204 research outputs found

    Informação e conhecimento (ou líquido e sólido): dois estados da mesma matéria?

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    Conhecer demanda tempo, leitura, imersão no objeto que se deseja aprender. Conhecer é um processo que depende do manuseio das páginas de muitos livros (aqueles completos, na própria acepção da palavra), das incursões em ambientes onde possamos senti-lo e respirá-lo, nos templos de sua ovação, as bibliotecas. É desbravar, cavar trincheiras, explorar o “desconhecido”. É muito mais que um abrir e fechar de olhos (e já “saber” de tudo). Conhecer é o que impulsiona a vida de um verdadeiro cientista

    Federalism and decentralization: Impact on International and Brazilian Health Policies

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    This article discusses the implications of decentralization in the light of international and Brazilian federalism, and its effects on public health policy. In a comparative analysis among countries, the authors find there is no single model; rather, each country has a unique structure of institutions and norms that have important implications for the operation of its health system. Brazil shares some similarities with other countries that have adopted a decentralized system and is assuming features ever closer to U.S. federalism, with a complex web of relationships. The degree of inequality among Brazilian municipalities and states, along with the budgetary imbalances caused by the minimal levels of resource utilization, undermines Brazil's constitutional principles and, consequently, its federalism. To ensure the constitutional mandate in Brazil, it is essential, as in other countries, to create a stable source of funds and increase the volume and efficiency of spending. Also important are investing in the training of managers, improving information systems, strengthening the principles of autonomy and interdependence, and defining patterns of cooperation within the federation

    Titanium tetrafluoride and dental caries: a systematic review

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    The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of titanium tetrafluoride as a preventive or cariostatic agent against caries. The databases used to find the articles analyzed were MEDLINE LILACS, and BBO. In MEDLINE and LILACS the search strategy utilized was "titanium" [Words] and "tetrafluoride" [Words] and Spanish or English or Portuguese [Language], whereas In BBO "titânio" [Words] and "tetrafluoreto" [Words] and Espanhol or Inglês or Português [Language]. Out of a total of 42 studies found, which assessed possible preventive/cariostatic effects of titanium tetrafluoride against caries in vivo, only 2 were selected. In both studies, titanium tetrafluoride was shown to be effective against caries. However, given that the quality and consequently the validity of these two clinical studies are questionable, their results do not allow to conclude that titanium tetrafluoride is effective against caries clinically

    Tetrafluoreto de titânio e cárie dentária: uma revisão sistemática

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    Esta revisão sistemática foi desenvolvida com o objetivo de avaliar a eficácia do tetrafluoreto de titânio como agente preventivo contra a cárie e/ou cariostático. Foram revisados, através da BIREME, artigos publicados nas revistas indexadas nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS e BBO, utilizando as estratégias de busca titanium [Palavras] and tetrafluoride [Palavras] and Spanish or English or Portuguese [Idioma] na MEDLINE e no LILACS, já na BBO foram utilizados titânio [Palavras] and tetrafluoreto [Palavras] and Espanhol or Inglês or Português [Idioma]. De um total de 42 trabalhos diferentes encontrados, que avaliaram os efeitos preventivo/cariostático do tetrafluoreto de titânio contra a cárie in vivo, apenas 2 foram selecionados. Em ambos os estudos, o tetrafluoreto de titânio se mostrou efetivo contra a cárie. No entanto, considerando que a qualidade e, conseqüentemente, as validades desses poucos trabalhos clínicos existentes estão abertas para alguns questionamentos, conclui-se que os resultados apresentados não nos permitem dizer se o tetrafluoreto de titânio apresenta benefícios nos cuidados relacionados à cárie.The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the effectiveness of titanium tetrafluoride as a preventive or cariostatic agent against caries. The databases used to find the articles analyzed were MEDLINE LILACS, and BBO. In MEDLINE and LILACS the search strategy utilized was "titanium" [Words] and "tetrafluoride" [Words] and Spanish or English or Portuguese [Language], whereas In BBO "titânio" [Words] and "tetrafluoreto" [Words] and Espanhol or Inglês or Português [Language]. Out of a total of 42 studies found, which assessed possible preventive/cariostatic effects of titanium tetrafluoride against caries in vivo, only 2 were selected. In both studies, titanium tetrafluoride was shown to be effective against caries. However, given that the quality and consequently the validity of these two clinical studies are questionable, their results do not allow to conclude that titanium tetrafluoride is effective against caries clinically

    Susceptibilities of enterococcus faecalis biofilms to some antimicrobial medications

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    Enterococcus faecalis has bEnterococcus faecalis has been suggested to be an important etiological agent in endodontic failures. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of chlorhexidine- or antibiotics-based medications in eliminating E. faecalis biofilms. One-day and three-day biofilms of E. faecalis were induced on cellulose nitrate membrane filters. Each biofilm-containing membrane was thoroughly covered with 1 ml of the test medications and incubated for 1 day at 37°C. Treated biofilms were then aseptically transferred to vials containing a neutralizing agent in saline solution and vortexed. Suspensions were 10-fold diluted, seeded onto Mitis salivarius agar plates, and the colony-forming units counted after 48 h of incubation. There were significant differences between the formulations tested. The association of clindamycin with metronidazole significantly reduced the number of cells in 1-day biofilms. However of all medications tested, only 2% chlorhexidine-containing medications were able to thoroughly eliminate most of both 1-day and 3-day E. faecalis biofilms

    Oral health care activities performed by caregivers for institutionalized elderly in Barcelona-Spain

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    Objectives: To describe the frequency of brushing teeth and cleaning of dentures, performed by caregivers, for institutionalized elderly people. Methods: A cross-sectional study in a sample of 196 caregivers of 31 health centers in Barcelona. The dependent variables were frequency of dental brushing and frequency of cleaning of dentures of the elderly by caregivers. The independent variables were characteristics of caregivers and institutions. We performed bivariate and multivariate descriptive analyses. Robust Poisson regression models were fitted to determine factors associated with the dependent variables and to assess the strength of the association. Results: 83% of caregivers were women, 79% worked on more than one shift, 42% worked only out of necessity, 92% were trained to care for elderly persons, 67% were trained in oral hygiene care for the elderly, and 73% recognized the existence of institutional protocols on oral health among residents. The variables explaining the lower frequency of brushing teeth by caregivers for the elderly, adjusted for the workload, were: no training in the care of elderly persons (PRa 1.7 CI95%: 1.6-1.8), not fully agreeing with the importance of oral health care of the elderly (PRa 2.5 CI95%: 1.5-4.1) and not knowing of the existence of oral health protocols (PRa 1.8 CI95%: 1.2-2.6). The variables that explain the lower frequency of cleaning dentures, adjusted for the workload, were lack of training in elderly care (PRa 1.7 CI95%: 1.3-1.9) and not knowing of the existence of protocols (PRa 3.7 CI95%: 1.6-8.7). Conclusion: The majority of caregivers perform activities of oral health care for the elderly at least once per day. The frequency of this care depends mainly on whether caregivers are trained to perform these activities, the importance given to oral health, the workload of caregivers and the existence of institutional protocols on oral health of institutionalized elderly persons

    Prevalence and factors associated with orolabial lesions in beach workers

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the prevalence and factors associated with orolabial lesions caused by sun exposure in beach workers. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with 362 beach workers from five urban beaches in the city of Natal, northeastern Brazil, from August to December 2010. All subjects completed a validated questionnaire to collect personal, occupational, and health-related information and underwent an orolabial clinical examination by trained examiners. Potential associations between sociodemographic, occupational, and health-related variables and the presence of orolabial lesions were assessed using the chi-square test at a 5% significance level. The multivariate analysis was performed using Poisson regression. RESULTS: Of the 362 workers examined, 27.1% had orolabial lesions. Of these, 76.8% were males, 61.6% dark or black skinned, 94.5% informal workers, and 85.4% reported sun exposure. Most (81.1%) reported using sun protection methods including sunscreen (38.7%), lip balm (15.3%), and cap/hat (72.4%). Twenty-eight percent reported smoking and 48% regular drinking. Sun protection with cap/hat was associated with orolabial lesions caused by sun exposure. CONCLUSIONS: There was found a high prevalence of orolabial lesions in workers exposed to sunlight that was associated with the use of a cap/hat as a sun protection method

    Eficacia del uso tópico de fluoruros y del cepillado en el control de caries producidas “in vivo”: revisión sistemática

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    El objetivo de esta revisión fue evaluar la eficacia del cepillado y del ion flúor en forma de dentífricos y enjuagues bucales en la inactivación de las lesiones blancas de esmalte inducidas “in vivo”. Para la identificación de los estudios considerados en éste trabajo, fueron revisados artículos en revistas indexadas en el Medline, Lilacs y BBO en el período comprendido entre los años 1966-2006, sin restricción de idiomas. Los criterios de selección utilizados para la inclusión fueron estudios clínicos, donde fueron desarrolladas lesiones blancas de esmalte, utilizando bandas ortodóncicas especialmente diseñados con la finalidad de crear un “sitio cariogénico” sobre las superficies vestibulares del esmalte sano “in vivo”. Esos estudios fueron clasificados como estudios de casos, serie de casos o ensayos clínicos controlados y randomizados. Los artículos fueron localizados a partir de la estrategia de busca desarrollada para el MEDLINE, revisada adecuadamente para cada base de datos. Los resultados evaluados fueron: La presencia o ausencia de lesiones blancas de esmalte después del período de 28 días con el “sitio cariogénico”, diferencia en el tamaño y severidad de las lesiones blancas entre los dientes de control y los sometidos a los diversos tipos de tratamiento, evaluación cuantitativa y cualitativa de la perdida mineral del esmalte utilizando técnicas directas o indirectas. Cuatro estudios fueron seleccionados, sin embargo no llenaron todos los criterios de calidad metodológica. El cepillado con dentífricos no fluorados redujo la severidad y profundidad de las lesiones blancas del esmalte. El uso de flúor tópico con bajo pH (0,6%-pH 1,9) y el enjuague diario con solución de NaF al 0,2% retardaron el desarrollo de la progresión de las lesiones blancas de esmalte significativamente (p<0,05) en poblaciones con agua potable fluorada o no. Diferentes fórmulas de flúor tópico parecen disminuir la desmineralización del esmalte, sin embargo ninguna parece ser superior a la otra. A partir del análisis de los estudios seleccionados se concluye que no existe evidencia de la eficacia de uno cualquiera de los métodos evaluados en la inactivación de las lesiones blancas de esmalte producidas “in vivo”

    Oral health care activities performed by caregivers for institutionalized elderly in Barcelona-Spain

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    Objective: The objective of this study is to describe the oral health status and the factors associated with oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) in people aged 65 and older institutionalized in Barcelona in 2009. Study Desing: Cross sectional study in 194 elderly. The dependent variable was poor OHRQoL, according to the Geriatric Oral Health Assessment Index (GOHAI). The independent variables were socio-demographic data, last dental visit, subjective and objective oral health status. Robust Poisson regression analysis was used to determine the factors associated with OHRQoL as well as the strengths of association (Prevalence Ratios with respective confidence intervals at 95%). Results: According to GOHAI, 94 women (68.1%) and 36 men (64.3%) had poor OHRQoL. The average DMFT index (number of decayed, missing and filled teeth) was 22.8, with mean 10.2 remaining teeth. According to the Community Periodontal Index only 1.9% were healthy. 33.8% of the sample (35.5% of women and 30.4% of men) presented edentulism, 54.2% needed upper dental prostheses (51.1% of women and 60.7% of men) and 64.7% needed lower ones (61.6% of women and 71.4% of men). Only 7.2% had visited a dentist in the past year (8.8% of women and 3.6% of men). After fitting several multivariate adjusted robust Poisson regression models, poor OHRQoL was found to be associated to self-reporting problems with teeth or gums, self-reporting poor opinion about teeth/gums/denture and also associated to functional edentulism, needing upper denture, but not to socio-demographic factors or time since last dental visit. Conclusions: The study population has poor objective oral health. A high percentage has poor OHRQoL associated to subjective and objective oral health conditions. Dental care is required and these services should be included in the Spanish National Health System

    A rotulagem nutricional para escolhas alimentares mais saudáveis: estudo de intervenção, Natal – RN

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    The food and nutrition education is related to the production of information that supports the individuals in making decisions, so that thereby the population might choose healthier foods. This study aims to describe and analyze an intervention relating to nutrition labeling with students from Natal-RN. This is a pilot study in which 118 subjects in 2012 were selected from an educational institution. The students participated in a dialogued exhibition about nutritional guidance, had access to a guide folder and answered a questionnaire in the end. Data were analyzed using SPSS 16.0 program, with the Wilcoxon e Mcnemar tests. The significative p value considered was &lt; 0.05. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committees vfrom UFRN. When asked about their understanding about the dialogued exhibition, it was obtained a p = 0.024. When asked about the importance of knowing the maximum and minimum consumption of sugar, fats, sodium and fiber there was a p = 0.020, relative to guide folder was presented a p = 0.058. The students yearn to be kept  interventions which enable the effectiveness of nutrition labeling as a tool in nutrition education.A educação alimentar e nutricional está vinculada à produção de informações que subsidiem os indivíduos na tomada de decisões, para que, assim, a população possa optar por alimentos mais saudáveis. O presente estudo objetiva descrever e analisar uma medida de intervenção relativa à rotulagem nutricional, junto aos estudantes de Natal-RN. Trata-se de um piloto em que foram arrolados 118 indivíduos em 2012, em uma instituição de ensino. Os estudantes participaram de uma exposição dialogada de orientação nutricional, tiveram acesso a um folder e responderam ao final um questionário. Os dados foram analisados pelo Programa do SPSS 16.0, com os testes de Wilcoxon e Mcnemar. O valor de p considerado para significância foi de &lt; 0,05. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da UFRN. Quando indagados sobre a compreensão da exposição dialogada, obteve-se um p de 0,024. Ao serem questionados quanto à importância de conhecer os valores máximos e mínimos de consumo de açúcar, gorduras, sódio e fibras, verificou-se um p de 0,020; em relação ao folder de orientação foi apresentado um p de 0,058. Os estudantes anseiam que sejam mantidas medidas de intervenção que viabilizem a efetividade da rotulagem nutricional como instrumento na educação nutricional