2,199 research outputs found

    Politiques de rage et narcissisme malin

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    Dans cet article, le trouble de la personnalité connu sous le nom de « narcissisme malin » est présenté. Ce concept est par la suite utilisé pour expliquer la création, par le dirigeant d’un groupe, de politiques organisationnelles destinées à contrer les personnes qu’il considérait comme ennemies, mettant en évidence la rage narcissique à l’oeuvre. Notre argument est examiné à la lumière d’une étude de cas dans laquelle il est démontré que le dirigeant a tenté de discréditer les détracteurs du groupe, transposant sa rage narcissique dans des politiques organisationnelles que des membres loyaux adoptaient pour lui. À l’aide d’observations psychologiques de la personnalité du chef et, par la suite, en démontrant comment celle-ci est à la source de politiques et d’actions socialement déviantes, nous espérons encourager les criminologues à examiner d’autres groupes en appliquant des théories semblables.In this article, a personality disorder known as “malignant narcissism” is presented. This notion is then used to explain the creation of organizational policies against perceived enemies that reflected this narcissistic rage. We illustrate our argument by the analysis of a case study in which it is shown that the leader attempted to discredit the detractors of the group, thus transposing the narcissistic rage into organizational policies that loyal members enacted on his behalf. By using psychological insights about the leader’s personality, and then showing how that personality translated into socially deviant policies and actions, we hope to encourage criminologists to examine other groups by applying similar theories.En este artículo presentamos el trastorno de la personalidad denominado “narcisismo maligno”. Este concepto es a continuación utilizado para explicar la creación, por parte del dirigente de un grupo, de políticas organizacionales destinadas a contrarrestar a las personas consideradas por él como enemigas y que ponen de manifiesto su ira narcisista. Nuestra argumentación es examinada a la luz de un estudio de caso en el que se demuestra que el dirigente intentó desacreditar a los detractores del grupo, trasfiriendo su ira narcisista a políticas organizacionales que fueron adoptadas por miembros leales a la organización. Gracias a observaciones psicológicas de la personalidad del líder y, más adelante, demostrando cómo su personalidad está en la base de políticas y acciones socialmente desviantes, esperamos alentar a los criminólogos a examinar otros grupos aplicando teorías similares

    A Comparison of Term Clusters for Tokenized Words Collected from Controlled Vocabularies, User Keyword Searches, and Online Documents

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    Tokenized word terms were collected from three sources: controlled vocabulary headings, user keyword searches, and html documents all dealing with issues in water quality. Distances were calculated between word pairs using the Jacquard formula. Distances from the three sources were compared using Spearman rank correlations and clusters were calculated on distances transformed for non-normality using the SAS pseudo-centroid method. Word pair distances from controlled vocabularies were more closely correlated to keyword searches than document distances were to users’ keywords. The mean distance of controlled vocabularies was also closer to that of users. Clusters produced from the three sources were most similar for word pairs with small distances

    A Comparison of Term Clusters for Tokenized Words Collected from Controlled Vocabularies, User Keyword Searches, and Online Documents

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    Tokenized word terms were collected from three sources: controlled vocabulary headings, user keyword searches, and html documents all dealing with issues in water quality. Distances were calculated between word pairs using the Jacquard formula. Distances from the three sources were compared using Spearman rank correlations and clusters were calculated on distances transformed for non-normality using the SAS pseudo-centroid method. Word pair distances from controlled vocabularies were more closely correlated to keyword searches than document distances were to users’ keywords. The mean distance of controlled vocabularies was also closer to that of users. Clusters produced from the three sources were most similar for word pairs with small distances

    Photometric Calibrations for 21st Century Science

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    The answers to fundamental science questions in astrophysics, ranging from the history of the expansion of the universe to the sizes of nearby stars, hinge on our ability to make precise measurements of diverse astronomical objects. As our knowledge of the underlying physics of objects improves along with advances in detectors and instrumentation, the limits on our capability to extract science from measurements is set, not by our lack of understanding of the nature of these objects, but rather by the most mundane of all issues: the precision with which we can calibrate observations in physical units. We stress the need for a program to improve upon and expand the current networks of spectrophotometrically calibrated stars to provide precise calibration with an accuracy of equal to and better than 1% in the ultraviolet, visible and near-infrared portions of the spectrum, with excellent sky coverage and large dynamic range


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    The use of nearest neighbors and spatial models (SPAT) to analyze field trial data has become commonplace in recent years. These two types of analyses improve precision compared to ANOVA when trials are poorly blocked, but results are less clear in well-blocked trials. We examined data from wheat trials containing 60 cultivars, conducted at five locations, where each location was set up as an alpha lattice design. We compared the relative efficiency of detecting cultivar differences for spatial models and nearest neighbors analyses (NNA) to ANOVA, fit of the models, and correlations of ranked cultivars. Though the SPAT and NNA generally outperformed the ANOVA, the selection of desirable cultivars remained relatively unchanged when using a well-blocked design analyzed with an ANOVA

    Agouti C57BL/6N embryonic stem cells for mouse genetic resources.

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    We report the characterization of a highly germline competent C57BL/6N mouse embryonic stem cell line, JM8. To simplify breeding schemes, the dominant agouti coat color gene was restored in JM8 cells by targeted repair of the C57BL/6 nonagouti mutation. These cells provide a robust foundation for large-scale mouse knockout programs that aim to provide a public resource of targeted mutations in the C57BL/6 genetic background

    Identification of a novel retroviral gene unique to human immunodeficiency virus type 2 and simian immunodeficiency virus SIVMAC

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    Human and simian immunodeficiency-associated retroviruses are extraordinarily complex, containing at least five genes, tat, art, sor, R, and 3' orf, in addition to the structural genes gag, pol, and env. Recently, nucleotide sequence analysis of human immunodeficiency virus type 2 (HIV-2) and simian immunodeficiency virus SIVMAC revealed the existence of still another open reading frame, termed X, which is highly conserved between these two viruses but absent from HIV-1. In this report, we demonstrate for the first time that the X open reading frame represents a functional retroviral gene in both HIV-2 and SIVMAC and that it encodes a virion-associated protein of 14 and 12 kilodaltons, respectively. We also describe the production of recombinant TrpE/X fusion proteins in Escherichia coli and show that sera from some HIV-2-infected individuals specifically recognize these proteins

    Readmission following pancreatectomy: what can be improved?

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    AbstractBackgroundReadmissions after pancreatectomy, largely for the management of complications, may also occur as a result of failure to thrive or for diagnostic endeavours. Potential mechanisms to reduce readmission rates may be elucidated by assessing the adequacy of the initial disposition and the real necessity for readmission.MethodsUsing previously identified categories of readmission following pancreatectomy, details of reasons for and results of readmissions were scrutinized using a root cause analysis approach.ResultsOf 658 patients subjected to pancreatectomy between 2001 and 2010, 121 (18%) were readmitted within 30 days. The clinical course in 30% of readmitted patients was found to deviate from the pathway assumed on the initial admission. Patients were readmitted at a median of 9 days (range: 1–30 days) after initial discharge and had a median readmission length of stay of 7 days (mode = 4). Postoperative complications accounted for most readmissions (n = 77, 64%); 17 patients (14%) were readmitted for failure to thrive and 16 (13%) for diagnostics. Root cause analysis detailed subtextual reasons for readmission, including, for example, the initiation of new medications that could potentially have been ordered in an outpatient setting.ConclusionsMore than one quarter of readmissions after pancreatectomy occurred in the setting of failure to thrive or for diagnostic evaluation alone. Root cause analysis revealed potentially avoidable readmissions. The development of a system for stratifying patients at risk for readmission or the failure of the initial disposition, along with an alternative means of efficiently evaluating patients in an outpatient setting, could limit unnecessary readmissions and resource utilization
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