11 research outputs found

    Modification of the Lipid Profile of the Initial Oral Biofilm In Situ Using Linseed Oil as Mouthwash

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    Lipids are of interest for the targeted modification of oral bioadhesion processes. Therefore, the sustainable effects of linseed oil on the composition and ultrastructure of the in situ pellicle were investigated. Unlike saliva, linseed oil contains linolenic acid (18:3), which served as a marker for lipid accumulation. Individual splints with bovine enamel slabs were worn by five subjects. After 1 min of pellicle formation, rinses were performed with linseed oil for 10 min, and the slabs’ oral exposure was continued for up to 2 or 8 h. Gas chromatography coupled with electron impact ionization mass spectrometry (GC-EI/MS) was used to characterize the fatty acid composition of the pellicle samples. Transmission electron microscopy was performed to analyze the ultrastructure. Extensive accumulation of linolenic acid was recorded in the samples of all subjects 2 h after the rinse and considerable amounts persisted after 8 h. The ultrastructure of the 2 h pellicle was less electron-dense and contained lipid vesicles when compared with controls. After 8 h, no apparent ultrastructural effects were visible. Linolenic acid is an excellent marker for the investigation of fatty acid accumulation in the pellicle. New preventive strategies could benefit from the accumulation of lipid components in the pellicle

    Кризис экономики роста как системы: причины и следствия

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    Актуальность данной работы продиктована кризисным состоянием современной модели экономики. В основе этой модели лежат постулаты о необходимости постоянного роста экономики, который обеспечивается за счет конечного потребления. В обеспечение же реализации такой модели положены монетарные подходы и методы стимулирования потребительского спроса как основного драйвера экономического роста. Венцом данной модели стала долговая экономика потребления обществ индивидуалистов, не имеющих системы традиционных ценностей, а ориентирующихся на иллюзорные временные цели краткосрочного периода. Так, эгоцентрическая модель экономики заняла главенствующее положение по отношению к экологической модели экономики, обнажив массу системообразующих противоречий. Будущее оказалось под угрозой… Целью данной работы является анализ исходных причин этих противоречий, факторов возникновения кризисных явлений и угроз, с которыми столкнулось человечество на современном этапе развития, а также возможных альтернатив устранения этих противоречий и угроз. The relevance of this work is dictated by a critical state of the modern model of the economy. The basis of this model is construed by postulates about the need for sustained economic growth, which is provided by end-use. Monetary approaches and methods of consumer demand stimulation as a main incentive of economic growth guarantee the model implementation. On the top of this model there is a debt consumer economy of a society of individualists who do not have a system of traditional values, but instead have illusory short-term goals. Thus, an egocentric model of the economy has taken a dominant position in relation to an ecological economic model, revealing a lot of systemic contradictions. The future was under threat... The aim of this work is the analysis of the causes of these conflicts, the factors of crisis phenomena, the threats, which mankind faced at this stage of development, and the possible ways of elimination of the contradictions and threats as well. Methods: comparative analysis and synthesis of theoretical fundamental economic sources and assumptions, practical research and personal experience of various Russian and foreign scientists and business practitioners, the results, observations and conclusions arising from the personal experience of the author and his own theoretical research and inventions, and analysis of statistical data

    Modification of the Lipid Profile of the Initial Oral Biofilm In Situ Using Linseed Oil as Mouthwash

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    Lipids are of interest for the targeted modification of oral bioadhesion processes. Therefore, the sustainable effects of linseed oil on the composition and ultrastructure of the in situ pellicle were investigated. Unlike saliva, linseed oil contains linolenic acid (18:3), which served as a marker for lipid accumulation. Individual splints with bovine enamel slabs were worn by five subjects. After 1 min of pellicle formation, rinses were performed with linseed oil for 10 min, and the slabs’ oral exposure was continued for up to 2 or 8 h. Gas chromatography coupled with electron impact ionization mass spectrometry (GC-EI/MS) was used to characterize the fatty acid composition of the pellicle samples. Transmission electron microscopy was performed to analyze the ultrastructure. Extensive accumulation of linolenic acid was recorded in the samples of all subjects 2 h after the rinse and considerable amounts persisted after 8 h. The ultrastructure of the 2 h pellicle was less electron-dense and contained lipid vesicles when compared with controls. After 8 h, no apparent ultrastructural effects were visible. Linolenic acid is an excellent marker for the investigation of fatty acid accumulation in the pellicle. New preventive strategies could benefit from the accumulation of lipid components in the pellicle

    Getting to Know People on the Web 2.0

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    Influence of Calcium Phosphate and Apatite Containing Products on Enamel Erosion

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    For the purpose of erosion prevention the present study aimed to compare the efficacy of two biomimetic products and a fluoride solution to optimize the protective properties of the pellicle. After 1 min of in situ pellicle formation on bovine enamel slabs, 8 subjects adopted CPP-ACP (GC Tooth Mousse), a mouthwash with hydroxyapatite microclusters (Biorepair), or a fluoride based mouthwash (elmex Kariesschutz) for 1 min each. Afterwards, samples were exposed in the oral cavity for 28 min. Native enamel slabs and slabs exposed to the oral cavity for 30 min without any rinse served as controls. After oral exposure, slabs were incubated in HCl (pH values 2, 2.3, and 3) for 120 s and kinetics of calcium and phosphate release were measured photometrically; representative samples were evaluated by SEM and TEM. The physiological pellicle reduced demineralization at all pH values; the protective effect was enhanced by fluoride. The biomimetic materials also reduced ion release but their effect was less pronounced. SEM indicated no layer formation after use of the different products. However, TEM confirmed the potential accumulation of mineral components at the pellicle surface. The tested products improve the protective properties of the in situ pellicle but not as effectively as fluorides

    Effect of Safflower Oil on the Protective Properties of the in situ Formed Salivary Pellicle

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    Aim: The prevalence of dental erosion is still increasing. A possible preventive approach might be rinsing with edible oils to improve the protective properties of the pellicle layer. This was tested in the present in situ study using safflower oil. Methods: Pellicle formation was carried out in situ on bovine enamel slabs fixed buccally to individual upper jaw splints (6 subjects). After 1 min of pellicle formation subjects rinsed with safflower oil for 10 min, subsequently the samples were exposed in the oral cavity for another 19 min. Enamel slabs without oral exposure and slabs exposed to the oral cavity for 30 min without any rinse served as controls. After pellicle formation in situ, slabs were incubated in HCl (pH 2; 2.3; 3) for 120 s, and kinetics of calcium and phosphate release were measured photometrically (arsenazo III, malachite green). Furthermore, the ultrastructure of the pellicles was evaluated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: Pellicle alone reduced erosive calcium and phosphate release significantly at all pH values. Pellicle modification by safflower oil resulted in an enhanced calcium loss at all pH values and caused an enhanced phosphate loss at pH 2.3. TEM indicated scattered accumulation of lipid micelles and irregular vesicle-like structures attached to the oil-treated pellicle layer. Acid etching affected the ultrastructure of the pellicle irrespective of oil rinsing. Conclusion: The protective properties of the pellicle layer against extensive erosive attacks are limited and mainly determined by pH. The protective effects are modified and reduced by rinses with safflower oil.Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG-geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich

    Impact of customary fuoride rinsing solutions on the pellicle’s protective properties and bioadhesion in situ

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    This study investigated the impact of customary fluoride based mouthrinses on the ultrastructure and the functional properties of the in situ pellicle, considering the prevention of erosion (8 volunteers) and initial biofilm formation (12 volunteers). Bovine enamel slabs were carried intraorally. After 1 min of pellicle formation, the subjects rinsed with elmex Kariesschutz (A), Dontodent Med Care (B), meridol (C) or elmex Zahnschmelzschutz Professional (D) for 1 min. In situ pellicle formation was continued up to 30 min/8 h before processing the slabs in vitro. Erosion was simulated by incubating the specimens in HCl (pH 3.0, 2.3, 2.0) for 120 s, measuring the kinetics of calcium/phosphate release photometrically; representative samples were evaluated by TEM and EDX. Bacterial adhesion was visualized fluorescence microscopically (DAPI/BacLight). Native enamel slabs or physiological pellicle samples served as controls. All investigated mouthrinses enhanced the erosion preventive pellicle effect in dependence of the pH-value. A significant decrease of Ca/P release at all pH values was achieved after rinsing with D; TEM/EDX confirmed ultrastructural pellicle modifications. All mouthrinses tendentially reduced bacterial adherence, however not significantly. The mouthrinse containing NaF/AmF/SnCl2 (D) offers an effective oral hygiene supplement to prevent caries and erosion