the most common form of combined deaf-blindness. Usher type I (USH1), the most severe form, is characterized by profound congenital deafness, constant vestibular dysfunction and prepubertal-onset of retinitis pigmentosa. Five corresponding genes of the six USH1 genes have been cloned so far. The USH1G gene encodes the SANS (scaffold protein containing ankyrin repeats and SAM domain) protein which consists of protein motifs known to mediate protein–protein interactions. Recent studies indicated SANS function as a scaffold protein in the protein interactome related to USH.Here, we generated specific antibodies for SANS protein expression analyses. Our study revealed SANS protein expression in NIH3T3 fibroblasts, murine tissues containing ciliated cells and in mature and developing mammalian retinas. In mature retinas, SANS was localized in inner and outer plexiform retinal layers, and in the photoreceptor cell layer. Subcellular fractionations, tangential cryosections and immunocytochemistry revealed SANS in synaptic terminals, cell–cell adhesions of the outer limiting membrane and ciliary apparati of photoreceptor cells. Analyses of postnatal developmental stages of murine retinas demonstrated SANS localization in differentiating ciliary apparati and in fully developed cilia, synapses, and cell–cell adhesions of photoreceptor cells.Present data provide evidence that SANS functions as a scaffold protein in USH protein networks during ciliogenesis, at the mature ciliary apparatus, the ribbon synapse and the cell–cell adhesion of mammalian photoreceptor cells. Defects of SANS may cause dysfunction of the entire network leading to retinal degeneration, the ocular symptom characteristic for USH patients

    Translational Read-Through Therapy of RPGR Nonsense Mutations

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    X-chromosomal retinitis pigmentosa (RP) frequently is caused by mutations in the retinitis pigmentosa GTPase regulator (RPGR) gene. We evaluated the potential of PTC124 (Ataluren, Translama(TM)) treatment to promote ribosomal read-through of premature termination codons (PTC) in RPGR. Expression constructs in HEK293T cells showed that the efficacy of read-through reagents is higher for UGA than UAA PTCs. We identified the novel hemizygous nonsense mutation c.1154T > A, p.Leu385* (NM_000328.3) causing a UAA PTC in RPGR and generated patient-derived fibroblasts. Immunocytochemistry of serum-starved control fibroblasts showed the RPGR protein in a dot-like expression pattern along the primary cilium. In contrast, RPGR was no longer detectable at the primary cilium in patient-derived cells. Applying PTC124 restored RPGR at the cilium in approximately 8% of patient-derived cells. RT-PCR and Western blot assays verified the pathogenic mechanisms underlying the nonsense variant. Immunofluorescence stainings confirmed the successful PTC124 treatment. Our results showed for the first time that PTC124 induces read-through of PTCs in RPGR and restores the localization of the RPGR protein at the primary cilium in patient-derived cells. These results may provide a promising new treatment option for patients suffering from nonsense mutations in RPGR or other genetic diseases
