7 research outputs found

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery

    Mitochondrial physiology

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    As the knowledge base and importance of mitochondrial physiology to evolution, health and disease expands, the necessity for harmonizing the terminology concerning mitochondrial respiratory states and rates has become increasingly apparent. The chemiosmotic theory establishes the mechanism of energy transformation and coupling in oxidative phosphorylation. The unifying concept of the protonmotive force provides the framework for developing a consistent theoretical foundation of mitochondrial physiology and bioenergetics. We follow the latest SI guidelines and those of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC) on terminology in physical chemistry, extended by considerations of open systems and thermodynamics of irreversible processes. The concept-driven constructive terminology incorporates the meaning of each quantity and aligns concepts and symbols with the nomenclature of classical bioenergetics. We endeavour to provide a balanced view of mitochondrial respiratory control and a critical discussion on reporting data of mitochondrial respiration in terms of metabolic flows and fluxes. Uniform standards for evaluation of respiratory states and rates will ultimately contribute to reproducibility between laboratories and thus support the development of data repositories of mitochondrial respiratory function in species, tissues, and cells. Clarity of concept and consistency of nomenclature facilitate effective transdisciplinary communication, education, and ultimately further discovery

    Data from: Manipulation of parental nutritional condition reveals competition among family members

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    Parental care is thought to be costly, as it consumes time and energy. Such costs might be reduced in animal parents that raise their young on valuable food sources such as dung or carcasses, as parents are able to invest in self-maintenance by feeding from the same resource. However, this might lower the nutritional value for other family members and, as a consequence, food competition might arise. To promote our understanding of the outcome of such competition, we manipulated the necessity of parents to feed from the resource. Using a full factorial design, we paired food-deprived or well-fed males with food-deprived or well-fed females of burying beetles, which are known to raise their young on vertebrate cadavers. We found that food-deprived parents consumed more of the carrion than those that were well-fed and this had a negative impact on other family members. However, the outcome of the competition depended on the sex of the parents, with females suffering when males fed more and offspring suffering when females fed more. Thus, family life involves selfish elements, as both parents remove resources for the purpose of self-maintenance. However, females show altruistic aspects, as they appear to restrict their food consumption for the benefit of their offspring when paired with a food-deprived male. Interestingly, males extend their stay with the brood when having faced food scarcity prior to reproduction, presumably to replenish their energy reserves. Our study therefore reveals that breeding on shared resources can promote family living, but also results in competition

    Beyond Cuticular Hydrocarbons: Chemically Mediated Mate Recognition in the Subsocial Burying Beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides

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    Burying beetles have fascinated scientists for centuries due to their elaborate form of biparental care that includes the burial and defense of a vertebrate carcass, as well as the subsequent feeding of the larvae. However, besides extensive research on burying beetles, one fundamental question has yet to be answered: what cues do males use to discriminate between the sexes? Here, we show in the burying beetle Nicrophorus vespilloides that cuticular lipids trigger male mating behavior. Previous chemical analyses have revealed sex differences in cuticular hydrocarbon (CHC) composition; however, in the current study, fractionated-guided bioassay showed that cuticular lipids, other than CHCs, elicit copulation. Chemical analyses of the behaviorally active fraction revealed 17 compounds, mainly aldehydes and fatty acid esters, with small quantitative but no qualitative differences between the sexes. Supplementation of males with hexadecanal, the compound contributing most to the statistical separation of the chemical profiles of males and females, did not trigger copulation attempts by males. Therefore, a possible explanation is that the whole profile of polar lipids mediates sex recognition in N. vespilloides

    Stable and Storable N(CF3_{3})2_{2} Transfer Reagents

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    Fluorinated groups are essential for drug design, agrochemicals, and materials science. The bis(trifluoromethyl)amino group is an example of a stable group that has a high potential. While the number of molecules containing perfluoroalkyl, perfluoroalkoxy, and other fluorinated groups is steadily increasing, examples with the N(CF3_{3})2_{2} group are rare. One reason is that transfer reagents are scarce and metal-based storable reagents are unknown. Herein, a set of CuI^{I} and AgI^{I} bis(trifluoromethyl)amido complexes stabilized by N- and P-donor ligands with unprecedented stability are presented. The complexes are stable solids that can even be manipulated in air for a short time. They are bis(trifluoromethyl)amination reagents as shown by nucleophilic substitution and Sandmeyer reactions. In addition to a series of benzylbis(trifluoromethyl)amines, 2-bis(trifluoromethyl)amino acetate was obtained, which, upon hydrolysis, gives the fluorinated amino acid N,N-bis(trifluoromethyl)glycine

    Mitochondrial physiology: Gnaiger Erich et al ― MitoEAGLE Task Group

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