2,767 research outputs found

    Nonsexist Language: A Progress Report

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    What do students entering university know about inclusive language? This question led me to design a survey and distribute it to 348 students at a university in Eastern Canada. The results show that (1) students have had very little training in using nonsexist language; (2) despite being ill-informed, students have a wide range of opinions on issues of language and gender; (3) students regard it as important to know how to use nonsexist language; and (4) to this end, students should receive instruction in inclusive language usage before they get to university. Educators in elementary and secondary schools will need to take responsibility for teaching and using nonsexist language in their classrooms. Que savent les étudiants et les étudiantes au sujet du langage non sexiste à leur entrée à l’université? Cette question a amené l’auteure à mettre au point un questionnaire, qu’elle a distribué à 348 étudiants et étudiantes dans une université de l’est du Canada. Les résultats indiquent que 1) la population étudiante a peu d’expérience dans l’utilisation d’un langage non sexiste, 2) que, même si elle mal informée, elle a un vaste éventail d’opinions sur la question de la langue et du sexe, 3) qu’elle juge qu’il est important de savoir comment utiliser un langage non sexiste, et que 4) à cette fin, elle devrait recevoir une formation sur la question avant son arrivée à l’université. Les éducateurs au primaire et au secondaire devront donc voir à enseigner et à utiliser un langage non sexiste dans leurs classes.


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    Linking transition best practices to student outcomes for students with mental retardation

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    The purpose of this study was to focus on best practice components in transition programs for students with mental retardation. This was accomplished by determining: (a) post school outcomes; (b) the extent to which the transition plan reflected current best practices; (c) which predictor variables were the most important in predicting positive outcomes; and (d) the extent of student, parent, and agency involvement in the transition process; The participants in this study (n = 16) were parents of students with mental retardation who graduated, dropped out, or aged out in the 1999--2000 and 2000--2001 school years in a southwestern state. The study included three data collection systems; a demographic survey, the student\u27s individualized education program (IEP), and a family interview; The results from the demographic survey indicated that: (a) employment options continue to be sheltered employment or unemployment, (b) students continue to live at home or with relatives, and (c) most adolescents continue to access community facilities; The results from the individualized education program (IEP) rating form indicated that: (a) vocational training was documented in almost all of the IEPs, (b) social skills was documented in about half of the IEPs, (c) none of the IEPs referred to paid work experience, (d) almost all the students and parents attended the IEPs, (e) only two IEP meetings had agencies in attendance the student\u27s final year, and (f) student, parent, and school personnel were listed as the persons responsible for delivering supports in the majority of the transition plans; The results from the family interview indicated that: (a) student involvement in transition planning was minimal, (b) parents went to the IEP meetings, but were not an integral part of the team, (c) there was a lack of agency support, and (d) although almost all of the students expressed their vision for the future, goals were not written addressing these desires, and visions never materialized after the student exited high school

    Inter Relationships Between Sedimentary Facies, Diagenesis and Fluid Flow in the Garvock Group, Lower Old Red Sandstone, Scotland, U.K

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    Sedimentary facies may be distinguished not only by their morphology and grain size but also by different diagenetic histories. In sand bodies which constitute hydrocarbon reservoirs, it is therefore of some interest to attempt to recognise and delineate these different diagenetic zones. A single sand bar within the fluvial succession of the Garvock Group Lower Devonian, was chosen for study, since this would aid in understanding the controls on the distribution of good reservoir characteristics to be found in association with fluvial sediments. The Crossgates sediments showed a range of diagenetic zones which may reflect the diagenetic pathways defined by depositional environment, sand body geometry, and porosity / permeability anisotropy. The intrusion of a quartz tholeiite dyke during the Late Carboniferous has led to local hydrothermal overprints on the diagenetic history. Porosity / permeabilty anisotropy within the Crossgates sequence can be closely correlated to the sedimentary facies observed within the sand bar. This porosity / permeability anisotropy has had a profound effect on the diagenesis of the Crossgates sequence. Original differences in porosity and framework mineralogy have resulted in different diagenetic histories for different sedimetary facies. Within the sequence the upper regions of the bar were originally the finest-grained and more clay-rich, here porosity and permeability were poorer and fluid circulation more restricted, this has resulted in diagenetic effects being less marked. This contrasts with other locations where porosity and permeability may have been high and only subsequently reduced by compaction and diagenesis. The diagenetic history can be briefly summarised as follows: Grain coating haematie and mixed layer clays are initially developed. Subsequent pore-filling kaolinite and associated minor quartz are prominent in the silty-grade facies. Calcite and contemporaneous anatase are pervasive, and partly replacive of earlier cements and detrital silicates, but are predominantly pore-filling. Pore-bridging fibrous illite is then developed and this is the final diagenetic event prior to dyke induced hydrothermal alteration. This hydrothermal alteration results in the devolpment of chlorite in sediments adjacent to the dyke, and the re-mobilisation of earlier carbonate cements. Stable isotopic data indicate temperatures of precipitation for the carbonate of between 35 to 5

    Artistic Representations of the Sea and Coast: Implications For Sustainability

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    This article explores artistic representations of Australian seas and coasts, and the power of art to sustain seas and coasts. Research into artworks at the National Gallery of Australia was supplemented with a study of other local public and private works. A number of substantive themes emerged in viewing the paintings; the sea and coast has been represented as: sea country, sovereign territory, sublime spaces, a Romantic space of yearning, a psychological journey, a literal journey, a site of social and political comment, social places, ecological places and a site for industry. We discuss these themes, reflecting on the various expressions of human-sea relations and the cultural, political and ideological values that inform the artworks. This article points to possible artistic representations of sustainable seas and coasts. In turning to the power of art in sea and coastal sustainability, we discuss the potential of art to create shifts in consciousness and relationships by challenging humans to imagine the sea differently

    Gun Carrying Among Adolescents

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    Outdoor education is a promising educational field that can support indoor education and provide benefits beyond the evidentknowledge. Outdoor and indoor education together can formulate the ground for an integrated learning. In Greece, like manycountries, outdoor education and its potential contribution to the learning process have not been clearly and intentionally testedyet, even though the country tends to follow a progressive educational philosophy. This research focuses on the subject ofmathematics and explores the connections between the existing philosophy and practices of mathematics education in Greece andoutdoor education theory and practice. Following the method of content analysis, the connections were identified through theexistence of basic outdoor education concepts in the mathematics textbooks of the last three grades of primary school. Althoughthe expectations, because of the lack of personal experiences, could not be high, the application of outdoor education seems to befar from impossible in Greece. It could rather flourish even without any changes in the books, when its potentialities are realizedby the teachers

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Conditions Relationship in Diabetic and SCA Patients: a Review

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    Cardiovascular Disease (CVD), which is also known as Heart Disease has been the most common cause of death among diabetic and sickle cell anemia (SCA) patients around the world. CVD includes coronary artery disease, stroke, and peripheral artery disease while SCA includes hemolysis. These are the main types of CVD, which is similar to hypertension because of the common risk factors they have, such as obesity, arterial remodeling, abnormal cholesterol levels, etc. Diabetes and SCA belong to the largest health emergencies of the 21st century. With the high rate of people with diabetes and SCA, the rate of Cardiovascular Disease increases rapidly. The rates of CVD in high-income countries generally have low CVD because of the monitoring systems for non-communicable diseases like CVD. However, the appearance of the novel COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 has changed the narrative. With COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 attacking more on people with previous health conditions associated to cardiovascular conditions, the backbone of high-income nations is broken and those leaving with high immune conditions are at less risk whether in the high income or low-income environments. The objective of this research is to review the Cardiovascular Disease conditions to the novel COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 in Diabetic and SCA patients. This is due to the prevalence of this medical situation in the developing world or low income and densely populated countries

    Epidemiological Analysis and Time Prediction Models of Coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) Spread in Selected Epicentres around the World: Nigeria as a Case Study

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    The spread of coronavirus disease (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) in Nigeria from index to community cases is becoming alarming that what the future holds should be brought to bear. An analytical study and time prediction model have been conducted on the epidemiological spread of coronavirus (COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2) with data collected from records of selected epicentres in Nigeria. The data was collected between March 1 and May 31, 2020. It can be shown that the highest daily infection in March was recorded on the 28th with 32 infections while the highest fatality rate was recorded on 24th with a rate of 2.3% and recorded daily infection of 10. As at the 31st, a total number of 139 confirmed cases were recorded in Nigeria with a fatality and discharge rates of 1.4 and 6.5% respectively. It can be deduced that the highest daily infection in Nigeria in April was recorded on 30th, with daily infection of 204 confirmed cases. The highest discharge rate of 34.4% was recorded on 16th, with a fatality rate of 2.9% while the highest fatality rate of April was 3.5% recorded on 18th, which has a discharge rate of 30.6% and a daily infection record of 49. As of April 30, 2020, Nigeria had recorded a total of 1932 confirmed cases with 58 deaths. It can also be deduced that the highest daily infection in Nigeria in May was recorded on 30th, with daily infection of 553 confirmed cases. It can also be observed that the highest discharge and fatality rates for May 2020 are 29.6% and 3.6% recorded on 31st and 2nd respectively. As of May 31, 2020, the total infection stood at 10162 confirmed cases and there seems to be a continuing upward trajectory for the situation under investigation. It can also be observed that the rate of discharged cases continued to surpass those of the fatality for the months of investigation. No doubts that the COVID-19/SARS-CoV-2 was first recorded in the Ogun State of Nigeria, but Lagos state has surpassed both the daily infections and the cumulative infections for the country. With collected data, MLR simple linear regression extension was used to estimate an outcome or target variable based on two or more independent variables. The variables which are the three months data collected from daily infections, totally confirmed case, total deaths and total discharged cases between March 1, 2020, and May 31, 2020, were used to propose regression equations for the prediction of the cases under study for anytime period
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