344 research outputs found

    An outbreak of sheep-associated malignant catarrhal fever in sows

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    his paper describes a case of malignant catarrhal fever in a sow herd in Belgium caused by infection with ovine herpesvirus-2 (OHV-2). The 11 affected sows had high fever and 10 of them died within 3 days after the onset of clinical disease. The most prominent macroscopic lesion was a hemorrhagic to pseudo-membranous gastritis. Histopathology revealed severe infiltration and necrosis of the gastric mucosa. Neither antimicrobial treatment nor injection with anti-inflammatory drugs ameliorated the severity of the disease. As the sows and sheep were housed in the same building with the possibility of having direct nose-to-nose contact, and as PCR testing showed that the virus found in the sows was identical to that found in the sheep, it is very likely that the infection was transmitted from the subclinically infected sheep to the sows. The present case showed that OHV-2 infection should be included in the differential diagnosis when facing problems of fever followed by death, especially when pigs are housed in close contact with sheep

    Financiële prikkels en geprefereerde pensioenleeftijd.

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    vervroegde uittreding, gefaseerde uittreding,;pensioenleeftijd, vignettenmethode;

    Automatic Sleep Spindle Detection in Patients with Sleep Disorders

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    Diverse roles of androgen receptor (AR) domains in AR-mediated signaling

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    Androgens control male sexual development and maintenance of the adult male phenotype. They have very divergent effects on their target organs like the reproductive organs, muscle, bone, brain and skin. This is explained in part by the fact that different cell types respond differently to androgen stimulus, even when all these responses are mediated by the same intracellular androgen receptor. To understand these tissue- and cell-specific readouts of androgens, we have to learn the many different steps in the transcription activation mechanisms of the androgen receptor (NR3C4). Like all nuclear receptors, the steroid receptors have a central DNA-binding domain connected to a ligand-binding domain by a hinge region. In addition, all steroid receptors have a relatively large amino-terminal domain. Despite the overall structural homology with other nuclear receptors, the androgen receptor has several specific characteristics which will be discussed here. This receptor can bind two types of androgen response elements (AREs): one type being similar to the classical GRE/PRE-type elements, the other type being the more divergent and more selective AREs. The hormone-binding domain has low intrinsic transactivation properties, a feature that correlates with the low affinity of this domain for the canonical LxxLL-bearing coactivators. For the androgen receptor, transcriptional activation involves the alternative recruitment of coactivators to different regions in the amino-terminal domain, as well as the hinge region. Finally, a very strong ligand-induced interaction between the amino-terminal domain and the ligand-binding domain of the androgen receptor seems to be involved in many aspects of its function as a transcription factor. This review describes the current knowledge on the structure-function relationships within the domains of the androgen receptor and tries to integrate the involvement of different domains, subdomains and motifs in the functioning of this receptor as a transcription factor with tissue- and cell-specific readouts

    First description of pestivirus disease in Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica

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    Understanding the circulation of pestiviruses in wild ungulates is potentially important to explain variations in the number of animals in these species, and to implement pestivirus control programs in domestic animals. In 2002 in the French Pyrenees, symptoms of amyotrophy and weight loss, associated with bilateral alopecia with hairless and highly pigmented areas on the nose, around the eyes and the ear margins were found in 8 Pyrenean chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) between 1 and 9 years old, 6 of which had been captured alive and 2 were found dead. These lesions were uncharacteristic. The intensity of abomasal or lung parasitism varied from one animal to the other. Pestiviruses were isolated in all 6 animals captured alive, but no anti-NS2/3 antibodies were found. Many questions remain on the transitory or persistent nature of the infection, and on the conditions of viral transmission within the Rupicapra genus.Comprendre la circulation de pestivirus chez les ongulés sauvages est potentiellement important pour expliquer les variations d'effectifs dans ces espèces et pour réaliser les programmes de contrôle des pestiviroses atteignant les animaux domestiques. En 2002 dans les Pyrénées ariégeoises, des symptômes d'amyotrophie et d'amaigrissement, associés à des signes d'alopécie bilatérale, avec des zones cutanées glabres et fortement pigmentées sur le chanfrein, le pourtour des yeux et les marges auriculaires ont été observés sur 8 isards (Rupicapra pyrenaica pyrenaica) âgés de 1 à 9 ans, dont 6 avaient été capturés vivants et 2 trouvés morts. Les lésions étaient peu caractéristiques. L'intensité du parasitisme abomasal ou pulmonaire variait d'un individu à l'autre. Un pestivirus a été mis en évidence sur les 6 animaux capturés vivants et un des deux récupérés morts (7 cas sur 8), mais aucun anticorps dirigé contre la protéine NS2/3 n'a été trouvé. De nombreuses questions persistent sur la nature transitoire ou persistante de l'infection et sur les modalités de transmission au sein du genre Rupicapra

    Effects of shading and droplines on object localization in virtual rehabilitation for patients with neurological conditions

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    Virtual environments (VE) are emerging for the creation of effective and motivating exercise therapy for neurorehabilitation of MS and stroke patients. Although these interactive systems are promising tools in rehabilitation, the targeted end users often suffer from visual system disorders and cognitive dysfunctions, which may influence their capabilities while navigating in a virtual 3D world. Cues like shades are proven to be effective navigation and localization aids in a 3D environment for healthy people, but little is known about their benefit for persons with a neurological disease. Therefore, we conducted a user study to test the impact of visual cues such as shading on navigation tasks in a VE for a population of MS and stroke patients. We compared 3 visual conditions in the environment: one without shading, one with shading, and one with shading as well as a dropline between the shade and the object representing the person's location in the environment. Participants in the user study were 11 persons diagnosed with MS, 9 with stroke and 9 healthy control persons. Subjective measures were not uninfluenced by the use of shade or a dropline, but objective measures show a significant increase in speed, and lower execution time resulting from the addition of object-shading

    Temporal Dissociation between Myeloperoxidase (MPO)-Modified LDL and MPO Elevations during Chronic Sleep Restriction and Recovery in Healthy Young Men

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    OBJECTIVES: Many studies have evaluated the ways in which sleep disturbances may influence inflammation and the possible links of this effect to cardiovascular risk. Our objective was to investigate the effects of chronic sleep restriction and recovery on several blood cardiovascular biomarkers. METHODS AND RESULTS: Nine healthy male non-smokers, aged 22-29 years, were admitted to the Sleep Laboratory for 11 days and nights under continuous electroencephalogram polysomnography. The study consisted of three baseline nights of 8 hours sleep (from 11 pm to 7 am), five sleep-restricted nights, during which sleep was allowed only between 1 am and 6 am, and three recovery nights of 8 hours sleep (11 pm to 7 am). Myeloperoxidase-modified low-density lipoprotein levels increased during the sleep-restricted period indicating an oxidative stress. A significant increase in the quantity of slow-wave sleep was measured during the first recovery night. After this first recovery night, insulin-like growth factor-1 levels increased and myeloperoxidase concentration peaked. CONCLUSIONS: We observed for the first time that sleep restriction and the recovery process are associated with differential changes in blood biomarkers of cardiovascular disease

    Health-Related Quality of Life in Adrenocortical Carcinoma:Development of the Disease-Specific Questionnaire ACC-QOL and Results from the PROFILES Registry

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Patients with the rare cancer adrenocortical carcinoma are exposed to many symptoms and treatment side-effects. Research on how this can affect their health-related quality of life (HRQoL) is limited, however. This article includes the first assessment of HRQoL in a population-based cohort of patients with adrenocortical carcinoma with the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer QLQ-C30 questionnaire and the newly developed disease-specific additional questionnaire ACC-QOL. The ACC-QOL has good psychometric properties in terms of validity, reliability, and responsiveness. Patients diagnosed more than 5 years ago reported a relatively good HRQoL compared with the Dutch reference population, but experienced residual fatigue and emotional problems. Patients after additional surgery reported a slightly lower HRQoL due to physical limitations. Patients who had recently received mitotane or chemotherapy reported a worse HRQoL and problems in many domains. This knowledge and the new disease-specific questionnaire can aid future research, side-effect monitoring, treatment guidance, and shared decision making. ABSTRACT: We aimed to develop a disease-specific adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) health-related quality of life (HRQoL) questionnaire (ACC-QOL) and assess HRQoL in a population-based cohort of patients with ACC. Development was in line with European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (EORTC) guidelines, though not an EORTC product. In phase I and II, we identified 90 potential HRQoL issues using literature and focus groups, which were reduced to 39 by healthcare professionals. Pilot testing resulted in 28 questions, to be used alongside the EORTC QLQ-C30. In Phase III, 100 patients with ACC were asked to complete the questionnaires twice in the PROFILES registry (3-month interval, respondents: first 67, second 51). Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated the structural validity of 26 questions with their scale structure (mitotane side-effects, hypercortisolism/hydrocortisone effects, emotional effects). Internal consistency and reliability were good (Cronbach’s alpha 0.897, Interclass correlation coefficient 0.860). Responsiveness analysis showed good discriminative ability (AUC 0.788). Patients diagnosed more than 5 years ago reported a good HRQoL compared with the Dutch reference population, but experienced residual fatigue and emotional problems. Patients who underwent recent treatment reported a lower HRQoL and problems in several domains. In conclusion, we developed an ACC-specific HRQoL questionnaire with good psychometric properties

    Measuring the health of the Indian elderly: evidence from National Sample Survey data

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparable health measures across different sets of populations are essential for describing the distribution of health outcomes and assessing the impact of interventions on these outcomes. Self-reported health (SRH) is a commonly used indicator of health in household surveys and has been shown to be predictive of future mortality. However, the susceptibility of SRH to influence by individuals' expectations complicates its interpretation and undermines its usefulness.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>This paper applies the empirical methodology of Lindeboom and van Doorslaer (2004) to investigate elderly health in India using data from the 52<sup>nd </sup>round of the National Sample Survey conducted in 1995-96 that includes both an SRH variable as well as a range of objective indicators of disability and ill health. The empirical testing was conducted on stratified homogeneous groups, based on four factors: gender, education, rural-urban residence, and region.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We find that region generally has a significant impact on how women perceive their health. Reporting heterogeneity can arise not only from cut-point shifts, but also from differences in health effects by objective health measures. In contrast, we find little evidence of reporting heterogeneity due to differences in gender or educational status within regions. Rural-urban residence does matter in some cases. The findings are robust with different specifications of objective health indicators.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our exercise supports the thesis that the region of residence is associated with different cut-points and reporting behavior on health surveys. We believe this is the first paper that applies the Lindeboom-van Doorslaer methodology to data on the elderly in a developing country, showing the feasibility of applying this methodology to data from many existing cross-sectional health surveys.</p