65 research outputs found

    Types of triangle in plane Hamiltonian triangulations and applications to domination and k-walks

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    We investigate the minimum number t(0)(G) of faces in a Hamiltonian triangulation G so that any Hamiltonian cycle C of G has at least t(0)(G) faces that do not contain an edge of C. We prove upper and lower bounds on the maximum of these numbers for all triangulations with a fixed number of facial triangles. Such triangles play an important role when Hamiltonian cycles in triangulations with 3-cuts are constructed from smaller Hamiltonian cycles of 4-connected subgraphs. We also present results linking the number of these triangles to the length of 3-walks in a class of triangulation and to the domination number

    An Even 2-Factor in the Line Graph of a Cubic Graph

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    An even 2-factor is one such that each cycle is of even length. A 4- regular graph G is 4-edge-colorable if and only if G has two edge-disjoint even 2- factors whose union contains all edges in G. It is known that the line graph of a cubic graph without 3-edge-coloring is not 4-edge-colorable. Hence, we are interested in whether those graphs have an even 2-factor. Bonisoli and Bonvicini proved that the line graph of a connected cubic graph G with an even number of edges has an even 2-factor, if G has a perfect matching [Even cycles and even 2-factors in the line graph of a simple graph, Electron. J. Combin. 24 (2017), P4.15]. In this paper, we extend this theorem to the line graph of a connected cubic graph G satisfying certain conditions

    4-connected triangulations and 4-orderedness

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    AbstractFor a positive integer k≥4, a graph G is called k-ordered, if for any ordered set of k distinct vertices of G, G has a cycle that contains all the vertices in the designated order. Goddard (2002) [3] showed that every 4-connected triangulation of the plane is 4-ordered. In this paper, we improve this result; every 4-connected triangulation of any surface is 4-ordered. Our proof is much shorter than the proof by Goddard

    Every 4-connected graph with crossing number 2 is Hamiltonian

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    A seminal theorem of Tutte states that 4-connected planar graphs are Hamiltonian. Applying a result of Thomas and Yu, one can show that every 4-connected graph with crossing number 1 is Hamiltonian. In this paper, we continue along this path and prove the titular statement. We also discuss the traceability and Hamiltonicity of 3-connected graphs with small crossing number and few 3-cuts, and present applications of our results
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