351 research outputs found

    La nuit des assises du Guirbaden

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    En 1852, l’archéologue et folkloriste alsacien Auguste Stoeber publia ses Sagen des Elsasses, ouvrage dans lequel ont été répertoriées plus de 300 légendes alsaciennes, issues de la tradition orale, extraites d’ouvrages savants du XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles et de chroniques médiévales et modernes. Dans cet article, nous avons pour objectif d’analyser une légende narrant l’origine d’une vengeance éternelle se tenant sous la forme d’assises de justice, menées par les habitants du château de Guirbaden, château situé près de Mollkirch dans le Bas-Rhin. Pour cette étude, il nous a fallu retracer la généalogie des sources littéraires de la légende ainsi que le contexte historique de sa réception au XIXe siècle mais également du récit légendaire lui-même. La particularité de ce récit réside dans le fait que l’archéologue et facteur d’orgues Jean-André Silbermann (1712-1783) entendit la légende de la bouche de vieillards résidant à Dorlisheim, qui connurent dans leur jeunesse l’un des acteurs de ladite légende. Ainsi, nous pouvons nous interroger : ce récit est-il uniquement une construction imaginaire ou bien est-il fondé sur des réalités historiques ?In 1852 Auguste Stoeber, both an archeologist and a folklore connoisseur, published Sagen des Elsasses where he listed over 300 Alsatian legends to be found in the oral tradition or in the 17th century scholarly publications and in medieval and modern chronicles. This paper aims at analysing a legend about a case of everlasting vengeance in the shape of an assize court held by the residents of the Guirbaden castle, situated near Mollkirch (Bas-Rhin). As a consequence, it was necessary to trace the genealogy of the literary sources of this legend and the historical context of its reception in the 19th century but also the legend itself. A particular feature of this legend is the fact that Jean-André Silbermann (1712-1783), an archeologist and organ builder, had heard this story told by old people living in Dorlisheim who, when children, had known one of the actors of this legend. So the question can be asked whether this legend is purely fictional or based on historical realities.1852 hat der elsässische Archäologe und Volksschriftsteller August Stöber seine „Sagen des Elsasses“ veröffentlicht. In diesem Werk sind über 300 elsässische Legenden, die aus der mündlichen Überlieferung oder aus Werken des 17. und 18. Jhdt., sowie mittelalterlichen und modernen Chroniken stammen, aufgeführt. In diesem Beitrag möchten wir eine Legende analysieren, die von einer ewigen Rache berichtet: es handelt sich um ein Gerichtsverfahren betrieben durch die Einwohner der Burg Guirbaden unweit von Mollkirch im Unterelsass. Zu diesem Zwecke mussten wir die Ursprünge der literarischen Quellen, sowie des historischen Kontextes, wie er im 19. Jhdt. aufgenommen wurde, aber auch der legendären Erzählung selbst, nachvollziehen. Die Besonderheit dieser Legende liegt in der Tatsache, dass es der Archäologe und Orgelbauer Johann Andreas Silbermann ist, der diese Legende aus dem Munde von Greisen aus Dorlisheim, die selber in ihrer Jugend einen der Akteure der besagten Legende gekannt hatten, entnommen hat. Wir dürfen uns also fragen ob diese Erzählung ein imaginäres Gebilde ist oder ob es auf historischen Tatsachen beruht

    Identification of Years with Extreme Vegetation State in Central Europe Based on Remote Sensing and Meteorological Data

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    Background and Purpose: Determination of an extreme year from the aspect of the vegetation activity using only meteorological data might be ambiguous and not adequate. Furthermore, in some ecosystems, e.g. forests, the response is not instantly visible, but the effects of the meteorological anomaly can be seen in the following year. The aim of the present paper is to select and characterize typical and anomalous years using satellite-based remote sensing data and meteorological observations during the recent years of 2000-2014 for Central Europe, based on the response of the vegetation. Materials and Methods: In the present study vegetation characteristics were described using remotely sensed official products of the MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), namely NDVI, EVI, FPAR, LAI, GPP, and NPP, with 8-day temporal and 500 meter spatial resolution for the period of 2000-2014. The corresponding mean temperature and precipitation data (on the same grid) were derived from the Open Database for Climate Change Related Impact Studies in Central Europe (FORESEE) daily meteorological dataset. Land cover specific anomalies of the meteorological and vegetation characteristics were created and averaged on a country-scale, where the distinction between the main land cover types was based on the synergetic use of MODIS land cover and Coordination of Information on the Environment (CORINE) Land Cover 2012 datasets. Results: It has been demonstrated that the anomaly detection based solely on basic meteorological variables is ambiguous since the strength of the anomaly depends on the selected integration time period. In contrast, the effect-based approach exploiting the available, state-of-the-art remote sensing based vegetation indices is a promising tool for the characterization of the anomalous behaviour of the different land cover types. The selection of extreme years was performed in an explicit way using percentile analysis on pixel level. Conclusions: Plant status in terms of both positive and negative anomalies shows strong land cover dependency in Central Europe. This is most likely due to the differences in heat and drought resistance of the vegetation, and species composition. The selection of country-specific extreme years can serve as a basis for forthcoming research


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    O presente trabalho caracteriza-se por um recorte das atividades realizadas no Estágio Supervisionado Obrigatório em Psicologia Escolar (Estágio A) do curso de Psicologia da UNESC. Ocorreu em uma escola de educação básica, no período de fevereiro a junho de 2018, com estudantes do sétimo ano do Ensino Fundamental, de doze a dezessete anos, em encontros de quarenta minutos. O objetivo principal foi promover reflexão e construção de conhecimento acerca da identidade e relações interpessoais. A metodologia utilizada foi qualitativa, buscando compreender os processos subjetivos e de significação dos sujeitos envolvidos nas práticas realizadas. Na atividade destacada nesse trabalho, a turma foi dividida por faixa etária em três grupos, sendo um apenas com meninas. A partir disso, se propôs uma atividade de desenho projetivo, onde cada estudante deveria desenhar, em uma folha branca A4, uma pessoa e a partir dela escrever pensamentos recorrentes, o que gostaria de dizer, duas coisas que ama, sentimento a oferecer e a receber, um objetivo que deseja alcançar e os passos para alcançá-lo. De modo geral, os grupos se mostraram reflexivos e engajados nas questões propostas, ficando perceptível a identificação de si mesmo com o desenho e objetivos de futuro fortemente ligados aquela realidade social. O grupo de meninas destacou-se por demonstrar planejamento de ingressar no ensino superior e expressar bastante afetividade. Promover a reflexão com os grupos de adolescentes foi um trabalho árduo, considerando que havia pouco interesse por parte dos alunos em usufruir de um espaço de fala e construção de novos sentidos, como propôs a estagiária. O fato de esse espaço ser raro na vida dos adolescentes daquele local pode ter contribuído para que eles não percebessem a importância do mesmo. O grupo na adolescência é considerado um importante espaço de fala, reconhecimento e suporte para novas identificações, portanto primordial para manifestações do inconsciente individual, mas que pela unidade do grupo possibilita a emergência de um inconsciente grupal. Portanto, há uma equivalência entre trabalho de grupo e trabalho de análise (COUTINHO; ROCHA, 2007). Considera-se que os objetivos propostos neste estágio foram atingidos da melhor forma possível, sempre com muita atenção e respeito para as necessidades emergentes dos sujeitos envolvidos. A maioria da população atendida pela escola está em situação de vulnerabilidade social e a dinâmica familiar é bastante complexa e dolorosa, o que gera conflitos intrapsíquicos intensos nas crianças e adolescentes que estão em processo de subjetivação. Romper com os muros da Universidade e encarar a realidade “nua e crua” pode gerar desprazer, mas também servir como impulso para se tornar um agente transformador dessas realidades, que prezará pelo respeito e pela qualidade de vida de cada sujeito que puder alcançar.Palavras-chave: Psicologia Escolar, Adolescência, Identidade

    Chewing gum and impasse-induced self-reported stress

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    An insoluble anagram task (Zellner et al., 2006) was used to investigate the proposition that chewing gum reduces self-rated stress (Scholey et al., 2009). Using a between-participants design, forty participants performed an insoluble anagram task followed by a soluble anagram task. These tasks were performed with or without chewing gum. Self-rated measures were taken at baseline, post-stressor, and post-recovery task. The insoluble anagram task was found to amplify stress in terms of increases in self-rated stress and reductions in both self-rated calmness and contentedness. However, chewing gum was found not to mediate the level of stress experienced. Furthermore, chewing gum did not result in superior performance on the soluble anagram task. The present study fails to generalise the findings of Scholey et al. to an impasse induced stress that has social components. The explanation for the discrepancy with Scholey et al. is unclear; however, it is suggested that the impossibility of the insoluble anagram task may negate any secondary stress reducing benefits arising from chewing gum-induced task improvement

    Blowfly flight characteristics are shaped by environmental features and controlled by optic flow information

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    Kern R, Boeddeker N, Dittmar L, Egelhaaf M. Blowfly flight characteristics are shaped by environmental features and controlled by optic flow information. Journal of Experimental Biology. 2012;215(14):2501-2514.Blowfly flight consists of two main components, saccadic turns and intervals of mostly straight gaze direction, although, as a consequence of inertia, flight trajectories usually change direction smoothly. We investigated how flight behavior changes depending on the surroundings and how saccadic turns and intersaccadic translational movements might be controlled in arenas of different width with and without obstacles. Blowflies do not fly in straight trajectories, even when traversing straight flight arenas; rather, they fly in meandering trajectories. Flight speed and the amplitude of meanders increase with arena width. Although saccade duration is largely constant, peak angular velocity and succession into either direction are variable and depend on the visual surroundings. Saccade rate and amplitude also vary with arena layout and are correlated with the 'time-to-contact' to the arena wall. We provide evidence that both saccade and velocity control rely to a large extent on the intersaccadic optic flow generated in eye regions looking well in front of the fly, rather than in the lateral visual field, where the optic flow at least during forward flight tends to be strongest

    Measuring Institutional Variation Across American Indian Constitutions Using Automated Content Analysis

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    How can variation in institutions over time and across jurisdictions be measured effectively? This is an issue of great importance to scholars studying how institutional characteristics shape political, social and economic issues such as development and the rule of law. We present a new dataset of American Indian and Alaska Native (AIAN) constitutions and a new approach to measure variation in polities across AIAN nations. Studying AIAN polities can provide insights into how institutions – in AIAN nations and more generally – shape local policy outcomes. Existing data on AIAN institutions have largely been based on costly and time-consuming expert coding and survey approaches, where the end product will become obsolete once institutions change. We implement a text-as-data approach using machine learning techniques to compare institutional designs across AIAN nations, studying in particular the variation of judicial institutions, which have previously been shown to play a crucial role in AIAN development. We present results for a sample of 97 American Indian constitutions and compare our machine coded measures against previous attempts to systematically code AIAN institutions. We show that machine coding replicates expert coded data. Our automated content analysis of the full texts of constitutional documents allows for more flexible and customizable measurement of the variation of institutions in AIAN communities, while using a larger corpus of data than existing approaches limited by costs related to data collection and coding. Our approach can also easily be extended to compare other topics, such as the executive, and shows the potential of automated measures to complement or confirm more traditional coding of political institutions

    A review of seismic observations of Kepler and K2-Observed sdBV stars

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    This paper reviews recent seismic findings from Kepler and K2 data. Using three years of short cadence Kepler (K1) data, it is possible to examine time evolution of pulsations in an unprecedented way. While K2 observations are shorter, only three months, they are important as they are finding more sdBV stars than K1 did. Most importantly, K2 is discovering more p-mode pulsators with coverage not possible to get from the ground

    Virtual Reality Simulators for Inclusion and Participation: Broadening Perspectives on Accessible Cities and Public Space

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    The design of urban public space often involves a convergence of different actors with different priorities in the use of available space. This becomes evident when different modes of transport are combined in the very limited space available. At the same time, the growing and aging population strengthens demands for action in public space design towards better accessibility and involvement of the vulnerable. Innovations in digital design and simulation tools have shown a great demand to address these challenges as they have the potential to facilitate mediation and improve citizen science, participative and collaborative planning processes. Joint evaluation is supported and planners, decision makers and foremost citizens are brought together [(Yang et al. 2019), (Sanchez-Sepulveda et al. 2019), (Buffel et al. 2012)]. In our research, we have implemented human-computer interfaces for urban digital twins. These digital twins combine geometry and point cloud models, simulation results, and sensor data and enable analysis of existing situations, scenario testing, as well as prediction, on all urban scales, from buildings to cities and regions. By visualization in VR environments such as a CAVE (Cave Automatic Virtual Environment) they provide a powerful method for informed discussions between all stakeholders which is essential for joint decision-making. Our recent work extends these tools to include often neglected groups, such as people with disabilities, the elderly, or children, with the aim to empower them and to address their specific needs with respect to public spaces, while making these needs more traceable for others. Therefore, we have implemented different modes of traffic in simulators: Cars, bicycles, skateboards, and wheelchairs. Using one of these simulators, users can then interactively explore virtual replicas of public spaces using a real vehicle for steering. In combination with a tracking system, the user’s perspective in the virtual world is adjusted accordingly, enabling an impression of riding through the replica similar as in a real environment. Users can explore the accessibility of public spaces and detect shortcomings like high curbs or slopes. Often, these are unnoticed by pedestrians while posing major obstacles for people in wheelchairs, with strollers or roller walkers. Hence, this simulator helps to better understand and include the mentioned group in public participation. Moreover, the simulator was combined with traffic simulations (Zeile et al. 2021). These, in particular when visualized along with the digital twin, improve the depiction of the actual processes and dynamic scenarios, and allow to simulate and compare scenarios of different design proposals. Bottlenecks such as narrow sidewalks incapable of handling the load of pedestrians, or unclear intersections with an insufficient view can be detected as well as the use of space in certain conditions as during rush hours or at construction sites. Experiments were carried out using the different simulators as human-computer interfaces. Observations and questionnaires were used to analyse the experiences of 23 test subjects. In summary, the developed simulators are intended to contribute to safer and better accessible urban spaces for all. In this initial work, the focus lies on groups with special needs in public spaces - for example, highly mobile young people and in contrast people with limited mobility or the elderly. By detecting current barriers, the developed simulators make them tangible and understandable for the wider public but also for planners, designers, and decision-makers